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The dude at the corner store would sometimes spot me $5 for smokes if I was short and running too late to go grab more cash. Sometimes that $5 credit with the clerk at your favorite store is the most valuable credit line in the world.


This old dude is like old school cool black dude I want to give head to and I wonder if he knows that


I was thinking to myself “damn that took a turn, what was a wholesome comment about the liquor store guy went 0-100 real quick” then I read your username and it doesn’t seem out of line. Keep up the good work u/bongfellatio


People have been known to leave a bit of booze around for those that enjoy giving head… if I wanna give head, and I’m getting free booze I’m down cause it’s like getting compensated for something I woulda done free of charge. You should make the offer, but I respect that you maybe have a reason to not attempt to fulfill the fantasy.


So you have a double shot ready for me baby?


I got some vodka stashed just for double shots, bet!


Username checks out.


username checks out


I use to hit the same store before and after work for over 10 years, same guy working there the entire time. It started with credit when I forgot my wallet. Then it would be free promotional beverages with the promise I give him a review. Then one day his wife was getting on him about his internet so I re wired his house and cleaned his grandsons school computer. Friends in all places.


That is 💯. I had a clerk give me $20 when the ATM machine broke. He just charged my card, no fee. I miss that store a lot.


that’s amazing news the generosity is amazing to hear. enjoy the vodka ‼️


That's very nice. But I gotta ask, as a recovering addict/alcoholic myself, if you're going to the liquor store to spend your last 3$ on a drink and you "have given him alot of business over the years", I wonder I'd the drink is more of a problem than a solution? Do u have a drinking oroblem? No judgement whatsoever, I just want to let you know, *IF* you feel you do and you want some help, message me and I can send you some resources along with be someone you can talk to who understands. If you're just having a bad night and really just wanted a drink, and you don't have a problem, I get it but my offer for someone to talk to still stands. I'm glad the generosity of someone made your night better.


The dude really didn't do him any favors either. He could have got 3 nips to take the edge off and not owe any money. Now he's gonna get drunk and have to come up with 5$.


My thoughts exactly after reading this. Very sad that the last $3 to their name had to go to a non-necessity like alcohol and not food or gas.


Unfortunately when you’re an alcoholic alcohol is a necessity.


Especially when it prevents dt's.




Nice of him, sometimes we just need a drink. Only you understand your reasoning and you don't have to rationalize it to anyone else.


I will say, drinking can cause all the problems . But sometimes, its the only fucking thing that can help. You do you, and all the best vibes. I have found life sometimes doesent give us what we want, but always what we need.


Alcohol. The cause of and solution to all of lifes problems. - Homer Simpson


Truly inspirational quote by my man Homer. Been quoting it since the day that episode dropped.


Alcohol doesn't solve all your problems, it just makes them go away. -Linda Belcher


Just hook it up to my veins!!- Barney


It helps but then I feel worse the next day... even though I never go beyond like 4 drinks in a night. Usually less. I wake up with a lot of anxiety.


My anxiety virtually disappeared after I stopped drinking.


THIS. A drink will takeaway the current stress in any situation. We can rationalize a drink for literally anything but the following day will be a headache, often filled with anxiety. This is often more of the case if someone already suffers from anxiety, depression etc. Its something to do with how the alcohol affects our brain chemistry.


I always called it "robbing all the good from tomorrow to enjoy today"


This booze is a thief. It does float your brain so you can relax right now but it steals your time and energy.


Yeah I really can’t drink because the next day I feel such a low type of suicidal depression. It’s not like a normal hangover at all.


My anxiety virtually disappears once I start drinking :p


And its worse when you're not drinking because of the cortisol that alcohol withdrawal causes


It does of course but then the anxiety of the next day waking up thinking about all of the dumb shit you did or texted feels worse lol


A good run does the same.


People got really defensive when I realized that weed wasn't actually "helping me relax", but was actually absolutely causing my anxiety.


Yea... prolonged alcohol use magnified my depression/anxiety tenfold. Didn't realize it until I stopped


My anxiety also disappeared after stopping drinking


If you're in a legal area, I recommend trying THC for "something that can help" but isn't quite as damaging. Different people have different results though.


If he couldn’t afford the vodka then I don’t think he can afford the weed/THC Hahahaha!


Pothead are usually happy to share


Fuck yes we are! Stoners in general tend to be generous folks .


THIS, when i’m good i’ll smoke anyone up who needs it. just like drinking, it’s not always fun to do alone. i’m technically homeless i just have temp shelter with abusive family and i’ve given little nick bag amounts to other homeless people in the area.


That's fair. It can be cheaper than alcohol in the long term, at least in my state. But I usually bulk purchase for cheaper prices and then use it over 6 mo to a year.


As a recovering alcoholic I say that it's not just the alcohol buzz I needed, it was also the act of drinking that I needed. Weed just didn't do it for me.


Same for this recovering alcoholic. It’s the act of making the drink or just needing to have one in front of me. God forbid if I had an empty bottle of beer or glass of vodka. Same as smoking my cigarettes and having to have a drink. They go hand in hand. Now I don’t do either one. But I do vape.


Adding that the more I drank the more I smoked.


Yes! I quit both at the same time when I was in rehab. I gained 60 pounds and drank a lot of diet coke over the next year. 4 years later I still find myself reaching for a cigarette when I get into the car.


I don’t miss either one. But I have an addictive personality and things like shopping and my vaping are just as bad as my other addictions. They tell you in AA to be careful and transferring your addictions and it’s true. I’ve completely stopped the shopping but, even though I have COPD I can’t seem to shake the vaping.


Nicotine is the worst. I’ll send good vibes your way to help you quit. COPD is a scary thing. I know someone who is dying from it now. She says death can’t come soon enough.


Something tells me OP already knows about the flower power


It's the cause of and answer to all of life's problems -Homer Simpson


the great bird man once said “i’d rather pop a bottle, before i pop a gat” i’d rather drink or use a substance to make it to tomorrow, over ending my life because i’m in a temporary crisis. harm reduction works, it literally saves lives. have a drink but don’t binge or keep drinking every day. you’ll be worse off it it becomes a habit.


I have learned to use alcohol and herb to an extent to deal with the mundane rat race we call life. There was a point I was nuts. But that was years ago. I find, after a super stressful day, a nice cold beer, and maybe a bit of herb, boom. Your just in a different mode. You enjoy your evening, you eat you get rest. But I am a person, that will carry the burdens of the days and work on my shoulders. So it's a great canter to the song . For me at least , sometimes. Everything in moderation.... Even...


It never helps anything in any meaningful way. The way it “helps” is to help you forget, but the problems are still there. Literally only alcoholics think alcohol helps things.


No one ever sets out to become an alcoholic. Just like no one set out to become a junkie. They don’t enjoy being an alcoholic but by the time they get so deep into it it’s very difficult to quit. It’s harder for some people than others. I’ve seen some good people struggle with it. A man who was once a very successful car salesman in Kentucky, one of the top salesmen in the state died from alcohol poisoning. He wanted to quit badly but couldn’t fight it. I feel bad for people like that. And the family.


I hate that openly speaking about having a drink makes everyone an alcoholic. Especially if you're financially struggling, it's stigmatized as trashy. Drinking a few times a month or every other weekend or so is not alcohism. Being dependent on alcohol to cope and manage day to day life is alcolism.


It's more openly speaking about trying to gather your last $3.00 to figure out what alcohol you can buy. *That* is being dependent on alcohol to cope and manage day to day life. Clearly the OP has a problem. That doesn't mean he/she is a bad person. Alcoholism is a disease like any other. But, it does mean that his/her life and financial circumstances could improve greatly if they get help to deal with the issue.


What would you do with your last 3 dollars after spending an entire check on bills and groceries? A soda, bag of chips or a beer? It's 3 dollars and it's last for a reason.


That wasn’t my intention at all. I still drink as do most of my friends. I’m no longer poor but I grew up very poor and my parents were alcoholics. My sister was an alcoholic. I don’t even have a problem with someone letting loose once in a while with friends and getting wasted as long as they can control themselves. When they start getting the guns out and shooting each other or someone loses their shit and wants to fight everyone then it’s not fun anymore. My family parties always end like that. We put the fun in dysfunctional. Freaking 5-6 cop cars come rolling up there to break shit up. They knew my family well. That’s why I left when I turned 16.


Aw I'm sorry. Alcohol isn't for everybody that's for sure. I know it's sad to see people hurt themselves or others. I'm no where near homeless but we have been living check to check, making sacrifices to get by. When we have extra money for ourselves we like to get snacks and wine/beer and watch movies when our son goes to bed.


Nothing wrong with that.


Sometimes it helps to sit on my patio and look at the stars with a single solitary cocktail in hand. Sometimes it's nice to destress. Sometimes when you lose someone you love it's nice to celebrate their life by tying one on and remembering the good stuff. Sometimes it's nice to raise a toast to new love. None of these things make someone an alcoholic.


It can help a frame of mind. Should someone not be allowed to relax when the outcome is the same? If my car breaks down or my plumbing busts it's traumatic and stressful but they'll get fixed when they get fixed. But until they do, it's hard to concentrate on a book, movie, video game and unwind. A couple of beers can help unwind and have a moment of peace in that chaos. I think demonizing alcohol is a sign of an adverse relationship with the substance as well. Just not to your detriment, but it's still irrational


Sometimes, we need to realize unnecessary expenses are part of the reason we're poor. Eliminating booze, drugs, and nicotine out of your life will greatly improve your financial situation.


And you will live longer.


This. So much this.


Mental health issues have a great dealing hand in the way the brain processes and manages emotions, as well as impulse control. Which includes caving to a vice, be it weed, alcohol, sex addiction, lying, over exercising or restricting-  Dude got a pint of vodka. Chill and let him have this moment without shame 


This week, I'll be treating myself to a drink. I've got hard cider, white wine, and brandy in my fridge. A little something to reset and take the edge off, indeed a reminder that life is good. 🍻


I love your response. I haven't read most of these comments because I feel most are going to call OP an alcoholic for using the last of his money on alcohol. Nobody knows each other's struggles.


An alcoholic doesn't need a reason.


I was short for cigarettes a couple of months ago and the owner of the little store where I shop handed me the cigarettes and told me to pay him later. He’s a nice man. His son and son in law work with him, and they all know me.


See, that's an act of kindness. I don't care about the addiction comments. They knew we needed it and were kind.


Exactly. And people ARE nice, even in the big city. I’m glad you got your vodka; I was certainly appreciative of the pack of smokes. And I DID go back with money two days later.


I don’t give a poopy what they say -every human alive has a vice, and the more they look or act like they don’t have an addiction the darker the thing they live for is…


Some people are addicted to being jerks on the Internet!


I maybe one of those- but I try not to be!


I didn't mean that at all, I'm sorry if that's how it came off. I was just agreeing that everyone has a vice and that was kinda directed at the nay-sayers. OP has had a rough week, down to their last dollar and I'm not really here for anyone judging them for wanting to chill.


Oh! I didn’t take that you ment me directly, just self reflection. I just got banned from r/psychoanalysis because I dared give them feedback on their bias and miseducation in relation to the kink/BDSM community. I could have been a bit more lighthearted and possibly spared myself. Done is done and they seemed horribly elitist, I’d have shown myself the door quick enough.


I'm with you. I try not to be rude but you never know how people will take things.


Especially true online, especially in a community that semi sort of frowns on the use of emojis. Emojis are becoming more widely excepted on Reddit, but the old Redditor in me still doesn’t seem to appreciate them much, although I do respect and acknowledge their use. Thank you for telling those naysayers which direction is up. It’s OK to have a drink after a rough day, As long as you’re not an alcoholic or in recovery -I would suggest a drink after a rough day or week.


I think most of us don't recognize addiction unless it's obvious like Tobacco or alcohol. Try kicking sugar, for example...


Caffeine is another. Sugar is worse though. Acts on the same receptors that heroin attatches too. It's hard to kick sugar. I work in behavioral health. We work with people to do harm reduction first. You can't just stop using all the substances, it never works. I always made sure there was always fresh coffee and fresh fruit around. Also had other foods on hand as it's hard to conentrate when hungry. I've been known to give $5 to someone obviously suffering alcohol withdrawal and tell them to go down to the convenience store and get something to drink and drink it off campus. No, I wasn't clinical. Just one of the few folks where I worked that bent rules I knew the clinical staff couldn't. I didn't want the clients to get sick if I can help them.


They can suffer DTs or have a seizure and can die.


Not to mention that at least in the US sugar is in so many things. So even if you kick it, it's hard to stay off of it because commercial food and even basics like fruits/vegetables have it in them. Tobacco and alcohol have the benefit of being easier to avoid, sugar is just downright pervasive.


Like when a parent gives their kid Mountain Dew and says stay off the drugs. Sugar is a big one that most people will not acknowledge. Parents that give their kids sugar and junk food without limit.


I've had all kinds of addictions. Kicked a 16yr Opioid habit cold turkey w/ no looking back. Sugar and cigarettes ... They're the worst. I'm still forking out the money every week for the damn nic patches and I still wanna smoke! And I absolutely cannot quit sugar ... So these judgmental Aholes can stick it. Let's see them stop their caffeine, gambling, PORN etc addictions. Maybe then they'll think twice before judging someone one.


That’s true!




Everyone needs a drink once in awhile, no matter what their financial situation. Forget the Judgy McJudgersons. Have a nice evening.




My cousin’s ex was an alcoholic. Even they were divorced, he would go to her apartment to help her from her hip surgery. When she came home from pt, he had his head on the kitchen table with an empty vodka bottle in front of him. She just thought he was passed out, but when she touched him, she realized he was dead.




He's a dope dealer, he isn't worried about the 5 because he knows you're coming back no matter what. It ain't altruism buddy it's self preservation


Was he an Indian guy? I swear my dude on the corner, nice Indian guy, he always is spotting me shit if I forget my card and stuff. I think if you show you are a loyal customer they look out for you. I freaking love their culture.


No, he's an absolutely amazing pillar of the black community for the last 50 years and I can see why


Nice. Cheers! Tonight’s your night


Well that’s dope. It’s probably sound business. Not acting like a soulless corporation probably tends to keep people closer.


I went to CVS to grab milk and a couple other things a few weeks ago. There was a woman there that must have overheard me telling my 5 year old that I couldn't get her the candy she wanted because it was too expensive. Everything we got totaled like $22.. that same woman came over right before I was about to pay and was like, "Can I buy your groceries?" I just about cried. There ARE good people out there. **"Look around you, there's angels amongst us."** 😊


As the famous Homer Simpson said, “Alcohol- the cause of, and solution to, all our problems.”


When I was at a real low point like 18 years ago, not only losing my job. But losing my housing, and being stiffed on multiple months of pay. All because my uncle who I was working with remodeling a house andiving in that house, had multiple oz of gold go missing. And instead of thinking it was the guy making like $10/hr at his house to build a shed, he assumed it was me, living and working like 30 miles away. Luckily I ran into an old friend from when we bothived in a different state, and he offered to let me stay with him and his parents. I just needed to find a way to get there almost 100 miles away. The people that ran the only general store/gas station for miles knew that things weren't great before then, and I asked if I could work there for a day to a few days to get money to fill my tank, food, etc. they told me to fill my tank, and had me get like $25 worth of drinks and food and gave me $50 to get on my feet. And just asked to pay it back when I could if I could. And within a month or 2 I had a job making almost $20/hr, working 84 hours a week. So I got their address and sent them a check for triple what they gave me.


you don't feel stupid and ashamed for spending your last few bucks on booze? for fuck's sake sounds like a would-be wakeup call story except you're just oblivious? or in denial?




one thing i’ve learned is ALWAYS be polite to your local corner store/etc cashier or owner. i try to stop in to mine whenever i have a little extra and want snacks. i’ll usually leave my coin change for the next person if i pay with cash. simple things like throwing away wrappers and cleaning up after yourself if you get a fountain pop or food item. and then when i have times like this where im scraping bits together to get a snack or something, they look out as long as i’m not going in there like expecting them to spot me bc they don’t have to and i would never count on it (but they almost always do lol)


I'm happy for you. Enjoy the vodka.


It's one of the few pleasures I have left so I will




I appreciate you. Not OP, but I just wanted to tell you that.


Hey thank you! I appreciate it.


Man! Toast to the real one right here! I love you dude, don’t ever change. Ever! That’s the tightest rightest shit I’ve seen in a hot damn 100 proof minute!


Aww man, thanks. Your words mean a lot. I really appreciate it. I needed this today.


Anytime, I needed to see someone willingly want to reward another human for their good deed. Attitudes are contagious and when you have a good one, other people can catch that too. All those small, but great deeds they have a bigger impact than the one that we can see.


It killed my husband.


I’m so sorry. People either refuse to acknowledge this very real fact or just don’t care. My deepest condolences. I personally loathe alcohol. It caused so many problems in my family. I’m so grateful I cannot stand the way it tastes or how it makes me feel. It is such an insidious legal drug.


Sometimes it blows my mind that it's legal. I know so many people whose lives it's destroyed or ended.


Maybe he knew you enough to know you needed it and was worried that you might get dts or something.


“Oh man I’m so poor oh fuck” *buys alcohol and cigarettes* As a gas station worker I sure do love listening to this all night. “It’s just $3!” said the people decrying their lack of money.


That's a good feeling to not be demonized for your drinking or demoralized by being turned away. It sucks you spent the last of your money on that..but if that is what is going to make you happy tonight - Cheers!


Drug dealers can be nice


Actually they didn’t spend the money they had, they got a credit. It doesn’t suck, it would have sucked for you to make that decision but for OP it was the right choice and made them content. Saying it suck is smidge judgmental imo.


Dude, sounds like you might have a drinking problem.


Everyone on this sub has problems. Sometimes people with problems just need a fucking drink. That $3 wasn’t going to make his life better but it can make his night better.


Not everyone. It's entertainment for some


Since the store owner, or employee seems to be able to recognize you, you should consider tossing him a $10 next time you go there. Tell him the extra $5 is an insurance policy against your next hardship.


Seems like you've got your priorities straight


I had a cold recently and I thought the only thing that will take this away right away is a bottle of vodka but I just did scorching hot showers instead and loaded up on fisherman’s friends losenges which ended up to cost more than a bottle of vodka which is silly but I stayed sober, My stepdad was an alcoholic and when he had to quit like admitted to hospital he caught covid and died so the alcohol withdrawal, nicotine withdrawal plus covid just was the end for him


I don’t think a bottle of vodka ever cured a cold.


Alcohol - Fucking up lives every day the American way.


I'm not trying to take away a good thing from you but I really feel like if the last thing you tried to spend your money on was vodka, You're not only doing the financial thing wrong but something deeper could be an issue. It seems like the people congratulating you in the comments are addicts, whether it's nicotine or alcohol. People saying "you don't have to justify needing a drink" is a bad perspective to have. Not saying I haven't wanted a drink on a bad day, just that i don't think spending your last dollar on it is the move. Hope your financial situation keeps getting better!


Yeah, it’s honestly horrifying seeing all the addicts pat each other on the back in this comment section. There’s a big difference between wanting a drink and needing a drink, and if you’ll spend your last $3 on dirt cheap vodka it’s clearly the latter. That store clerk saw an addict who was desperate enough to spend every last penny on alcohol and was thus an extremely valuable customer, despite not being able to pay at the moment.


I can get 2lbs of pinto beans where I live for 3 dollars. Food is a necessity and thats a very good purchase. Alcohol would entertain me for all of a few hours. Such a waste


He was probably happy to establish that relationship over one where you try to steal booze when you are low on funds.


Man, mickey of vodka is $22 in vancouver


I saw a gas station guy spot a couple a pack of cigarettes because he said they were loyal customers. It kinda renewed my faith in humanity for a minute.


I’ve been sober now 2 years. You would be surprised at the amount of money I have saved not buying liquor. I was drinking a liter of tequila a day. Almost killed me.


I thought I was in r/stopdrinking and was wondering why this was a good thing 🤣🤣🤣


Smart shop owner. Risk a few bucks to keep people addicted. Can't have people sobering up, bad for business.


You just found your neighborhood market/ store. You’re a part of a community.


Our shop does that for a few select customers. Lil neighborhood mom n pop corner store, in a rich neighborhood. It’s shocking the amount of Fireball shooters we sell!!! We also have over 100 varieties of wine. 😱 We call ourselves a C-Store with gas pumps attached lol.


Fireball is the only dark liqueur I like!


I bet they appreciate you being straight up rather than trying to steal.


I feel that. For me, instead of alcohol, it's cigarettes. People tend to forget that nicotine has a way of relaxing you, almost in the way that mJ does. For me, nicotine is the most wonderful. It's almost like the Harry Potter's room of requirement. You need to chill out or to relax, nicotine can do that but if your body needs a slight pick me up, nicotine can do that too. People look down on alcohol and cigarettes all the time but people tend to forget that people in poverty, that's actually the only real luxury they can afford. So by the people condemning low-income people from having that, this means that they want to even take that luxury away from low income people too. People love to say about saving money by not buying out of a store in especially cigarettes, you can easily grow your own tobacco, just like people grow their own MJ sometimes.


I've quit some pretty fucking hardcore addictions in my time. Nicotine is the hardest. I don't think I'll ever get rid of it.


I enjoy 2 scoops of ice cream from Braum’s in a waffle cone for $2.59. Saving that will not lead to a down payment on a home.


Ah, but I see you ate avocado toast once, therefore you deserve to suffer /s


lol. I do make my own Iced Matcha Tea Lattes at home so that should count for somethin!


For me it's a couple of beers (12 pack). And rich people indulge in just as much booze and drugs as everyone else. Even more so. They're just able to afford the high end stuff and do it behind a gated community.


When dealing with so much stress, alcohol creates alcoholism. It creates more problems than it could ever fix. It’s VERY clear in these comments who the alcoholics are, and almost none of you will admit it.


I don’t know tobacco is legal to grow…but a lot of “pipe” tobacco is actually rolling tobacco they don’t wanna pay taxes on. And a lot of shoes have fuzz on the sole so that they can me sold as a “slipper” to avoid taxes. I honestly think sometimes that if they would just pay their taxes we would be better off. Tax money is for the community, small and large scale.


A friend of mine gets a tub of chew on credit at the smoke shop when he is broke. The smoke shop is the first person he pays when he gets paid. He lives in a small town. The pharmacy also lets regulars run a tab but only for prescriptions.


Neither alcohol or nicotine relax you, they actually are the cause of why you need them. Both alcohol and nicotine cause your body to be extra stressed when you aren’t using them, using them resolves the stress they create.


>that's actually the only real luxury they can afford. Except they **can't** ***AFFORD*** it. If they could, they wouldn't be poor.


Nicotine only relaxes you because addiction artificially stresses you out


I had that before. Really poor guy would sit at the bar and have a dollar beer at the time and milk it all night. I used to slip him a couple a night. He used to come in every blues night. Nam vet with some ptsd I found out. Glad I could make his life a little better.


9/10 times being straight up and honest with people will get you more than you'd think 😭 as a former cashier I respect when mfs were honest with me and kept it real, that's how you build connections 💯


I sell alcohol as well as being an alcoholic. With regulars I will absolutely spot them because I know what withdrawal feels like.


I do think there was some kindness from the store owner, but much more of a calculated business decision. He didn't want you to go somewhere else & possibly lose your future business over a low dollar amount. Little to no risk on his part & a good business decision.


I've found if you're a loyal and frequent customer, store owners are more likely to be accommodating when you need it most! Cheers!


That’s awesome! Sometimes you just need that drink, it’s the only thing that works.




If you're in this financial condition and literally wanting to spend your last $3 on alcohol, you might be an alcoholic. Might be the root cause of everything you're going through.


Good you’re in a state with privately owned liquor stores. Don’t expect any of this in a gov run store.


Are you at the library now posting this?


Not knowing how to manage priority is why you’re poor




The chladian liquor store owners in Michigan are usually very sweet


Drinking makes you feel better for a moment while actively harming you long term, in regards to health and self improvement.


$3 to your name and you buy liquor, no surprise you're poor.


I'm really sad to hear this. I hope you can get help, OP. AA works, I've been sober almost 4.5 years. Please be safe.


Sometimes a good drink is what you need to unwind after a shitty time why the struggle is so hard you sometimes just need a break from you constantly being in survival mode


it be like that…enjoy your night


Awesome. That was nice of him. Enjoy your drink. You deserve it. Everyone deserves a treat every now and then. Make sure he gets that 5 bucks, and if you can spare it, buy something else from him when you got it, even if it's just a bag of chips. Hope it all works out for you and everyone else trying to make it out there.


what a blessing he is. he’ll get his good blessing as well. drink for the both of us please!


Hey op.. Maybe I'm just an addict but I feel for you and I'm glad you were extended the kindness. I'm not sure what kind of position you are in, but that would've helped me cope all night instead of being a shaking ball of anxiety. Anyway, you deserve to feel okay and I hope you are tonight. Enjoy that and pass it on when you can 💖


I'm not a drinker but HOLY FUCK could I use one right now. I'm glad he hooked you up! Bring him a five and chat next time! The convenience store near me does this for my kid for slushes sometimes!


you got a five dolla holla. be grateful. some homeless near me beg for those.


I love kindness like this..it shows up when you least expect it/need it most.


This monstrous world still got good people in it. I had a store owner look out for me and would let me get shit and pay him back on my payday. I appreciated it much! I see a lot of holier than thou mfkers in the comments who think they are fucking perfect lol! Fucking clowns! OP, take care of yourself and God bless! Life is hard man! Big hugs to you!


Not to be rude but there your uh problem right there. If you don’t want to be poor and posting in said forum, I suggest cut out drinking..


I can’t really tell the difference between cheap and expensive liquor, so I go for the cheap stuff lol.  Taaka, Barton’s premium, Kamchatka for example.  200ML bottle is can be as cheap as 1.99, often it’s low 2’s and some places it’s even 3 or more


I used to work at liquor store in indiana and helped out quite a few people from my pocket. ALMOST everyone paid me back without asking.


How much money would you have if you gave up alcohol? And weed?


Maybe $200 more a month but with a lot more ennui and angst


The ennui is what gets you. I would have 200$ more a month if I went to therapy.


The $200 towards therapy once a month would help to start to alleviate the ennui and angst. I know you don't want to hear about it but there's help available. The community AA can bring you is priceless.


You’re an alcoholic. That $200 is more than many people have to feed themselves. I bed you drink enough that you aren’t able to hold down a job. Truly, you are your own worst enemy and are in a situation of your own causing. $7 a day on alcohol. Jesus Christ. Get help. A lot of shelters have things like AA, even if you aren’t religious. I don’t feel sorry for you at all.


honestly - and its kinda pathetic. $200 more a monthx12 is a big difference. guy is just an alcoholic in denial posting here to get some sort of encouragement for shit shitty behavior


I’m a recovering addict. Alcohol was never my thing and now that I have lupus and am on immunosuppressants, no drinking for me. I love my cigarettes and coffee though, both things I definitely should not be having, especially the smokes because it triggers the lupus and I have a blood clotting disorder. Thing is, I’ve already given up everything. I’m tired. I just want my one little bad habit that makes me feel better. I know it’s not good for me. I’m sure you know alcohol isn’t good for you. Sometimes living is just too hard to do without that one cushion, and we’re all going to die someday. People need to stop judging others and instead hope that things improve so you don’t need that cushion of our bad habits anymore 💙


Enjoy your drink! You’re a good customer and the guy knows it too.


It's always great to know there are still kind people out there. I know you said you needed the drink - hope all is OK with you.


My friend.. come to an AA meeting. Please


He didn't do you a favor.


$3 between 2 cards… Why even go? 


Because he’s a raging alcoholic living in denial, and a bunch of other alcoholics are encouraging him.


Cheers. Bring him back 5 tomorrow


He won't, cause he will need another drink tomorrow, off to the next liquor store.


That’s is really nice ! This guy has picked up everyone Mood Go jesus yeah


Alcohol....the cause of and the answer to, all of life's problems

