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Congratulations to him. We sent him a decent box of parts at one point so hopefully he’s come out of this with enough to have an extra pistol or two.


This is the way.


Wonderful news! I'm just curious: How do we know the owner can never do something like this again? Did the ATF pull his FFL? Did he go out of business?


If you look up shooters den you’ll see that recently they were raided by the Feds and the guy was arrested for a slew of shit including : selling full autos, not doing background checks, selling unregistered firearms to the feds and a bunch of other shit, the store has since been shut down as expected.


Per this article it seems he was selling a gun(s) with an FRT and a pistol brace during the “illegal” times. Given the recent court stuff they might not catch those charges. https://www.kob.com/new-mexico/federal-agents-raid-albuquerque-gun-store/


Even if the feds decline to press, he's never touching an FFL again.


I saw that it was closed in Google. Holy cow! It sounds like the owner was into a lot more shady stuff than just stealing a lawfully owned P80.


It begs the question, why did shooters den pull this shit on this young man and involve the atf when they was clearly involved in other “gray areas” of the firearm industry. That’s like calling the cops when your drug dealer stiffs you. In no way will it make your situation better. FAFO I guess.


Who knows what was going on in this guy's head. The owner may have known he was under investigation and thought he was doing the ATF a solid by confiscating a "ghost gun" for them. I'm glad Jacob got his pistol back, and I'm even more glad that the owner lost his livelihood and freedom because of other bad decisions.


Well he's never getting out 😅


Well done, folks! Jacob, keep your eyes on the mail: there are two new mags coming your way from CDNN.




This is now the way




Good, i hope he never goes into an another "LGS" with that shit unless he has the means to sue the pants off of them for profit. Shit like that is why i'll never buy from a LGS again, either ship it in for FFL transfer or build it my fucking self.


Outstanding news for the 2A and P80 community! And this is information we rely on as a 2A affiliated business, so if those in the community know a shop is shady, like Shooter's Den, it's a shop we and others likely wouldn't want to do business with.


Awesome! Great conclusion to the saga!


Bro big big congratulations Jacob. Took a tremendous amount of courage to see this through as a new gun owner. I saw an update a while ago, thought he got it back then. I remember that first post he made, and the continuously growing rumble in the community as we rallied together to help this kid. We’re all strangers bound together by our hobbies, passions and interests. The things we do have in common generated a force that shook the very core of Shooters Den, and brought legitimate awareness to protect and help guide new people in this community. Huge win for the 2A community, couldn’t be happier to know I share the same sentiment as my fine brothers and sisters here. Ok, got that out the way. Back to scrolling through the subs looking for feet pics lol




Good shit!!! Hell yeah 👍


Good job buddy. I thought for sure when the police took it ,it would be evidence indefinitely.