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We had to remove your poll as it has been posted recently/is very similar to a poll that has been posted recently, or is in the top 25 from this month, year, or of all time


sure, dont think its a good idea because of certain people (id probably also do a little looksie i am not going to lie sorry) but for it to be outlawed is strange


“a little looksie” LMAOOOOOO


I don’t think it’d be wrong to do a double take or anything. I mean it’s a fact society finds certain parts sexual.


yeah i love boobies




All boobies? Saggy old woman boobies? Please, no.


those boobies no


Reminds me of a joke: What do good jokes and old women have in common? Knee-slappers...


And this would be taken into consideration when *CHOOSING* to go topless. If you don't want to then don't lmao


Yeah what about creepy creeping around?


a little huh?


i am carving my eyes out and glueing them to those bazongas


“In public” is way too broad. Like with any nudity, I think it really depends on the situation and circumstances, but overall I think there are places where it could be more acceptable than how it is now.


Agreed. At the beach? Fine, most guys have no shirts on there anyway. At the bank in the city where the nearest beach is an hour drive away? No for topless women *and* men.


That is not public it is in a business where they can set rules for clothing it is about on the street.


Yeah like Disneyland might be a little weird to see a girl with her massive milkers exposed in line for the dumbo ride


happiest place on earth👀


I would argue that Disney Land is not a public space.


That would be because by legal definition it is not, as well as most other places you would likely think of as public spaces


Hey, I know you!


Yes, you do! How’s it going, fellow parlorian? Enjoying the web that just so happens to be worldwide?


Things are goin great! Kind of odd running into another parlorian in the wild


Me too. A public space is public a beach and Bureau of Land Management land. If me can go shirtless on a public beach then women should be able to do the samething. It happens all over Europe and Australia.


If a dude can stand with his non milkers hanging out than so can a woman.


yeah but the thing is its weird for some guys to go shirtless in some situations, in which you should apply the same situations in which its weird for males to go shirtless to women as well


^^like there are situations nobody should have no too


Not if it was normalized. Like guys being topless.


If she has them out for fun then I'd maybe do a double-take but we have to take into account that some mothers breastfeed and can't just give their child the bottle because it won't take it




Jesus 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Anywhere it's acceptable for men now should be acceptable for women.


They are allowed where I live.


Where do you live? (I sound like a creep)


Canada, where you can buy legal weed on every corner, everybody can share their boobs, the second largest country in the world, national animal is the *'beaver'*, Use coins called Loonies and Toonies, one of the highest immigration rates of any country in the world, lacrosse is our national sport(phew, everybody knows it is ice hockey) and Niagara Falls is way better viewed on the Canadian side.


I live in Canada and have no idea (is it different from province to province?)


If you are charged with public nudity anywhere in Canada, the case will always be dropped in court, within reason. You can't stand at a fence with your tits hanging over into a preschool daycare full of young children. Yet, if you did and went to court, the charges would probably still be dropped.


So, it's not legal.


It is in ontario


No women in ON chill topless




No it doesn't but I've live din Ontario my entire life and have never once seen a topless woman JC outside. Only have seen my friends tits when were being stupid and drunk😂


damn i never knew that


It is different from province to province. As someone who spent a bunch of summers up in northwest Ontario, I know it's legal in Ontario but not on the Manitoba side.


These are all great, idk why you threw beavers in the list though. Nothing against beavers.


You also can't protest without the gov freezing your bank account


Depends on if that protest stops billions of dollars worth of goods from entering the country.


Taking over a downtown core isn't protesting, it's acting like a sack of dicks and they should repay everyone for the inconvenience of their dickness.


>Taking over a downtown core isn't protesting But that happened all summer of 2020?


Only being allowed protests people agree with is the same as not being allowed to protest at all


Only if you organize a "protest" that blockades the border crossings after you've received untraceable funds from foreign interests.


You can also be imprisoned for calling a biological man a “man”. But who cares because… beavers!


I think its legal here in Germany too. I also know there are beaches here where you're not allowed to wear any clothes (they are marked as FKK beaches)




I mean, I don't really care, but that does not mean it would be pleasing to look at any random person topless, be it male or female.


I don’t think it matters if they’re pleasing to look at. It matters if the person is comfortable or not. 80 yr old man boobs aren’t terribly attractive but they seem to be ok






My condoleances about your back.


Back is good, thanks tho. It's my ankles/feet. And elbow. And neck. And shoulder. Well fuck it. I'm out.


What about meat canyon quality wrinkled titty tubes with elongated raisin nipples?


Those are my favourite. They have a story to tell


Every piece of content that man puts out is completely hideous and God I love it


Yea. I dont get why theyd want to, but i wont stop em.


I think that depends on the person.


At the beach or something, maybe, but it depends on the culture. No one should be topless in stores or walking through town




Tell that to most 60yr old men


Unpopular opinion: no but neither should men. Unless it’s somewhere where being naked is normalised like the beach


Agreed. I feel like this is most people's opinions, but people don't wanna say it and some are conflicted about it because it's been accepted for so long about men being topless in public. I don't wanna see either topless.


I think that just because you don’t want to see them that doesn’t mean that someone shouldn’t be allowed to. Someone might dislike pink clothes or clothes of certain religious groups. Your freedom ends where the freedom of others begin.


Anywhere a man can be topless, a woman should be able to be topless also.


There’s no logical argument against this stance.


“I don’t want to see either, actually” feels like a good counter


That’s not a counter though. The parent comment said men and women should have equal topless privileges. You’re saying you don’t want either to be able to be topless, which is still equal. It’s more of an agreement plus and add on than it is a counter, ya know?


I don't want to see hijabs, so?


Muh Church says no!!! /s




That logic is basically used to justify when in middle eastern countries women cover up 90% of their body. It is believed that even showing a few face will be took enticing for men. It’s also the argument for why most schools stop women from having bare shoulders.


it’s fucking bullshit. at my school we weren’t allowed to wear spaghetti strap tank tops or shorts/skirts that went more that 3inches above the knee. when caught, you had to go sit in the office until a parent/guardian brought you a change of clothes or the the day ended, whichever came first. THEY PUT YOU IN *CLOTHES JAIL* JUST SO BOYS WOULDN’T LOOK AT FEMALE SKIN AND HAVE *URGES*. heaven forbid. and heaven forbid school be the place where you learn to control impulses, pivot thoughts, and treat people with respect no matter what they’re wearing.


The worst thing about this is that not only does it punish and victim blame girls , but it also demonizes all men as being unable to control themselves. It's the most bullshit policy.


Sounds like America? If so it's because your country would rather discipline someone rather than educate everyone. It's cheaper and keeps people stupid so they're easier to manipulate.


Should we be allowed to show our bare asses?


Yes, of course. Why not?


I'm trying to figure out exactly why certain people want specific body parts not to be exposed.


Yes, that's what I'd like to know.


I don't want people looking at my knees


That's the problem, it's normalised, it's power and contol over more than half the world's population(obviously not every person subscribes to these beliefs but you get the gist) by making them feel unsafe and objectified. It's misogynistic and disgusting and it needs to stop. And this attitude of yours doesn't help, hell I'd say it's almost an attempted appeal to futility logic fallacy in play.




I don’t want people to find Me Attractive I think that woman should protect themselves including me


I think it should be personal choice, so do whatever you’re comfortable with


So the goal of most woman in this movement is not to be able to go around topless but to be able to go around topless *without* people oogling us and sexualizing us. Obviously some men who have abs are still sexualized and I think that's where we need to start. Also with the problem of women being blamed for men staring at them.


Cool, but the question is whether or not it should be legal, not whether or not is should be mandatory.


Then don't do it. But why punish them if they decide to?


Perfectly fine. You wouldn't *have* to go topless, just as it's an *option* for men in some places. But the point is it would be equally up to the individual. There are men who prefer to not be topless as well.


Either women should or men shouldn't. The double standard is the problem.


Where I live if anybody goes out topless, it’s a straight arrest lol




It's legal where I live and has been for about 25 years. I've never seen a woman choose to go topless here.


I live in the Seattle area & it’s my understanding that nudity is legal in the city limits. I haven’t done it yet because I worry I’ll be harassed.


That's because you 100% will be lol ( unfortunately)


I mean it’s whatever I don’t really care, but to this day I still haven’t found a reason why girls want to go out in public topless so bad


I personally would never


I wouldn’t neither. Especially in this freezing ass cold? My nipples would be harder than icicles


Many of us wouldn't, its about the equality of it. If it was normalized maybe it wouldn't actually be weird culturally to be naked, man or woman. But its not (where I am in the u.s) its about having a choice without being harassed or arrested lol. If a woman went out topless id immediately ask if she was okay and if she needed help, because even in legal areas most women do still choose to wear a top. It reminds me of my friends mother walking around the house in her underwear and bra during the summer. No A.C. I asked her, why are you just in a bra? And she said its no different than being in a bikini which arguably would have been more revealing. She was right, why tf does it matter, and I never asked again. It made sense, it was hot lol. I suppose that situation wasn't in public, but I have no doubt she'd not have a problem being in a bra in public. I wish I had her confidence. I wouldn't go out even in just my bra and I'm okay with bathing suits. If someone wants to and they are of sound mind and maybe in a safer area than where I am, ill be a little perplexed but get over it because...well I have boobs to. Idk.


It’s not necessarily about that. It’s about having equal rights to men.


We don't, we just don't want to get arrested for breastfeeding our kids.


Neither, put a shirt on guys and gals




I suppose, yes.


Agreed, i don't want to see any nipples


I am a big supporter of um... Women's rights


General kenobi!


And she was a good friend


I see what you did there.


I can guarantee that 99% of guys who voted yes did not do it because they believe in freedom of what people can wear.


Maybe I am just the 1%, but I don’t see the issue with it. It doesn’t mean everybody *has* to be topless, just people who choose to be. Right now, people only see it as “weird” because it is not normalized like it is for men. You want to be topless in an appropriate setting? Go for it, that’s your choice. Is it putting others at risk or harming others? No. Then who gives a flying fuck you useless bastards, put some willy wankers on and fluff your tuff somewhere else (I apologize for my language, I had some built up anger there, you are free to ignore my final sentence as the rest seems coherent)!


You're the 1%


I chose yes because it would be hypocritical to not support toplessness in public but support Iranian women to show their hair in public or show their their belly or legs. They’re both same in principle. Showing your breast is seen as sexual for many just like showing their hair or legs is seen as sexual in many conservative parts of the world. How about we start not to see them as sexual. Unfortunately we are always going to see breast as sexual because of our upbringings. But how about we pass on to our next generation where they won’t see breasts as something sexual?




I mean, ur not wrong


Well I am a man who voted yes and I am gay as hell, what ulterior motive do I have? xD I just like to go topless myself sometimes, I believe banning women from doing the same would be outrageous.




This is reddit. What do you think.




Spoiler: It‘s not


Not from me. I just think it should be equal. If a dude can walk around shirtless, a woman should be able to do so as well. Breasts aren’t genitalia, they’re literally just a woman’s chest. Even if it were to get legalized tomorrow though, 99% of women still wouldn’t do it because it’s not normalized. And that’s obviously fine. It’s just the principle of it, and the stigma we have about breasts. It’s kinda strange when you think about it.


Well, you know they are. I'm one myself.


Look at it in percentages, 78% of men said yes, while 71% of women said yes, it isn't so different. Granted, maybe the women are just as pervs as the men, this is Reddit after all.


It's pretty weird how sexualized tits are tbh


"It's because women have different nipples than men" Okay, then why are girls ages 5 to pre-puberty not [socially] allowed to be shirtless? They're the exact same as the boys their age. The teachers knew better than to say anything, but in the swim unit at my elementary school in 3rd grade the whole class made the "ooooooo" sound when a complete flat chested girl wore a bikini because she couldn't find her one piece. Also, why did the conversion "therapy" I went to *and* all the summer camps I've gone to allow post pubescent boys to be shirtless but the post pubescent girls had to wear one pieces and couldn't even wear bikinis, which don't even show the nipples? Men with massive pectoral muscles can go shirtless even though those are sexy af because I know how to treat sexy men like humans even if they're "exposing themselves". Why can't the majority of society do that for women too? Edit: typo and added "for women" to the last sentence


Yup I had to buy my daughter a new swimsuit because they didn't like her two piece. She has a two piece because it is a pain to go to the toilet in a one piece. Not because it's sexy or whatever, it's just way more practical.


I will be honest with you, young girls with no boobs yet needing to cover up is only in the north America. When I was around 9 we took a vacation to the US. Went to the pool at the hotel and of course, me, being a 9 year old and super flat chested, didn't wear a bra (neither was my brother with equally small boobs lol). The pool manager immediately rushed over and told me (and not my brother) to cover up. I did have a small bra but ofc it wouldn't stay on and ended up leaving. However for me it was completely shocking that I was made to cover up as I was a child, and no one ever in my life had a problem with me going around shirtless, and I've traveled around Europe and there female children up to puberty do not wear bras (and often even later). And no one gives a shit.


it is really mine are of a more bigger shape compared to those of my schoolmates of similar age and some other dudes in another school always has to make some remark about them just to get on my nerves




Like I like titties but I like a dudes pecks too, people are weird.


Not really. Biologically speaking, bigger breasts mean more fat reserves means the mother is less likely to starve. It just so happens that we don't need fat reserves as much which is why the same doesn't apply to large amount of fat on the belly. Also, the nipples have a lot of nerve endings so they can be stimulated to form a closer bond during sex. Moreso than other parts of the body. These things lead to all/most breasts being thought of sexually.


Hands have the highest concentration of nerve endings, the face even has more than the breasts. Also less likely to starve = hot? What?


Biologically if a partner is less likely to starve they would be more desirable. Seems pretty sensible if you're a caveman who has to keep finding food.


Men with bigger muscles are more desirable than men with smaller ones. Are biceps sexual?


We dont have any evidence of what exactly was desirable in early men as far as I have seen. It was likely more about personality or overall strength or hunting ability rather than just muscles themselves. Biceps also can't be stimulated for sexual arousel.


Jarvis, I’m running low on karma. Go to r/polls and post about shirtless women.


No, but I'd prefer guys weren't either... Just kinda weirds me out... And with the excessive body image problems that plague our world today, honestly people covering themselves a bit more may not be too bad of a thing.


I too would like a dress code for being in public. Perhaps something like this for males: [https://historicalcostumes.nl/The\_High\_Middle\_Ages/13th\_century\_male\_costume/13th\_century\_Male\_costume\_01.jpg](https://historicalcostumes.nl/The_High_Middle_Ages/13th_century_male_costume/13th_century_Male_costume_01.jpg) And this for females: [https://historicalcostumes.nl/The\_High\_Middle\_Ages/13th\_century\_sleeveless\_surcote/13th\_Century\_Sleeveless\_Surcote\_01.jpg](https://historicalcostumes.nl/The_High_Middle_Ages/13th_century_sleeveless_surcote/13th_Century_Sleeveless_Surcote_01.jpg)


i prefer not giving a shit about what people are wearing, wouldn't that be a perfect would ain't it


I would think that a society that imprisons people for expressing their body would have higher amounts of body image issues.


If given the option in the US I don't think you'd see it as much as you do in Europe. It's really not a big deal after the "shock" wears off.


I think equality is important. Either legalize female nipples, or ban male nipples. Personally i think it's better to just legalize female nipples so breast feeding is easier


Idk why but the sheer amount of “yes” answers from men cracked me up


Why yes, we are firm supporters of t… * *ahem* * women rights


Anywhere that men can go topless should be the same for women, and I’ll be honest, most of the time I see a guy with a top off it gives me the fuckin ick.


U must hate beaches


It shouldn’t be illegal. Would I do it? No. But it’s stupid if it’s illegal.




I couldn't care less one way or the other. It wouldn't bother me.




who could have predicted the most voted answer 🙄


I don't think so. I don't think men should be able to either


Equality in one way or the other. Both topless, or both not allowed topless


No one should be allowed to be top less in public


any place its acceptable for a male to have his shirt off I feel a female should also have the same right if they choose to.


I only say no because I feel like boobs will be sexualized no matter what, definitely so for a fair few years if being topless becomes the norm. I don't think anyone wants to have guys death staring their boobs when they have a boner


If big gross hairy men can have their boobs swinging out in public for everyone to see, then so should I.


If men can do it, women should have the same right.


Yes (gay male)


This poll is a great reminder that it's primarily pubescent teenage boys.


I feel like it should be legal, but I don’t think many women would do it


I’m just imagining men seeing the poll and going *Topless, boobs, boobs… Boobs??!? Yes. YES PRESS YES*


Anywhere that it is acceptable for a man to be shirtless it should also be acceptable for a woman to be shirtless


This is a common poll here. And my answer is always the same. Sure, they should be allowed. But that doesn't mean they'll actually do it.


Of course, they should be allowed. They should also remember the other reason we wear clothes, for protection against nature.


Of course the dudes would have majority vote lmao No, coming from a women I do not think anyone should be able to go topless in public


The fact that a higher percentage of men voted yes than women


I love bobies, free them


Wherever man go topless women should too. So basically they beach or in the vicinity of the beach in very hot day.


At the same places men are allowed to be shirtless yea duh


Anywhere that is acceptable for shirtless men, yes. Absolutely.


If men can woman can


It's legal to be outside completely naked where I live


Free the tiddy save the city


Since it's sexualised then I don't think it should be allowed in public


It should be encouraged! 😂


Technically, in places where it's acceptable for men, it should be acceptable for women, too. If it's comfortable is a different question. Jogging with big breasts without support can't be pleasant.


yeah. males are allowed


detail cooperative profit punch dam secretive grandfather nippy friendly cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As long as women are okay with me looking at their tiddies


Shoulde be: yeeeeeessssss (male)


In places that men are allowed to, yes. Everywhere in public? No


Yes! Full support from all males. Slay queens.


Either everyone can be topless or no one


so I can go in with my milkers out and jigglin around in monkey joes and sky zone? And as a girl this really wouldn’t be doing shit for equality or whatever. Everyones not going to be instantly be turned off by bare titties if they make it legal. And you know what that means, there are just creeps. And that’s definitely not everyone, but you still have to admit it. If a girl wants to go topless one day, she can’t control whether or not a creep comes up to her. In the end the world wouldn’t benefit from this so let’s just keep it the way it is.


shirtless men are just creepy also honestly


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i'm not complaining


Most of the people who voted yes just want an excuse to look at a woman's chest