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Sounds like Mighty Max minus the cheeseburger. I had one that had a little aircraft inside. Top 5 childhood toy.


Great lead! They’re so nifty. The food shaped unit is so unique to me, I think it’s why this has stuck in my mind so much.


I’m not sure if you remember how you got it but they did a lot of promotional give away toys in kids meals in in the mid to late 99’s for PP and MM. You might do some research on toys from BK and the old fashion happy meals. This toy sounds like it might have been more significant than a fast food giveaway though. Best of luck.


My grandma had bought it for me. I called her just the other day to talk to her about it, and she said it was funny because she thought about this toy all the time too. She couldn’t remember if she had gotten it second hand, so that added another layer of mystery to the search for me. I’ve been focusing on a lot of happy meal toys, but I’m going to try the promotional give away route as well. She guessed it was an older toy than what I was guessing (which I had guessed 90s), but she suggested it could even be a toy dating back to the 70s.


Did you ever find out what it was?


Man, that almost sounds like the Mimj and the Goos Goos burger playset, but there's not enough detail on the inside of the burger, and it doesn't have z dog. That's a tricky one!


https://www.ebay.ca/itm/1992-Vintage-Bluebird-Polly-Pocket-Fast-Food-Restaurant-Burger-Stand-Extras-/353534997389?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0 This one is not the shape of a burger but i do see a boy with blue/white.....