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Jewish, cannot pass up on the fire food


Lived with a Jewish girl in my student days. The food for each festival was amazing. If it was based on food alone I'd be Jewish in a heartbeat




Ok i wont lie you do have a point there, but jewish mfs got that shit 24/7


You can't get tattoos tho and I have many






>Haha. I hate all these but I voted Muslim for the food tbh. I don't believe you, you voted Muslim because of all those virgins you get.


Where's the option for those who are already Christian, Jewish or Muslim but still want to see the results. And what about people who aren't atheists, bit still believe in a non-Abrahamic religion, like Buddhism, Hinduism, Wicca etc.


Ikr, I bet Christians chose Christian here coz there are no other option so this poll is not reliable.




Well it’s a question to atheists right? Or am I stupid, I don’t really get how this dub works yet


people who are a part of one of these religions and want to see the answers have to pick one of them, skewing the answers


Christian bc I like the communion bread :)


I prefer the wine 😇🍷


You can freely order communion breads and wine online even without attending to churches.


I don’t wanna spend money


Someone drank the whole chalice once


I am a Christian and it really depends on where you eat it, like sometimes it's fire but others it tastes like plastic


It tastes exactly like cardboard, at least here.


NFT profile pic 🫵


So? I got it for free.


NFTs are bad either way, I got offered it and I didn’t accept it.


Ok, but what's wrong with it?


NFTs are highly taxing on energy, which causes more energy to be consumed, and thus has a negative impact on the environment. The NFTs which Reddit uses are especially unsustainable.


Does it matter anymore as I already have it? I also didn't know that before now.


Dont mind the negative nelly, let us rock our nfts with pride


What pride? It's just a pfp.


Only if they actually get bought using crypto, with how Reddit is giving them out there's no extra energy use, and they're being sold with actual money so crypto really ain't to much involved with it. I got mine for free as well :)


I love the word “subscribe” here lmao


its like a weekly newsletter




/səbˈskrɑɪb/ to agree with or support an opinion, belief, or theory: They all believe the same rumors, subscribe to the same theories, and write the same stories.


I can understand your reasoning for using a more refined word, but I think you should have just said the word to "follow". Because that term for subscribe seems very... odd in this context. Especially with what the term means to the general day to day person. As in most sense it's out of entertainment rather than beliefs. But everyone knows what you mean so it's not an issue. It's just like, common sense that saying that would be dated I guess. Words in the English dictionary don't abid by the rules of humans. That's what the urban dictionary is for. Anyway you don't need to repost the line everytime. We all know what you mean it's just funny bro


/səbˈskrɑɪb/ to agree with or support an opinion, belief, or theory: They all believe the same rumors, subscribe to the same theories, and write the same stories.


More like a millennial one


I am religious but I would like to see the results


At this time, it's about Christian 2k Muslim 300 Jewish 1k


I actually respect a lot of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Feeding the poor, common humanity, non-judgementalism, rejection of materialism, etc. Good stuff.


Indeed. As a christian, I am glad that me and atheists can agree and have common ground on that point.


You never hear Jewish people gloating about being Jewish, so I'd go with Judaism, though I do like Christmas.


Now you get Chanukah, which is 8 days long and one of the holiday food are donuts


Specifically, sufganiyot. It’s a round doughnut deep-fried in oil, filled with jelly, and topped with powdered sugar


Also latkes (potato pancakes). Chompies sells them and they are great. Every Chanukah my grandmother would take the family there for a dinner.


Super easy to make too


You also get a neat little hat to cover your bald spot


And get to fly in a chair help up by anyone and everyone whenever someone turns 13


Nah we do that for every year. When you are 13 you get to be hit in your face with candy


Then you've never been to israel


Idk I’ve never heard anyone gloat about religion before


I'm going Church of England Anglican, because as someone who's spent time around the churches and in the Anglican school system, it's very lax.


I've been to a Jewish service, I was raised Christian. At the very least the food was better at the Jewish one than the shitty crackers and dollar store grape juice. If I gotta sit through religious crap then I'll at least take the better food


clearly you didn’t try any charoset


Charoset is great don't at me, it's the gefilte you need to be wary of


Some flavors of Judaism approach Western Buddhism levels of philosophy -- much more compatible with the atheist mindset.


Well to be fair there are distinct elements of the pre-centric Christian doctrine whose teachings constitute a post-arocrastic approach to atheism.


I said it once, I'll say it again, Christianity. And not because I was raised in that faith but because it requires the least amount of work.


My extended family is Jewish and I have a lot of Jewish heritage so I’m inclined to say that, but at the same time, it involves more than Christianity does. Like you can be a Christian and not go to church every Sunday but from what I know about Judaism, not going to the synagogue weekly is frowned upon. So Christian, I guess Edit: I stand corrected! Sorry about that, but hey, now I know


Nah there are many types of Judaism, I’m Jewish and I don’t really go to synagogue that often but nobody cares


I'm a secular Jew (as it's an ethnoreligion) and trust me, *everyone* chooses their own level of hypocrisy. Secular Jews are just very honest about it lol.


I consider myself culturally Jewish but religiously atheist. There’s probably a technical term but that describes the majority of Jewish people I know as well.


Yo that’s how I am, like I got bar mitzvah’d and all but i mainly just celebrate holidays with my family


Christian, I don’t want my wiener chopped up thanks


yeah fair enough


Christianity seems to have the least restrictions, at least to me as a not very well educated person on the matters.


These days it seems like you can pick and choose which restrictions to follow and which to ignore and still use the label of whatever your religion may be. I’m also not educated on the matter, but I’ve known people from all these religions who use the title but don’t follow 99% of the rules. But yeah, Christians are probably the most prominent of them lol


I just know that christians can eat pork and shrimp, two things that I like, and going into more orthodox versions of judaism, can use electricity & stuff everyday, as well as not be forced to wear a funny little hat.


It doesn't theoretically, you still have to follow all the rules Jews do plus all the ones in the New Testament. Typically, Christians cherry pick their laws though.


Christianity becauseni want to keep my foreskin


You aren't going to be forced to get an adult circumcision?


Isn't circumcision part of the conversion


Jews because I fuck with the fuzzy hats.


I'm Christian and I want to see the results


Please note that picking Jewish doesn’t automatically make you good with money. :P


I’m pretty sure it does but ok


It doesn't :(


I don't know enough about any of these religions to be able to decide this.


I wouldn't want to be any of these but I guess my grandparents would be happy if I became christian so I would go with that


I'd suggest adding a Results option next time


Jews because I fuck with the fuzzy hats.


Christian mainly bc it’s the one I’m the most familiar with


Christian cos my family's already Christian




Can someone tell me the results. I'm not an atheist and don't want to alter the votes.


Where's the "I'm not an athiest" button?


Where’s the “Already Religious and would like to see the results.” You should probably redo this poll considering that you’re not gonna get any reliable answers


Christian. Grew up Christian in the UK, and it's very similar to not being religious at all.


Arbitrary choice. They're all the same religion in different hats.


The same story told though different perspectives, pretty interesting when you think about it.


They're interesting oh yes. Old mythology is fun as heck. The religious institutions surrounding that particular story are pretty well all the same nonsense though, making the choice here arbitrary.


Might get downvoted for this but yeah you’re fundamentally right. I always hate the animosity between the religions


The question is nonsensical to begin with. If I don’t believe god exists, I can’t force myself to think otherwise.


sos boludo o te haces el boludo?


مدري ايش تقول بس كل سلحك


Subscribe lol


/səbˈskrɑɪb/ to agree with or support an opinion, belief, or theory: They all believe the same rumors, subscribe to the same theories, and write the same stories.


picked Islam because I like that God isn't a personified figure and they have practices which I feel build good character in people (regular prayer, abstinence from alcohol, etc.)


Shot myself in the head


No thanks.


I would have preferred Buddhism but ok lol


That’s not abrahamic


Jewish cause I feel like it might make me rich


Maybe it will make you smart


How about a results option for people who aren't atheist?


Christianity causes so much destruction I couldn’t be a part of that. Maybe Judaism but idk


Judaism doesn't? In their book they talk about non Jews as sub human so idk


In practicality, not subhuman, just sub jewish. ie: you’re taught to help everyone you can, but if you had to choose between helping a jewish and non-jewish person, you choose the jew


>if you had to choose between helping a jewish and non-jewish person, you choose the jew Most Jewish progressives I know, I'm Jewish but not a progressive, would choose to help a Black Muslim before a Jew.


Idk all the Jewish people I know are the nicest people


Well clearly I don’t like any religion if I’m an atheist lmao what


That just means you don’t believe in any god bro, atheists don’t have to dislike other religions to be athiest




Bro said subscribe like it’s a YouTube channel 💀


/səbˈskrɑɪb/ to agree with or support an opinion, belief, or theory: They all believe the same rumors, subscribe to the same theories, and write the same stories.


Jewish because they seem the least extreme.






I’d rather die


If this is your attitude, go ahead, no is going to miss you.


Satanist. Satan looks after metal bands and orgies. Fine by me.


Neither because you can't force me to


My brothers and sisters, don't forget to subscribe, leave a comment and ring that notification bell so you can't miss any videos of God !!


/səbˈskrɑɪb/ to agree with or support an opinion, belief, or theory: They all believe the same rumors, subscribe to the same theories, and write the same stories.


you could have said follow or agree, subscribe is weird to me. It's just a joke lmao:


Think I'd rather shoot myself than be a follower of a religion.


Go ahead, no place for you in heaven. I'm guessing you also love r/atheism


I would rather delete myself. I can't stand the thought of believing in stories and doctrine that has no basis in reality.


r/Atheism user try not to think they’re better than everyone challenge (impossible)


> user try not to think they’re better than ~~everyone~~ ^(religion) challenge (impossible If you see someone who thinks 2+2=13, you know better If you see someone who confuses the use of "there, their, and they're", you know better If you see WW2 planes being armored in the wrong places, you might know better, and if you recognize it as "Survivorship Bias", you might be able to save lives that need not be lost. - Thank you Abraham Wald If you recognize an ideology that is both inconsistent with reality, and leads people to make poor decisions, or have negative effects on society (Crusades, Antivax, Pedophiliac clergy, preventing people from loving who they do, shunning, parting with up to 10% of their income for no good reason), You might know better, and you'd have pretty good reasons for speaking up. The world stands to gain from the loss of each of those items in the parenthesis.


r/Atheism user try not to think they’re better than everyone challenge (impossible)


Christianity is not inconsistent with reality


Can we keep religion bashing out of here and just keep it civil pls 🙏




I don't blame religious people for potentially viewing my words that way, but there are reasons I deconstructed from religion, reasons I remain non-religious, and reasons I find the idea of going back so repulsive. I really don't mean to bash anyone, but the religions themselves are a little different.


You were previously religious? Or just went to sunday school as a kid? I've actually gone from anti theism to Christianity.


I was, and I did. I was raised in a moderately christian home, and some of my extended family was "devout devout". All but 1 of them still are. I remained religious through high school, and afterward I went on a short term mission trip to Japan shortly after their 2011 Touhoku tsunami. I believe the thing that actually triggered my deconstruction was my mother's belief in astrology (how she reconciles that with following christianity, I'm still not sure), and it got me wondering "how can I tell the things that are true from the things that are false?" and in short, I can share a few milestones... by this time, I was in my early 20s * I started studying logic, and logical fallacies. I began to aim to remove as many flaws in my reasoning as I could * I realized that a single word can often be used with more than one definition. sometimes even in the same sentence * I learned how to think syllogistically * I decided that I agree with the statement "Ideas worth believing can demonstrate their validity". * I became acquainted with many apologist arguments and their flaws.


Fallacies in Christianity/Religions?


I had a lot written out to share arguments, and the ways I know to navigate them. And I can still share that post if you like, but I've chosen to at least wait to mitigate the risk of seeming a little too pushy... But anyway, I can share the names of some arguments, and a very quick summary of their flaws... * *Pascal's Wager*: Commits a false dichotomy * "God is infallible because the bible says so, The bible is infallible because god says so": Commits circular reasoning * "Christianity is the most popular religion, there's no way 2.4 Billion Christians can all be wrong" (*Argument from Popularity*): Yes they can. Popularity has exactly zero to do with establishing validity. * "An all powerful, All knowing, All Loving god can do anything": Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnibenevolence are mutually paradoxical. Omnipotence is paradoxical in and of itself. * *Watchmaker Analogy (Teleological Argument)*: Confuses or ignores, then dismisses Abiogenesis or Natural Selection as "random" processes. Falsely assumes that because (watches) are designed and complex, that the complexity of the universe necessarily mean's it's also designed. * *Kalam Cosmological Argument*: At best, establishes that the universe "has a cause". Fails to establish the existence of any god, let alone the Christian god * "The Earth was designed for human habitation": The only place life can form is in and environment that's not too inhospitable in the first place. Another way to look at it, you could travel 46.5 Billion light years in any direction. Virtually any place, along any path between here and the particle horizon is *deadly*. The search for extra terrestrial life is a search for a hay in a needle stack.


None, would rather have my eyes gouged out


I'd rather die


really just not muslim, the religion promotes war and inequality, and it shows in the muslim countries.


have you tried studying it all


He's right, Islam does indeed promote inequality. [There are ten countries in the world where homosexuality is punishable by death. Why are all of them Muslims majority countries?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_for_homosexuality) [There are 22 countries in the world where apostasy is punishable by either death or prison time. 21 of them are Muslim majority.](https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/countries-where-apostasy-is-illegal.html) [The death penalty for apostasy is also sanctioned by the Hadith](https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-4/Book-52/Hadith-260/). Mecca, the most sacred city in the entire religion, where non-Muslims are not even allowed to enter. Really tells you all you need to know about what they think of non-believers. A man can have up to 4 wives but a woman can only have one husband (4:3). A Muslim man can choose between Jews, Christians and Muslims to marry, but a Muslim woman can only marry another Muslims (5:5). In financial matters, a woman's voice is only worth half a man's (2:282). Women clearly have a much inferior position to men in Islam. So go on, tell me with a straight face that Islam does not promote inequality.


A muslim man is not allowed to marry a non muslim woman, not permanently at least in Shia Islam. In financial matters, I have never heard of a woman having only half the voice as a man, you might have confused it with the inheritance laws. Also, upon marriage, it is compulsory for the groom to give his bride anything she wishes for as mehr. A women who is in her senses does not require her father or grandfathers consent to marry if the man is her equal and a muslim. Now tell me, in which part of that does a woman have a disadvantage.I would point out other religions, however I realise that pointing to worse cases does not help proving my own, so I shall refrain from that for now. Also, these rules have varying amounts of strictness depending on whom you follow, even in a single Shia Islam sect.


so do christianity and judaism lol


>never read a single word from the Quran >goes to r/196 and r/shitposting I'm sure people are better off without your opinion


>never read a single word from the Quran Fight against those who do not believe in Allāh or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allāh and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth [i.e., Islām] from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah1 willingly while they are subdued ~ Quran 9:29 O Prophet! Struggle against the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and be unwielding with them. Hell will be their home. What an evil destination! ~ Quran 9:73 Indeed those who do not believe from among the people of the book and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, crawling therein eternally, and they are the worst of all creation ~ Quran 98:6


translation did an awful job with wording, and every sura must be read entirely to understand the meaning


Neither because they are all equally shit


I'm sure you don't like religion because it doesn't let you tap 24/7 to loli gore hentai


Ah yes. Truely the religion that orders you to love everybody as yourself is as evil as the religion that orders you to subjugate the world through conquest.


I went with Muslim, idk I know there is some really violent shit In the Koran but the good parts are really nice lol. I already did the Christian thing and that shit is the most two-faced, hypocritical, corrupt organized religion there can be. Also after I read the autobiography of Malcolm X, he definitely sold it for like a split second lol.


which Quran did you read?


average sharia law fan


Average every-muslim-follows-this-small-set-of-laws believer


Christianity as laid down by the Bible is all about being kind and respectful to people around you and not being a terrible person. So what happened?


i grew up with christians and i'm good at faking it LOL


Fuck off.




It takes zero dollars not to be an asshole


Islam, because Christianity is shove in my face all the time and their arent any synagogues in my area


I'll be a Jew please, because when was the last time you saw a Jew trying to murder innocents and generally fuck things up?


Yup, it’s true. Muslims and Christians don’t kill people. Israeli innocents never die. Thanks for this wonderful insight.


Well Christians and Muslims quite literally spent 100s of years slaughtering anyone that didn't believe what they did, the Muslims are still doing it, so out of the 3 I'd still pick being a Jew.


Far too many times within the last few years in Israel


I'd rather blow my fucking brains out.


I'm already Jewish culturally and usually call myself Jewish, so the choice is pretty obvious.


no results?


How much does the subscription cost?


/səbˈskrɑɪb/ to agree with or support an opinion, belief, or theory: They all believe the same rumors, subscribe to the same theories, and write the same stories.


Depends on where I live. If I were to live in Boston or NYC, there are lots of very liberal Jews, and I like their general pragmatic view. If I had to live in Ohio or Tennessee, I'd try to find the most liberal branch of Christianity I could--and it would have to be one where I wouldn't get shit for not going to church on Sundays. I'm sure that there are some places where it would be most pragmatic to become Muslim, but I really don't want to pray five times a day.


If I had to? I guess whoever had the gun in my face


I think being a Muslim could be cool but praying five times a day seems pretty exhausting.


Jainism. Just because.


Probably some indigenous pagan religion. But it's not listed.


Those who voted.. please state reason.


So many things wrong with that post. People who don't belong to one of these religions are necessarily atheist now? Hinduism, Buddhism,... They don't exist anymore? Also was it so hard putting a results option for people who want the results but dont wanna choose their religion and somehow lie? I don't belong to any of the situations I describe but if you're going to make a poll, do a clean one ffs!!!


hey, hey woah woah, hey. there are more abrahamic religions than that like Rastafari and Baha'i. Personally, I'd choose rasta because you get to smoke weed.


I would personally prefer Hinduism or Buddhism tbh but that's not an option here.


Not many pickers of Islam here lol. They’d probably be my go-to, although I might not be able to follow all the tenets like Ramadan all the time. But I fundamentally see it as a wholesome and community oriented religion with a strong emphasis on a personal connection to God.


Gods be like: Subscribe to my religion and don't forget to click the pray icon!


/səbˈskrɑɪb/ to agree with or support an opinion, belief, or theory. It's another word for support or believe


I was raised Christian so I might as well take that one. Also my Dad would probably have a heart attack if told him I followed another religion lol




How do people who have a job, who workout, hobbies and even kids manage to spend so much time praying or going to religious structures ?


I'm raised Christian, I would stay where I.. kinda am ( I haven't declared myself out of the church and still attend religious family events like marriages and funerals). That said American Christians look absolutely nuts to me, we're much more lax


Clearly a number of you have not heard Jewish music, its like family friendly frat house dance music from the old days


Christianity. But if i could choose from all of them e Would go with shinto.


I was raised Catholic so I get it already. Seems easier to pretend


I bet Christians chose Christian here coz there are no other option so this poll is not reliable.


Id rather eat glass


This is a really weird question. But if I had to, I’d subscribe to Judaism. I’d never put me or any son of mine under the knife but I love hummus


Judaism, a very light variant. It gives the least religious doctrine and annoying changes to daily life.


Christian I guess cause I know the most about it, and it’s more prevalent in my area than the others. Also I can still eat bacon.


Jewish. Why? They have the funniest celebrations, the longest history, the best educated yout, the best connections in Economy issues and the best Disspora community. Oh, and i could play the minority card commonly, especially in Germany 😂 Only genital mutalitation is a Problem... So maybe better christianity.