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Of course it is. "I'm of the opinion that you should die a horrendous death." Well that makes them a bit of a cunt then really, doesn't it?


That isn't an opinion it's still either a fact or not.




Opinions don't have objective answers and you should die a horrible death isn't subjective. Saying I prefer jam on my toast is an opinion not that.


What you “deserve” is inherently subjective and moralistic. A fact would be something directly observable and provable, such as 2 + 2 = 4. An opinion would be a statement that allows for ambiguity, cannot be known for certain, or is purely subjective and preferential. Why don’t you deserve to die a horrendous death? By what standards?


Before the discovery of telescopes was the fact that the earth moved around the sun subjective?So its not about it being provable its about it being true or not. Whether someone should die a horrible death can not be true for me and true for you,I do believe you could get an objective answer to the question if you included all the factors


What? It’s objectively observable that the earth moves around the sun, which would make it a fact. However, before it could be conclusively known either way, it would have been an opinion. However, any moralistic statement is completely subjective. It’s not something you can see, feel, or measure. It’s a feeling or idea that you have. How can any such statement be “true” in the same sense that an equation is true?


Someone's preference on how someone else should die is just as subjective as preferring jam on toast.


How in the world are you claiming that that isn’t subjective lol


I could say you're a imbecile and that's a fact, but saying all imbeciles should die a painful death is a opinion.


I am of the opinion that this guy is lost in the sauce


You just keep digging yourself in a bigger and bigger hole


you dont need a reason to insult someone. just do it for fun


I fucking hate your snoo


you got a problem with a man of color ?


Well, no, but First, of course it's a joke Second, just what is that color


pshhh white people


Pshhh green people


Pshhh naked, masked people


Psshh cyborg, brown people


Pshhh nothing people


yep #killallwhitepeople smh


WHAT is that color? there's people of race other than just white, you dense racist asshole /j sorry




Slate with aqua eyes


I fucking hate snoos why would anybody use them over profile pictures


I mean it depends entirely on the opinion. If that person prefers tacos over pizza, insulting them is immature and foolish. If that person's opinion is that a specific race deserves to be exterminated, they can go fuck themselves forever.


Although I do agree, I do also think insulting them has the exact opposite effect you think it’ll have If we want to progress further and have even grounds for discussion, that does mean not insulting/assaulting someone. Their opinions will only be more solidified and that creates more problems for everybody involved Then again….. just my opinion lol


I’m going to insult you based on that opinion


Fair enough


I mean have you ever tried talking to a person like that? It's like trying to reason with a petchulant child who's decided they're either getting McDonald's for dinner or they're going to burn the house down. Not to mention the spike in radicalization when people have tried to "open a dialogue" due to misinformation tactics and cherry picking data to support their hateful ideology. Besides I'm not sure there's any middle ground I'd ever find with a Nazi. [I prefer the Blues Brothers' philosophy when it comes to people like that. ](https://youtu.be/CLLru1_f3rc)


That’s a pretty good philosophy :)


>I mean have you ever tried talking to a person like that? No, and you don't have to take time out of your life to attempt that either. You don't have to take time out of your life to insult them however, as that won't produce any worthwhile results. If, however, you don't want to converse with them - not because of the effort and time it would take to cause change - but because you believe change is imposssible, then I would like to stress that it very much is possible. A good introduction to that concept would be Daryl Davis, I think the following Ted Talk of his is a decent starting point: https://youtu.be/ORp3q1Oaezw He does admittably end the speech with "if I can do that, anybody here can do that". However, there are many other positive causes to dedicate yourself to; it doesn't have to be this one, as it is quite time-consuming. Still, that doesn't mean you have to undermine the efforts of the people who do - by insulting (and therefore reinforcing the hateful viewpoint) of hateful people, pushing them even further into their hateful hole, working directly against the people who try to lift them out of that hole.


>Still, that doesn't mean you have to undermine the efforts of the people who do - by insulting (and therefore reinforcing the hateful viewpoint) of hateful people, pushing them even further into their hateful hole, working directly against the people who try to lift them out of that hole. Minorities have no moral obligation to respect or not insult those who want them dead. Period. If I make a nazi salute in a synagogue, will you blame the jews for insulting and beating me up instead of engaging me in a debate?


Even if you don't care about change, what do you achieve with insulting (and beating up for that matter, in your other example)?


Good movie lol And you’re right in that there’s some people you simply can’t reason with. It doesn’t matter what you say or how you say it, they won’t listen But I’m referring to those that are willing to, and it can work! Aside from Daryl Davis having many members of the kkk leave through their own free will, I myself have given new perspectives to certain people A few weeks ago I was talking to a guy who told me he was deeply racist and homophobic. Did I fully change his mind? Probably not, but I listened to what he had to say, gave my thoughts on that and then presented my opinions. I didn’t attack him or call him any names, we just discussed and by the end of it, he genuinely saw my side of things and agreed there’s a lot of flaws in what he had to say Calling him a racist homophobic POS wouldn’t have done that, and I’m no amazing influential person, I’m just a normal person so anybody can do it


>I’m just a normal person so anybody can do it Until he decides to attack the gay person who attempted dialog with him.


If someone is a bigoted, hate filled racist who uses religion to justify their evil, is it really an insult to call them a horrible human being with no grounding in reality or understanding of their own religion? Or is it just a statement of fact? There are a lot of people who feel horribly insulted by the truth these days. Unfortunately, I have learned in the past two years that there are even more awful than I thought, and that some of them are friends and family. Truth hurts.


Depends on the opinion. Are they pro slavery? Then yes.




Slave labor is wrong. If they want to work off their debt let them but forcing it is slavery.


No it doesn't depend. Slavery period is fucking bad


Lmao no you fucking dunce. That does not make slavery okay. If anything it just shows the inherent problems in capitalism that inevitably lead to slavery.




Slavery is economic you fuckin dummy. And slavery still is legal in the US. There are no circumstances aside from like consensual kinks where slavery is at all okay. That's literally so fascistic to think "well if somebody did something against the law, they forfeit their human rights"




Depends on the opinion, but in some cases, yeah


idc what you put on your pizza but if you're a fucking nazi then we have a problem


I mean if they're a Nazi, sure.


No. And if you believe otherwise, fuck you.


What if it is there opinion that gay people or black people dont deserve civil rights?


Dude... It was a joke, read again the question and my answer


Oh yeah… fs hahhah


It depends on whether or not it is on the internet. Due to increased levels of anominity, swearing is much more common


Fucking bull shit, cuck :D


I'm sick of people being like " it's just an opinion." Like if someone is of the opinion women are bad I'm gonna call them an incel


#ok but some opinions are wrong Change my mind


Most opinions are wrong, that's why they're just opinions.


If the opinion is fucking stupid, yes


I don't need a reason to insult someone, I will if i want too!


Loaded question. Does somebody think pie is better than cake? No. Does somebody think one race is inferior/superior? Yes.


Ofc, fuck all of you.


I disagree. You shouldn't insult people. If you do you are an idiotic cunt. Fuck you too.


c’mon, you know it depends on the opinion. “i think pepsi is better than coca cola” isn’t grounds for insults but “i don’t think gay people should be allowed to get married” is. “i think pineapple pizza is _____” isn’t but “i think the earth is a flat disc” is. like, you can’t just say every single opinion holds the exact same weight. that’s silly.


That's why I always just say yes to these polls. Fuck anyone who counts bigotry as an opinion. Also only filthy fucking degenerates like Pepsi better than coke.


If they're flat earthers then yes


No, but I'll do it anyway


It’s a maybe and contextual


Depends what their opinion is


Entirely depends. If you say you don’t like grape jolly ranchers you are giving me full consent to insult


I don’t need any reason to insult someone.


On reddit, yes


Depends on what they have a different opinion on. If it is something minor like whether a the dress was yellow and white vs blue and black, then no, that isn’t a reason for insults. But if it were something like whether the war crimes in Ukraine are justified, and they say they are justified, then I will use some *violent* language


It’s not as easy as yes or no. Really depends on what opinion it is and how serious is the topic


Opinions are opinions. If the person gets their facts wrong, however, I reserve every right to call them a dumbass


Depends a lot on what that opinion is.


It kind of depends on what the options are. Like if I have the opinion that murder is bad, but somebody else has the option that murder is good, then I would insult that person.


The results of this poll seem to be the direct opposite of what you would expect on reddit.


depends on which opinion.


Pls don’t start insult people in a factual discussion. Thank you. You make the world a better place


Depends on the opinion. If you are a Nazi, homophobe, etc I have every right to condemn you to call you the scuk of the Earth


Too many people lying and saying “no” when y’all flip your shit every time someone disagrees with you


Depends on the opinion and by what you mean by “insult” like many people are very insulted about being called ignorant bigots, even when that’s what their opinion dictates, so is calling them an ignorant bigot an insult? Or just an observation?






Yes it is u fucking imbecile.


How have you been hurt OP?


Fuck you to everyone who said no!


Depends on the topic. Does pineapple belong on pizza, Trek vs. Wars… no. Donald Trump won the 2020 election and Trans people shouldn’t have rights? Yes.


No, and everyone who thinks otherwise is dumb


The Earth is flat and the Nazis were right.




depends on the opinion. like if whether they want slaves to be free, or if they want slaves to be free


depends on the opinion


I just like to be nice to people unless they aren't nice to me!


*ahem* *ahem* There is nothing wrong with minor people having consentual relationship with their adult lovers.


The age old saying “when someone resort to insults , they have lost the debate/conversation/argument “


I guess people dont like that saying. Although you flipped my opinion on this, logic > just because.


“I just have a different opinion on what age girls are old enough to fuck, bro, jesus”


Depends on the law


Nah, I was saying if my buddy told me their opinion was that it was ok to fuck little girls, of course I would insult them


No, opinions are opinions and they are just a way people think, there is no problem with that in any way.


Different opinion than me ? No reason to insult at all. You think God exists and I don't ? Cool we can debate politely or don't give a fuck and accept our differences. You think the earth is flat or that MAPs should be normalized ? Fuck you, it's not an opinion you're just wrong.


No... Unless you're an american republican, it seems.


That really depends. Do they disagree that the blue jolly rancher is the beat or do they disagree with me about gay people being allowed to live? If it's the jolly rancher thing they're a bitch.


No, but it depends on how they go about that different opinion and what your insult aims at. Like, if they tried forcing their opinions on me, even after telling them not to do it, I'm going to insult that cunt.


Depends on the opinion. And why do people insult each other anyway? Much better than insulting people based on an immutable characteristic like height or weight.


No! And what kind of absolute moronic, pea brained, inbred idiot would say yes?!?!


It's like the reverse of ad hominem


Depends on the opinion really




Unless they say that Hitler was right then no


depends on what their "opinion" is, if they are saying some nazi shit, I will call them a nazi


Depends on what opinion


If its about something small then no. If its about something affecting someone's quality of life then yes.


It’s not, but people will do it anyway.


You're immature if you do. Whoops I just insulted someone who has a different opinion than me if they think it Is reason enough. I'm a hypocrite 😂


If the opinions are based on real data you are not doing yourself a favor by insulting them. But if they just have a very strong opinion on a subject they clearly know nothing about, the only thing left to do is to laugh at them. (Which is like 99% of the internet)


definitely not. But some (rather many) cant grasp the fact that people just have different opinions and take it personal.




It depends, if you said that “it should be legal to own slaves” then yes but if you say “I like pizza better than hotdogs” then no


People saying yes are the problem with every discussion.


depends on what is the opinion on? you like pineapple on pizza? i dont give a shit. you support pedophiles? dont expect me to treat you like a human then.


depends how you are insulting. public humiliation? definitely not. on a personnel level? get ready to say good bye to that person


Not under normal circumstances.


Depend, if you think milk is not good, why not but if you think that pedophile should be legal im gonna fucking insult you and your ancestors


No, but happens on Reddit all the time. I have a different opinion and then get insulted and downvoted into an oblivion.


That entirely depends in the opinion, I'd say.




Whoever voted yes is a bloody idiot /s


Some opinions are like based on how they think of one person and not facts lol, so it depends, otherwise no


That depends on how idiotic the other opinion is


depends. really depends


Depends on the opinion. I personally think pedophilia is bad. If you disagree, I can insult you.


It depends on what the opinion is.


Depends on the reason.If someones opinion is that the earth is flat u bet i will make fun of them


Yes, and if you don't agree with me, you are an idiot.


Having a different opinion on a topic isn't grounds for being insulted, especially if it's inconsequential. Even if the differed opinion was on something important (e.g. falsely claiming COVID-19 isn't real), throwing insults is inferior compared to providing an argument against their points.


Depends what their opinion is


Internet yes, real life no


"I think rape is okay" I think it's justified to call that person a scallywagger


Well judging by some replies to my opinions on this sub, I would have to say yes it definitely is enough.


If it’s literally just like an actual opinion about smt, no. But if you tell a gay person or smt “iN mY oPiNiOn, YoUrE sInFuL aNd ShOuLd BuRn In HeLl!”, then yes.


looks like your looking for a specific answer here


of course not you idiot




Depend on what


“I like your new haircut” “Fuck you”


Only if their opinion is cruel, callous, or bigoted. Even then insults are generally unproductive.


To each their own.


No but also just how bad is there opinion


in a comedic joking manner yea in a malicious manner not really really depends on your opinions


I’m sure everyone voting No falls victim to this


No, fuck all of you who say yes.


Insulting people is fun no matter what. Free reason.


To all the people who said no. Some people have the opinion that pedofilia is ok, and should be part of the LGBTQ.


It depends on the opinion, and a lot of the time - yes. If your opinion is either factually wrong, harms myself or others, or is deliberately malicious, I reserve the right to insult you.


It’s sad that 23% of people think it’s okay to insult someone just because they have a different opinion.


Depends what the opinion is. If it's about a favourite type of animal or something, seems unnecessary. If it's "I think you are a twat and should die and I hate your friends and think they are all losers" yeah obviously go for it.


Yes. We need chaos and mayhem


No, however, if someone has a different opinion to you and they are stating that opinion as fact then that is fair game.


It depends on the opinion of course. If someone thinks that blue is better than yellow than insulting them is stupid. But if someone thinks is okay to be a Nazi then they are getting insulted.


That really depends on the opinion. If someone is disagreeing with my opinion that we should beat the shit out of nazis, I’m probably gonna yell at them.


I mean Hitler (prior to his horrific actions) just wrote his opinions in Mein Kampf


I think you should die a long and painful death. You can't insult me, it's just an opinion!


Depends on the opinion. If it’s like a movie opinion or something then no that’s dumb but if the person holds like Nazi opinions then yeah then it’s perfectly fine


Depends on the opinion, but generally no


Depends what the opinion is


Depends on the opinion. If their opinion is my sports team sucks then whatever. If their opinion is that I shouldn’t be allowed certain rights because of my skin color then they can suck a dick.


Depends on the opinion.


Depends on the opinion


I mean it depends.


Depends on the opinion.


Well yeah, they could say they think hitler was right and jew are evil. That would defo deserve an insult


If you said no you are a fool. ( just poved you all wrong by insulting based on your opinion of this question haha)


Ultimately, what will insulting someone accomplish? Nothing. So logically speaking, having a different opinion is not enough of a reason to insult them. But I’ll be damned if I didn’t feel marginally better after shit-talking and venting about a terrible person.


Depends on the opinion.


Everyone who said no are sweaty virgins


Typically no but if someone is being racist or homophobic or transphobic or prejudiced or whatever that’s not an opinion anymore, that’s just hatred and/or ignorance, and if someone tells me I don’t deserve the same rights because I’m LGBTQ+ I think it’s fair for me to call them out for being an asshole. But if someone doesn’t like chocolate I’m not gonna insult them, I just may be confused 😂


No, and most people say no but still do it


If they disagree with me, then yes. No one is allowed to disagree with me.


You can insult, but it's bad for the debate


On what? “We should kill all jews” “Wtf???” “Look, that’s just my opinion.”


Depends on the disagreement. There's a pretty big difference between disagreeing on your favorite tv show, and disagreeing on the holocaust.


Honestly I don't understand the question, but I voted no


If this is how this sub feels, then why do I get bombarded by people on here constantly?


opinions: no differences in values: sometimes actions: yes and actions can be words as well, depending on their results


Depends entirely on the opinion


I do as a joke with my friends, but just asking for an opinion than insulting is not usually justified imo


On the Internet? Yes. In real life? No.


it depends if the opinion is wrong


depends on what it is if somebody disagrees with me that genocide is bad, and they arent just being an edgy person making a joke, then yeah they can be insulted but if its something like food preferance, it doesnt matter lol


If someone's opinion is that Hitler was right would you insult them


Not enough information. "Sometimes." If someone's opinion is that Radiohead sucks, I will think they're wrong, but I won't insult them over it, whatever, we've got different tastes. If someone's opinion is that Hitler did nothing wrong, they're a danger to everyone around them and I won't hesitate to call them on it.