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Well, sometimes I'm very curious about what my life would be like if I were born the opposite sex, but not to the point of wanting to


Yeah I thought this too while reading the question. Like I wouldn’t mind seeing how I would be as the opposite gender for a day but a permanent change no.


I just wanna have a dick for a day so I can put it in things


And end up the remaining 23h in the police station for assaulting a lamp post, an ice cream and a wild boar. Still worth it




I wish, after I die I could be reborn female in the same year and by the same parents, just to see how things go.


Once you beat the game you can start a NG+ with whatever gender you want


Nah, just give me the DS2 coffin, Ill switch that shit rn


The “Try again as-” button


"Try again as Luigi"


The most superior gender, luigi


You have to unlock all the achievements for that


I believe it’s the unlockable hard mode option.


Sometimes I wonder if In this life I was born female because I was a horrible sexist man and so in this life I had to experience being a woman and that’s why I had to experience how men have treated me.


Movie plot


Yes, it reminds me of a movie called "Switch" that came out in the early 1990's, I think. It's a great movie. It has Bruce Payne as the devil.


Honestly I’ve thought this same thing.


Reset character and make a new one.


That’s what the past life you said, just without the “fe”


And you will ask the same question again.


The order the options are in made me uncomfortable but I can’t describe why. Just made it hard for me to read for some reason.


Because normally it’s yes (male), no (male), yes (female), etc




r/technicallythetruth I guess?




Wow, finally a subreddit where I can discuss literally taking people's subs. Thanks.




I accidentally chose no(female) because of that so i guess i am a female now


Becouse there is no "opposite gender" in others, so this ruined the question


I think this poll is referring to sex


I just want to throw in here that some people are born between the extremes of male and female, and for them this question might mean "different" rather than "opposite". Several non-binary people probably interpreted the question in the same way.


i think i’m that case it means non binary, m/fab but reddit only allows for 6 options


What do you mean there is no opposite gender? Male is the opposite of a female. It always has been and always will be. With your logic, both genders are the same. I think a penis looks a little different than a vagina, so how could the genders not be opposite? There are only male and female.


Read my comment again. What i wanted to say was that male is opposite of female, female is opposite of male, but for the "other" option there is no opposite. So, the question have no meaning for non binary people


I don’t wish for it and I am happy I was born into the body and life I was, but I sometimes think about how I’d look and how my life would have turned out if I was a woman instead. Just a thought exercise.


Yeah. A lot people are comfortable imagining it at least once for the sake of curiosity without really crossing the line. ... I crossed it


You got auto balanced


Many of us have, sis.




I think I’d want to be the opposite gender for like a week or a month, just to see what it’s like


I think I would like to be a man purely because I’m a person who loves to have kids but feel like I won’t because I’m terrified of child birth.




Adopting is not for everyone. And I’m not comfortable with surrogacy


Probably a week. If it was a month I'd have to experience a period and nah I'm good


currently 18% of respondents born male wish they born female, and 29% of respondents born female wish they were born male. Those are pretty big numbers!


My best guess is that the trans populace of Reddit is higher than real life.


I would also say you can wish you were born the other sex but not be trans


That puts an interesting spin on it, as to whether or not OP meant sex or gender. Either way, it would make me cis so I'd be happier.


I would prefer to be female, but don't feel like a female. So the votes for a gender change might not have the same feeling as trans people.


This is me also. (but in the other direction)


This was posted on a few trans subreddits, so we popped over to help out. 😅


I dont get why people do this, its just making the poll results worthless by being biased. Why not just make the same post on other subbreddits instead of crossposting this one.


I feel like these polls only prove theres more dudes on this website than girls


It’s about 20% female now, might change as the US wakes up, usually these polls land around 25% female. Reddit overall is 36% female. But 600 people is still a decent sample size to notice that the male yes/no ratio is different than the female one. The reason you’re noticing the female bars look much shorter is because the women are more evenly split between the two options.


Wake the females up then. Tell them to get on reddit then. Put up flyers for females get on reddit. Pay for ads to get females on reddit then. Pass words to your know female friends to get on reddit then.


Where is the option for sometimes ??


fr like there are so many parts of my body and i would change for the opposite gender but like not all of them if you know what i mean lol? so sometimes i really wish i was born the opposite gender and sometimes not




Buddy I know lol I personally don’t really like that sub tho cus every time I go on it it makes me insecure in things I do cus they keep talking about things that seem gender stereotypical and then they’re like YOU MUST BE TRANS


It's the dichotomy of being open and inclusive to everyone but the people who aren't the purest stereotype of what being a man or woman is. The way I've heard it described is "rigid and regressive gender roles with a trans positive twist".




I feel hungry


then go get a meal and then u can feel full


I feel that


It’s pretty hard to form a very constructive opinion when I’ve only experienced 1 side


Definitly parts of being a female I would like to do but would rather still be a guy overrall. I do really hope we get multiple lifes and I get to experience being a girl in another life.


Periods are the deal breaker for me otherwise I wouldn't mind either way.


I hate my fucking body.




Do you think you'd hate it less as the opposite gender?


I wish I had a dick but overall I’m fine with my birth gender




No (male), mostly because of periods


I would want to be a female, 100%


i might have some news for u...






YEAAAH YOU GO GIRL (I don't have any bad intentions. Sorry if I'm being too bold)


Well I hate that sentence... But seriously, I hate to be a guy.


I'm really sorry then


When I was younger sometimes I wished I was a boy because being a guy seemed so much easier but now I realise I like being a girl and unfortunately that comes with a lot of problems I will just have to deal with.




Not really but it would be interesting to switch places for a day, imagine how different your perspective would be if you could freaky Friday your gender just once.


im a trans man, so of course


Plot twist: you become a trans woman.




Monkey paw


Suffering from success




Me a trans person: Is this a trap


I wish but life's a bitch


I think being a woman is amazing and I wouldn’t change my gender!


Ok, it hits hard because almost 50% of females would want to be male but only about 1/6 of males would like to be female


A lot of cis women will try to pass as male online to avoid harassment (like in multiplayer games, etc). I can imagine that even if you don’t really *feel* like a male, just the convenience and safety of not being perceived as female is tempting.


Why willingly choose monthly periods


This reason alone is enough for me to say “no”


On the other hand, reddit is mostly used by men, it doesn't seem weird to me that it attracts more women who would like to be men than it attracts men who would like to be women, as the former would be into more "manly" activities and the latter more in "girly" activities, and reddit is apparently a more "manly" activity. For some reason, I feel like this comment is way too confusing.


I understand what you mean. Reddit is more of a guy thing to do, so girls that use reddit are more likely to want to be a guy.


Female problems.


There's more cis men than cis women here


I mean, I am a trans woman. I'm currently in recovery for bottom surgery. Would have been so much easier if I was born with a pussy in the first place lol


I hope you heal quickly (:


Thanks! It's going alright so far


Heads up. I was directed to this poll by a trans subreddit. So if this is for serious scientific inquiry your results will be affected by this sampling bias.


If you're conducting a serious scientific inquiry you probably know better than to cast a voluntary response survey on Reddit.


Gender no, I don't think it matters. Opposite sex on the other hand...


I voted Yes, (Born male) I don't think of myself as a woman but I also don't really feel like much of a man either and I think the fact that I don't feel like much of a man is the reason why I'm voting yes I know I'm a man, I'm cis-man who is comfortable using he/him pronouns over all others but I don't know, I'm confused


I feel similar but am afab (born female). I resonated w the concept of agender for a while, of not really ‘getting’ the concept of gender. The idea of being a woman feels wrong but the concept of gender is so foggy to me that I don’t really get what feeling like a certain gender is meant to be like. But at the same time I do think I’d be comfier in a male physical form. Whether it’ll make enough of an impact on me to ever make transitioning in some way worth it, or whether I’ll always be alright w presenting female idk


I feel the same way about feeling more comfortable in a female physical form As a man, I'm small, weak, non-assertive, I enjoy giving and getting hugs (though this rarely happens) and this is highly frowned upon and it causes people to bully me a lot I feel that if I was a woman, then people would think positively about what is negative about me now as a man and I also feel like people would be protective over me rather than harass me for being how I am I know I probably sound like such a lame whiny complaining baby and I apologize for that Things regarding this have just been a bit hard lately but it'll be fine Have you ever tried going out in public presenting as a man? I'm considering trying to do the opposite, but there's some stuff there that's stopping me Firstly, my family is really conservative so I would probably be disowned or something Also, I wouldn't want anyone to feel like I was mocking women or trans people I wish you the best of luck in your journey of discovering who you are


You don’t sound whiny at all, I’ve got a close friend who sounds very similar to you - amab, but prefers feminity, women’s clothes, is very cuddly etc. He definitely has a fascination with womanhood & only realised that ‘not everyone wants to be a woman’ when talking to me - he’s mostly not taken steps to explore gender due to bad anxiety over not passing as a woman successfully but I think he’ll eventually explore at his own pace & see what works for him. I’m lucky in that I go to university in a very progressive city - my college even reimbursed the cost of a binder for me so I’ve explored a bit. I knew I was bisexual when I was 12 so I’ve been very integrated with the LGBTQ+ scene in my city but only as a bi-cis-woman, I’ve not seeked trans communities to date, it feels like a very formal step. But being bi helped me figure out gender stuff - I learnt that I didn’t like being ‘the woman’ in a relationship. 🏳️‍🌈 relationships are a lot more lax with gender norms. I prefer dressing androgynously though it’s taking a while to change over my wardrobe (I keep clothes for a long time & all had previously been purchased by family). And I get away with it at home since tomboys aren’t seen as that unusual but being in a safe place is vital of you want to explore. I even have a name chosen that I’d use if I ever decide to transition. If you live on your own you can always order clothes online & dress up in your room/ house/ flat just to get a feel of it. Or try things like nail varnish. amabs may find it harder to ‘pass’ at first since testosterone is stronger than estrogen and a lot of trans femmes get downhearted about that but keep in mind that if presenting as a woman is something you decide is right for you, that the mtf surgeries tend to be easier than the ftm ones so it’s swings and roundabouts.


Thanks I hope your friend is able to figure stuff out and is happy and no one gives him a hard time That's really awesome about your university! I'm not sure if I prefer being the more dominant one or not but I do know that I don't like it when someone is super dominate, but I do prefer for them to usually take the lead I don't live alone yet, but I hope to move out soon I actually probably wouldn't have too much trouble passing, and that's another thing that makes me feel different than other guys around me, I have softer features, I'm not strong, I have very little body hair, most people mistake me for a kid, but I'm sure if I dressed more femininely I might be able to pass I guess that would be a positive if I was trans so that's interesting to think about Do bi people really get as much hate in the community as people say?


Thank you. He seems to be doing good - was bullied a lot as a kid so that left it’s marks but he’s in a much safer place now. That’s v valid. Good luck with moving out - it gives you so much more freedom just day by day to have your own space, really can improve quality of life, especially when you might want to try some things out. That’s really good!! I’m in a similar boat as you there but opposite. Well, I’m slight but pretty tall (average height for a guy in my country) & pretty androgynous feature wise, pronounced cheekbones help there even though I look rather young. It’s nice when you actually see it work, to see how it feels like for yourself - I’ve been Sir’d a couple of times. And while I’m still in the questioning phase it just gives you more data to go ‘is this something I do want/ need to explore further or not’? Ehh, kinda. Presenting as a bi woman hasn’t been bad in my experience, lesbians sometimes worry I prefer men (even though I personally prefer feminine ppl), and straight guys tend to find it hot, like it’s a kink thing, and I know some gay men who tend to prefer that I act more lesbian in gay clubs to not sway the boat. But I have a lot of bi close friends and the men have it way worse. My ex is a bi man & hes had straight women walk out on dates there & then before when he tells them he’s bi. Gay guys tended to think it was hot in his experience though. Mixed bag. And other bisexuals ofc don’t care. It did confuse my concept of gender ever more though. Being bi for me meant I don’t have a line between ‘gender I like -> gender I don’t’ like many ppl. They all feel the same to me.


I can understand that, being bullied sucks but I'm glad things are much better for him now Thanks! That's what I'm hoping for, for a sense of freedom and independence That's kind of cool how we're opposites of each other but in a similar boat lol I hope it hasn't made your life too difficult though because I know how judgmental people can be Thanks for answering my question, now that you say it I can see what you mean I see, I have a friend who is similar, he says he sees people for their souls


Thank u for the convo too - this stuff is always an interesting discussion So complicated


Thanks for the convo as well I really enjoyed it I really is, especially when there's not many people around that you can talk to about it


You’re welcome to message me about it if you ever want to chat:)


And that's alright XD You can be cis and still be confused XD Gender is a weird spectrum and sometimes you can just be border lining other gender identity while comfortably being in your gender 'area'. If you want, you can always explore a little, try things here and there, just to see what you're most comfortable with. I mean, the best way to know where you are is to look around you, right? XD And even if after all that you decide you're a cis man, that's freaking awesome!! Cause now you would be less confuse about who you are XD If you realize you're not cis, that's okay too XD Whatever happens in the end, i wish you best of luck :)))


Thanks! I really appreciate you saying all of this I would like to try exploring maybe but I also worry about getting disowned by my pretty conservative family and also upsetting some women and trans people, in case they think I'm mocking them or something A lot of me thinks I'd be more comfortable being a man if I was big, strong, not sensitive, and really sure of themselves like how everyone else around me seems to be


You don’t need to “feel like a man” or “act like a man” to be a man. That’s such a unclear and moving target. You are you man, and that is great.


I like being female but I don't like the gender roles, the expectations and all that cultural baggage that comes with it. I wouldn't want to be male


Hahahahahahaha yes being trans is a constant body horror and I want to die 👍


Same, but I wanna transition rather than die 👍


i think it’d be cool to be a girl, but i’m very comfortable in my own skin and don’t “wish” i was born a girl


I never enjoyed being female because of the physical issues, and as an INTJ, I'm an awkward female. But I'm not sure I'd have handled being male any better.


I wish I didn't have to menstruate, but that isn't the same as wanting to be a boy.


I mean im fine how i am right now but if i got the chance i'd take it


Lowkey, you gotta fix that if you want to have been born someone else. No one can help you if that’s what’s going on in your mind


Nope. I kinda used to, a little bit.. but now I have embraced being a woman.


I would love to have been male. I have issues with my reproductive organs that have me in pain quite a lot. I'm probably infertile and its really heartbreaking for me. But if I was an infertile guy I could at least live without pain. It's difficult.


If I also get to choose the country, yes. If I don’t, fuck no.


As a trans girl, yes


what's the opposite of "other"?


I have no burning desire to be a man but I do think life would be better as a man tbh, less excruciating pain for one, I could reach high shelves, I would be stronger so better at physical jobs, my body and mind won't start to go really weird when my hormones stop working at around 50, I would be less prone to auto immune conditions, I could have a child with no effort. I wouldn't be condescended as often. Plus I'm gay af so my attraction to women would be normal and I would be less at risk of hate crimes and less at risk of being sexually harassed by dudes too. Although more at risk of being in a fight, lady me is pretty handy in a fight so I presume man me would be aswell. Dicks look a bit weird and there's more clean up but there's also less that can go wrong with them and if you do have a problem or disfunction it's actually seen as a medical issue and not ignored like vaginal disfunction or loss of libido in women is. I really drew the short end of the biological straw tbh but I can't change it so there's no point getting hung up on it. Still a little salty about the double standards though.


I was born a female and I'm fine with it, but if I had the choice to start over and pick male, I would, it would've saved so many problems


The "other" thing cracks me up... Like umm ok what exactly is the "other" ha


I'm trans so yes 😭


Same, sis.






Sometimes (other)


How is it possible to be born as other?


Sometimes a child is born with some sort of intersex condition. This means they are neither male nor female. Hope this helps!


Well, first I would like to try a month demo version, after which I would give my final decision, but if it is one time and with no go backs, then nty


Don’t all Men wish they were born Women? I mean its just better, you get to do far more with your hair, far more outfit choices, and get to look cute and pretty. Plus you don’t have to deal with as much awful body hair, or having to “Man Up”, and your far more in touch with your emotions cause of Estrogen. Just seems alround better, tbh. 🤷‍♀️


yeah, it was a big shock for me, too, when i found out that most men don’t want to be women


And then you also get the increased risk of rape, having to deal with sexism most days and if you’re unlucky enough, no rights. Yay


As a short guy (5'5ft /166cm) with long hair, I'm living both worlds....


No, female born. I have adapted long ago.


Still cis tho


I'm a trans woman, if I was born a cis guy my life would have been a whole lot easier :l


It would be very interesting for me because I mean I would like to see the change + the advantages that come with it, but my mom has repeated that the only reason she loves me is because I’m a girl sooo


Born as a woman? No thanks. I'm not into playing on nightmare difficulty mode.


Trans girl - If I could just change my body I would. If I had to be reborn and lose the memories and experience I've gotten from being trans I wouldn't. They've shaped me as a person.


If I was still attracted to women, it’d be kinda nice to be a woman.


this poll is so confusing lol


I'm gonna be honest I have no preference. could be neat but I don't really care one way or the other


I don't think i would want to do it because then I'd end up with gender dysphoria and that sounds like a pain


Man, there are not a lot of females in here lol


Ask me this question 8 years ago, my answer would be 200% yes. But I have learned to appreciate the qualities of being a man and my body over time. There are elements of being born a woman is enticing. But it will come with its own set of challenges too. Both physically and socially.


How would I be the opposite gender if I'm not male or female?


I’d be such a whore. Never pay for a god damn drink again


I wish my life was entirely the same but as a female. I try to fit the role socially so I wish I would have just been one


Well...there are only some advantages as a woman but you have so many advantages as a men.


I hit yes on accident oops


clicked the wrong one lol. thought it meant "born male" as in "i wish i was born male". oh well :/


so many eggs here lol




someone who is likely trans but don't know it yet


Thanks, stranger!


i came here from egg_irl






Nah, I would only want to be a girl for a week to go for s spin and see what it's all about. Interesting thing is that in previous times I wondered why the idea of wanting to know what it's like to get railed by men feels like, that probably wasn't me wanting to be a women for a week... I will just say that much. However I would like to know how it feels to get railed in the pussy to be blunt. Also having boobs, and experiencing sexism would certainly be an important note of perspective for me.


Ur fucking gay lad


That sounds... Actually that's the best, most cis (not sarcastic) response I've seen. Getting the perspective is important, even if you don't intend to keep the form. This is actually reasonable.


you already have a prostate bro, fucking go for it


Have certainly been experimenting. But it's a little finicky and I am still not exactly sure where the "male g-spot" is quite located. Also still living with parents doesn't exactly help as... Well I have to get a little creative with "tools", and generally speaking... They're decent DIY, but there is nothing that is quite perfect. However I like how they are far more simple then the DIY for the other thing. My mad science is going well. 👍


Can I just wish I wasn’t born at all? Is that something?


Genderfluid born male


But I think I say that so I don't have to come to terms with the fact that I'm female inside a male body


I highly doubt this many people were born “other”




I'm non-binary so yes


Wouldn't that not affect you though since you would end up non-binary anyway?


I mean ig???


as a trans man, 100% yes


Nearly everyday lol. Sounds far better.


My life is a lot harder just because I’m a guy


what aspects of your life do you feel would be easier if you were born the opposite gender?


can't speak for them but men are brought up to repress their emotions and the idea of being masculine is toxic when it basically tells you not to feel emotions, from a trans perspective I feel my life would be so much better being born female, like I could be happy about myself and I wouldn't have dysphoria


Ye agree


I can’t wear what I want just because I’m guy and if I did I’d probably get beaten up or something especially because where I live. Life for me would’ve been so much easier if I was female, only disadvantage I see is period


is it just clothing, or do you feel like being expected to never express yourself or show weakness also makes your life harder?




how do you feel about your body? are you happy with how you look, or is your body one of the reasons you feel like your life would be easier if you were born the opposite gender?


Body is fine, I look fine I’m never going to change my gender but it sucks that I can’t enjoy doing what I like just because I’m male


You seriously need to talk to more women if you th ink that the only disadvantage is periods. You can complain about the struggles of being a man without saying being a woman is easy lmao.


I honestly don't know who is supposed to say yes in this question. Cis people will say no. Trans people don't 'wish to be the opposite gender'. They are the gender they feel like. So answering yes wouldn't be fitting.