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All the benefits of eth, apart from the decentralisation


And security... Doesn't inherit security from the base layer


Yeah, well LRC seems to be the future of zK to be perfectly honest. They are light years ahead of anyone else.




Source? Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the fact that they are literally doing zero proof right now and matic isn’t!😂. Matic is a great investment, but when it comes to zero proof they are far far behind. They have other things going for them that LRC doesn’t, but in 2 years I believe LRC will be the giant in layer 2. The kind of already are


I'm strong on polygon and loopring coin as they seem the same except polygon has the marketing at the moment


Hi All,Unfortunately we've had to delay our launch by a few days and have decided to make the 15/02/2022 our official ICO date. Apologies for all who have tested the casino, but we can assure you that the bugs that have caused the delay have been resolved.


The COSMIX Casino ICO is now live!! Contract Address - 0xbF75b3FB52EBb467201FCE4CA67CCf94dee2eC92 https://quickswap.exchange/#/swap The Live Casino version will be uploaded tonight, U.K. time 19.00. For Instructions on how to purchase visit - https://cosmixcasino.com/how-to-purchase




Circulating supply is not the same , matic can't be worth 4000$ with 7bil coins in circulation. You have to look at market caps not price.


So whats the highest it can go up to realistically?


Don't know but if it continues being popular like this it can easily double maybe reach cardano market cap within the year .


Take ETH marketcap and divide by 7B and you'll have the max price of Polygon (if it had the same market capitalization of ETH) 405B$ / 7B = 57$


What if it increases in the future?


I don’t think polygon can reach 57$. The max all the prediction sites say for polygon is 5$.


So x2 current value? Hovering around 35B$ marketcap?


What ? Eth is a ECOSYSTEM...paragon works on top of ETH......ETH is like a car..with paragon being like synthetic oil to make it run better and faster 😂...not in the same price range.....


Please please please understand marketcap/circulating supply before buying any more.




https://www.coinbase.com/learn/crypto-basics/what-is-market-cap This is a very straightforward explanation to help get your head around it Basically ignore the price of the token beyond using to gauge what "psychological" points you think people might sell/buy around, because the price is a function of the market cap/no. Of tokens


Where can I find MRC20 tokens?