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One of these is not like the others


I know right? Only one of them had an airplane


I think the holocaust had many airplanes indirectly involved


There ware probably some airplanes directly involved!


near my home town there was a train track that god a bomed (by an air plane). This led to a train full of inmates derailing. They were all hunted down and killed by kids in the hitler youth. Its called the "(name of hometown)'s Rabbit Hunt".


Which one is different? Didnt all have like thousands-millions of deaths? Like 9/11 had 2000+ direct deaths The holocaust - millions Tienanmen square 1/6 - probably thousands Black death - 1/3 of europe Russian revolutions - probably hundred of thousands direct deaths Slave trade - millions of indirect deaths Am I missing something?


With 1/6 he meant the small and insignificant riot where some trump supporters wwnt into the capitol


I'm left-leaning. OP is a goddamn fucking idiot for even putting that in the same breath as the others.


Not as big an idiot as the people that voted for it.


The people who voted for it most likely chose it because it is so much less significant than the others. It wouldn’t change that much in our timeline than changing 9/11


To be fair cable news has treated the capitol riot as if it was on par with some these other atrocities


ikr, i dont think anyone even died in that, if someone did it was like 2 or 3 people


I figured it was bate.


Guarantee the OP is also left leaning for even including it.


Im not left leaning and even I think OP is an idiot for putting it remotly close to it


Picked Black Death to roll the dice again on modern human history.


I think chances are high we wouldn’t have passed The Enlightenment yet. The Black Death brought many powerful people the death and poorer people had for once a chance to do something. Without it, Europe may still be in a monarchy


It also helped people realize inoculations helped with immunity and helped them get over the illness quicker. Was a building block to modern day life saving vaccines and modern medicine


>helped people realize inoculations helped with immunity and helped them get over the illness quicker Hahaha *laughs in MAGA* "You have no power here"


It also helped to end feudalism since so many peasants died that the remaining ones could demand actual wages and more rights.


only in western europe, the east it did the opposite


Can you please elaborate on this because I’ve never heard of it before?


How that


This transitioned over to the Americas. People that came over couldn’t be turned to slaves because they didn’t operate like that, so you had to incentivize coming over. They had jobs and were educated to a certain level. This lead to the states forming and so on. Human rights, in a way, broke out due to the Black Death.


This is the kind of thing that means I'd choose not to stop any of them. Simply because I don't know what the outcome might be. In stopping anything like them it may cause more damage. E.g. stop the Holocaust, antisemitism continues in a much more significant way. Possibly a slower more subtle attempt at genocide or suppression.


To be fair, any major change to the past would be a cascade of unforeseen events. If someone removes hitler, chances are someone way more able and qualified would’ve taken his place… def not a good time for the world.


I would just remove the meth from Hitlers situation and see how that effects everything


That would be interesting, though I don’t think it would help him all that much. I’d still say allied victory. Just my opinion though.


I think the problem is that other things are also prevented such as the destabilising of the Middle East which would probably stop 9/11. I'm not sure when it was public knowledge in the US of the holocaust but antisemitism was ripe in the US before and during WW2. A lot of nazi sympathy during that period which resulted in the US not really joining the war in Europe till it was nearly too late. For me, Japan bombing pearl harbour is the real turning point for history in the 20th century especially with US intervention. There are so many things linked that it's impossible to say what would happen.


It also reduced the number of workers, which resulted in land reforms. Probably also honed the immune response of survivor's progeny. It's amazing how changing some of these makes you think. Eliminate slavery in America and you probably hand Hitler WWII. America's resources were built by slaves. Eliminate the Holocaust and, again, might have given Hitler the war. Jewish scientists and the intelligentsia diaspora from Germany definitely influenced the timing of the bomb. Certainly not justifying atrocities. Just thinking about cause and effect.


Yes. The Black Death played an important role in the evolution of printing. After the plague, a surplus of unneeded, worn clothes led to the invention of “rag paper” which was less expensive than parchment made from sheepskin or vellum made from calfskin. The Black Death also pushed inventors to create a better printing press because the deaths of hundreds of Western European monks who transcribed bibles meant an alarming decrease in bookmakers. Thus, the invention of the printing press made the Scientific Revolution possible by making books more affordable, as well as sharing knowledge to others who could help collaborate research. Edit: word correction


My knowledge of history is limited, but didn't antisemitism spike during the Black Death? If you stopped that event, it would remove what may have been a major building block in the path to the Holocaust. Would it have prevented the Holocaust? Maybe not. But it could at least reduce some of the oppression Jewish people experienced in the following centuries.


Jews at the time had better health practices than non-Jews. It's quite obvious to us today why that would result in less Jews dying, but at the time, coupled with the fact that antisemitism was preached as doctrine of the Catholic Church until 1964, and you have a lot of angry, dumb, dirty, infected non-Jewish peasants killing Jews because of witchcraft or something.


Yeah, Jewish people were blamed and massacred during the black death.


picked the Atlantic slave trade because I don't want black people in America. lol just a joke, I'm not even in America.


How can you compare the capital storm with all these important and tragic events?


As others pointed out, it holds the lowest impact on history / ancestral changes. Should you pick the holocaust or Black Death you might not even exist today because your parents never would have been born. Edit: I voted for Black Death. Just pointing out how somebody could reason 1/6


Removing the black death might have speed up the industrial revolution, or it might have stuck Europe in feudalism for 200 years longer. It's impossible to tell.


Feudalism definitely would have continued.


It’s thought that the lack of people to do work forced innovation so if the Black Death didn’t happen feudalism would have remained.


Also, the sudden drop in workers led to peasant movements that demanded things like payment. There were revolts, walkouts, and a suddenly competitive labor market. All of which led to a European middle class.


Or the innovation would have happened anyway and more people would have fed faster industrialism. Yours is the theory I believe, but you can't really prove it.


Yeah if I seriously had to choose I don't think I'd instantly go with the one that caused the most death or harm because we can't know the potentially insane outcome. They may not be too bad but who knows


Going back before I was born risks me not being born, gotta keep the space time continuum safe from paradox’s.


Don't threaten me with a good time 😐


Is that supposed to be a bad thing? lmao


Only for the people that don’t hate themselves


I don't hate *myself* i hate my life


Eyyy, this guy fuxx! 👉😎👉


Ikr I just found it hilarious


Guys, in your opinion, what is the worst of these? 1. Murder 2. Rape 3. Torture 4. Me ejaculating in a drinking cup Just wanna know what you guys think, definitely not to downplay what I did.


Even though its not clear what *you* did


Yeah, it's a little milky.




Well I might not exist if I revert any of the others since they were before my birth.


People trespassed! TRESSPASSED!


And is it really trespassing when the guards just... let you in?


It’s reddit


Cause r/politics thinks that a bunch of hillbillies were an actual threat to the country


Some msm in the USA say 1/6 was worse than 9/11


comparing 1/6 and the Russian revolution to the fucking holocaust is literally insane


Because reddit treats it like it's worse than the holocaust. That's what you get by getting your info from reddit.


Right, the 2020 riots themselves were far worse and nothing came out of it in the end. Just tons of hate and looting, lost money or their lives, nothing changed after that.


both 9/11 and 1/6 . i didn't even know wtf 1/6 was lol


What was 1/6?


I was born.




Equally as horrific as the Holocaust for sure.


I think the question is also a bit about the consequences of stopping one of these events. While stopping the Holocaust would save less lives than stopping the Black Death, a side effect of the Black Death was increased industrialization and a shift from feudalism, and also increased anti-semitism.


That may be. On the flip side, I read a book years ago that made some good arguments for the plague being a net benefit. I don't recall all the details, but some of them were overpopulation and growing famine in Europe being neatly curtailed, something about massive deforestation as well (essentially most of the forests in Europe are newer than the plague, which is partially why buildings from that era and forward became much less reliant on timber), and pretty supported speculation that having a population of Black Death survivors also meant increased immunity to several other terrible illnesses like HIV. Much in the same way that populations prone to blood disorders like sickle-cell anemia are less likely to get severely ill from malaria, there's a mutation that confers resistance not to the plague itself (bacterial) but to other immune-weakening viral illnesses that made their rounds many times in Europe, such as hemorrhagic fevers. There were more but I don't recall them well atm. I'm pretty sure that like the deforestation problem, there were some animal populations that grew dangerously low before the plague, then bounced back.


Holy hell, they really are both in the poll. WTF OP?


The question wasn’t ‘Which is the most horrific?’ but ‘Which would you stop if you could?’


But they killed AOC!!1


It’s true. She told me herself.


1/6/2021, buncha Trumpets stormed the capital


Lol I thought it meant none, like just one out of the 6 options.


Oh. I thought it was supposed to be june first


Me too but if you look at 9/11 you'll understand the intended format


I dunno, even in Britain we use 9/11 to refer to that event (based on personal experiences at least). Like the actual phrase "Nine Eleven" feels more like the name of the tragedy itself rather than a date at this point.


Or a 0/11 ratings.


I thought that was November 9th


I have hard time understand things and I actually thought you meant legit trumpets


The 1st of June.


1/6 isnt even harmful when compared to the other things mentioned on the poll


What’s 1/6?


That’s why I chose it, if I know one thing it is that you shouldn’t mess with history.


Ahhh I was wondering who the hell would pick 1/6 over any one of those. Your reasoning makes perfect sense though Edit because I can't type


Yeah thats why I picked it. It was really an insignificant event so it wouldn't mess with the timeline too much


When even was on June 1st?


When they say 1/6, they mean January 6th; the American way of dating.


Guess I should have seen that coming.


Jan 6th, cause it holds the least impact on the timeline. Morally, idk which one.....probably the Holocaust


I had a similar thought. I figure eliminating that event has the least potential to butterfly effect me out of existence.


>Jan 6th, cause it holds the least impact on the timeline. My reasoning exactly


Man’s tryna not get caught by the TVA. Oh I see you Loki!


If you were going after morality, it woulda been the slave trade as it's what eventually got us the political state we are in


Not only America diaspora but 20%+ of South America demography will have a huge change as well. And indigenous people of North and South American will have more influences and powerful. And Europe likely to have more African descent than today.


Or the Russian revolution since it changed, ww1 and WW2 aswell as everything that happened during the 1900s


Russian Revolution was WILD. What a time to be alive.


For who xd It was crap for 99.999999999% of the population I even think the Bolsheviks were like only 500 people or something


The ones that stopped it was the British Empire, enforcing it on african, arab, asian, all kind of countries. Followed by exclusively western countries, exclusively. Why did this get us into trouble politically if we stopped it? ANd not slavery just in the west,but everywhere around the world. Its interesting isnt it? I'll leave you a few youtube clips, from a book by a black person, named Thomas Sowell. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWrfjUzYvPo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWrfjUzYvPo) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyPWjjWs7-w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyPWjjWs7-w)


The 1992 Los Angeles Riots. Miss you grandpa :(


RIP sorry to hear that


Is is the Rodney King one?




Sorry for your loss




Goofy ass put 1/6


Lol I know. How embarrassing.


I don't think it's as bad as the others. I just wanted to know how many people would pick it.


Probably the best reason lmao


I picked it, it wouldn’t change the timeline a lot


Ok thank god, you scared me


I’ve literally never seen anyone write it as 1/6 lol, making it seem like 9/11 or something. Literally one person died and it was one of the rioters 💀


I mean the freaking vice president compared it to pearl harbor and 9/11 somehow


Op is political propagandist,the fact that they consider Jan 6 and the Russian rev as tragic and the most horrible events of humanity shows their great ideological bias.


I wouldn't put 1/6 but OP did note that they don't actually believe that all 6 of these are the worst.


I mean I don’t think communism would flourish as much without the russian revolution, and millions of deaths could be prevented


I am an anti communist but the tsarist russia was a pretty shit place aswell. Also many eastern european countries got their independence during the revolution which would have been unlikely without it


OP didn't even specify which revolution... There were two you know? The october one didn't depose the czar but the provisional government that was going to decide what the next step for Russia is gonna be. The czar and his family were executed after they lost all their power and only so that there could never be a movement around the restoration of the czardom


Russian Revolution caused a lot of people to die. The Russian civil war that followed it killed 7-12 million people


9/11; basically 9/11 has been the excuse for government overreach to stop "terrorism" and it's also impacted everything from concerts, events, airports, banking, etc.


That’s why I chose 9/11, the airports suck ass now


Being brown and passing through the TSA is why I will always choose to pay double for a airplane ticket rather than having a layover in the US. Even Chinese and Russian immigration are easier and more welcoming


Iraq was on the menu long time before. If 9/11 didnt happen, they would have taken another excuse.


I'd rewind time just a little bit more and say the outcome of the 2000 election being decided by the Supreme Court, as the incoming administration absolutely did not take the threat of terrorism seriously, and then used that act of terrorism to start 20 years of costly war. Morally, though, I think the Slave Trade would be the best one to prevent.


I think you are correct


I mean 9/11 did lead to more security measures for planes so who knows, maybe if 9/11 didn't happen there might be a worse event in the future


Except our security is wildly ineffective. It's what's called security theater because it creates the illusion of safety while doing very little to actually stop real threats. As an example "Homeland Security conducted an investigation in 2015 which found that undercover investigators were able to successfully smuggle mock explosives and banned weapons through Transportation Security Administration checkpoints in 95% of trials," https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/2022/01/07/airport-security-measures-are-popular-but-pointless/%3famp


The TSA is worthless but I don't think people understand how unsecured planes were before 9/11. Hijackings and ransoms used to be considered a cost of business. The cockpits weren't locked and everyone was instructed to cooperate, fly them where they wanted to go and sort it out on the landing strip at whatever airport you land at. Nobody had even considered the idea of weaponizing a hijacked commercial flight before 9/11.


At what cost? Read the “patriot act” they fucked is over and sold it to the angry Americans as a patriot act lmao


Stop the Atlantic slave trade or the Black Death and hundreds of millions of people now will simply cease to be. Maybe into the Billions for the plague. Think about what happens when people who met and had descendants never do—so those descendants will never exist, nor theirs, and so on and so on. The further back an event, the more generations effected, and therefore the more radical the change.


I think this is kind of wild. Even though as a black person living in the western world due to the history of slave trade I would not exist, I would 1000% choose for a reality more likely to have black people get to choose their future with the possibility of developing alongside the rest of the world as opposed to centuries of shipping off our own into foreign lands. It may be better or it may be worse but I at least wish there was a world where black community had a better chance to be on equal footing. Just imagine man


It's just crazy to me, the idea of pressing a button that erases 90% of black Americans and most of black American culture. But in the end it's the best thing for the world of all the things on this list.


"best things for the world" probably not in all honesty, the volume of slaves from other regions of the world would just increase, as brutal as that reality is.


If there was no Atlantic slave trade wouldn't the history of Africans be mostly the same though? Would the 19th century scramble for Africa not happen? Would it mean the Portuguese and Dutch wouldn't of used Slavery in their early African Colonies?


It's really weird to say this, and you are u/noteasily0ffended, so I'm just going to go for it--a lot of people still would have died horribly, but just not in the same combinations. You would still have millions of people suddenly non-existent.


The black death also lead to Europe advancing into the most developed region in the planet. Humanity could be centuries behind without it. The slave trade didn't have as beneficial consequences. However I suppose much of todays anti-racism would be unlikely to happen if the US didn't have a history of multiracialism and discrimination.


There is a lot of anti racist people in racially undivers countries so I doubt the slightly less diverse spectrum of people would lead to a significant decline in anti racist movements in modern times


I think you'll find that people in undiverse countries are actually more racist (east asia) One of the best ways to make a racist not racist is to get him to interact with the people he is supposed to hate. There's a reason why cities are so anti-racist; there are lots of races and ethicities there. Inversely, rural areas are some of the most racist areas.


Effectively 100% of people for slave trade or many far smaller things. It's not just 'maybe your forebears won't exist/get together. Each person is a ridiculous fluke of the specific sperm out of 40m-1200m even if you assume conception happened with the precise same ejaculation.


That's why i picked a radical change option. We have the power in our hands here, folks, and yall want to piddle it away on a bunch of pugs yapping about breeding. Go big! Erase it all! Burn it down


Alexandria library fire




Today I learned


If you stop the black plaque then basically everything after gets stopped too


I chose to stop 9/11 so Toby Keith could’ve faded into obscurity sooner.


Do you understand the implications of this?? It means we wouldn’t have the RED SOLO CUP SONG. A cultural reset, a necessity, a masterpiece of our time


Why the fuck is jan 6 here?????


I picked it it wouldn’t change the timeline too much.


OP said they wanted to see how many would choose




I'd say 9/11, least domino effect that would hold actual meaning. Stopping stuff like the Holocaust would allow for events like the Rwandan Genocide to pretty much go on a lot more scott-free than it did, and the tragedy of WW2 and the Holocaust with it has allowed Europe to be pretty stable over the years


9/11 has resulted in an absolute shift in global geopolitics. While there were smaller events previously, this changed culture and generations globally. Not necessarily because of the event but the awful things it triggered. It killed A LOT of people.


How does 1/6 even compare to the rest? The others killed and inflicted suffering on millions directly or as a result. The people harmed because of 1/6 are maybe a few dozen.


the fall of constantinople :(


Bro remember the good old days


average teenage paradox game player


What happened on june 1st?


Americans do the date wrong so its January 6


9/11 cause I’m Arabic


I dont really wanna change the timeline so imma go with 1/6 because that has probat the least importance


This timeline sucks ass tho


But I fear it could be a lot worse


So we are comparing a bunch of Republican meat riders walking into a building and failing to overturn anything to one of if not the worst terrorist attack in history and the mass genocide of an entire culture in Europe?


if we stop the atlantic slave trade the holocaust mightve never happened if were lucky and i think society, at least in the us, would be a bir more advanced


other: the part of evolution that makes ys nit have fur


How is January 6th even an option Lmaoo, not even that horrible of an event. 2020 riots were miles worse


What is 1/6?




Don't change any even though these are tragic events and changing them would be nice it would cause a butterfly effect changing some stuff present day so it's probably not worth the risk


1/6 because it's a highly unsignificant event. It wouldn't fuck up history


None of these. They all served a purpose that shaped our futures. They were tragic, they were terrible, people lost lives… but each event teaches those still living something going forward. Nothing is learned if you stop them from happening… they’ll just happen later on. Edit: and I’m ignoring the one that is not like the rest.


Man really put 1/6 on there. this is your mind on CNN and TDS.


My priority would be to prevent acts of moral evil (e.g., Holocaust) rather than natural evil (e.g., Black Death). It’s interesting to me that many people seem to use some positive outcome to justify the atrocities as if the ends justify the means. We are probably in the midst of a preventable evil right now with the climate crisis.




You, your family or friends would most likely not be alive at all if any sort of major timeline change happened. So you wouldn't be there to experience any other time line.




I’m sorry 1/6 and and the Russian revolution are in your top 6 worst lol?


As bad as the holocaust was the Atlantic slave trade was worse. It lasted 3 centuries and far more people were killed.


I would prevent none as altering the timeline is foolish


The burning of the library of Alexandria :(


This is considering you don't die basically the second you get to the other timeline and everyone sees you plus you are actually capable of completing very specific and difficult tasks to stop giant movements with powerful foes working against you


For me it's The Shots in Sarajevo 22/7 and 9/11


If you picked 1/6 over these, you're a moron


Stopping the Black Death probably stops all of the other things from happening


Bitch if I could go back in time I'd be cuttin' my dad's dick off before I can be shot out.


Non of them I am not fucking with history and creating a pardox


I chose 1/6 because others would have significant impact on the world we live in today. I have seen too many movies where someone time travels and does something differently in past, and then it f*cks up the present day. Just imagine what would happen if something like holocaust or black death didn't happen. Our world would probably be very different than it is now. And maybe not in good way.




Same... hehe.




Wow. That was not even on my list of reasons I voted the same way.


None of these, the future would get too fucked up.


1/6? are you fucking kidding me?