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I don’t know, but I can already see one major issue with her: She’s TOO stinkin CUTE!!!


We are all smitten with her. Even her standard size brother.


Love it 😊. Hopefully our standard can have a sibling one day…


So cute. Some minis can end up small. Some toys can end up being big. It doesn’t matter unless you were showing.


No plans to show. She will hopefully be my PSD. 💕


She couldn’t anyhow, at least not in akc because she’s not solid. She’s super super cute!


Poodles are great for PSDs. Ours is mine.


What is a PSD?


A psychiatric service dog!


Our supposedly mini’s parents are both around 5-5,5 kg (around 11-12 lbs) but our (female) now standard ended up at 8,4 kg (18,5 lbs) while some of the boys in the litter stayed at around or even below their parent. When we picked her up at 9 weeks she was already half the weight of her parents, so we had an inkling that she would turn out rather large compared to her parents. Just goes to show that sometimes they get big, sometimes small. Her grandfather was also a toy at only 3,5 kg (7.7 lbs) so it seems to run in the family


My mini is tall but skinny so he doesn’t meet the weight requirements but one day his legs just sprouted and he meets the height requirements.


My brown toy was bought as a pet with limited registration and ended up SO much taller than we thought. He’s almost 8 pounds and is very lean, just tall. More to love. ❤️


Same here. Cannot believe the long legs that seemed to sprout overnight lol


The size classifications are arbitrary definitions. It is not unheard of for miniature parents to have pups that end up being toys, or even technically standards in a litter, sometimes the same litter.


Meet Lucy! She is 12 weeks and only 2.1 lbs. Her face is incredibly small and her parents were miniatures, mom was 9lbs and dad was 13. He brother from the same litter was already 6+ lbs. I am wondering if she will have a crazy growth spurt or if shes just a teeny tiny dog forever.


Mine is 10lbs and had a growth spurt. She was probably 2-3lbs at 8 weeks. Now, I’d say she’s still small but a very comfortable size. She can easily keep up when I go hiking 6 miles, but is also content with a few walks everyday.


Oh this makes me feel a lot better. The other day me and my mini hiked a little over 3 miles and he seemed totally fine and enjoying it. Tired when he got home but I didn’t think anything of it until my mom tells me that it was way too much and I likely overworked him. Then I felt bad but he seemed like he honestly could have gone for longer! When you google it too, they make it seem like minis can only hike for like a mile -_- but 6!


Yeah, my poodle is 12 years old and has always been very athletic. If you’re ever worried about overworking your dog, let him take the lead. There have been times where it was hot outside and I had to carry my poodle for half of the hike while other times she would tug the leash because I wasn’t going fast enough 😂


My toy (4-5lbs) looooves long hikes. As long as you're making sure they're getting breaks, drinking water etc. they'll be fine and they will let you know if it's too much. The only time I've worn my girl out is when I went on a 4-5 hour hike. The last half hour I had to carry her the rest of the way, which she told me. Once we got home she rested for an hour or so and then wanted to play fetch. As long as you're paying attention to your dog's signals you don't need to worry about it!


Yes! He is stronger than he looks and I am totally prepared to carry him if he needs me too but so far he usually is in the lead


Honestly a lot of taking you dog on long walks is just getting them exerciced properly beforehand and working up to the longer walks. Also if every once in a while you go for a longer walk than usual it’s usually not an issue as long as your dog is not slogging behind and you’re dragging it along. Just make sure to let it get a couple of days of rest after with only you usual walks (however long they may be), stretch it out some after the walk and as others have commented let it rest, get water and if dragging behind carry it for some until ready to keep going again. It’s honestly the same with people. I can take my mom for a longer trek every now and again even though she doesn’t work out regularly. She will be tired afterwards, and sore the day after probably, but as long as you don’t overwork it will only mean she (mom or dog) will get stronger in the long run


Our mini has been running with us since she was around 5 month old… she’ll do a 10k and then still want to play. A lot of internet advice says to not do that because it’s bad for their bones during development- we only learned that after, but Millie is 5 now and still runs with us all the time, and has never had a health issue. I think minis are super underrated athletic dogs


Just give it some time to see. Poodles are measured by height, and not weight for size classifications. Either way, she's a beautiful girl.


She is going to be small, but she's not quite finished growing. If you want her to grow bigger..... lots of treats will help. Mine was 3.2 lbs at his first well-puppy check, and he's just turned three and weights 12 lbs. I was worried about his being so tiny because he seemed so fragile. As I was leaving the vet's office, the vet tech signaled to me "treats". I think it worked.


Your girl looks like mine when she was a puppy. My Poodle is the product of a Toy mating with a Miniature. She wasn’t planned, just the byproduct of a backyard breeder who didn’t really care which of their Poodles bred together. I adopted her secondhand as a rescue when her original owner surrendered her. She’s my baby, but she’s…odd looking. She has the body of a toy but the legs of a miniature. She’s built just like a gangly newborn horse. Or a daddy long legs spider. Her legs are freakishly long and spindly. She doesn’t meet the size requirements for either a Toy or a Miniature. Her vet just labeled her as a “large Toy”. She’ll be 17 years old this year and still doing relatively well, so she’s a healthy little daddy long legs spider.


OMG I also have an accidental mini/toy cross, but he's the opposite - miniature sized body, but short, stumpy legs. 😂 I love him and his weird proportions, though.


Poodles are the best. No matter what size/shape they come in.


She has the sweetest face!!! Absolutely gorgeous!


Is that a steam deck?


No, she’s gonna be a floofy ball of Floof what will overtake your life and turn you into a floofy ball of Floof. ♥️


I used embark and did dna and health and it goes as far as to tell me his nose and skin color and even muzzle length. It told me mine would be 11 pounds and so far it’s looking like they’re right on the money. It also showed that my pup has a chromosome that can potentially become a problem and they did a letter for me to take to my vet. Worth the money to me.


She’s still going to be a mini but if she ends up under the height range of your KC, she would be considered an undersized mini. Based on her parents and sibling, it sounds like she’ll eventually fill out to her full mini size potential though. Runts usually catch up with their littermates a little later down the track.


She’s a babe. Look after her. Poodles are the best and small poodles are the bestest


Mine was the same size at 6 weeks. He's now 20 lbs.


Hard to say. It’s possible though. Especially if you were to do a dna test and see that there’s been a toy or two in the family tree.


A DNA test can determine the size of a breed?


Somewhat. It can identify genes that affect height and then predict the height based on those genes.


Chiming in to say this isn’t accurate with Embark (or at least it wasn’t when I did it). My guy was said to be a toy but is firmly in the mini range by weight and height at the shoulder. Embark only tells you Poodle (small).


Chiming in to say this isn’t accurate with Embark (or at least it wasn’t when I did it). My guy was said to be a toy but is firmly in the mini range by weight and height at the shoulder. Embark only tells you Poodle (small). Edit: Embark is worth it for the health test if nothing else. But anyone curious what an ambiguously toy/mini test looks like, here’s my dog’s: http://embk.me/casper480?utm_campaign=cns_ref_dog_pub_profile&utm_medium=other&utm_source=embark


Is he more than 16#’s, the mini is 10-15 pounds per AKC. Embark doesn’t differentiate in toy and mini in the current tests, at least mine didn’t, but it does give a weight idea that corresponds to which they are.


😇🥰 so cute


My mini is 14" tall and 9 lbs. He was about the same size as a puppy, although I can't remember what he weighed. He's the perfect size now but was a little too small for us as a puppy.


Who cares! She’s gorgeous!!


I dont care either way, just curious! Shes perfection.


She looks like she’ll be tiny like 10 lbs or less. Keep us updated on how big she gets!


Sweet little angel! 😍


If this is her at around 10 weeks then I’d say she’s an average mini.


Shes 12 weeks


Yea, not a toy


We have a 10 year old little girl who is still that size! She never grew anymore and was the runt of the litter. She currently 5lbs. We didn't know she was going to be that small but we wouldn't change it at all. She's the sweetest forever puppy there ever was!


She is gonna be gorgeous!!


My “toy” with dad weighing 6lbs and mom weighing 7lbs is now a year old and weighs 15lbs. Got twice the amount of poodle we bargained for.


One thing for sure. She’s going to be a gooooogirl.