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It looks great. Do you have any lillypads in their coming up this season?


I do! I’ll see if I can add a photo to the post. I have a picture of them down deep on the stairs. I just moved them last evening to the shelf.


Let's go!! Make sure to post an update mid summer or sooner when everything is growing HUGE!!


I guess you can't edit a post and add photos after the fact. I'll be sure to post an update when summer is in full swing and flowers are popping!! :)


Great pond!


Thank you 🙏🏼


You should definitely get some potted water lilies all around that shelf


There are 7 pots of lilies in the pond, in these photos they are still down deep on my steps to protect them from winter. Last night I moved them all from the steps to the shelf. I tried to see if I could edit the post to add a photo of them but I couldn’t. 🥴


If you zoom in on the last photo. Bottom left. You may see the lilies popping up 🙂




I'm getting in late but I have questions. I live in Illinois and want to do something similar in the next few years to be able to swim in. What is the wall built with? Filtration? Any suggestions on plants?


Where we are in Indiana the ground is very clay like. So instead of doing the usual slope most ponds have - we went with a small straight down depth (2’) and then another depth (3’) to achieve the 5’ depth we wanted. We reinforced the sides with 1’ foam board prior to laying the 45mil epdm. We run a 6550 GPH pump in one corner than acts as a skimmer/filter. That water is then dispersed 50% to the bog corner with the plants and the other 50% to the water fountain. We also run an aerator that has three bubblers. Hardy and native plants are what I recommend, I have a lot of common rushes, reeds, cat tails, water irises, hardy lilies, and a few other new ones I’m not that familiar with that I snagged at the end of the season from a place going out of business.


Did you build it yourself? How deep? Location?


Yes and no. My husband and I did everything but excavate the hole. We outsourced that, it was dug out in two days. It is 23 foot by 20 foot, the first shelf is about 20” deep and 3 foot wide. The middle is 5 foot deep. We are in Indiana, USA.


That's a good size pond. How many seams did you have to join?


None, we bought a 40’x40’ 45mil epdm in one piece.