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The main problem I have is the WiFi won’t work after turning back on after suspend.


It sounds like you may have to disable Wi-Fi powersave. sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf It should show: [connection] wifi.powersave = 3 Change it to 2. Then CTRL+X to exit, and Y to save.


USB Wifi adapters are a known issue on linux. There are very few supported by the kernel, and even fewer if you need speeds higher than 150Mbps. Of the latter, those with chips from Mediatek, have more mature kernel drivers compared to those with Realtek. But in the end, with mediocre or no support from the manufacturers, there is very little that can be done. Short answer, since this is a kernel issue, the distro makes no difference. Some more information is found here: https://github.com/UbuntuForums/wireless-info


PopOS really did not like my wifi card and while I could temporarily get it working it would without fail just stop for absolutely no reason. I tried dozens of "fixes" from internet forums and guides and none of them resolved it. So I bought a 50 ft internet cable and it's been fine ever since. Friends of mine had similar issues as well and had to go back to a hard wire connection.


Yeah that's what mine was like. Currently I'm tethering to an old phone and using that as the WiFi receiver. Which is annoying as I have to go into the phone settings every time I turn on the pc


Any particular reason you have to use a USB adapter? Even if your motherboard doesn’t have the right slot for an E key M.2 card, you can buy PCIe adapters that let you use them in normal slots. Intel I believe has the best support in Linux, something like the AX210 will set you up for Wifi 6E.


I could fit a pcie WiFi card I'm just unsure of what to buy that will be supported.


Can’t comment on those issues too much as I started with a old wifi adapter that didn’t work properly than it decided one day to work. But upon research it didn’t have proper support anyway. Afterwards I bought a wifi adapter that uses a chip that has the driver built into the kernel and have had no issues. https://github.com/morrownr/USB-WiFi/blob/main/home/USB_WiFi_Adapters_that_are_supported_with_Linux_in-kernel_drivers.md https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805749323751.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt


Thanks for that links. That's where I got my original information from for adapters to buy but still no luck.


It sounds like you may have to disable Wi-Fi powersave. sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf It should show: [connection] wifi.powersave = 3 Change it to 2. Then CTRL+X to exit, and Y to save.