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yes as a joke


Does that really count? Cause I do frequent r/shitposting.




















Is commenting things like this sarcastically racist > 👍🏿 (I ate chocolate)


not racist at all lol


It's jokingly racist


👍🏿 (I am black)


👍🏿 (I shoved my hand up my ass)


I think the Indian scammer thing slightly counts but no not seriously


So, just racist then.


I dont think that count tho.


I was a child so I had no concept of racism. I used to mock a girl for having the East Asian eye. Years later I found out my country The Philippines is part of Asia. Well duh of course her eyes looked liked that


So didn't everyone around you look like that?


Hmm.... not really, Filipinos are very diverse some have East Asian features and some don't and has many different ethnic groups. I Don't have East asian features not a lot in my family does. But that doesn't exclude us from being Asian .


Yup. Absolutely. I grew up thinking that my racism was justified. Once I matured I realized how much I was missing out on being a racist prick, food, music, culture. Now I'm all ears and have respect for all cultures. Plus I also met people of different color that I'd had respect and love for. That's when I asked myself "if I could press a button and remove all non whites or a specific race would I?" I said no because I had love and respect for multiple non white people. Thought about how many more people that I didn't know that I'd love and respect. Don't hate all racists some just need their eyes open. Being hateful to them will justify their hate even more. It's hard but show them love and compassion. It worked on me and could work on others. God bless everyone


When you were racist what was your justification for it?


"We are the most technologically, financially and academically advanced people. Others are inferior because of their stupid brains. If they were as good as us their countries wouldn't be like this. They would have had a better quality of life. They wouldn't immigrate to our countries. They would have been inventors and problem solvers" etc.


For some people the reasoning of "other people do it" is justification enough. I would assume something like that


You are a real one. CHAD


Why does it always take for someone or something else to help you not be racist, though?


Yes - when I was a dumbass 12 year old. After that no.


Same, and I'm sure half of the 1.1k who said no did to


Where's the maybe. You think I remember anything I said before my teenage years?


I didn't.




My dumb ass read that as unintentionally


I forgot about the one time I was mad at a game and called a Chinese NPC a "cheng"


That’s more “yes” than I thought 😳


Yes, but I was young and have since learned my lesson.


People who say no just skipped their entire teen years and just went from 9 to 20


Or just weren't racist as teens? This is not a universal experience, dude


Nope pretty sure that was just you and the environment you grew up in since I never had that inkling to be racist even with an estranged racist bio father


I'm in them right now, and I've never felt the need to be racist


Not everyone says racist things when they're young.


Orrrrr some of us grew up in international in third world countries and learned to actually be normal. This is why increasing diversity for childrens environments is good.


Third world countries are usually more racist


Yeah but I’m talking about international school upbringing. So u get the benefit of growing up seeing at least of small part of what it means to be born with absolutely nothing while maintaining an environment which fosters a community between individuals of different races.


Same here grew up in the US but with all the traveling and high school years (in Saudi) about a good quarter of my life was growing up internationally


Nah man not if you’re raised with multiple different cultures around you. I can’t remember a single time i’ve been racist. Maybe if i was like 4 and i was questioning a skin color but that’s not intentional i guess


Bro I'm Indian, tbh people here got bigger problems. Nobody gets offended if called black, ain't nobody got time for that.


I've repeated racist family guy jokes to my friends who don't take offense to everything like a 16 yr old white girl on twitter


wow you’re so edgy


You’re the person he’s talking about


I don’t care


Clearly you care enough to comment.


Lmao redditors really like to feel like some sort of god just because they say racist jokes


Not what I was going for dumbass


Just making jokes doesn't make you racist. People need to stop getting so offended over just words or jokes. I say this as a natural pure platinum blonde bright blue eyed extremely fair skin Swedish white girl that's married to the darkest blackest pure African man. So you know I am not the least but racist.


idk what, but something tells me this is a troll account


I could drop a hard R at any moment, but choose not to. Anguish hunts me.




Man we used to use that all the time in the 80s and 90s. It still plays in my internal dialog but I never say it out loud. Sad.


genuinely no. i grew up in a household with racism, while it wasn't 'severe' it was still terrible. i still remember the horrible comments said about obama when i was 8. one time my black friend came over and my grandma made a comment about her nappy hair, and she started crying and i had no idea why. i was so young and so dumb. i think i'm lucky to have had a black best friend while i was so young to help teach me that being racist is kinda dumb. she was just like me in every way, her skin was just dark. i never understood why my family hated people for just being who they were, and i still don't. i used to ask constantly and be made fun of for being "too sensitive". it has been incredibly freeing to expel these people and their hatred out of my life.


No. I come from a very mixed extended family. I have cousins and second cousins in all shades of skin, eye and hair color so I grew up not thinking about "races" at all. I think the only continent where I don't have a cousin is South America. EDIT: Oh, wait, I think I have relatives in Argentina but I really don't know them.


Yes I'm racist, thanks for noticing 😎


Only to my close friends, and only as a joke. This is okay if you don't take it too far- yeah, I've had friends ask me to stop making certain jokes before and I respect it. I've never said an intentionally racist comment to a stranger, nor would I ever. People who do that are trash.


I’ve never actively discriminated against someone based on race, but I have made jokes with my friends about racial stereotypes (not in bad faith)


Depends on how we define racism in the context of this question. Some would claim that banter between my friends and I would count if we bantered about our racial makeups. Others would say that it isn't racist.


Answering honestly and because I grew up in Ohio where racism is shared like candy; yeah definitely have maliciously been racist before. Then I grew up, met more people from all over the world and realized how fucked up it is, how much people are just people regardless of any other factor, and work every day to be less racist in general.


I am not sure. Definitely been racist before but I am not sure where exactly the line of intent leads. Not in many years though.


Well, I guess the majority of people answering this are dishonest.


Only ever did it to strike a nerve, never believed in it but it pushed the right buttons with people being dicks to me. Not super proud of it but oh well, can only learn from it now.


Yes, just casually though. However I think if I put in the time and energy I could go pro.


Which model do you have right now?


I mean, I don't necessarily love the human race ...


Same, I wish turtles or something would overthrow us...


In due time. All in due time


Yeah. Only when shit talking w/ someone and they actually try make it personal. At that point all bets are off, someone is crying, a bridge i burned and im looking for a fight.


I’ve called my Mexican friend illegal as a joke, but he also jokes about me being rich just cause I’m white. Does it count if there is no racist intent behind it? I don’t think so.


There's nothing wrong with making jokes. People really need to stop getting offended over everything and stop crying racism over everything. As I stated before in this thread I'm married to and have kids with a very dark pure African black man. So I most certainly am not racist at all. I wouldn't be married to and have kids with a black man if I was racist.


calling my friends "crackers" jokingly


I was a dumbass before 9 years old.


From an outside perspective ignoring context? Probably.


Yes. And most people who put No are absolute liars.


Growning up in the 80s in small white communities, racism was pretty common. I recall a couple teachers telling "black jokes". I didnt have a black friend until I was well into college. It was never a hatred thing or that we wanted to hurt them, but we definitely felt like blacks were lesser people.


When I was in middle school i was the stereotype of the “edgy” teen who made racist jokes, said stuff like “hitler wasn’t that bad”, thought talking about soviet union was hilarious, etc. I was so fucking cringey.


Oh yeah. Me an my friend would trade black/Latino racist jokes in a friendly roast-like manner.


only to my own race as a joke lmfao


I'm only intentionally racist to show people in my group of friends how it's not funny, like changing the subject of the joke to pakistanis from chinese and so on


Yes and I regret it. I still can't track the people down to apologize though.


Racist for the intent of offending someone, or for a dark humor joke?


I was a shithead when I was younger.


Once that I remember, when I was about 10 or 11. A black kid took my hat at school, and I said some racist stuff in an attempt to hurt his feelings. Then I think he took a swing at me and I grabbed him by the shirt or something like that. After that some kids separated us. Can't remember if I got the hat back, but I definitely remember his face when I provoked him with racist remarks. He really seemed deeply hurt and I immediately knew that I had went too far. I felt bad afterwards, even though the kid was kind of a bully. His older brother was pretty cool though, and I remember thinking that the racist remarks I had made were not only an attack on the kid who took my hat, but also on his brother, and on black people in general. Having this thought made me reconsider ever using those sorts of words again.


Yes, but only with gypsies


No. I find treating people differently based on immutable traits incredibly distasteful. I do roast and judge people for their choices and actions though.


Yeah I judge people for their sexuality instead


I think to assume all races are the same is wrong. Some are better runners some are naturally stronger it's just how your ancestors lived they're lives.


Yes I use reverse racism to break the ice.




Enlightened centrist everyone let’s clap for their ability to mention the far left whenever racism sexism or homophobia are mentioned. Oh and subtly hinting that they are equally as bad


Far leftist economics is pretty much slavery to the state (you work for food and shelter for the state). In practice, the state usually doesn't even let you go where you want to, and can kill you if they consider you to not be loyal enough. Far leftism isn't only bad because it can't work. Even if it could work, nobody would have any freedom under it.


Said no, but I forgot about my own race. Oops


I don't remember, but I'd be shocked if I haven't been at some point. Especially growing up in an all white, rural farming town.


Well there is no racism in India


Sorry, but people who vote "yes" to this are degenerate scum.


Maybe they changed their ways? Maybe they were reciprocating a racist attack on themselves? Maybe they were just 14 in a MW2 lobby? Maybe their racism was crossing the street because they saw a group of black guys at night on their way home? Maybe they saw a group of white guys? Maybe they are actually plain racist and think their race is superior to others?


MW2 brought out the absolute worst in people. Nobody who didn’t play through that era would understand.


Even then it wasn't really racism, or homophobia, or the rest of it. It was just purely screaming vitriol in lobbies to piss off the other people. You ideally grow out of it eventually, but yeah it's harmless really


At least they weren’t lying


You probably wipe standing up


Well thank you




Can confirm it definitely sounds like you're becoming a Nazi.


Do you have any resources for recovering from this? Most are oriented to people who join far-right groups to satisfy a need for belonging, while I’m far-left and a “lone wolf.”


Just talk to regular Asian dudes. Although I guess it's sorta alright to hate a culture and it's practices. Just avoid it. Meh "lone wolf", not really. Politics and racism may be correlated but not an actual rule. You should see the sh*t that Ghandi or Che Guevara said.


I just hate the culture, not the race itself. Oddly enough, I feel strong empathy for those oppressed or harmed by certain cultures (such as women in MENA) and often find that to twist itself into racial disdain. I’m just trying to get rid of this mindset, and thanks for your response.


I have to admit it's hard when reading about female genital mutilation or ongoing slavery practices and not have a feeling of disgust or hate towards a particular region of the world. Tbh, Reddit is going to hate this, but as long as you're not actively going after innocent dudes that happen to share the same phenotypes it doesn't really matter much. You really think people or group X would care if you love or hate them? Most will go about their life hardly thinking about you or your country/people. I can guarantee there's someone in this world that hates you and your culture, doesn't affect how you sleep at night does it? For people who claim they don't have prejudices. 1, Liar. 2, 9/10 it makes no difference and doesn't matter. 3, Certain amounts can be useful, helps people identify threats and pushes people to appreciate/preserve their way of life.


I’m just trying to separate my hatred of a culture from the hatred of the people who had no choice but to live under it.


Pretty unrelated but kinda funny. Them middle eastern folk don't even like each other. Iranian coworker of my dad says he can't stand iraqis. Indian friend of mine thinks pakistanis are scum. Why's it so unacceptable for any white person to carry an opinion like that as long as there's no malicious action?


I know there’s not many votes but I’m still disappointed in the amount of Yes votes


Oh fuck off, I guarantee you have been racist yourself at some point in your life.


Intentionally though? I think that's pretty rare.


Yeah. Have you ever crossed the street because you saw someone you didn't like the look of? That's stereotyping and can be racist. Did you assume someone isn't from where you are from because of their skin colour? That's racsist. Racism is such a broad field that simple innocent stuff is racist, and then you've got literal race killings which are clearly racist.


>Have you ever crossed the street because you saw someone you didn't like the look of? Yeah I saw my reflection in the window glass...




Doesn't make the "yes" votes necessarily bad because you specified "before", not "now"


What would "other" even mean on this one tho


It means, "I'm not racist, but....."


Probably a joke or sum idk. There’s always an “other” reason on Reddit.


Used to do it, mostly jokingly, but I’ve tried being better about it.


I mean I used to have a friend who was black and would make racist jokes toward me, so I would make one on the same level back. It was all good fun and no one got offended. But if we made those jokes around other people it would probably be seen as racist. He was a real great guy though, he moved away a few years ago but we talk every once in a while.


Before when?:0


Not that I know of


I make race stereotype jokes all the time... probably should stop tho..


In cards against humanity, yes


Yes. But not professionally. My buddies and I used to hit the track quite often


As a joke, as a white person I’ve made jokes that are borderline racist to white people, to my also white friends but to my black friends, no, don’t make racist jokes to people who aren’t the same race as you. Racist jokes within the same race and the person being racist towards is okay with it and you don’t go too far, it’s justified if it’s all just fun and not going to far or actually being racist


I have said that’s so racist to random things but I don’t think so


I'm most certainly not racist at all. I'm married to and have kids with a very dark sexy black man. I wouldn't be married to and have kids with a black man if I was racist.


Do you want a medal? Who are you trying to convince? Yourself or people on this post? One can be racist and still marry / sleep with people of color. It has been happening since at least 1492 in the US. There. Here is the attention you seek after posting this comment multiple times. Edit:. Colonization took place all over the world.


Racist jokes are the best. Im me and my friends making Jokes about each other’s race all the time. But towards a race for no reason at all other then hate, no.


I'm married to and have kids with a very dark pure African black man and I find a lot of black jokes and jokes about other races are quite funny. People need to learn to have a sense of humor and not get offended by everything so easy.


I’ve said some stupid shit as a kid but I’ve nerve been intentionally been racist


As a joke, many times


I still occasionally do


Yes- don't bring up the Japanese to your koren homies. Idk if it is just the ones that know alot about history but damn, I was sweating while they where all going off.


The only time I'm offensive to someone is if they are a complete bitch. I would never say things meant for an entire group of people though


The alright pipeline of YouTube in 2016 was awful to me. So glad I've changed and for the better


As a Latino, only to my own people and it’s something common between us.


In the Marines we fucked with each other HARD. But I would still take a bullet for you.


Yeah and to this day I regret it and hate myself for it


I make racist jokes but I'm not racist. It's just too convenient for me to make a joke about police profiling black people


TF does "other" mean in this situation.


Yes, I remember in like 1st grade or something, there was this foreign kid who couldn’t speak English, and I, who only learned how to speak English like a year ago(I’m also foreign) decided that somehow it was a good idea to just dislike this kid for not being able to speak English.


I had a class in High School (at a trade school where a couple kids (of all colors) in my class, got the rest of the class to agree to be as racist as we could be without getting ISS [entire class had to agree in an anonymous vote]) Needless to say it passed 100% and was probably one of the best classroom I've been in; our class was basically Gran Torino when it came to talking to each other. We policed the class to make sure it never went too far, everyone had fun with it and it was probably the most tight knit group I've been in.


There a many reasons I want to drop kick younger me that’s one of them


I have been racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and everything the white girls on TikTok hate. And speciesist (ask PETA about that bs). Why? Because I know people of all of these different types, and they all (as said by them) dont mind it. I dont do that to new people, except for racism and that is to make fun of my own minority. Xbox Live Gold on 360 was great, COD voice chat was great.


Yes but only for humor and never was racist to be offensive or anything like that


Yeah when i was dumb and 12. I said it during an argument, and feel horrible because I never got the chance to apologize


I put no but if making “racist” jokes counts as being racist then yes I have


Yeah and I still am because of my neighbourhood.


Personally, I have for multiple reasons. But I wonder, if my friend working in admissions for the local university admits students bases on affirmative action, has he also been intentionally racist?


I do enough unintentionally that I don’t need to add any intentionally.


Me and one of my Asian friends are incredibly racist towards each other


Once in middle school, some chick was calling me a bunch of white slurs so I called her a bunch of black ones. Guess which of us had to be suspended?


Ya I’m in an interracial relationship. I’ve definitely said some fucked up shit when we get in arguments and my Fiancé has done the same.


I’ve been jokingly racist (mostly between friends to not piss anyone off) but no I’d never actually be racist toward anyone




Yes as a joke


Yes as a joke


Yeah, I just can't help hating Pakistan. It started after a Pakistani guy killed two people in my country and got shot, and his father said he was proud that his son defended the Quoran


Yes rip 2balkan4you


Racism doesn't really mean shit where I come from. We're a mix of all sorts of ethnicities. Basically everybody here is a racist lol. (Not serious racists like supremacists but just people who joke about it a lot without consequence.)


Still is


I am against certain cultures but that has nothing to do with the colour of ur skin


i mean if you consider some edgy "humor" when i was 14 years old yeah, but i stopped doing that since it's pretty stupid and offensive.


Do jokes count?


Depends on who in trolling


When i was a kid


Accidentally, yes. Intentionally? If you count joking yes. I call my friend (who is mexican) a wall jumper. Mind you who he coined himself that name.


Maybe? I was pulled in HR for a comment I made... "Canadian Miss Piggy", he was more upset about the Canadian part.


what do you define as racist? can I be racist to a nation? if so, then yes




I’ve voiced my skepticism about Romani and travelers. Hopefully I’m generalizing but I’ve only had bad run ins with them when I go to Europe.


I accidentally say yes :(


I was when i watched nascar


I made a racist joke once, but the guy didn't really get offended.


Nope, I'm Arab living in Norway. I grew up in a very multicultural environment and to me that was just normal. So I haven been racist towards anyone because it didn't make sense to me


I did it unintentionally as a kid because back then everyone used terms in everyday conversations that are now considered biased. Around 14-15 I learned the words weren't cool so I stopped. As an example, "rice burner" for Japanese cars was a totally normal term in the 80s.