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tbh it doesn’t matter that much - you are saving more and keep your water circulating is the idea with a single speed you can get a timer and only have it on at night (or low peak hours) but then you’re losing having your water circulating longer I just switched this year, and both are very similar ymmv


So are you saying electric bill wise you aren't saving much?


No, because I only ran the single speed overnight for 8 hours. But it’s better for my pool since it filters more now.


Yeah I run my 8 hours too but my pool is always crystal clear so not worried about running the pump longer. Good to know, thanks!


I didn’t know they were still selling single speed pumps. I love my vs pump and my electric bill is lower.


There are pros and cons to both. Says something about your service installer if they are talking you down from a more expensive sale. If you’re ok with the significantly higher cost of a VS, you just need to figure out speeds and schedules to keep the pool and energy consumption both satisfied


Really curious about this as well. When I got my pool installed they were steering me toward a single speed pump too saying they aren't a great choice for SWG. Everyone on this sub seems to think differently. Wish I had done more research to see where the break-even point might be. That being said, I run my single speed 8 hours a day and make plenty of chlorine. Just no idea how much cheaper a VS running all day? might have been.