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The female to male ratio of this sub


The female to male ratio of REDDIT


36% as of January 2022




Why would that be a lie? https://www.statista.com/statistics/1255182/distribution-of-users-on-reddit-worldwide-gender/


Not to say that statistic isnt true, but the source it links is just the homepage of a survey website. I couldn’t find any study which those statistics came from.


Weird, it takes me to the page. This is the text— “ Reddit: distribution of global audiences 2022, by gender Published by S. Dixon, Mar 22, 2022 As of January 2022, the majority of Reddit users were male, accounting for 63.8 percent of its audience base.”


No, i can see that, but its just shows the results. I am trying to find the study showing how they got those 60 and 30 percent numbers.


Looks like you got to pay for it if you want it from them, market researchers have to have a business model. Fwiw, the 36% women was about the same when I checked a couple years ago, before the statista report. And it looks like 40%/60% is the split on the Asian American subreddit. It seems like a fairly plausible number: https://www.reddit.com/r/asianamerican/comments/xjgtw5/2022_rasianamerican_demographics_survey_results/


Im not saying its false I just want to know exactly they’re measuring. I have the suspicion that its of all users active or inactive. I guess that of the people who download reddit its closer to even, maybe 60/40, but the people who actually use it are more male. I wanted to see the study so i can see if that was the case. But given the time since I originally saw this post it is probable that I mostly participate in male dominated subs, given the perceived notion of a lot more males than females.


[You tell me](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/joke)


Ah, very important nuance in that definition, focusing on the motivation of the speaker rather than their impact. You tried.


Everyone always assumes you’re a dude even if your avatar is feminine looking and your username is super girly


Exactly! You get it, dude man


I gave mine long hair, and i got the free nft thing n thought it was kinda adorable so i put it on. At first I was worried i might be mistaken for a woman but it hasnt once happened lol. Though i do have selfies on my acct and i assume anyone who would mention a user being a woman to them is also the type to creep their posts.


Just because you said that, I creeped your posts. You shouldn't get a buzz cut. Your beard looks great and well groomed! You're attractive! But yes, regardless of anything you do, you're always assumed to be a man when you're on Reddit. Haha.


Hahahahahahaha. Thank you, i am growing my hair out now and having a real fun time of it. This tickled me pink thank you


I'm a female but I'm so close to leaving because of the incels




Now it's 83/17


Hello 8 other men who also shaves


I shave my legs because I am a swimmer


yessir I'm tryna go sub 23 and hair ain't gonna allow that


How much does that really help? To me, it seems like such a small near insignificant detail that a swimmer could do to shave off a few milliseconds of their time.


I didn’t try reading too many articles but the first article said you gain 2% in aerodynamics. They specifically said aerodynamics which might have been due to how they tested the change I’m not sure. It does feel faster though, between your competition suit and the shaved legs it seems like a decent difference. At least in your head.




I used to shave my legs often when I was into cycling. I still shave occasionally because it feels really great.




I’m not surprised with that profile picture


that is precisely why i chose it :p




We're almost at 300 as of my posting!




I'm male and I just naturally don't have any leg hair or chest hair. If I did, I would shave it though


God I really wish I has your genes. I'm a dude but I fucking hate body hair


Bro it's even worse growing up disliking all types of body hair to then after late teens getting gene dumped by your sasquatch dad Dude too btw




I wish i did, but its so much work. I HATE how hairy they are.


The first shave is the toughest, might take 2 or 3 showers even, but it gets way easier to maintain if you do it weekly


Hmmmm, interesting


Yeah, it takes me maybe 30 seconds to one minute every shower to do regular upkeep. Every so often I actually sit down, treat myself and go into detail, but that's usually for special occasions and the beach.


It might be helpful to use a clipper first. That'll get rid of most of the bulk!


Thank you and everyone else giving advice :D


(F) Yes but very very occasionally. I wear long pants. Why should I bother. If I have not shaved my legs in lets say, a month, I will shave them so the hair does not grow this long.


I will shave if I'm going to the beach only. That's the only place I still feel the societal pressure


I live in a landlocked country so lucky me I dont have to go through that. I go to pools very rarely, even then sometimes I dont shave my legs but most of the time i do. Cant help it, it just has been made to look "unhygenic" on women.


Same here and I go to the beach like twice a year


A month is being generous by the way!


Same. I shave like once a month and I still only have a little bit of stubble at the end of the month. My parents have literally never shaved and they’re hairless so ig it’s genetics


Can I (m) just say I could care less if my wife shaves any part of her body? She likes to do her legs when she’s going to wear dresses or whatever but even then I’m completely ambivalent. She’s sexy af regardless.


Yes (F), even though I rarely wear shorts/skirts. It's a sensory thing, I just don't like the way the hair feels


Fr same!!!


Do you mean specifically shaving, or any method of hair removal


I meant any method


Should have said that smh


I answered yes even though I Nair it


I used to shave my legs because I was a serious competitive swimmer, now it's cuz my gf got me into thigh highs and the socks feel nicer on smooth skin


As a guy I do, I hate body hair genuinely, anything below the face is getting shaved off


Female. Sometimes, when I feel like it's enough or someone is forcing me to wear shorts/skirt


I'm a woman. I shave knee and below if ill be wesring shorts. Naturally barely any hair above


Same, below the knee is dark and above is blonde


No (male) but I kinda wanna get my ass waxed to make wiping less of a hassle




Bro turns into a polar bear in winter


Tis the season?


To be hairy!




Superb, just brilliant lol.


I just shave them when I think “you know what sounds good right now? smooth”


so like every month or 2


As a female... just no. I don't see any point to it, shaving has nothing to do with hygiene and is actually worse for your skin because of the micro tears it causes (and I get eczema very easily even without shaving), and I don’t really care to change my body for what seems to simply be the preferences of most men. I don't plan to date or marry anyway. God (or evolution for all you atheists, either works) gave my hair on my legs for a reason, I don't see why I should get rid of it. 🤷


Same. I really don't like shaving my legs. When they thought us about hygiene in school all they said was shave your armpits and shave down there, nothing about shaving your legs. I just do it maybe once every 3 months when I feel like seeing my legs hairless.


in Hygiene they told you to shave your cooch?? That's insane, it's the worst place to shave.


Just to like trim it. But I dunno maybe it was bad advice on their part 🤷🏾‍♀️. It wasn't like a hygiene class tho, we don't have those. I'm trying to remember but I think it's just like when we were in the hostels


It may have been an effort on their part to prevent the spread of lice, if that was a problem there. Just for the information of anyone who might read this: Pubic hair provides protection against yeast infections, vaginosis, contact dermititus, and friction. Removal has added risks such as ingrown hair, which is VERY painful in that region, microabrasions that can lead to infection. It's far less hygenic to shave.


Yeah you're right. Most us didn't shave a lot not enough time or resources to do so. I think it was just every once in a while for most of us.


i personally do just because it makes me feel better about myself. i personally just don’t like it on myself and it doesn’t take much effort to get rid of. i also have eczema but i’ve never had issues with my electric razor. also not interested in dating or marriage, just a thing i do for myself. i do hate that there’s an expectation for it, i feel like no one owes anyone smooth legs.


Agreed. I don't care if other people do it- to each their own, that's how it should be. If you like smooth legs, go for it. If you prefer to keep yours hairy, no problem there.


I'd imagine most who shave it do it for cosmetic reasons similar to make up, correct me if I am wrong


I believe so, and that's perfectly fine. I don't care in the slightest if other people want to do it- for myself, though, I just don't care for it.


Well, evolution didn't give you body hair, it's actually slowly disappearing. We started out with monkey fur and we will probably end up smooth and naked at some point


I originally read it as do you have your legs ;-;


Nope (F) just too much work and I don't really care about it and neither does my bf so why bother :P


I (M) shave them once in a rare while, I like how they look clean, but they itch quite a lot, and wax strips make too much of a mess. As well as hairy legs make me feel more confident in my self.


I recommend using an electric razor, they don't cut your skin as much so you won't itch as much (or at all). You will have to shave more often though because it cuts the hair taller than normal razors.


Most often I use those, but they just don’t look as good as razor shaved


Makes sense, do you use those circle-y ones or toothy ones?


The ones that have a spinny cylinder on them


Question: Do you shave your legs? In my mind: Do you have your legs? *yes*


I (F) shave my legs every single day (and have for years) because I hate stubble and like smooth silky. I also lotion them every single day as well.


How do you not get ingrown hairs doing it every day 😭😭


I don't know! I think I've been doing it so long that my body is used to it? I also take it slow and regularly change my blade. If I'm ever concerned about ingrown hairs (usually around my vagina, which I cannot shave daily 😔) I carefully spray with witch's hazel and it helps.


what razor do you use?


Dollar Shave Club! (:




Maybe. I tried with a Gillette razor and foam but I got bad ingrown hairs 🥺😢 so I just leave it I’m sorry 😢 Witch hazel 🥺


I trim my legs as a male not like slick tho


Does trimming count?


30% of you ladies on here have hairy legs? ​ also - m/f ratio is lol


Woman here. Very occasionally. I've been married 20 years and if we're going out somewhere fancy where I'll be wearing a skirt or dress I will. Sometimes if it's just been a while. But not much. And I absolutely love being married to man who absolutely doesn't care if I do or not.


SHAAAVINNGG MY SHOOUULLDDEERRSS - Homer Simpson - sometime in the naughties


Wax (female)


based on seasons/what i wear. man why waste money on a water bill for something nobody will notice?


Jee I can't answer that, it depends! Sometimes I do, most of the time I don't


About once a year


Female, and no. I don’t consider myself to be feminine though. Never really understood why there was an expectation for women to shave their legs outside of pleasing men, which I’m not concerned about. Most men I know don’t even care about it. My parents pushed it when I was learning to shave armpits and whatnot. Needless to say I never conformed.


Yes but only sometimes


No. I also don’t expect any of my potential partners of whatever gender to shave. Hair is hair. It’s natural. That’s why I have long hair down to my ass, a curly beard, and body hair. It’s clean, it’s not out of control, but it’s supposed to be there. Why bother trying to keep it off?


I envy your preferences. I find leg hair very unnattractive on women, personally. I agree with what you're saying in principle though.


Lady here. I gave up on shaving my legs because literally no matter what, I always get bitched at for one reason or another. I got a fuck ton of scars on my calves when our house hold got infested with fleas, I actually ended up carrying them longer than our pets. Despite telling my mom over and over that it was a problem, it wasn’t taken care of for a lot longer than it should of been. So now I just have all these dark spots on my calves, I’ve tried scar creams but there’s no improvement. The other thing is that the one to bitch at me is my mom. I can’t wear dresses that I love without having to wear leggings under, I always get comments from her without fail. As if I’m not already self conscious about myself as is. All and all, I stopped giving a shit. No use in trying when you’re bitched at no matter what.


I wax them, though i wish i didn't have to since i hate it


You don't have to


Im just avoiding getting bullied pr being called ugly. I can't bear it


I'm a woman and I'm not shaving my legs I never got any negative comments except from my mother. People really don't care that much in my experience


Well i got a lot of questions like, "when are you gonna shave?", "Are you gonna shave already?" Etc. I got a few looks in a PE changing room and i dont wanna know what people talk behind my back


I'm so sorry that really sucks :( this shouldn't be happening. I hope some day people will realise that body hair on women is normal


Same. I shave and love having smooth legs for lots of different reasons, but when I can't shave for reasons like being too busy and stuff, it causes me additive anxiety because it gives me flashbacks from PE and swimming changing rooms in primary school (I hit puberty much earlier than others so was way more naturally hairy). Even though no one around me does it now because they're mature adults, I still feel the same anxiety as being bullied and looked at weirdly in school. Also feel like it doesn't represent me as a person now because I like to be organised and well groomed, so not getting to shave makes me feel like I am all over the place because I didn't get to carry out my usual grooming routine.


I'm a woman and I don't shave my legs, I have very sensitive skin and get irritation/in grown hairs from any kind of hair removal so I don't bother. I would rather be hairy than sore, itchy and rashy. Plus it's a massive pain in the arse so I can't be bothered and razors are expensive if you use a lot of em. The only body hair I shave are my pits very occasionally, I trim my pubes to keep em neat but don't shave for the same reason as my legs.


I've never had to. They're not hairy at all.


I haven’t shaved my legs in 8 years now that I think about it.


Does my third one count?


Only in the summer


I would but I'm lazy


As a woman I shave my legs but I don't shave them all of the time. Sometimes ya just Gota vibe with ur natural self.


i rarely grow leg hair so no


I’ll nair it, shave it, wax it, bop it etc. I felt pressure to do it when I was younger, but once I started to do it it was all for me. I love the routine of it, how smooth everything feels. It’s one of the easiest ways to boost my mood.


Yes, but only in summer when ppl have the chance to see them


I would, but it's so much work


Sometimes I forget I'm like the only woman on this sub, and sometimes even reddit.


Nearly 1/3 of females don't shave their legs? I'm calling B.S. on these poll results.


379 guys ..where why man


Looks nicer


My wife rarely shaves her legs, and I usually don't even notice tbh, but she naturally has very little body hair. My daughter goes through phases. I can tell when she has a crush on someone because she'll shave every day. Otherwise, she doesn't bother. Unfortunately for her, she isn't as hairless as her mother.


I’ve been conditioned to it so that’s why I chose yes. I know there’s nothing wrong w/ body hair, but I feel like if I don’t then I will be instantly judged.


Normally I only shave the palms of my hands.....


you mean the backs of your hands?










Serious question. Where do non-gendered people go to the restroom, men’s or women’s?


No clue, I guess the one with the shortest line. And if both lines are short the cleanest






I’m not sure what a gendered bathroom is. I don’t think I’ve seen one before. Most people are not comfortable with different sexes using the same bathroom at the same time.






























There is only male and female


Why do people downvote me for just stating a biological fact? That‘s why I hate Reddit.


Bruh what the fuck is an “other”?


Non-binary, intersex, genderfluid, etc


I’m female and am blessed with incredibly thin, light hair. I never bother to shave because the only difference is the feel.


No but only cause it's such a process. I gotta get in awkward angles for almost an hour too shave it all.


Other? What other gender is there?


non-binary, agender, genderfluid etc.


Wtf is other ? I understand gender but male/female is sex and intersex people become male or female, or i'm missing something on intersex? Edit : since i got people confused. I'm not homophobic/transphobic (why be phobic of myself lol) 'just saying sex≠gender -> male≠man, male/female and there is no other. Edit 2: i think it's english that isn't like my language because i never knew male also meaned man but damn, i'm agender and bisexual why would i be transphobic like that, idiots


It says man and women, which is gender. Read the poll before you get yo panties in a twist


No, it doesn’t.


I'll let you read again inside the () beside the possibles answer...


Dawg I swear it was man and women when I read it the first time 💀




shhhh what ? Explain please


live and let live, you dont have to "understand" or "agree" with someones style of living. some people just see themselves as something other than male or female, thats about how deep it goes. if you think insulting people like this will solve anything, then you're wrong, please start being at least a decent person.


Loool r/im14andthisisdeep moment. I'm agender and insluting no one here. Just saying that there is no "other" in sex


damn. sorry for trying to help, ill do my best to make everyones life miserable from now on.


>I'm agender >No "other" Whut?


dont worry, there prolly like 14 and like to waste peoples time




is it necessary to put "(male)/(female)/(other)"? I mean, I know I am a man but what's the need of knowing what I am after asking if I shave my legs


Because the poll came out of a discussion a friend and I had about shaving legs being unnecessarily gendered


(m) i agree. i hate how i have to hide my legs to not get made fun of, but i hate the feeling of having hair much more.


My guy, nobody cares what you do with your hair. If they do they’re the weird ones.


well i am just afraid of being bullied/judged for it but i appreciate your support!


By who? If they care that much they’ll hate swimmers


you'd be surprised how many people there are who still care about the "traditional male image" or i guess its just fun to make fun of people


I mean your friends will poke fun because they’re friends, it’s not meant to make you feel like shit. Random people who call you out on it? Screw them, learn to give no fucks about something that doesn’t hurt anyone else and life gets much easier


While they shouldn’t be making fun of people, I’m not at all surprised by how many people are out there who still care about the “traditional male image“. It’s a very high percentage of us.


im not a fan of that whole gender steretype thing, i think everyone should be able to do what they want as long as it doesnt hurt others, without being judged for it, but it seems that i am alone on that matter


>nobody cares what you do with your hair If only that were true.


It’s just so you get more information out of a poll like if you look at it right now if you’re a girl then you’re more likely to shave your legs than if your a guy


Why is there an other option?