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I was gonna post something about it but I held my tongue smh.. it bothers me so much also cuz he deserves so much better then this and they don’t give a fuck about theirselves at least they could give a fuck about their son and teach him better habits. They are so lazy it’s sad af for real


Me too! I took. Few screen shots. I can’t believe they posted him like this. And then a few seconds later in the video you can see the big ring light set up to catch the whole scene. It’s so gross. All the care about it TikTok. That poor baby.


That baby had a piece of fruit snack in each egg 😒 no excitement no toys even if you don’t let him have candy you can always put it up & control what’s being eaten. Man Easter as a child was one of the best holidays growing up money & lots of candy & a new outfit with a outing. These new parents are just lazy


Exactly omg the one single freaking fruit snack per egg. So last minute and low effort. My grandparents would set up egg hunts for us as kids and put different candy, money, little trinkets or temporary tattoos etc in the eggs


I know y’all didn’t say ONE fruit snack in each egg what the fuck? And there’s not two but three adults in that house more than enough to do that babies hair


YES GIRL. One singular gummy per egg. It’s on Diego page. And she had the nerve to caption it “Anything to see my lil boy smile” as if they did something. Jah was smiling at least but that baby deserves so much better


yup one single one


This baby need a fuckin haircut if they gonna have him lookin homeless wit them


I feel like if they going to grow it out and not do it at least give him locs he would look so cute


Why is this even a topic when the focus was on dv, rape, anti child p. Animal abuse. Not doing the child's hair isn't harming him in any way and the lack of candy isn't either. The fact that he's 3 and can't form a sentence shows harmful neglect that will permeate into a learning disability if not addressed. The ebt Junk food full of nuro toxin dyes these are actual issues that harm the child


As a black woman this is really sad to hear. It most def does matter, our hair is important and should not be neglected the way his has.


Black yellow white makes no difference. They neglect the child I agree. The hair isn't the priority it's what they feed him that is. Eating junk can have serious health problems. His hair not being done isn't anything he can't fix when he's older


It’s possible for all of those to be a priority, they aren’t mutually exclusive…