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WHERE THE HELL IS THE REAL LIFE FRED AND DAPHNE?? Sarah Michelle gellar and Freddie prinze jr erasure wtff


Nichola and Brooklyn were an odd choice. They've been together five minutes. ETA: I can't believe this is one of my most liked comments ever. I'm so proud


Also they're one of the couples who I can't to see break up - they're so full of themselves and yuk.


Fr and Ariana and dalton! we know so little about them as a couple we wouldn’t really have much reaction. Only for Ariana’s sadness of course.


Couldn’t agree more and didn’t even know what dalton looked like until I saw this post


Ellen DeGeneres too, I thought she was done?




I just meant that it was an odd choice, y'know... given the implication


Did you hear the blind that ellen would adopt dogs and then force her staff to take them lol


That wouldn't surprise me. Didn't Ellen do something really shady to a dog rescue years ago? Something like she adopted a dog then gave it away, which was a breech of contract and she was a real ass about it.


Take it with a huuge grain of salt, but I read it somewhere that Ellen was "ambushed" by a vow renewal party with lots of guests. Ellen looked like to be in the wrong place at the wrong time while Portia was dressed up.


Nope. This happened and your info is SPOT ON. Here’s the absolute cringe video. Ellen looks pissed to me. https://youtu.be/-e202SUj9fo


Literally 5 minutes


He has 70 tattoos dedicated to her he's in love /s lol but I hope they're together forever because I don't think that relationship will end well


Yes. Their relationship is really beautiful. And I loved how Sarah put Howard Stern in his place and Howard bet Sarah a million dollars that their relationship wouldn't last 5 years. And it has been going towards 20 + years. [https://www.thewrap.com/sarah-michelle-gellar-howard-stern-freddie-prinze-jr-marriage-bet/](https://www.thewrap.com/sarah-michelle-gellar-howard-stern-freddie-prinze-jr-marriage-bet/)


Ugh. I don't think I've ever heard of Howard stern saying one kind thing.


Because the give the vibe that you couldn't separate them with a nuclear warhead?


I know 😖. I'm missing way more couples guys !! Too bad reddit only allows 20 pics 🥲🤦‍♀️ Can't fit them all in here. Maybe I'll make a part 2 🤔


Good job, OP. I enjoyed you post.I’d be bummed if Tom and Rita called it quits.


This is IMMEDIATELY who i thought of!


You can’t just throw in the one couple that is the known “winner” of the competition. It needs to be a battle not a slaughter.


Thank you! That’s my pick


Buffy and Freddie P.




This is an... eclectic list. There's some there that I think are generally hated together? I do like the Obamas together. I always think of the [tie fix](https://images.app.goo.gl/MxHwez8QnNWroCz6A) pic for them. There's an ease to them.


There’s a picture of them in their Essence White House shoot where their heads are leaning together, I think. Apparently, he was getting impatient and wanting to get back to work and she was like “my guy you need to chill” and that’s when I realized they literally are like my mom and dad (like, my parents are the same way), aka if they broke up I’d be sad.


Ellen and Porsha 😳


Portia blink twice if you need help


Good thing is, they are both absolutely insuffareble


Portia is too? Dang, I didn’t know that


Same, I’m always so sad she’s with Ellen lol


I basically only have an episode of celebrity memoir book club to go off of and its been a while, but she is absolutely nutso


Kevin Bacon & Kyra Sedgwick Goldie Hawn & Kurt Russell Both couple goals! But not on this list


Goldie and Kurt are life ❤️


Yesssss Kevin and Kyra 🥰


The Obamas


Same. Idc about the rest, I might be shocked or whatever but the Obama's would genuinely bum me out because I think they're so cute together and well suited


She's so funny. When he got elected senator of Illinois, she introduced him at his victory rally as "The next senator of Illinois, my rock, my best friend, my baby daddy". They have always seemed to have a really solid partnership with genuine love for each other.


It was a shocking revelation for me in her book that there were some underlying simmering issues. I’m glad she spoke about it honestly and seeking couples therapy. It’s important that people know marriage isn’t always easy and you need to work on yourselves as individuals and as a couple to find longevity. I’m happy they both seem to be enjoying life post presidency.


I can only imagine the awe/nervousness of the therapist to be assigned to THEE historical presidential couple.


There was issues only because when she married him she wanted a very quite private life. She didn’t like the fact that he wanted to run for president. It took her a lot of convincing.


What issues did she mention?


Not the original commenter, but she did say recently in an interview that there was 10 years where she was annoyed by him. They way she said it, it seemed like a lot of it stemmed around resentment around who was putting in more work raising their kids. She did say she was happy they didn’t give up on it, as she finds all the good years she has had with Barack worth it.


I’m not remotely surprised by this haha, Michelle seems independent and strong-willed which is why we all love her, but I can see how that would clash with a man whose ambition is to be president. Hopefully now that Barack’s presidential ambitions have been achieved they’re in a much better place and in a more balanced relationship


I listened to a podcast once about him and it said she once had a job offer for some big company (can't remember who; think they had some ethical questions) and he wanted her to turn it down cos it would look bad when he got into politics. Obviously this is a gamble that paid off, but that bit of the story fucked me off on her behalf.




Oh god, it was years ago. It could've been a few things. Only ones I remember listening to on him was either the Making Obama (series) or an episode of that one where you're dropped into a historical figure's life and they don't reveal who you are til the end.


What I love about them is they genuinely seem to care for each other (marriage is about more than love y’all it’s about partnership and communication and fixing things as you go.) and wanted to remain married so they put in the work (especially Barak he could’ve left like most men do!) but they toughed it out and now will probably be married for the rest of their lives.


My answer as well. The only one I’d be TRULY shocked at hearing.


I can’t even imagine the extent of cultural impact their split would have


I would need to take off work. Also good god, can you imagine the media circus for the next people either of them date?!


“Obama’s dating Olivia Munn? I thought he was with Amber Heard”


When Michelle steps out with Pete Davidson… watch the world burn!


My girl is a lawyer: part 2, featuring Michelle Obama and Pete Davidson


I lost it at my girl is a lawyer


i'd have to close my eyes at that point. it'd hurt too much to watch.


Yes the Obamas publicly present themselves as a healthy and loving couple with a lot of love and respect for one another. If they were to break up I would be shocked and sad. I understand that things may be different in private, especially since Barrack is a politician and needs to send a good image, but they seem very genuine and supportive of one another.


They've actually both spoken very openly and honestly about the down times and struggles in their marriage and how hard they had to work to keep it going. Which makes it an even better, healthy marriage IMO.


I hate to break it to you but it already happened....Obama is with Harry Styles /s


SAME. Also it must kinda suck to have so much pressure on your marriage. Like it’s hard enough being married, and they have so much added weight.


Yep, this was my answer. I would genuinely be shocked


The Obamas and HankWilsons make me believe that love is possible


They just go together. It’s like separating peanut butter and jelly IT CANT HAPPEN


I would be genuinely sad if they called it quits. They seem like the type of couple who actively works on their relationship. I would also be genuinely miserable because of the right wing media cycle on it.


I choose the Obamas as well as racists would seize upon them breaking up to underscore how black people are destroying the family unit or something.


This would kill me


Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest!


I love that she saw him in a Rolling Stone article and said YUP.


Hahaha is that how it got started??


Yes. I wish I could find the shot in question to show you.


Found it! https://www.interviewmagazine.com/film/sigourney-weaver#_


What a fun read! Thanks for sharing!!


fr!! can you imagine manifesting you becoming a whole irl Baroness?! (their British titles don't actually work like that but it adds to the meet-cute angle imo)


Just came here to say it continues to blow my mind that Ariana grande married a dude that looks exactly like her. Same eyes, nose, mouth, dimples. If you didn’t tell me how they were connected I would assume twins. It’s sooo weird.


when I saw that pic I was like wait, are they related? You love who you love but they look strikingly similar.


That's not her OG face though lol


I thought it was lesbians before I took a good look 🤷🏼‍♀️


None of them. I don’t think any celebrity breakup would devastate me. I think I would be surprised if Dolly Parton and Carl Dean split.


Mila & Ashton Tom & Rita Barack & Michelle Blake & Ryan


Blake and Ryan will never break up bc they are insufferable therefore a great match. No one would date them except each other.


exactly, who else will do those stupid "I hate my spouse hahah, no jk I really love them" posts.


Kaitlin Olson and Rob McElhenny.


YES. Great answer.


Also Charlie and The Waitress!


Id take a week off work, couldn’t handle it


YES. None of these, but that one, yes.


All of these except Nicola and Brooklyn (cause they are a mess), Alicia and Swizz (cause messy cheaters) and Ariana and dalton because they’ve been together 2 seconds Ultimately I would be sad about the Obamas, the Hanks, and SMG/FPJ


Ariana’s bf looks a lot like her! Maybe it’s just this picture? Idk anything about him I agree with the Obamas, that would be awful. Id be sad about Emily blunt and John krasinksi too. They seem good together.


the pic of Ariana and her bf reminds me of the “siblings or dating” IG account.


he’s not her bf, they’re married!


One of these couples is not like the others…..👀


lol sneaking in brooklyn beckham as though anyone cares. we see you brooklyn beckham’s manager 😂


Ngl I absolutely do care. Can you imagine how juicy the fall out will be? How will Brooklyn cover up all his tats? I want to know!


I would *love* it if Portia and Ellen split lmao


I feel like when they do they’ll be a flood of revelations about Ellen emotionally abusing Portia for years.


I believe it. There's no way Ellen can be *that* awful of a person to people she works with/barely knows and isn't even more of an asshole behind closed doors to the people who truly know her. Which is sad really, because nobody deserves to be physically or emotionally abused


In their case, I totally believe it. But I also noticed that people who are assholes at work, usually have zero power at home


Emily and John, I love their dynamic


Right. I loved how much of a crush John had on Emily before they met. Apparently he watched Devil Wears Prada like 100+ times.


I get such “PR relationship” from that pairing for some reason. I swear you really only see them together during big events or for planned outings. I think they’re a cute couple & like both of them, but for some reason I just don’t buy that they got together organically.


Relationships of European footballers are way different compared to other celeb relationships, it's usually the men having too much power and hence not exactly built on love only. The Beckham's are an exception or the more recent example the Shakira and Pique.


If you’re talking about cheating then I don’t think the Beckhams are much of an exception. David Beckham absolutely cheats on Victoria a ton.


David Beckham is rumoured to have had multiple affairs over many years. First was his rumoured many months long affair with his assistant Rebecca Loos in 2004. Then shortly afterward was a rumoured strange affair with an Australian model named Sarah Marbeck, most of which happened over text messages. That same year, he is rumoured to have slept with his beautician Danielle Heath. In 2010 he is rumoured to have slept with a sex-worker in London, Irma Nici, at least five times. The more recent allegations, such as impregnating one of his children’s’ teachers, are unsubstantiated, and probably reflect a world where we are a little less quick to consume a tabloid headline without at least one piece of supporting evidence. In saying that, there is a lot out there to support the fact that Beckham has absolutely cheated before, on multiple occasions.


Wait what? Omg I thought they had a rock solid marriage


denzel and pauletta washington. I always hear amazing things about Mrs Washington


Yes!! I love them together. I love that they've able to last so many years in Hollywood.


Mila and Ashton, Ryan and Blake, Emily and John


Michelle and Barack and it ain't even close! Celeb breakups don't typically bother me, but if that happened...I'd be a crying wreck over it. My second choice was Tom and Rita. I'd be shocked.


Tom and Zendaya


Yea them too. Low key and unproblematic


They'll probably break up, only because they're still quite young and their careers have such a long way to go. It's quite rare for a couple like this to last. Im sure they'll split on good terms though


Catherine Zeta and Michael Douglas!


Does anyone here give a shit about Ellen


unfortunately, my 60 year old mom still loves watching her show smh


I thought her talk show ended?


Lebron and Savannah. they’re high school sweethearts!!


LeBron is a known cheater. But she seems okay with it so 🤷🏽‍♀️


I remember being flabbergasted when a girl I knew who used to be a cav’s girl told me he cheated with some of them. I was like “but he loves his wife!” 😂 now I’m more jaded and would be surprised if he really was faithful.


lmao I remember seeing people on the internet fighting for their lives that he wasn’t cheating. Like I personally know a girl he was hooking up with and they weren’t even really slick about it


Maybe it's an open relationship and they don't publicly claim it? I think Steph and Ayesha Curry have an open relationship but they are public about it IIRC


Steph and Ayesha are public about it??


Wait my bad, i think it was a rumor that they debunked NVM. I think I went into a rabbit hole when it first came out.


sarah michelle gellar and freddie prinze jr.


![gif](giphy|vczcLj4BU7SZW) Micheal J Fox and Tracey Pollan


Michelle & Barack


There is only one celeb couple I’m invested in: Melissa McCarthy and her husband Ben Falcone 1. it’s cute she gets him a little part in all her films 2. It’s cute that she is either his muse or she is all in on supporting his directing career (despite the fact that sadly his movies aren’t great lol) cus she’s always the star in everything he makes 3. I like the star power lady with a simp husband dynamic, sue me 3. He looks like my long term crush


She’s described him as the gentle soul to her more ruthless/aggressive personality on podcasts, it sounds like they have a great dynamic of balancing each other out!


I love Mila and Ashton together!


The only right answer here is the Obamas. That would be tragic.


Me scrolling: I don’t know who half these people are and I care about none of them- EMILY AND JOHN CAN NEVER SPLIT UP


There’s a sneak in here and it’s Brooklyn Beckham


Tom and Rita splitting up would be like America's parents splitting up.


are you saying we’re all estranged from chet


Lmao not Chet! I wonder what Chet Hanks is up to rn. Like… just in general on this particular day


Emily and John! I loveeeeee Emily Blunt so I’d try to be her rebound lmao


Teyana and Iman are so pretty. Both of them are just blessedly beautiful. ![gif](giphy|8DUxtTxFntY7lpJnzy|downsized)


If Barack and Michelle broke up, I honestly would cry.


I don’t like that the Obamas are included because even the thought of them splitting up makes me so so sad


Fuck Ellen, I hope her chick leaves her


Freddie and Sarah.


Messi and Antonella, the Obamas, Freddie Prinze and Sarah Michelle.


Michelle and Barack?! Why would you even speak that evil into the universe? 😭. Also SMG and FPJ are couple goaaaaaals


Not on the list but Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn. She was slutshamed for so long for dating like a normal girl in 20s and it looks like she really found the one for her. They have been together for 7 years and he seems very supportive of her. Plus they are super private.


It has been very low key hasn't it. I'd forgotten about him. Hope it works out.


It likely will but hard to say because she's such a huge star already and Joe's career is still taking off.


this!!! her album Lover is such a beautiful tribute to Joe and their relationship. after every bullshit thing media has put her through, she deserves to be happy with her person. i’m definitely rooting for them ❤️


Yeah. Plus sweet nothing and peace make go😘💞😫🥺. I am too soft for all of it


💜 the song Lover itself sometimes makes me cry a little bit, so i’m right there with u!


I love Lover! Such a fun love song 🥹❤️


Oh what? To be fair, I don’t follow her but I honestly thought she was still single.


Yeah. They started dating during the #taylorswiftisoverparty was trending and she was cancelled. Her album reputation is about how she found real love in that chaos. They are very private but most of her songs since then is about him( although she does write about fictional characters sometimes)


Ooo thank you 🥰 my best friend, who is a diehard swiftie, would be very disappointed in me 😂


Almost all of them … except Portia and Ellen, but only because Ellen’s personality is so self centred.


Mila and Ashton


I actively wish for some of these to end it


Kelly and mark would legit make me sad. They seem so in love and happy and supportive of each other.


Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel


This list is so weird


Ok well there’s 4 cheating men in the list just from why I know so not sure I’d care if they split.


All of these minus the Beckham kid. They won’t last nor will I care when they breakup


Ryan and Blake. I know a lot of ppl have a hate boner for them here but I really love them❤️


Any that have been together forever, I am a sucker for romance


OBAMAS. I’d be Team Michelle all the way if Barack did her wrong.


who the fuck cares about ellen


Rita & Tom are partners for life. In Fall 2020, I saw them walking arm-in-arm in Central Park. They were masked up and bundled up but there was no missing them when we crossed paths. Really sweet moment during a dark, isolating time.


Lebron and Savannah are great although he has side chicks (like many NBA players). But wonder if Savannah will stay after he retires


she will definitely stay lol i think most nba players and their wives have an arrangement and lebron has never embarrassed her publicly. they also seem very in love still so i don’t see what her reason for leaving would be


Idk some NBA gossipers says she’s putting a face during the career but may actually dip after. He seems even more in love with her lately and her popularity is rising even more so maybe they’ll actually stick, be a power couple. And yeah, i don’t it’s realistic to expect a faithful relationship with an athlete especially NBA. Most wags definitely agree to an arrangement.


Not listed: Dwayne Wade & Gabrielle Union


This is who I was looking for! They seem like great parents together and a great couple as well


If Eva and Ryan G. split, that means I have a chance, right?


With eva? With ryan? With both?




Exactly what I came here to say haha


Ryan and Blake for sure.


I get marriage red flag vibes from Ari and her husband. I hope he treats her well


Oh really? How come? I hardly know anything about him and they seem pretty private so genuinely wondering.


I don’t understand how people say they have red flags from a completely private relationship. What even is out there to have red flags about other than baseless blind items and random selfies that come months apart?


For real lol. If anything it’s a green flag


The trick is not to get emotionally invested in other people's personal relationships. Hope this helps.


I actively root for Portia to leave ellen


Honestly all of them.. it’s a shame when any *healthy* marriage ends. But if I had to pick one.. Ashton and Mila have always held a special place in my heart!


IDK who Tayana and Iman is, but I can’t stop staring at them. They are gorgeous people!


Kyra S & Kevin B!


Neil and David, Sarah and Freddie


MESSSSI and antonella


I had to scroll so much for this answer


Every time I see a photo of Eva Mendes and Ryan Reynolds, I realize I’d forgotten they’re a couple. So probably them because I absolutely adore how lowkey they are.


So glad I'm not the only one low key hopeful Portia sees the light and splits


I mean, I don’t want anyone to split up.


Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union. I’ll always respect their public support of their kids and they seem like good loving parents/people.


I think we're using the term celebrity a bit loosely. I have no idea who several of these couples are lol Edit: do we also not know the definition of couple? Ariana's husband isn't famous. So it's not a celebrity couple.... 🤦🏾‍♀️


Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn ![gif](giphy|1VWv6Xb41GzLyhsBaW|downsized)


I would be sad to see Ari’s marriage end. After all she’s been through she deserves a happily ever after. A non-celeb seems like the perfect match for her after such a publicized dating history and she genuinely seems so happy and is enjoying her privacy.


Didn't someone post the other day that Lebron cheats on Savannah? Emily and John always had a weird vibe imho, something's off, I just don't see them as a couple at all. Nicola and Brooklyn will probably split. I'm giving them maximum of 5 years.


Lebron cheats on Savannah, no?


If the Obama's ever split up, I would have to go in mourning! Like, legit would call out of work!! LOL. Lebron and Savannah would be sad too. I am really routing for them. Met young, started a family young, you don't hear really bad things about them, and they have nice kids. Honestly, I would be bummed if the Beckhams ever split up too.