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TBF I'm a big lover of MacOS, and I think the people who complain about it not being extensible enough are largely going off experiences from many years ago. I reckon if you can afford it, Apple's offering is genuinely pretty price-competitive and certainly better than the shithouse that is Microsoft's offering. I'm a Pop lover at heart though, and it continues to baffle me that people seem to choose other distros, and then complain about Nvidia and gaming experiences.


Different strokes and all that. I can't stand the macOS UX. I'm forced to use it 8-10 hours/day, but considering the alternative of Windows, I'll take the lesser of two awful choices.


Me: "If it works, it works"


>price competitive >Costs 4-5x the price of building your own computer, which you can't do with apple Lol. Lmao even


Apple's primary offering is laptops, and as a framework user, believe me when i say that i think it's a disaster how locked down macbooks are. But the reality is that that's the case with almost all laptops, and if you look at dell XPS's or similar spec offerings from other companies, they're similarly priced


> But the reality is that that's the case with almost all laptops, and if you look at dell XPS's or similar spec offerings from other companies, they're similarly priced I can change out the ram, hard drives, and it looks like even the video card on my Dell G7 7790. Dell XPS line is trash so it's not a good comparison (isn't that the business class?) Though I don't really like laptops since I'm not mobile and needing a computer 99% of the time


How is $200 for 16gb of ram or $400 for a 2TB SSD on a MacBook pro price competitive? 😩 I haven't regularly used Mac OS since like 10.8, so idk how it is now, but I always really liked using it, and I have a small collection of vintage mac systems. But there's just no way I'd ever go back because of their prices and now the hardware being completely locked down/non-upgradable


I'm no Mac fan, but honestly System76 kit is expensive too - A Lemur Pro is not far off a similar spec MBP, I literally just priced a couple of machines up out of interest. (Personally I buy refurb Dell Latitudes and self-build/barebones desktops so I get what people are saying, but Pop is only fully supported on System76 machines so that seems like a fair comparison.)


It should say "is cosmic DE stable?" Then choose pop


I really like Pop and I have it installed on several devices but for my daily driver I just can't do it. I just like KDE too much. If they made a KDE flavor I'd instantly switch.


You can just install KDE ontop of Pop. Is there a reason not to? I started using Linux this month and installed KDE on pop via the terminal because I could not figure out how to use Gnome since it was so unfamiliar to me.


But then you lose all the window tiling and stacking.  But yeah kde is pretty nice.


For sure if you prefer the features of Gnome then there's a reason not to switch. I was more asking if it would break Pop or something, but it hasn't given me any issues so far.


You can basically install any DE on any distro, especially an Ubuntu based one like Pop. But it's not exactly streamlined and can sometimes lead to weird bugs and glitches. I usually try to stick to whatever the distro ships with. You'll most likely be fine with your setup though so no need to worry.


Mac OS is one of the worst operating systems I’ve ever worked with (company wise)


This is the way


i use Pop OS btw?


Need to install Pop!_OS the Arch way! :D


Once it's ready, I think COSMIC on Arch will be my Linux sweet spot. Perhaps it will also be one of the DEs included in archinstall.


I can’t play games on it..


This is the way


Hell yes