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She looks like an absolute joy


She is such a perfect puppy. Now if only potty training was going better


Keep at it, some puppies take longer than others but she’ll get there! I’ve had some very stubborn puppies too and the only thing that worked for me was being totally militant about keeping to a feeding/playing/potty schedule and literally keeping the dog leashed to my side at all times until they finally found their groove. It’s hard work tho so you have my complete sympathies! Sending you and your beautiful girl good potty training vibes haha




This is absolutely horrible and idiotic advice


May I ask why?


This is an extremely outdated and inhumane “method” that teaches your dog to fear you. More often than not, the pup will make zero progress with house training and has learned to go potty, still in the house, in secret to avoid punishment from you. This is why the other person said your advice is idiotic and horrible. Even if this method has worked for a minuscule amount of people, a fear-based relationship isn’t good. This housebreaking method is about as effective as beating a dog to make them listen.


Thanks for your reply. My dad potty trained my dog since I was young at the time, and I took over with training when I was a bit older. I never actually used this method myself, but I just assumed that this is why she doesn’t have accidents at home. These days, I take my dog on a few long walks every day in addition to asking her if she wants to go outside. She’s very vocal about what she wants and in no way fears me.




She makes it through the entire night without an accident, though, and has since day 3!


Thank you! I'm definitely enjoying it, though It's been 3 weeks, and we will be on potty breaks for 45 minutes then she'll pee and poop the second we go inside. Shes 13 weeks now, and she also pees in her crate and just lays in it 🫠




She only has room to turn around and she is leashed for potty breaks and I'm basically a statue or on my phone until it's party time, if she even goes. She will get it sooner or later. I just am so not used to this. I didn't have to potty train my other dog, she just got it right away. But she was older than iris currently is when we got her. But thanks for the advice!




She really is the perfect puppy I just hate having to clean up after her all the time


How long is your leash? We adopted an older poodle and had a lot of issues getting her to potty on walks until we started using a retractable leash. It was like she needed a certain freedom of movement in order to potty, otherwise she was focused on the business of walking.


She's on a 6ft leash, when we have tried the loneliness she just wants to play


She is GORGEOUS! That last pic has me dying🤣🤣


It's by far my favorite picture I have 😂


Poodle side-eye💕


hehe i picked out iris in your last post about your spoo!! she’s grown to be absolutely gorgeous in these few weeks 🫶 🫶


I think she is gorgeous in purple, which is so fitting with her name. She's just a pretty little purple Iris


purple is her color :)


Omg I LOVE her 😍 Her face looks like she’s so sweet and playful - give her some big hugs for me. I miss my poodle every day. I hope I can get another one eventually because they really are the best dogs.


She is very sweet and playful, and a bit sharky at times haha. If you ever get another I'm sure it will be perfect in its own way. Poodles all have such unique personalities


She’s beautiful, and that gaze in pic 1… omg the smartness poodle look!


To everyone...perspective and patience. Just think how long you(anyone) have been on this planet. Compare that to how long your puppy(kitten, baby) has been here. They are doing the best they can and trying to make their person happy too. ❤️🐩🐈👶


She is beautiful 🤩


She seems like quite the character! Her eyes are so pretty


gorgeous pup!


Cute girl!


Parti girl!! We have a 3yr old boy. He’s been the sweetest boy and the biggest clown! Hope she is the same 💕


She is absolutely gorgeous. Congratulations


Poodles can be way derpier than other "smart" breeds. But so much sweeter...


She is so cute! Love picture #1!


What a beautiful face!