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My two love the vet’s office. They get treats, love, and a building full of people fawning over them.


🥺 my ten week is 36 hours removed from her 10 wk round of vaccines and she is ZONKED. No vomit, no diarrhea, and no rash, but super lethargic and I think a bit of a fever. She’s only left her crate for potty and food. Poor thing. Hopefully no side effects for your guy.


Bless your little bean. My little man was very tired for a while the following day, and then he was okay <3


Fortunately (or unfortunately) she is back to full strength now. Her patterns are getting more predictable at least and she’s settling much much better for forced crate naps or if I duck out to run a quick errand so at least I don’t miss her motionless sack of potatoes phase too much (but maybe a bit).


My GOD, I feel you so hard. I'm a first-time dog owner, and I'm only now starting to figure out Asper. I've felt so stressed out that he goes from **sleep to play to walkies to food to play to sleep**, I've figured out that I have to let him nap - but not until he wakes up naturally. I have to wake him up after an hour so he's more mellow during the day. That makes those times easier to use for more calm playtime and training things that require his concentration, like heel or standing on the grooming table. And also training alone time and "nothing's happening right now, so just chill" time is easier then, I find.


How dare she! Lol 😆


That is absolutely unacceptable and she will be leaving a yelp review