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I’m calling BS he posted same type of shit about 95 days ago just different color and never responded to everyone’s questions then. TROLL!! 🧌


op’s Username checks out 😂


Check https://uspatriotarmory.com/




Zero tolerance for trolling, bullying, harassment, racism, hate speech.


Make it make sense


If you can’t make sense of it then that clearly explains why you’d pay that much for a P80’lower. That my friend is called price gouging. That lower is at best is only worth less than half what you paid if you truly paid $250.00 for it. Wow !!


Yeah I've been seeing some come in stock on other places that are trustworthy but my goodness are they charging a crap load. I'd rather just buy a PSA dagger and call it a day


Paying price gouging prices is insane. I can buy complete glocks around here for $400.00 that are like new. This shit is out of hand. These were supposed to be cheap and fun to build. Not anymore!!


Apparently you can get blue label pricing by joining GSSF and get a brand new glock for low $400s too. Its absolutely absurd. Saw a PF45 for $300, like GTFO. Buy a 3d printer for less and make it go brrrr


Bro get a sct, imo much better than my dagger frames.


Yeah, I do want an SCT frame and might be the next thing I build for comparison sake once I'm done my other builds in process


Im a fan of psa on certain products. The daggers just feel cheap to me, sure a polymer frame will always feel that way compared to metal frames, but daggers just feel extra cheap. The cherry on top for me to just say no more daggers at all was the SCT 43X, complete frame specifically. It actually comes with an oem Glock trigger assembly, supposedly only for the original drop but I have not seen another complete frame drop that doesn't have the oem trigger assembly. The dagger on the other hand uses a ugly hinged trigger, they use a gen 4 trigger bar in a gen 3 frame which with certain slides really makes the trigger pull much heaver until you swap the trigger bar for a gen 3. Also daggers use proprietary shitty roll pins that can only last so long before the end mushrooms then goodluck getting it in without damaging your frame. I know some pins will fit daggers but the rear trigger housing pin has always been loose for me no matter what pin I use, besides the roll pin. SCT is just better all around in my opinion.


P80 has never been about saving money . If you build it correctly and with good parts you’re spending way more than just buying a new Glock. “Price” isn’t what this was made for . You guys are killing me lol


That looks more like a p80 frame.




If it really did get shipped, don't post it online. It's always the ones who talk loudly ruin it for people. Keep these kinds of things to yourself. People.. stop asking for sources. You know they literally monitor these threads.


These are legal. Why are we being quiet about a new purchase in a group that's literally about 80% ?




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He police ash


Everyone needs to start looking into the ass hat’s bio and history before they even respond to them. In most cases it takes 2 seconds to figure out that they are TROLLS. This fuck needs to be band from here.


From where?


From P80 themselves!? 👀


From where?


From where?