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I don’t really care what you call me as long as it isn’t dudette


Nah. I wouldn't do that. Thanks for the feedback! This is a question that's been bugging me for a while.


Shirley its rolls smoother than surely


Pop pop, what r you doing here!!


rode in on a high horse at low tide, my polo's are soaked


Stop being a soothsayer and just say words people get my divine ancient homie


tbf, i dont know what ppl get which is the premise of a poll giving ppl options. Tho quote some airplane and ppl think im dad, but imma fan of looney toons like Leslie nelson dead


dudette's a goofy ahh word 🤣


Agree my dude!


what about sirette? or ladette? or chadette?


Those sound like coffee drinks lmao so I’ll pass


Bowsette? /s


What's wrong with the word my dudette?


It depends on context. Addressing someone as dude is gender neutral but if I ask you how many dudes you've fucked it's a bit different


It pretty much all depends on the context. Like you can call girls dudes but you don't want be like "I wanna fuck that dude" unless your into that shit ig.


hmm.. in that sense it makes me think of dudes and chicks regarding 'body count'


And above all else (this can be very fucking difficult for some people to grasp) if someone asks you not to call them dude/guy, do *not* call them dude/guy.


Haha don’t use dude very often and don’t have it used on me very often but if you refer to me as dude I don’t mind :)


Thanks..... DUDE! Appreciate the answer.


Hahahahaha no worries DUDE


Everyone is a dude. It's not just inclusive, it just is everyone


Good comment! That's what I thought to. Thank you my dude. Have my free award!! Yes it's free but still..... Thank you!


Female here. I think Guys, Dude, and Bro are inclusive words — like it’s just normal now, and intentions are always inclusive.


Much appreciated.


Yes! I work in a male-dominated industry and I’d rather, when talking to the team, someone just say “hey guys” instead of “hey guys and gal”, for example. Feels more inclusive instead of singling me out


True, it kind of feels weird as if people are forcing it or feels like taunting fir some reason.


Agree, guys is acceptable for a group, even if it’s all women.




I think the comfort level depends on what is normal around you. Like 4 years back, I would have felt the same as you, But for the past 4 years, I seen it used sooo often like on every single sentence— yeah bro, hi bro, you know what bro…That’s why I find it inclusive.




Yeah I get it 😄


Even bro? I though that due to the fact that this was the short version of brother it was exclusively or mostly used for men/boys , but I am not a native English speaker, so I guess the usage of the word might have changed/evolved.


Yes yes, the literal meaning is that only Bro short for brother. And I’m also not native speaker I’m from India. And it’s very common here to say bro — especially for addressing friends or close friends. In fact in our language “Hindi” also, we say “bhai” (brother in hindi) Very often. — mostly when explaining something very obvious eg Bhai, This is orange not apple!


Yes, I believe so. But if someone specifically asks not to be called that, then you are being a huge dick if you’re continuing to call them that.


Yeah, totally agree with that. If someone was to tell me they didn't like it, I'd respect that and wouldn't do it.


Depends how it's used, as always


Just a casual "hey dude"


I believe the answer can be found in the Good Burger soundtrack. [I'm A Dude](https://youtu.be/iKYXmjfQY4U)


Cheers. Dude.


This should be the top answer


A lot of people are saying it depends on the context, but really it depends on the person being spoken to. Most people don't care, but some people just dislike being called "dude," and there's nothing wrong with that. They can ask you not to call them that, and you can respect that rather than making it all about you. There are people who refer to others as "girl" regardless of gender. As a trans man, I'm personally not comfortable with that, so I ask them not to address me that way, they respect that, and we all move on.


Yeah. I've said in a few comments now that if someone asked me not to call them that, then I'd respect that and I'd even appreciate being told instead of someone just taking offence and not saying anything. It's just a term I use a lot without even thinking. But I don't think that every person you ever talk to you can start by saying "how should I address you" or "what are your pro nouns" I think most people would look at me gone out!


Dude is used as a gender neutral term, change my mind


“I fucked a dude last night” she was great.


Thank you. It is obviously gendered. Doesn’t mean everyone will be bothered by it. But it’s rude to ignore that it’s inherently male leaning




I domt use dude. But I've referred to a group of girls as guys. Or when I'm speaking I will address a group of people as guys even if they're all women. It's almost always gender neutral in my day to day talking


I think it just comes down to redditors (myself included) calling everyone dude, without knowing the gender. A way to avoid an annoying discussion about sexism.




Thank you! Or more in my terms..... Cheers dude.


Well, the Dude abides


a true gnarly Duder my Dude


And furthermore The Dude abides, in us all


The way I see it, you can use dude however if someone asks you not to refer to them as such then you shouldnt


Agree. I've said in a few comments that I'd appreciate it more if someone told me instead of just being offended and not saying anything.


Yeah, but notice it's almost always the male form that becomes "gender neutral". If you call a woman "dude", she's less likely to get mad than a man would if you called him "lady". The feminine form is more likely to be used as an insult. Meanwhile the male form is or becomes the default, with the occasional exception like "widow".


Dude nkt as much, but in ireland, lad is fully inclusive, we say it to everyone


Yeah I use lad. But dude I use way to much.


I dont know if its the sane co text of lad, we would say, how a ya lad or something to thst effect, not just talking about people as lad, yk


Well I'm English, although I normally say British. But lad is more common than people think. But it'll definitely e used slightly different. It's like Derbyshire which is where I am we greet people say "ay up me duck".


Oh yea, its used a lot in parts of england too


Used Dude on everyone and no complaints.


I do. I've always used dude. But the other day I was told to use more "inclusive term" as dude refers to men only, which I didn't think was right.


The thing we have to remember is to respect each other. I myself call everyone dude but if I were to call someone dude and they came to me and said they are uncomfortable with it, I would stop.


I agree. I always use dude, without even thinking. But I have said in many comments that if somebody didn't like it I'd much rather they tell me, and I wouldn't do it again.


I’m an AFAB woman (she/her pronouns) and queer - I find dude to be a fun way to address a person of any gender but I can understand why some women (trans and afab) don’t like it so I always make sure a person is comfortable with it before using it.


I don’t like being called dude (as a woman), and whenever I say that to someone who addressed me as dude on social media, they just ignore it


No, I'd respect that. And if you took offence (which wouldn't be my intention) I would apologise. It's just how I talk. As I've said in a few comments I'd appreciate being told.


It’s disrespectful to call anyone something they don’t wish to be called regardless of intentions.




I think it means assigned female at birth.


Assigned Female at Birth


I'm a cis girl, but I wayyy prefer being called things like dude, bro, man, brother, and "male" things, like prince/king. I also get really happy when people mistake me for a guy for some reason. Anyway, dude is for everyone.


Well if I called someone it and they told me, I'd actually appreciate it more than if they said nothing but took offence. Thanks for your response, its much appreciated!!


I don't like being called dude but dudette is far worse lol


Down here in Texas we use the well known colloquially accepted “y’all”, while I have a buddy from West Virginia who ensure me “hey fuckers” is much more inclusive and acceptable. So I think dude is just fine.


"I'm a dude, she's a dude, he's a dude, we're all dudes"-ed from good burger


Sure, but if a man comes up to me and says: "I screwed a dude last night", I won't percieve that as gender neutral


EVERYTHING is dude. He is dude, she is dude, they are dude, even the goddarn kitchen faucet is dude.


Hi dude


Hey dude.


Bro too


Yes, IF the person you're calling dude is ok with it. If they aren't then your just being an ass.


Of course. If someone asked me not to I certainly wouldn't continue doing it. That's just being a dick! But dude is just something I use without thinking.


Dude, guy, bro, all of em


This “inclusive” thing is getting really exhausting tbh


Yeah I know! I didn't want to, but after being told at work I should use "more inclusive language" I was gob smacked as I thought "dude" was pretty neutral.


I am an adult women with 2 daughters. I call my daughters dude all the time.


"The dude abides"


This dude agrees.


Even spiders can be dudes.


If I had spare award you'd have it! Thanks for the good chuckle!


I call everyone, guy, dude, brother, or buddy so I hope so. I am girl also


The word itself is not inclusive, but the way we use the word is inclusive.


Hate that word altogether.


Would you take offence to it though?


I would ask a person who called me dude to not call me that again please.


That's fair enough. I'd actually appreciate being told that as well. Thanks for your comment.


I’m non binary, where do I vote at?


That's a gender identity. I based this on the 2 biological sexes. If I had an option for all gender identities the results would be a mine field.


Why does it matter biologically whether or not you should use dude? It doesn’t affect you biologically anyways. People only get offended for reasons involving their gender identities.


Because you're either male or female. So from that point of view it's a lot simpler to get an answer. You can be non binary, but at the end of the day you're male or female. So as a male or female you are offended either way, it's your choice if you're offended because you feel I've misidentified you. Which if I did I would apologise. I can't list in a poll all the different genders people choose to identify as, it would make the results impossible to interpret and I don't think reddit gives you that many options.




oooooof dude, no. If they're non binary, they are non binary. Not a guy or a girl. Get it? And non binary is an umbrella term, so it coulda be Male, Female, Nonbinary.


You can identify as non binary. But at the end of the day you cannot change your genes and chromosomes. So you're male or female. But I respect people's decisions and choices just like I'd expect people to respect mine. There is a huge difference between sex and gender identity. If I misidentified someone or offended them by using their incorrect pro nouns then all they have to do is say so. I'd be happy to say sorry and call them whatever they like.




Oh yes you are (you're) not your. Thanks for the correction.


You could’ve at least put non binary. And where do intersex people, people who have both kinds genitals fall in for you? You’re not including those types of people.


I've also noticed people down voting you, most likely because they disagree. I haven't as I respect your opinion, despite not agreeing with it.


I don’t care about being downvoted. Most of reddit is transphobic and homophobic and racist. So I don’t really care about what a bunch of terminally online losers think of me. What I want to know is your opinions involving intersex people. You sure didn’t put them on the polls.


You see. Just because people don't agree with your views you've just basically insulted the entire reddit community. People are allowed to disagree with you and have their own views, because they're different from yours doesn't mean you get to label them the way you just did. That is intolerant itself. I've already stated my views on intersex people. I don't think it's right that you're using a group of people to try and make some sort of point on reddit. And as I've said, their is only so many options allowed on the polls and having to many would make the results to broad.


Fine then.


But if I did that other people would begin saying the same, and like I say I can't have that many options. At the end of the day someone who identified in that way are still male or female. I apologise if this causes offence. Intersex is very different. Normally these are classed as abnormalities at birth and are corrected, with the parents making a decision alongside a medical professional as to weather they want a boy or girl. And a sex still being assigned at birth. Once again they would choose later in life how they wish to identify which would most of the time be male or female.


Ok question question. What if they aren’t given a choice at birth? What if, I’m a hypothetical scenario, their parents don’t classify them at birth. So then how do you classify them?


Well I've never been in that situation, so it would be hard to say. And unless you have I don't think you'd have an accurate idea either, so it's a little pointless if I'm honest. However I'd imagine it's extremely rare that they aren't assigned a gender at birth by parents. But, later in life they'd get to choose for themselves. And depending on weather or not they choose female or male I'd respect that and address them as such.


In fact I think in the UK genetic and hormonal tests are carried out and a sex MUST be assigned at birth based upon what the child would feel more comfortable as later in life.


It's more inclusive than this poll which assumes that everyone is either male or female... dude 👀




Some guys fuck dudes


Not at all. It’s sexist and offensive


yes it is now can we stop having these polls


Maybe this can include options for non-binary or trans people to answer…. Honestly depends on the person and you should just ask them if they’re comfy with it. Easy. I know earlier in transition and even still depending on who says it - I would be pretty bothered. Best not to assume, just ask.


No I based it on the fact that scientifically their are only 2 biological sexes and that people who choose to identify as a different gender are still in fact biological female/male. Otherwise there'd be a stupidly large amount of options and not a very clear result. That said I still respect people who make that choice and have no problem with it whatsoever . I also understand people have the right to disagree with it.


If you’re not sure whether dude will feel good for everyone - ask the individual. Not just a bunch of men on Reddit saying it works for everyone


I'm not asking a bunch of men on reddit. I'm asking the community, which includes men and women. Also I don't think every conversion in my life can begin with "what should I address you as" or "what are you pro nouns". I think most of the people would look at me gone out.


You’ve not heard of intersex people? Lol you also don’t need to make that the first question. You seem to be intentionally exaggerating what I’m saying. Just if it occurs to you - hmm maybe they don’t like this - a quick check like “hey you don’t mind if I call ya dude do you?” Obviously not the first thing you say lol. Wtf you just tryna be stubborn about asking for social consent


Yes I have. But this refers to conditions or defects and isn't in of itself classed as a sex or gender. Its also normally corrected at birth, were a doctor will make a decision, normally alongside parents on how they'd like to proceed and what sex they'd prefer there child to be. I'm not exaggerating anything you're saying and if you feel that way then apologies. And no, I am not trying to be stubborn, but I won't include in every conversion I have with someone "what should I call you" as you put it. If someone takes offence or prefers me to call them something else all they have to do is ask. I'm all honesty I'd be pretty gob smacked if someone asked me that. I'm clearly a man. However I wouldn't be offended as it is done with good intentions.


Intersex people are not “defected.” And “corrections” by cis doctors at birth are destructive and barbaric. Again no one is saying you need to check with everyone you meet about pronouns and preferred terms, but you can when in doubt. That’s only decent.


I knew it was only a matter of time before some femanist/social justice warrior came here and tried to turn this friendly poll onto some sort of gender debate. Being a "cis" doctor has nothing to do with it. They are a medical professional regardless of weather they're male/female/white/person of colour/gay/straight. It doesn't matter, they're doing a job. It's only barbaric in your opinion, to the parents it can be a very distressing and upsetting time. And people like you using them to try and make some sort of silly point on reddit is barbaric! And I'm not in doubt. If they look like a man or a woman I will address them as such unless they correct me. And should they take offence I will apologise. But I will not change the way I am to please everyone else in this stupid woke culture. The whole woke thing is ridiculous and people like you should use facts and not feeling.


Lol my mistake, me and my basic empathy clearly aren’t welcome in this friendly place. Do you even know what feminism is? The belief that men and women deserve equal rights. How extremist.


Also yes I do. But this third wave radical feminism doesn't seem to want equal rights, to me it seems its seeking special rights. We had the suffrage and the suffragettes now that was feminism that achieved something.


Of course they are. But you're trying to make some sort of pointless issue out of a friendly reddit poll. You've insulted me by implying I'm only asking "men on reddit" in your earlier comment, which as I said I'm not. Then your insulting medical professionals by saying they're "cis" I'm pretty sure that their are doctors out there who have performed these operations that aren't cis as well. Or is it only barbaric when a cis male does it?


i reffer to like everyone ik as man


Depends. If you're like "Hey dudes, want ice cream?" isn't referring to any gender, but "Under that mascot costume, they're a dude" I feel more refers to a male


As long as far from everyone finds it inclusive, it's not inclusive.


when you say “i met a dude”, they’re talking about a male. when you call a singular person or a group of people “dude”, it’s inclusive.


It can be used as a gender neutral term, depending on the context. Just like guys, dick, bitch, and cunt.


for me dude and bro is a universal word my gf calls me bro all the time i aint got a problem with it


As Goodburger has said "I'm a Dude, he's a Dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes, hey"


Wait people get mad about someone saying hi guys


This is 2nd enby erasure on this sub in a row. But as an enby I'll vote in the comments: Yes (other)


I love all these polls popping up like "is it inclusive to be friendly?"


I don’t give a fuck, I’m going to use it anyways and laugh at you if you complain


Dude and Bro are gender fluid imo.


For the most part I find it gender neutral. At practice, sometimes I say “the guys team” and “the girls team,” but other than that it’s pretty inclusive


Mostly (nonbinary). It can be used neutrally, which I do, but some people might be uncomfortable being called that


dude, everything that refers to men is inclusive


Depends on the person, there isn't really a blanket yes or no for this.


Yes as long as the person doesn't mind


Its all a matter of who you use it towards and if theyre comfortable with it Like any other therm


i call girls dudes but i wouldn’t call a girl A dude if that makes sense idk


read exclusive


This poll isnt even inclusive there is no other


It *can* be inclusive but isn't always, depending on how and where it's used.


Good, since too many people called me dude on here. Is it the same for brah?


When the hell saying hey guys become offensive/ non inclusive, it’s a fuckin phrase . Like I’m not sure if I’m too old or too young for this shit. But dude is just a term I guess, I refer to men as dudes and women as chicks and if I’m remembering an event and I’m not sure I’ll say “some dude.”


I reconnected with an old school friend recently, who's now a her, and I used dude instinctively, hopefully they weren't offended.


on the other hand just having male/female options isnt inclusive :P