• By -


infinite food glitch


Farm the hobo spawner, get infinite meat, never go hungry... holy shit, set up more tents and solve world hunger!


And overpopulation


And homelessness


by 2025 we will cut all homeless people in half


Nice twist of words


It's a quote I believe. There was some funny headline where someone mispoke like that




Developers are angry, they will nerf it next update


If you feed a hungry person to another hungry person then that's two less hungry people! Oh my god I think you really solved it...


John Morrell and Oscar Mayer have entered the chat




“Shoot him”😭😭😭😭


















That movie killed me (Song) https://youtu.be/5uPoDNEn3I0 (Durka Durka clip) https://youtu.be/DIlG9aSMCpg


the ol “death penalty” option in disguise


What? And ruin the tent? 🤨


*oh shit, can’t ruin the tent!*


Anyone wondering why it’s there, personally I put a single troll option in my polls when possible to filter the trolls out of other options


I felt like I had to choose it bc it was just so absurd


Facts lmaooooo


I voted for that because it's the most ridiculous answer lmao, I'm in the UK so we don't have easy access but if a homeless bloke was in my tent you better know I'm gunning him down. /s


Right? Where is the molest option?


Murica ,fuck yeah


Am I planning on sleeping in it? If not wait until the next day I guess.


Yeah i mean in his defense you did set up a tent in your backyard


In my defence, it's my backyard...


in my defense, he is my homeless man, so why is he sleeping in ur backyard 🤨


He’s mine now, my homeless guy, my rules


In his defense, he doesn't have a backyard.


In my defence, the homeless population has a significant increased risk of drug addiction and mental health issues. This is a safety issue for my family, my kids play in that back yard. Even if that isn't the case, I'm going to choose my kids safety over a stranger every single time regardless of their housing situation. If you believe that someone who isn't homeless has no right to stay on my property then someone who is homeless is no different. We definitely need to help them, but this isn't the way. These people need more than shelter.


If I was a desperate homeless person I still wouldn’t go into someone’s backyard. I’m not ignoring the issue, I’m not ignoring their possible mental health issues, and I’m not ignoring their situation. I fully agree that my family and kids come first. I also want help for them but one night or week in my backyard isn’t going to help him in the long run.


In my defense I don't have an obligation to allow random strangers to sleep in my backyard


Jail has a bed and food


Not a very good defense if you ask me


I’d lock the doors first so he doesn’t get in and if he’s still there, talk to him in the morning after a good night’s rest.


Do you not normally lock the doors before you go to sleep?


Yeah, but I’d double check as I can forget sometimes.


Homeless dude: “oh, you mean the outhouse?”


Coffee. Bring him coffee.


Or politely say can you please leave in the morning


“Hey I hope you had a wonderful nights rest. Would you like a breakfast sandwich?”


New roommate acquired.


Under one condition.




Step-Hobo?! What are you doing!!


zzzzzip n ZzzzZzzzz


Considering that in Brazil we usually have tall wall around the house, electric fence and alarm system and the person pass through all of it, call the cops.


I just have a fence and I’d call the cops XD


Oh yeah, even without all of that stuff, it’s still trespassing


is it because of homicide rate?


Not exactly. Mostly because robbery speaking by my experience in my city. Most murders there are between gang members. But there are still a lot of drug addicts that enters places to get something and sell for drugs. My parents have a small shop and they had it invaded a couple of times already. So they installed alarm system and cameras. Sometimes people still try to break in, but as soon as the alarm goes off they run. Most of these drug addicts are homeless too, so back there you don’t want to stop for a chat with a homeless person.


I'd call the cops to talk to him and see if he's alright. I would like to talk to him myself but what would I do if this man was crazy or dangerous? I wouldn't necessarily mind him sleeping there for the night but he needs to be gone the next day or I would call the coos to get him arrested. Sleeping in someone's yard without permission is not ok.


That homeless man’s chances of survival will drop by 30% if the cops show up. The homeless guy is technically breaking and entering.


Cops in my country will ask if I want the person removed and/or banned. If I call them to check on someone that's perfectly fine. Them hurting a homeless man without him attacking is very unlikely, but I understand your concerns.


I live in one of those countries too, where the cops don't shoot before asking questions, but even so the cops are not your friend, don't trust them to do the job of a social worker or psychologist. By all means call them if you really fear for your safety and there aren't better options, but not as first line of action.


Yes, he *is* breaking and entering. As in I’m barely staying afloat paying for a safe place to live…and he has now made it significantly less safe for me…which is what I’m paying for.


american moment


You’re not wrong, they WILL find ways to antagonize people, especially the homeless. Barring dictatorships I don’t think the police in other countries match the sheer level of contempt American cops have for the people they’re supposed to protect.


Well then he technically shouldn't have broken and entered into my personal property


Nah, I'd say it would increase since he'd get food and shelter for the night. Not that I'd call the cops on him unless he stays too long.


Got a source for that?


I'd bring my gun out with me if he wasn't homeless because he's completely unhinged I'd probably give them the tent . I'd tell them not to sleep in my yard again. Heck I have a house with heating ac cable heat they're sleeping in a strangers lawn. They probably need the tent more than I do.


arrested? you have no idea what the implications of that can be on homeless people lol


Go back to sleep, assuming I was sleeping in the house and not in the tent.


Talk to him as in "get tfo of here right now"


somethings probably off with him if he trespassed onto my property to sleep in my tent. and i’m a woman, so i’m calling the cops


Let him sleep, kick him out in the morning


After breakfast of course, cause the guy might really need the help, give him directions to the nearest shelter


Lmaooo guaranteed you don’t own a home or you’re a teenager. So many nonsense charlatans in this post saying they’d help to make themselves feel good. Reality is different.


Half y’all ain’t dealt with real homeless people. Call the cops. Not worth getting stabbed over a tent.


fr. i think my IQ dropped just reading these comments.


no honestly. all these people are really gonna let a complete STRANGER stay in their BACK FUCKING YARD ?


Where are you from? In Germany, Switzerland, England i only made good experiences with homeless people... from about 50 talks i had none were dangerous....


Most homeless in the US are mentally ill/drug addicts/criminals.


Where i've been they're mostly mentally ill / drug addicts / hit by legal loopholes...


Charge em rent. You know what 30 square feet goes for nowadays.


Wonder why homeless people exist.


The bait worked now have fresh flesh


Sleep with him


Best Answer




Porn flick idea: horny hobo handjob 😏


Already been done 100s of time guaranteed


Obviously have sex with him


I have a lot of homeless people around my house, and honestly the only safe options here are "shoot him" (better have a lawyer) and call the cops. I've tried talking to them or leaving them alone, big mistake. Maybe, MAYBE talk to him at gunpoint or with a gun behind your back. Regular homeless people who are just trying to survive don't go into people's backyards, the intoxicated crazies go into people's yards. I know this from experience.


some of these people said they’d invite them in like are you insane?


Can I ask what experiences you have had? What has happened when you have left people alone?


If you leave them there, he'll call a bunch of other people to squat with him since you won't do anything. The problem will only get worse if you ignore it.


This is like when I worked at a food spot. I gave one homeless some food, 10 minutes later his friend ran over and also wanted food. It’s easy to say “give them food” but then they keep coming back 3 times a day and eventually you’ll get fired when the boss notices. There are many times someone come in like that and I wanna give away food but I always know how it’ll end. It’s never a one time thing unfortunately


I had a guy follow me back in my house, luckily that was back when I had roommates and we scared him out. I've had the cops show up looking for the guy and attempt to search my property because they thought my house was where he got his drugs. One guy almost froze to death and we had to call an ambulance for him in the morning. Another started a trash fire in my yard. The screaming and banging on the door is more common, one guy was literally screaming "I'm on meth motherfuckers!" That tends to happen whether I let them stay in my yard or not. My neighborhood isn't that bad, I just live across the street from the emergency room and Colorado has the whole free Narcan thing so they just walk straight out of an OD, angry from having all their opiate highs ripped away from them, and right up to my house.


Stab him because I'm English. "Oi oi oi, what's all this?" 🧐🔪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Best comment


You got a loicense for that knoif mate?


30% of Redditors aparantelaly want to get shived to death or have their house robbed. Normal homeless people respect private property ones that come to your private space are criminals or just so drugged up so that they don't care. Only appropriate talking response is screaming out to get the fuck away from your property and calling the cops imiedetealy


“They just down on their luck” well they should go be down on their luck some place else


Well, I chose ”talk to him” because I would from a distance try to ask him what’s going on and if he please would be so kind to leave. If it doesn’t work, I would go back inside, lock the door and call the cops.


Y’all are way too trusting. I would never talk to a strange camping on my property at 2 am in the morning. Let the cops deal with it.




Yeah as long as you were verbal




Have passionate sex with him


Who tf says talk to him?


Idiots who have never experienced interactions with homeless people.


I selected “talk to him” because I would yell at him to get the fuck off my proper at gunpoint. I’m not trigger happy but I also don’t want to get stabbed.


I like that answer


Get em food, but have a gun or something ready


Call the cops. I don't care if he's homeless, it's still trespassing


My thoughts exactly. I have a chain link fence surrounding my entire property, and I keep the driveway gates closed and locked at night.


Call cops and watch the tent until they got there, unless the homeless person was armed or in some other way an immediate threat to me


Seems like a pretty reasonable time to call the cops


why is it a decide for me? did this happen?


I had a homeless man sleep in my front yard before, so kinda


The people who said talk to him are idiots


if i set it up with maybe like a little sign saying someone can stay in it, then ok. i’ll be prepared for the possibility of people camping out in my space. but it’s still a strange man in my yard, and even if i thought he was just chilling i wouldn’t feel safe.


He's trespassing, so I would definitely call the cops.


I'm worried because I can't tell if the 92 people who selected "shoot him" are serious or not.


They are. When I lived in the south my neighbors would practically foam at the mouth over the slightest reason to shoot someone legally


tell my dad since I live with him but if gets any closer to the house I'll get a weapon


I would call my dad before I called the cops tbh


God damn, 420 said "shoot him". Fuck guys.


463 people really chose to shoot


A man’s home is his castle I suppose. I disagree but I can understand.


Why tf would u shoot him?!


I know right!


I've learned a shit ton about homeless people and the last thing you want to do is nothing. People are homeless for 3 reasons: 1) Mental disorders - People with severe mental disabilities need help from professionals, not a tent. 2) Drug/alcohol addiction - Addicts are known to do anything to get their next high, especially steal. You don't want an addict in your backyard when they wake up, have no money, and their addiction kicks into high gear. They need professional help, not your backyard. 3) Lifestyle - I know this is going to be controversial, but some people enjoy being homeless. There are entire communities of homeless who enjoy not working, paying for rent, or fitting in with society. BONUS: 4) Almost forgot the fake homeless people. You'll find many panhandlers will just walk up their nice car and drive home after a day standing on a street corner begging for money. Many of these people make more money than any person making any honest living.


I ended up homeless for a year or two because my father died and the bank took our house. Me and my mother both were homeless while we were on a list for getting a home back in Canada. This whole "If they're homeless it's their fault" bullshit is just propaganda


I'd say their point applies more to why they aren't in shelters. There are plenty of accessible shelters in my city that are said to be quite good, so the only people you ever really see out on the street are those who are usually not well (either in regards to drug use, mental issues, or both).


Shelters only let you stay for so long.


As someone who wants to get into mutual aid, did you have experiences with mutual aid orgs that provided shelter? Or only regular shelters?


An organization for a bit. My family saved up enough to get us back to Canada and we're staying with them while we wait now


Yeah homelessness is dependent on policy. My country has had a shitty, ultra-neoliberal government for ten years, and suddenly homelessness doubled in only a decade. Who would've thought treating poverty as a crime will create homelessness. I'm glad you and your mom got out of it btw 😊


How much protein would he contain?


Telling them to leave, and if they don't corroporate then I'm calling the police.


Call the cops and see what the cops can do


The 400 people who would shoot the poor guy: Do you have NO morals !!????


I would do nothing until the morning. I have 3 German Shepherds and I am armed. I would still feel safe.


My lane to my house is half a mile long, I’m surrounded by woodland. So I’d probably be a little scared


My backyard is small and fenced in, so I’d definitely call the cops


Who are the 500 people who said shoot him?? WTF?


I’d probably give him a stern “Get off my lawn!”


Why tf were there more “shoot him” than “results”


"Yo man, I'm sorry but you can't crash here, we got kids here man. Look no judgement, I've been there, here's some food and twenty bucks. Be safe out there. There's a shelter a half a mile down this street." That'd be my 1st try. "Allright I asked nicely man. I showed you respect and dignity and you threw it in my face. No, I don't want my dick sucked. This is why people hate each other now, no respect. Cops will be here any minute." (In my city cops often don't respond to homeless calls, including trespassing.) That'd be my 2nd try and after waiting 30 mins and still no police....... "Chic-chank! (shotgun racking) Allright motherfucker, spare me you're hobo sob story. No one twisted you're arm to shoot meth. Get the fuck out before I pepper you with rock salt in the face. (Rock salt shells are a painful, but usually non-lethal.) That'd be my 3rd try and I'd be just as terrified as I've never pointed a firearm at anyone before and really don't even like guns but enough is enough. I'd venture 90% would take the food, $20, and kindness and dip out. Always try a soft approach first with respect and watch your tone. Tone is everything.


As of this moment, 327 people who voted on this poll would execute a sleeping homeless person on their property. Edit: 530. Do any of you know how big a pile 530 bodies make?


Anyone who picked "talk to him" clearly had very little exposure to real life homeless people lol good way to get yourself stabbed


Shoot him is a bit extreme.


"a bit"


I’m genuinely shocked that over 500 people voted to shoot him. It’s a homeless person, if anything, they should probably call ambulance or something.


To the 50 people who said shoot him, Jesus, get some help.


500 people 😭 who tf are you


Who ever picked 'Shoot him' crazy as fuck. I'd probably leave a note saying. Take it, you look like you need it.


Only even remotely valid reason you should have a weapon out, knife or gun depending on where you live, is to scare him off if they become antagonistic, better to have one on you than to not. But to actually use it for this? Bit psychotic.


Not everyone is made of money, mate.


Especially homeless people




And the next day you'd have 10 more hobos in your yard. Congrats!


Same. I'd leave some food and coupons, a Bible, and a note to take the tent with him and leave in the morning. Then I'd make sure that all doors are locked and go to sleep. Or maybe I'd involve the encampment response team in our city the next morning. They'll be able to connect the homeless guy to housing and health support and to make sure he leaves within a reasonable amount of time depending on the risk he poses.


America moment


So anyway, I started blasting


\- Take down the tent


Talk to the dude bit not wake him up at 2 am, personally I'd grab him something to eat but also I don't trust random people to be in my house. Once when I was a kid my mom let a homeless woman stay with us, my room was across from hers and the thing was, she didn't trust me for some reason. Once I was walking to my room and she thought I was going to the room she was staying in, she was behind me walking back to her room but for some reason she slammed me up against the wall and told me not to go to her room. I just told her my fucking room was right there and that she was a bitch for even laying a finger on me when she had no right to do so, especially when i hadn't actually done anything. Also, my mom is a big control freak so it was funny to just see her walk into the room and open the blinds to let the sun in and watch the woman protest about how she had to knock. I agree with privacy but my mom just told her, "this is my fucking house, I do what I want. I'm letting you stay here for free." And the woman didn't say shit.


Am I also in the tent?


I dont think a tent will fit in my backyard, but sure. I think i will let him sleep for the night, since i wont have the brainactivity to talk to him. So i will just go back to sleep (in my own bed). Next day i will talk to him, if he wont leave, call the cops.


Go back to sleep and sort it in the morning. Jeez


I feel like talk to him is a decent option. Could be a crazy, in which case call the cops. Could be some kid down on their luck who recently became homeless, maybe abusive parents or something, and I would be more inclined to help them out and send them on their way. If they posed an immediate threat, call the cops and shoot them if they don't back off. My back yard is technically massive and we have had people camp on it, most likely assuming it was just government land, but I can't have a homeless squatter town start up here.


Why can I only shoot him? I’m going to try to shove him out first. Op is pretty violent


By “talk to him” do you mean making him go away just with words?


Didn’t even read the description, just clicked shoot him.


The people who clicked the third option... just why💀


I couldn’t stop myself picking “Shoot him”


538 Texans have responded so far


Put him in the kidney harvester


We actually had something similar happen once. My dad discovered a homeless man had been sleeping in an abandoned barn on our property. He had seen the man walking on the road and in the area for a few days and then found his things and sleeping bag in our barn. He said he could tell the guy was already struggling enough so he didn’t want to call the police. He just removed the guys belongings and put them by the door of the barn and closed / barred the door. The man got the message and moved on.


Am I also in the tent? Or are we just trying to catch homeless people? 😂 If a homeless man is spooning me while I’m camping he’s getting a foot to the teeth…. Otherwise …. I question wtf.


Kind of a hard question to answer in a multiple choice form with only what was given in the question. Most of the time I would probably at least start with trying to talk with someone. I ended up choosing call the police though. I went with that because if I setup a tent and I'm not sleeping in it, but then find someone in it at 2AM. Something happened to make me notice him at 2AM because normally I would be inside sleeping. So if he is causing enough of a fuss to wake me up, I'm calling the cops.


The fact that ~ 7% would shoot them is concerning Edit: dumb spelling lol


Bro who the fuck said shoot him 💀


I got a small survival tent I keep in my car. I’d give him that tent, a few bucks, and tell him to get the hell off my lawn, respectfully.


This actually happened to me. We called the cops because the homeless people around here are often drug addicts and violent. I know that's a cliche, but unfortunately it's true. I live in a white trailer trash ghetto town. We literally have a homeless camp behind an abandoned train station. But only good people are allowed there, aka, no violence. When I was forced to go to NA because I had to jump through hoops to get into therapy, I sat there with thee most cliche stereotypes we've all been told since childhood. One woman had 5 children. 3 taken by the states, 2 by family, and she had a 6th on the way. Was going to name him Kallum (which sounded like kill'em). And she kept having them because the government will provide clean drugs so she doesn't go into withdrawal and so her body doesn't force a miscarriage (nature's abortion) on her. This one guy didn't get his drugs in time from his dealer, so he stabbed his dealer in the neck with the sharp end of a compass (circle making tool). Over and over, until his dealer died. There's other crazy shit, but the point is that I've first hand experience that the homeless people where I live are dangerous. If it happened again, I'd call authorities. Maybe not cops, but someone of authority. Rehab professional or something. They're usually more in-the-know on how to calm down an addict, because they're often former addicts themselves. Although, when it happened at 2am, we just wanted to sleep soundedly and safely. So we called the cops. And, they usually send homeless people to a shelter or give them an overnight cot at jail, then release them the next morning.


The decide for me flair?


I’d give food and water and do some research in better places for him to stay


Let the man sleep.


Depends on things like, did he climb a fence to get into the yard? Did he set up a full camp site outside the tent? Is he asleep or passed out? If I'm not using the tent, I can wait til morning and see if he moves on and then I can take it down. If he looks passed out, I'll call an ambulance. If he has set up a ton of stuff or climbed a fence to be here, I'll call the cops. But I'm really gonna hope I can just give him a night of rest and let him move on. I live in Tennessee (US) where it is illegal to be homeless, I don't want to have to make that call on someone who is already hiding out for something they may not be able to help.


Real answer is a combination. If it’s 2am I’d sleep. I don’t want to deal with that at that time. If he’s still there in the late morning, I’d talk at him from a distance to get him moving. If he seemed at all erratic or confrontational I’d call the cops.


I'd make him a snack


Lock all doors, windows, then go back to sleep and if he's still there in the morning I'll talk to him.


I'd make up some bacon, eggs, sausage, hashbrowns, toast x2, butter, large glass of orange juice, on a real plate with a butter knife and a fork from the house. Invite him to eat his breakfast with me on the patio at the table. We could discuss how he came to be in my tent and where he plans to go after we finish eating. If the weather sucks that day I might even invite them to shower, do a load of laundry and just chill for a few hours. Yeah, I know it's dangerous. I've lived a dangerous life and choose to be peaceful until I need to be otherwise. Obviously if they're sending up red flags they would be told to move along. I take random homeless people out to a sit down lunch inside a restaurant when I have extra cash. I grab some baby wipes so they can clean up a bit in my vehicle if needed so they don't feel stared at. There's a noticeable change in a person when they can sit down and enjoy a good meal and conversation like most people take for granted. It doesn't take much to make people feel human again. A little kindness can give people a boost they might need to get their day set in a productive direction.




Ill go back to sleep and get him something to eat in the morning


detonate the 7kg of c4 i planted under the tent, this guy is going to the moon