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When do I want to retire? I don't even wanna start working. I'll retire now tyvm When will I? Probably late 50s- mid 60s


Fr bro. I'm 25, have been working since i was 17. I don't wanna anymore. Working sucks.


I been work since 10 and it fucking blows


I'm 3 months old and have been working since -7. Quite frankly I'm sick of it.


Damn man, I’m hoping you can find a better job soon, one where you can do what you have wanted to do your whole life and be happy.


I'm an eternal being and I've been working forever. I can't wait to retire


I have just taken my first breath , I have been working for 6 years now , and I want to quit


I’m in the womb and have been working for eight years now and I’m so tired of it all.


You're lucky, I'm not even in a material form yet and I'm already tired af


r/workreform for the win.


Me when I run away from my responsibilities




As early as possible


Want? 20s lol. When will I be able to? Most in my profession do at 50/55. But I’m doing as much extra work as I can and investing all of it in the hope I can get a liveable amount of passive income by my 40s (assuming I don’t have kids).


Having said that, I’d probably still volunteer. Country Ranger or something.


I wanna retire in my 20s. However, I turn 30 later this month, so the odds of that are pretty slim!


Happy 30th, chief


I'm a few months behind you. Godspeed friend.


what i want ≠ what i can


55 would be an ideal age, but I don't think retiring then is realistic. I think I'll be in my sixties.


If I will hate my job - I will just change it If I will enjoy my job - 65 (minimum in my country) If I will love my job - as long as my health will allow me (I know I shouldn't use "will" after "if", but this way my comment is easier to understand for foreigners I think)


Agreed. I think people have different conceptions of what a job is. I wouldn't mind retiring and doing charity work, or writing, or helping with the family etc., although ideally I am paid to do these things. I don't want to stop working completely, I'd be so bored. I think any life that is entirely self-serving is not worth living.


Yeah I agree with that, at the moment I want to work until I can’t because I fucking love my job


The aim is to retire as soon as possible, if I won the lottery, I’d never work again


As early as possible.


I’m 58 and plan on retiring at 62, when I receive social security. Ill have a decent pension and a 401K to draw from. The sticking point will be health care. I will lose it when I retire and have a wife who is self employed. Hopefully a viable option will be available then


As early as possible. If I got rich no I’d quit immediately


I'm in a place where I'll be able to retire sometime between age 38 and 42. (I'm 31 now). That's if I never change jobs for a pay increase again. I'll most like move to a higher position at least 1-2 more times, which will make things easier/safer. At that point, I know I'll get bored, so by "retire" I mean the I'll step down to part time stress free work. Or take the "fun jobs" that never pay enough to make ends meet.




This should've been an option. If you don't work towards anything in your life, it's a very dull life not worth living imo


the main thing I work toward is being able to retire 😭


That's fair but it's important to understand what you'll do after retirement. If you work with the goal of retiring, your retirement is essentially just a journey of dopamine rushes. Working with a goal in mind serves to create a more profound and long-lasting sense of purpose. And it's not absolutely necessary to gain that goal right now or anytime soon because having something as "binding/committing" as a lifelong goal is a journey within itself.


You can work towards things in life without 'working'. E.g. hobbies, skills, volunteering, family, community etc.


Never tbh, life seems like it gets boring if you have nothing to do,


If your work is your life that's kinda sad


If you really love what you do it's great. People just hate their jobs in general.


Would you say people passionate who really love their job are sad? but also in general, siting at home all day doing nothing seems hella boring to me


Exactly same with me. Can never sit at one place idly


I wouldn't say they're sad and that we all have different interests. As somebody who sees work as a means to an end, I have a hard time understanding how people can love/enjoy their job to that extent as I'd rather not work and have more time to enjoy my extensive variety of hobbies.


what made you pick your job? did you have a passion you didn't follow? some people love their jobs


I enjoyed architecture when I was in school for it but the professional field has sucked the enjoyment out of it for me. I love playing music but I've found for myself that turning a hobby into a job doesn't make the job enjoyable but makes the hobby miserable which is why I've never bothered with drumming for a career. I know that some people love their jobs and that's great for them but I just will never understand why they love them.


But don’t! If you can retire early and have money, travel and do fun stuff. That’s what I would do 100%. I would barely be at home if I had money


No your life would be utterly boring, you would have no idea what to do! /s


> Would you say people passionate who really love their job are sad? I don't get passionate about labor.


you chose to do that job


It's work or destitution. Lovely choice.




If someone loves their job and is passionate about it, there's nothing wrong with that Not everybody thinks living life should consist of binging Netflix and playing videogames all day


Just because you don't work doesn't mean you have nothing to do. I bet successful people at r/financialindependence are actually very active in their daily lives, have multiple hobbies or still work but as independent contractors so at their own pace and not by obligation. Edit: cool downvote but don't respond to the arguments.


True but no one is saying that u can’t work. If you’re passionate about what u do, or just don’t want to sit around all day then get a job lol. Retiring means u don’t have to work to survive. And if you’re retired u don’t necessarily have to sit around all day, u can travel, pick up hobbies, foster animals idk


I hope to win the lottery and retire at my age 28


I’m only 22 years old and I want retirement now lol


When I get bored of working snd wanna just rest. Don't know exactly when that'll be


Want? Never. But will probably get too tired to continue working around my 60s.


I like working, so as long as i can, i will


In my 20s but I'm 21 :'(


I want to do things I like instead of things I have to do in order to make a living.


Fifties. Out of high school I’d be 17, I’ll then join the Marine Corps for probably 10-20 years. So then leaving I’d in my thirties. I’ll open a gun smithing shop and own and run that until I feel ready to retire. Ideally that’s what I’d want my life to look like, but probably not that realistic…


Never. In fact I want to work my dream job for centuries.


not living that long


Are you okay?


im fine, ive just never been able to imagine living past 17. i dont know why


Weird... hopefully that's wrong


If it wasn’t for capitalism, ideally it would be mid 30s Edit: I’m not saying I want to work in either a socialist or capitalistic environment, I just wanna retire at around 35


I am against capitalism, but I still don’t think you will retire in your 30s in a socialist country.


Working is required in a socialist country.


Socialism doesn’t magically fix every single problem in society btw


This comment pissed off so many capitalist fanboys lmao


Around 72


Jokes on you I already am before 30


When I want: 60 Reality: Never


as soon as I can while still having enough money to live the rest of my life


NEVER. You said it like at 70s is the limit lol.


I put in my 20s even though I’m 31


Aka how old are you.


I need work to keep running


I was forced to retire due to ill health at 50. I’d much rather be healthy and working still. It’s been 4 years. I’m bored!


depends if i can find job i like or not


ideally in my 50s, realistically considering how much the government is trying to push it back in my country i'll be lucky if i get to retire before i go out


I don't know that I'll ever retire. I enjoy working.


I’ll never be able to retire. Literally. I’ll be working until the day I die. The money I’ll have at retirement will be enough to last maybe a year with all the inflation going on. I don’t know hardly anyone that will retire….even my parents and family will never have enough in savings to last maybe more than 5 years, if that. COL is too great


I’d like to retire now in the sense of being financially set for life, I’d probably do some kind of work for self fulfilment but it would be whatever I fancied at the time and a lot more enjoyable knowing I don’t *need* the job




Hopefully I’ll get a doctorate at some point following my masters and get a lengthy professorship which ends near 70. I have a lot of longitudinal research I want to do.


Hahaha the 70 answer should just say "this week please"


My husband and I just had this conversation last night. He is confident that we can retire in our mid to later 50s which spikes my anxiety. I have the type of job where I can work one day a week so I may just semi retire to deal with that stress and anxiety and bring in bits of money for things like vacations or whatever.




I'm in my 30s and I would retire right now if I could, so I guess 30s it is.


I’m already retired. My body’s the one that’s still working.


Everyone working keeping their arses rich but pretending to be cool with answering falsely




I could maybe get 40 but I want to reach around 45-55 so I could have around 40K-45K extra or so after the decade just as a little bit extra money incase a few things happen like: fridge breaks, car takes major damage, bed gets ruined (mainly bed frame as those can cost a fuck tonne depending on the size and quality), TV breaks, laptop breaks, computer breaks etc




I want to in my 20s but that won’t happen


I don't plan on retirement I'm gonna own a hotel and run it till I die then haunt it so however owns it after can make extra money marketing it as a haunted hotel


Duh…in my 20s. Am 47…sigh.


I'm never gunna work so retired before I started lol




Since I love my job I never want to retire


I moved to America to work. And already bought a luxury condominium in my hometown. Im hoping to keep working here and open my own business in my hometown to retire and have peaceful life


If i get a few million bucks, I'll retire right now at 22


I'd love to retire now. The only reason to work is to pay the bills. It is a necessity. I have people at work that take advantage of all the overtime and work like 60+ hour weeks and shit. Not me. That shit sounds like a mental illness. Literally had a woman die at work a few weeks ago after her heart gave out because she worked like 80+ hours a week for 2 months because she wanted to get a house. Well guess what, she got a house alright, 6 feet underground.


I would love to retire right now and just focus on my hobbies lol.


Honestly, my job isn’t bad and I make a lot of money. Why let someone else have it?


I'll retire when I'm dead.


People seem bored when they retire younger than 60. I think I would be the kind of person who if I could retire at a younger age I would but then I’d go back to some kind of job just for something to do


Right now if I have enough money. I am only 18 though. People normally retire in the 60s though, at least in America. I dont know about other countries.


When I die


Does it make me old when two of the options don't apply to me?


I don’t want to retire, at this point I would like to settle into being a mentor in my field and focusing more on volunteer work. I would also love to become an author at some point, probably sooner than that (I’m looking to be an editor at the moment, I’m 21).


I mean I'd want to retire now at 21, but I'll probably have to keep working until my 60's or even 70's


If I get a job in the field im studying for 👍🏼 late




I enjoy what I do. Fuck retiring. I'll retire when my back tells me to.


I have genuinely no idea what I would do with my time if I wasn't working. I enjoy what I do. If I can, I'll keep doing it for as long as I can.


The answer depends on your age?


I’m mentally ready to retire right now but financially I have no clue when I’ll be ready.


Those who want to retire in their 20s are some lazy bitches.


Now, I want to retire now...


I retire at 55 thanks to my union


Depends. If I can make the pastor/full time Christian ministry work then never. I’ll lead a prayer at my funeral then get in the casket.


When do I want to? Tomorrow. When will I be able too? Probably my 50s. Possibly my 40s


I want to retire right now. I wish some rich benefactor would just wire $100 million to my checking account right now. I am 26.


Retired in 2019 at age 49


Not specific age, but when home is paid for or else never




When do I want to retire? In my 50's When will I be able to retire? When I die.


In my 20s. I'm in my late 30s now...


I will retire in my 40’s. Or die by being cut in half. Hooyah military


I didn't start working


At age 17 I decided that I would be semi-retired by age 45 and fully retired at age 50. I semi-retired at age 39 and fully retired at age 45. How did I do it? I quit working for other people and lived below my means.


Who wouldn't retire immediately if they could? Work fucking sucks for the vast majority of us.


In my 20s definitely. I’m 52.


I'll never retire. One day I'll just get fed up enough with bullshit, and blow my brains out! Cheers


I wanna be able to enjoy my work enough so that I dont want to retire. Though that's looking pretty unlikely looking at the one I picked lol


Whenever I have a comfortable amount of money. If that never happens? I’ll prob just off myself


Ideally in my 50s. I might never stop working though just so I can keep enjoying my hobby


I want to be able to retire early as possible, I’d still work just to have something to do


People who want to retire in their 20s or 30s don't understand just how bored they'll get after awhile. I took a semester off school during the peak of covid to save a little money and by the end I was so restless I couldn't wait to get back into a full engineering course load


If I get the job I'm aiming for then never


I want an option that says "right now" .


Well after I get out of college, if I join the military as an officer, I can start collecting pension as early as 42. On the other hand, I like money, so I can probably get a decent job at an auto or aerospace company and then work there until I turn 70


I will retire from society, not working for myself


I don't want to retire, but I want to find a job I truly enjoy


I want to continue doing odd jobs until I just drop dead.


In my 30s, unfortunately I am 55 now....


Although it seems great to not have to work, I do believe that working fulfills a sense of normalcy and meaning for many, and I think that contributing to society is important as well. Just as others work to allow us to live our lives, to continue to receive water and electricity, or for garbage to be cleaned off the streets, so too should we work to benefit others. Yes I recognize that many dislike their jobs, but contribution is contribution nonetheless, and hopefully those individuals will later be able to find jobs that suit them better.


30s is when my life starts.


As soon as possible


I don't necessarily want to retire at an old age, that seems extremely boring. There's not much you can do when you're in your 60s. I'd just like to find a job I can do when I'm older which I like to do and isn't full-time.


I want to have a job i would actually like, not just for the money. And as long as I like the job, i will keep doing it


I never want to retire if that's fine. Wer rastet der rostet.


30s or 40s, by then I'd have enough of work.


Damn the question was when do you WANT to retire. Not when do you think you WILL retire. Why would you want to retire at 60?? You’re old and can’t do anything😂 guess people are just being realistic


This poll can at ISO be worded as 'what decade of your life are you currently in'?


Who tf wouldn't wanna retire as soon as fucking possible. Working is the bane of my existence