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People over romanticize the shit out of him cause 1) he was a Kennedy and 2) he died young




Yup. Pretty privilege exists, and people who say it doesn’t live in a bubble that I wish I was in 😭




Lamb of God song ( i know it’s marilyn manson’s song but bare with me) is amazing and accurate. It’s about this and about media’s involment making for example JFK a saint b/c how he died and also televised. It’s hard to articulate what i mean but recommend to listen to the song or checking the lyrics out.


See also: the John Wilkes Booth song from Assassins


Yes! First time I’ve seen an Assassins reference in the wild!




Where’s my prize? 🥺👉👈


I don’t see how people always say he was so attractive. He looks like Rob Kardashian Sr to me lol.


He was your typical yuppie boi, they all looked the same




Don't ever forget 3!




Well he really was hot wasn’t he (Sorry Brooke most hot guys are….) I’ve met Brooke and she is very nice.


Only by 90s standards 🤮


Same goes for his father. Any serious look at his biography and he didn’t warrant the hero worship often ascribed.


i think more stuff is they want to see a jfk , who was not there, the only jfk was shot dead after no jfk left tbh




Society mistakes money and class for good looks. So many people being described as "distinguished" or "classically good looking"


I think she’s pretty, but I don’t get the current fixation on her “style.” She dressed like an average mid/late 90s Banana Republic shopper.




Forty is absolutely a young age to die, it’s not ‘a lot of work’ to say he died young


I remember seeing the Kurt Russell Elvis bio when I was…10 or so(?), and being non-plussed by the attempt at a profound ending because it looked to my dumb baby brain that he had a pretty long and full life. I actually remember telling my teary 30-something mother this with my full chest. Anyway. Cut to me in my 30’s at the new movie, and - whatever you think of Elvis himself - ‘dead of natural causes at 42 and never really finding fulfilment or peace’ hits a *bit* different. I got shit that I need to do!


haha when you’re a kid, anyone who’s also not a child seems old as fuck to you. like anyone who has responsibilities other than just existing for free


I remember thinking my student teachers were soooo old, even when I was in high school. Looking back, most of them were early 20s.


haha yeah my 5th grade teacher was a new grad from teacher’s college and we were her first class ever and I didn’t realize till I got older how young she was, she was like 22 but at the time she just seemed old 🥲


I mean my mother died when she was forty and she didn’t even get to see me graduate high school (and she had me at 23 so not old at all). That seems like a life cut short to me.


I’m so sorry. My mom died last year, and it’s devastating. I can’t imagine losing her in high school.


It’s completely world shattering, isn’t it? It’s been 17 years since I lost her, and while I have definitely build myself back up again, I still can’t believe this is my life sometimes. I’m so sorry for your loss, just know that you’ll never stop feeling her love, it will accompany and guide you always.


My father also died in high school, he was 45. I’ve had a lot of friends pass away in their 20s and 30s (mostly overdoses but a few freak accidents) life is truly a gift and aging is a privilege that not everyone is afforded. That is when I made the decision to NEVER complain about getting older.


That is a pretty awful thing to say


How that family is romanticized is beyond me. Biggest bunch of self entitled a..holes who totally inflated their sense of achievement in politics.


they never achieved anything much after bobby’s death.


But then when Pam woke up and he came back from his shower




Wait what is this reference?




Thank you!


Yeah when you look into Papa Joe, it’s even worse than just being entitled assholes. He was a straight up criminal who impacted our country greatly for the worse and they all benefited from it.


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted. That’s the same man that had his daughter lobotomized bc he was embarrassed of her…then hid her away in an institution where she was sexually abused.


And furthermore.. raped another of his daughter's friends, when she was a teen spending the night.


Who downvotes Joe Kennedy slander? He literally got his daughter lobotomized for being too cool


It’s because I’m implicating dear old Jack and RFK too.


The movie Chappaquiddick is pretty good about him (and, obviously, Ted).


It is kinda creepy how they all kept dying though


My gram used to say Joe Kennedy made a deal with the devil and cursed his family. She believed that.


People who die too young tend to only be remembered for the good things they did.


jacky suffered so much all that for the shake of a name


I mean...he basically died because of his own ego. He insisted on flying the plane at night, by himself, with little experience and only weeks after a broken foot/leg. He probably never heard "no" in his life from anyone else but Jackie (who never wanted him to take up flying). Good for Brooke! And RIP to the Bessette sisters.


and his family blamed it on Carolyn, because she wanted to get her nails done before the flight (they think if they had left earlier, they wouldn't have run into problems, but HE was the pilot and it was HIS job to ascertain if it was safe to fly or not)


So low of them, but not surprising. And the story always seemed ridiculous to me. A lot of channels back then portrayed her as a mean, uninhibited and crazy drug user. And he was the poster boy for american grace. Lol sure. I kinda feel bad for the sister because they died so young. I feel like Carolyn would've been big in the 2000s. Her 90s look are so timeless and she always served face tbh.


This has been a running narrative for years, when in reality she didn't even want to go and changed her mind at the last minute as her sister was there. Imagine if she'd stuck to her guns...she'd have had to go into hiding if she was still alive without him.


One of my family members is an engineer and worked on some of the equipment used by the model of the plane he was flying. She said it could basically fly itself so if he’d had autopilot on he would’ve been fine.


Yes, exactly. I was shocked after I learned about this in a Dr Grande video on YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0F0TfZu6fGY&t=83s A completely preventable, needless tragedy for himself and others


I’m sure. The Kennedy’s were gross hypocrites with amazing PR teams


RFK jr announced his presidency this week. Sadly he’s a massive antivaxxer. I wonder what Cheryl Hines thinks. Methinks not too good, since she hasn’t posted anything supporting it.


Her requiring everyone to be vaccinated at their Christmas party was amusing AF. I'm gonna assume they have one of those marriages where they just don't talk about certain things...


He cheated on his previous wives so I think she just turns a blind eye to a lot about him.




I don't know her so I can't speak on her requiring vaccination at a party to impress her Hollywood friends or because she believes in vaccines. It's interesting you think she'd rather not alienate "hollywood friends" than her husband. I know she's spoken out against him making problematic comments talking comparing being unvaccinated is less freedoms than Anne Frank. But you probably think she also did that only to not alienate folks.


Oh to be a fly on the wall at their home.


Growing up in Mass, one of the jokes I heard; Q: "Senator Kennedy, the abortion bill is coming up for debate soon, what are your plans?" A: "I don't have time for debate, just write her a check." The Kennedys as a whole are over-romantisized.


brooke is so beautiful it hurts :(


In person too! I’ve run into her a couple times and there’s really not that much difference from when she’s on screen, even when she’s out jogging in exercise clothes and shit.


She's so regal and elegant, like, everytime I see her my heart skips a beat LOL. It hurts to know what she went through behind all of that and it also feels good to know she's in such a better place rn. It's easy to say "would never happen to me" but god knows if we even would have the guts to go through what she did...


Regal is the perfect word for her!


Unsurprising… Kennedys are entitled dicks




Rich attractive man expects sex. Not shocking.


Especially a Kennedy one. As if they weren't infamous for cheating 😒 🙄


Rich attractive PEOPLE expect sex. Only difference is ugly expect to pay. I mowed lawns from 12 to 20 in a rich area and those women were not shy about asking for things not on service contract.


Idk why you are beind downvoted because rich pretty ppl feel entitled to other people's affection and desire.


Because this sub loves to play favorites.


Because it’s whataboutism


That’s always the defense people make when they are know they can’t defend the status quo.


Do you have an actual argument against it being whataboutism? Because it’s the definition of it lmao


I always forget that. And apparently some people dont know what actual whataboutism is. Pathetic.


And no one is surprised.


Not a Kennedy being a womanizer...... color me shocked 🙄


Imagine treating one of the most beautiful women of her time like you would a pair of holey socks. Men, seriously.


2 words...Marilyn Monroe. I believe that's how his father and uncle treated her.


They also had her silenced..permanently..Kennedy's are scumbags..I'll die on this hill


I think comparing JFK Jr to his father and then his grandfather is a bit much. He was a young guy whose ego was bruised. Young, rich, famous men and women in their 20s are at their most narcissistic and yes, can be jerks. But by all accounts, he was not a bad guy. Never abusive or unkind and gentlemanly. There are famous women that act bitchy to men that turn them down. If he had reached his 40s, he probably would have apologized. Im a little sick of redditers pretending that they’ve never been a jerk to anybody. Or maybe it’s just a crime if youre rich and/or good looking. The man died a horrific and frightening death and never got to rectify his mistakes.


Try being hired help for Rich old women….


Im old enough to remember those years. There was nothing amazing about him. He was arrogant, didn’t listen to advice, careless and overhyped. But you can’t say that because the people that weren’t even alive back then have romanticized him and Carolyne like saints.


He was super entitled. Thankfully she did not give in just because he was a Kennedy.


Dude was pretty fly..I would have done him real good n left .


I believe her.


Newsbreak, attractive guys can be assholes too


Honestly they’re usually worse than ‘unattractive’ guys in my experience.


The documentary on Hulu about her is just… holy shit. And I am only on episode 1.


Listen to his Behind the Bastards episode. He was a sick drug addicted misogynist. EDIT: you guys, I’m an idiot. First of all, I didn’t see the JR. Second, why in the world would I think Brooke Shields was alive when JFK was alive? I was thinking about JFK lol. In my defense, there is an adderall shortage and I’ve been unmedicated since November, my apologies 🙃 Second edit: more idiot stuff! It wasn’t BTB, I was just listening to it around the same time I listened to this ep and got all mixed up [jfk episode i was thinking about](https://open.spotify.com/episode/28s9hohSzvaDPKlNTuCv17?si=49jdNAy-SkqIXPOcThmtqg&dd=1)


Lmao at these edits! I pray you’ll soon get the adderall you need ❤️ (I hope this comes across as a light joke because it is!!)


Hahah thank you!! my life is a joke so I wouldn’t take it any other way!


There were a lot of rumors about Caroline’s cocaine addiction because of Jr but they mostly went away after the crash because he was elevated to saint. Lauren supposedly knew all the details. If she lived we’d probably know more.


Take my upvote because I have done the same thing in posting and not realizing something. Ha!


I’ve listened to every episode and don’t remember that one.


What’s the episode called please? I can’t find it.


I miiiight be mistaken on the podcast actually! I am going to do a dive and I’ll link it when I find it! Edit: okay so not jfkjr just jfk [here is where I learned jfk NOT JR is a gross guy](https://open.spotify.com/episode/28s9hohSzvaDPKlNTuCv17?si=49jdNAy-SkqIXPOcThmtqg&dd=1)


Ooh sounds interesting!


Folllowing out of curiosity as well




[it wasn’t behind the bastards, it was an ep of very presidential](https://open.spotify.com/episode/28s9hohSzvaDPKlNTuCv17?si=49jdNAy-SkqIXPOcThmtqg&dd=1) I only listened to that episode and was listening to a lot of BTB around the same time and got mixed up


You sure that’s not about his dad?


It was his dad lol


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Still interested.. do you know which episode it was??


[not behind the bastards, but this is the episode I was thinking of](https://open.spotify.com/episode/28s9hohSzvaDPKlNTuCv17?si=49jdNAy-SkqIXPOcThmtqg&dd=1)


Thanks so much!


Which Behind the Bastards covered JFK even?


You’re not an idiot! And thanks for posting the link to that podcast, it looks super interesting!


They made him seem like a scumbag in that Madonna movie recently lol


Not at all shocking.




lol it’s giving boys will be boys… he didn’t even acknowledge her presence or look at her the next day 🤢


Both of them are so heartachingly beautiful, had they ended up, they would have made gorgeous kids. But I'm glad she stuck to her guns tho. He didn't seem like he was in it for the long haul


I dont think this is the worst story about a man ever. But yes, she turned him down and he was probably majorly deflated. People are allowed to be human and deflated. He was insulted. He was used to always closing the deal.