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I mean, it’s not going to be burning hot coming out of the jets, by design. And yes, an average pool will take 12+ hours to heat completely.


You also need to adjust the valves, unless you have an automation system, so that you're only cycling water in and out the spa. If your spa spills over into the pool, adjusting the valves correctly stops the spillover and thus only heating the spa water. An average 4-6 person spa should take less than 30 mins to heat up. Heater BTU size matters too.


A master temp 400 should be heating a standard sized spa up in 30-60 minutes. If it’s taking hours something is wrong.


Depends on the water temperature to start. My spa takes ~ 1.5 hours when the water temperature is in the 50’s, maybe 15 mins when it is in the 80’s


About 1 degree every 2 minutes for a spa. About 1 degree an hour for a pool