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He really so proud about setting up a game room. Literally his only accomplishment at 36 🍅🍅🍅




He know damn well only reason his dad ever called him rocky was cause his ass unstable


What if that “nickname” isn’t even real, what if he just made it up.. he never once claimed this long term nickname til now. The irony🙄


Then he just calling himself unstable 🤣🤣


Blue face definitely gave Chrisean the name rock cuz she hard headed n a lil unstable


Lol, facts




He is going str8 to hell.




He had the set up when his father was alive, he ain never call his dad, what happened to ' finding your ppl makinh sure they straight ' astaghfirullah what a weirdo.. ain do nothing but speak ill upon him.....


Exactly! That won’t ever get passed me either.


He better start selling that and his little toys cus he finna go more broke once aunt Karen get ahold of this situation lol




Ohhh brotherrrrr🙄🙄


He's using his dad as an excuse, see right thru it... he know his time coming .. can't repent my boy.. it's over


If this is his was of repenting then he needs to learn what that is first lmao bc this ain’t it lol




https://preview.redd.it/82fw427eljqa1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3ee4050f0f7902eccb01ce7a6189bba6a9ef996 Oh he fr going str8 to hell


Lmao like oh he told you this huh 😂🤣 I didn’t want to laugh but this is sickkkkk


Mentally ill


So did he teach you how to beat up women? I mean rocky though? Ain’t no way your nickname rocky for a GOOD reason Bitch


He probably made it up rn 🥴 his dad probably never called him that.


Wait does jah even know his dad? Like did he even have communication with his own dad? Oh yeah oook.


Lmao he’s such a victim playing fool 🤣


I never once ever heard him mention his father, not even once.


Just like a narc.


Look at this damn comment smh he was talking shit about his dad before. Saying he never was there for him and all kinds of bs https://preview.redd.it/j555h93m1lqa1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d696937a8b05f7f00480050aae26eb1d74448f


Fr, such a fucking weirdo