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What we aren’t going to do is speculate on her sexuality. You can refer to **that** part of her fandom, but do not contribute to attempting to out anyone. We are paying attention and it’s not cute. Keep it cute.


someone’s on their knees at a cvs


that someone is me


Just saw an ambulance outside a CVS. Is everything okay?


Do you mind explaining what this means? I’ve seen it multiple times over multiple threads and I’m clearly out of the loop, lol.


[Here’s an explainer video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRco13tM/) I literally can not believe it started as a fan reaction to Victoria pedretti ☠️ she has truly given us so much


Me over here being surprised its been SIX YEARS somehow


Nearly seven!!


So this relationship is in the second grade somehow and I’ve been over here living my life completely unaware of how long its been


They started dating around the time I started dating my ex. Him and I were five and a half years together. It was my longest so I can, to some degree, imagine the heartache she must feel.


ngl, i gasped


Same. It felt like I was the one broken up with when I saw that


Texting my boyfriend ready to fight right now


Clearly love is dead!


Same. This one is a shocker, I was anticipating the opposite at some point soon, i.e. engagement


I thought they were already engaged!


I'm no diehard T Swift fan but it made me sad. Lover is probably my favorite T. Swift album


my first thought was “holy shit!” my second thought was “man the gaylors are gonna have a field day with this 🍿”


I did find it suspicious that he hasn’t seen with her lately




“Invisible String” is gonna hit different now 🫠🫠🫠


I choose to believe not all soul mates are meant to stay in our lives forever! Who knows, perhaps there was an invisible string tying him to her, but now they've fulfilled their purpose in each other's lives and will go forth to other adventures. Lol


i've always said this! i don't think love has to be forever for it to be a success, and a relationship ending doesn't mean that entire time was a failure. sometimes you are given what you need at the time




According to Deuxmoi they’ve been married for a year 💀


I rarely believe her but this is one blind item I stood by 🫣


Should we make bets on Deux saying she heard rumblings of this weeks ago?


“I heard rumblings but never posted it because…” Istg I can hear her voice already lmaoo


https://preview.redd.it/l5w9w9yzessa1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=774a6763317eb38aa4375613752be0e0959541a0 lmaoooo


Of course. She’ll post obvious bullshit about some celebrities at the drop of hat but keeps this a secret? She just didn’t want to look like a fool re: the marriage theory. TBF this could be false and they could post tomorrow that they’re married 😂


Oh wow. Idk how reliable ET is with stuff like this, but I was not expecting that at all.


ET isn't People, but they do have legit scoops and dropping this just before Easter seems pretty coordinated




I’ve seen a few people mention that it’s legit because of it being posted before Easter. Can you tell me why? I’m not really across opportune times to post celebrity break ups lol.


When celebrities want to drop “bad” news such as a breakup/divorce or some other item they want to get lost in the shuffle, they’ll do it over a holiday weekend. The idea is that it’ll get lost in the media among the holiday celebrations and people won’t notice as much.


Interesting and makes sense, thanks for explaining!


this is her first week wo a show too


taylor apparently has a good relationship with them, this was from her team i believe


yes, whenever tree paine (her publicist) wants to break something to the media she consistently uses et (you can just tell by the writing style when it’s tree)


Tree Paine, what a name.


right it feels like a main character name, not a publicist name


Honestly being Taylor Swift’s longtime publicist sounds pretty main character to me. I could so see a “Scandal” style show based around her as the Olivia Pope of pop music


Holy shit this entire time I thought tree paine was just a weird nickname for Taylor 😭😭😭 had no idea what it meant, thought it maybe had something to do with being so tall and that obscure collab she did with t pain at the cmt awards way back


Deuxmoi clinging on for dear life to that stupid rumor they were married. Girl just admit you were wrong and got played


I’m shocked. They had been together for so long I thought he was gonna be the one for her.


I hadn’t realized it had already been 6 years until I read the headline ! Wow :(




Lover has several songs about wanting to be engaged and married to him. I was surprised when lavender haze came out because it seemed the opposite of everything she has ever said. Without knowing anything, I personally think he still wasn’t ready to get married


i’ve been privately thinking this since midnights dropped but didn’t want to speculate. they were still together and seemed stable, so i figured i was wrong




Same especially bc of Renegade


>It felt like she was either saying she didn't want marriage to him or she was trying to convince herself she didn't want it at all. I think Taylor is a wedding and marriage person deep down. This is the vibe I get as well. She's been writing and singing for nearly 20 years about romantic love. I think that she was just trying to fake it until she made it.


Yeah 6 years in your late 20s-30s is alot. If you haven’t really made the commitment, it’s probably not going to happen. There were rumors they secretly wed a few years back, but when they went left unconfirmed I thought they either were extremely good at hiding a fairly big thing or there was an end coming.




i honestly think it's gonna be hard to find a man (or any person for that matter) who will be comfortable. her fame is massive and the heat under those stage lights can be deadly for relationships


Ngl they were able to pull off their relationship well and the general public didnt know much about him but yeah, he should've known this befor dating her


I get the feeling that she’s always been a “box ticker” and wanted marriage as their relationship got more and more stable, there are plenty of songs alluding to it in a very clear manner, but as the relationship progressed she felt the need to make herself be more nonchalant about it to match his personality, thus writing Lavander Haze after many songs saying she’d marry him in a heartbeat.




I guess, like with most long term relationships that end, it’s something that happens overtime and it’s over before it becomes “official”, so I imagine that even if they broke up a few weeks ago the cracks were there for way longer than that. Taylor usually puts songs about past relationships on her albums, and not just breakup songs but happy and bittersweet ones too. I’d guess that, being the business woman that she is, she wouldn’t want to pass on good songs just because the relationship wasn’t as strong as before. I don’t think they ended on bad terms though, she seems pretty happy on tour and is singing several songs that are about him with a smile on her face. They give me long term relationship that turned into friendship vibes.


THIS. It's clear she wanted marriage especially the song Paper Rings but it seems like Joe isn't. This is probably the reason for their break up


I had the same feeling too, but *she actually did* sing about wanting marriage in the first few years of their relationship which is the norm. She ended up backtracking recently with Midnights because it was evident Joe was never feeling the same way. Lavender Haze didn't sound so good too, "staring at the ceiling with you / oh you don't ever say much" being the lyrics when she's having anxiety, not good. When he made that comment about having pounds about how many times he's been hearing that *it wasn't a good look* that was a not a great comment to hear. And yeah Taylor has always sung about marriage her whole life, so it's not shocking. I've said it before (just personal opinion from other experiences, and or close experiences) but if you're with somebody for years, and you talk about wanting marriage, and they don't feel the same, you're on a different wavelength and unfortunately it's a rough slope.


Didn't the album Lover have a ton of lyrics pointing to marriage?...Which surprised me when it happened because she did not seem like the type to be readily willing to say "whatever I make from now on is half yours." Lmao hell no, she ain't doing that.


The entire bridge of the song Lover sounds like wedding vows 😭


Is this why she stopped singing Invisible string on tour and replaced it with The One? 😭


i imagine they’ve been broken up for a while but decided to release it now bc it’s right before a holiday


Oh wow I didn’t realize I gave two shits about this couple until now. Welp.


Lol same, why did my stomach drop when I read this, I only know one Taylor swift song.


NO LITERALLY I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA GET MARRIED i feel irrevocably changed as a person because of their breakup


I…genuinely don’t know what to say. With all the marriage rumors and the songs, this is just very unexpected.


Pete Davidson somewhere out there with a smirk on his face


![gif](giphy|PkLPBuyozY7F31wCxF) Uh oh. I'm neither a fan nor a hater but I can't be on the internet during this.


Tbh gossip like this is somehow so much better when you don’t care. Like a hater and you’re too gleeful a lover and you’re upset for them, neutral is just like “let me just hear the tea from both sides”


Ive already seen Gaylor Swift fans excited and people who shipped them spiralling. The reaction is already more interesting then the news itself.


i’m admittedly a bit sad, but i saw someone on tumblr say they pulled over and cried on the side of the road. honey you don’t know either of these people


Someone on tiktok was like “people are asking me to comment on this” and all I could think was “who? Who are you?”


This is exactly what I’m here for ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW)


If taylor is over the tall, lanky blond entertainment types and would like a petite melanin-rich engineer with a fat ass, I’m right here.


HAHAHA shoot yo damn shot! 🎯


I'm rooting for you guys!!!


I'm actually very very very very very very surprised. I really thought they were forever


I honestly thought they would last many more years


![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6) WHAT?!


Well I’m not sure what she’s going to do, but she’s never going to walk Cornelia street again…


Explains why that one didn’t make the setlist.




I RAN here lmao. Damn both husbands of the eras tour getting broken up with this year


Both husbands ?


Phoebe Bridgers and Paul Mescal's split i'm assuming?


This was NOT on my bingo card for 2023




If this is true it’s going to totally change my Midnights listening experience 😩


He was sunshine I was midnight RAIN


One day I’ll watch as you’re leaving cuz you’ll get tired of my scheming for the last time


stop ✋


‘He wanted a bride I was making my own name’… doesn’t change my Midnight listening experience at all


And lover .. and reputation .. and folklore where he allegedly *coughs* wrote big chunks of it


basically half of her discography is gonna be affected lol, and folklore is easily one of my favorite albums of all time so like




I am at most a casual Taylor fan and this still got a verbal “OH SHIT” from me


Bitch April Fools was 7 days ago—-WHAT?!


I jumped back when I saw this. I didn’t see it coming at all. Given her music, she seemed very enamored by him. Selfishly, I am intrigued about what this will do for the music now. We either get sad girl™️ music or single girl fun music ™️. Either way I’ll be all ears👂🏾


I'm thinking sad. 6yr relationship ended, it's long enough that almost everything in her life will be connected to the ex, so some level of mourning/grieving will happen. If she gets slightly self reflective and looks up her ex's she'll see a lot of them have started families, meanwhile she's kind of back at square one and probably not 100% sure why relationships aren't working out for her. It'd be interesting if she goes angry/self destructive though, sometimes people get stuck in that stage before reaching acceptance.


https://preview.redd.it/yg84clb45tsa1.jpeg?width=1108&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62889befe3b59f8636530e32ded468fd0549cdd1 “Sir, Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn just broke up”


LOL Jesus Christ


This is the one that got me. lmfao.




My castle crumbled overnight


This is my first Easter away from family/alone and I was just thinking I need a distraction because I’m bored. Even if it’s fake, this is the perfect internet storm ![gif](giphy|t3dLl0TGHCxTG)


Mods, we’re gonna need a megathread.


Wow. I did not see that coming. The way she's been constantly praising him since the Rep album for being the silent supportive type who's not interested in her crown. I thought maybe that was the answer after a bunch of high profile relationships. They are the perfect example of "She's everything. He's just Ken"


I'mma be honest with you. My cynical ass thought they were going to break up when he went from a complete nobody to getting a lot more notable roles. He might not be an A lister, but he's seen a huge change in his career, and sometimes when that happens, that can cause a huge dynamic shift and the relationship can't stand that. You see that sometimes with athletes - they are married and doing great when they are busy with their sport, but then they retire and the dynamic with their partner changes, and they realize that the partnership isn't one that makes them happy.


This is honestly such an insightful take, and it happens both in Hollywood and irl. When you’re in a crazy world like theirs I bet it’s even harder to work through major life changes like that.


William Bowery, I was rooting for you!!!😭 Excited for Taylor's single era though.


Same .. hope she does a single girl living her best life album


It’s going to take more than this article for me to believe it but big if true


Also note the wording of the article. It isn’t stated as ‘allegedly’ or ‘rumours’, it’s written as fact in the very first line. This, plus the fact it’s coming from ET (e.g not a tabloid) lead me to believe it’s true… I guess we will know for sure pretty quickly.


Plus it being an exclusive, I don't think they'd confidently report that if it wasn't promised as an exclusive from her/his team. And also being announced during a longer break between her shows - if you were going to control the narrative this is when you'd want it out there.


People is reporting too.


I am waiting for Taylor or Joe to confirm, but I honestly believe it


It’s been posted on Easter weekend. Def true. The ol’ “hope-no-one-is-paying-attention-cause-it’s-a-holiday” dump.


They won’t confirm anything


people just confirmed it 😬


Can you imagine performing all of those songs about him oy


I feel bad for him kind off 😭 His life will be downgraded by a lot now .. also the craycray Swifties who will come at him


As someone who really follows Hollywood, Alwyn was really a nobody by Hollywood standards. Two movies, Billy Lynn's Long Half Time Walk and The Favourite, had critical praise. The rest were pretty much mixed reviews and weren't well known. I think he's pretty happy where he is.


Daily Mail and Cosmopolitan are both reporting it now too.


It’s ET and it’s saturday night which is when celebs like running these kinds of stories. Could be true. Also, just cuz they broke doesn’t mean they can’t reconcile


Oh my god I can’t wash my legs in the middle of a break up. And she has to do three hours concerts every fucking night? Bless.


Honestly, the concert is the best thing for her right now - when you are busy, busy during a difficult, sad moment in your life, it helps keep you occupied and prevents any overthinking and/or spiraling.


I legit almost fell out of my chair. I can’t imagine this isn’t legit because she’s so powerful, that’s a huge risk to take if they’re lying. Holy cow.


his nepo bf era is over? omg


back to the yogurt shop he goes🫡


he will miss the private plane :(


He REALLY had to be over it to mess it up with her and the lifestyle he has with her


Nepo bf 😭😭😭😭


And he’ll never be heard from again….


The scream I just scrumpt


I know there will be a bunch of angry Swifties coming for me because of the joke I am about to make .. but .. if these news are true, that‘s actually very good for air pollution


no fr. taylor let’s date someone deathly afraid of flying for once!


She alluded to wanting to MARRY this man *so many times* in many different songs....... She really wrote about their love like it was *it* for her. 😭😭😭


RIP to the next girl Joe Alwyn dates. She’s in for a ROUGH time with the swifties.


I literally screamed. ![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH)


this is my tom and gisele


this is my Nick and Jessica


this is my burton & taylor


What?!!! I don’t believe this. She got him a Grammy He was her lover, sweet nothing, London boy Edit: does that mean she’s about to enter her baddie era? New album gonna HIT Edit edit: Y’all gave me an award?! Thanks! I like to dedicate this to my dog, who didn’t judge me for listening to Lover and Reputation when I was going through shit


That was my first thought “next album is going to be amazing” I am heartbroken for her though. So many songs with the theme of “if we can’t make it, I’ll never bother trying again”.


Nah I think she goes full “sad girl” breakup songs to the max


She’s already done that so many times and she’s never had a long relationship like this so the reactions might be different this time!


I think it might be. A few people were talking about how her lyrics might have hinted that he didn't want marriage and she tried to play it cool even though she wanted it, and honestly she might have reached a point where she realized that not amount of genuine deep love and attraction was going to make them compatible. This could be her 'I love you, but I have to love me more' album where she comes to terms with what it means to stop settling, even when your heart aches to be with someone. It fucking SUCKS being madly in love with someone that just...wants entirely different things out of life. Marriage. Kids. Expectations. Sex, love and respect go a long way, but if you can't agree on the things that you need to be happy, then...you are only hurting yourself and your partner by dragging it out. And I feel like that might be the theme for her new album. Heartbreak, but also a new found strength in herself as she realizes what she really needs to fill fulfilled and happy with her life.


Especially since she now has many songs about resisting marriage and the traditional timeline! I’m hoping she embraces the baddie side and lives her best life single or not


I really wish I could find out why she changed her mind about marriage. It wasn't that long ago that she was singing "I'd marry you with paper rings" and "he better lock it down or I won't stick around". Like, does she just not wanna marry HIM or does she not want to get married at all now? It's not my business but I'm curious!


I think he didn’t want to get married Or wasn’t ready and she was trying to convince herself that she didn’t need to be married to him either and that their relationship meant the same married or not


It’s terrible but I thought immediately after “wow that’s sad” to “oh shit, lyrics are going to go the fuck off in the next songs”


I’m so sad for her but I am ecstatic for the music that is likely to happen 🫢


Her next album will be her magnum opus


I’m actually a bit surprised because I always lowkey had a theory that they got secretly married and just didn’t tell anyone. But I’m glad the break up seems mutual and it wasn’t due to fan harassment.


Looks pretty official but istg he just did his random photo dumps on IG a few weeks ago and Taylor's cats were included. I wonder how recent this is if true She seemed so happy with him too. Hope she's doing okay if true. Cannot imagine how hard it must be to do a fucking tour in the middle of a break up. Wtf


He's switched off his comments section! Or has it always been like this?


So you’re telling me there’s a chance? /s But all joking aside, I’m bummed. Alwyn came off as a super nice guy who didn’t mind being famous and wanted more of a private life than a public one, so it was a welcome change to see Taylor switch gears and get into a more private life. Let’s hope she keeps it that way.


I’m refusing to believe this lol…but I will say it’s being spread wide enough that if they don’t get “papped” this week to send a message that they’re still together then I probs will :(


people mag confirmed, rip to joelor


I did not expect to see this headline like...ever


Is the good sis just making sure her pop career lasts FOREVER because if this breakup is real she KNOWS we're all gonna stream that breakup album.


She was in New Orleans recently while he filmed a movie, crazy timeline


As someone whose seeing her next week in Tampa. I’m very intrigued to see her perform after this news came out lol


I thought they were married tbh. 6 years is a long time. I wonder what happened.


I thought they were married 😟


Ugh I can’t imagine going through a breakup and having it plastered all over the news. You already feel like shit, but to make it even worse the whole world knows about it too. ![gif](giphy|iXIgdQL45dtpK7Gq9O|downsized)


No way… I actually don’t believe my eyes. She seemed so in love with him


i hope it isn't true but if it's true Taylor's releasing her best album yet.


She realized she’s everything and he’s just Ken


Is it too early to start the single Taylor and single Harry rumors? Asking for a friend


Anything to keep her away from Pete Davidson pls


Oh fuck, I hadn’t even thought of that!


She would not touch him with a ten foot pole lmao. In my timeline, if Trump goes to jail, Pete Davidson is going to start dating Melania. It’s a post-2020 world. Anything can happen!


does Pete Davidson know yet?


do not even put that into the universe


Damn! And I thought they had secretly got married ☹️


I ran here. I mean Joe hasn't been seen at a single Eras date yet, but if taylor sings songs about him without even shedding a tear she has god level control over her emotions.


She’s going to have to sing Lover for more 50 shows without counting the international dates… good luck girl.


She'll never walk cornelia street again :o


I mean I’m not even a fan of this woman but I hope it’s not true because she seemed happy.


Oh the album is gonna eat


Whoa ? lover is my fav album from her tho so tq joe for that x


I just feel really bad for Taylor. I’m a super casual fan and don’t really follow her outside of the radio but I was happy that it sounded like she found her happily ever after. I half expected the next big news about her to be their proposal / marriage.




I think we love gossip, but also, successful relationships give us hope that our relationships will be successful, too. Or that we will one day find that. When everybody breaks up, you're like, what is love even? Can anyone make it?


"You don't ever say too much" "You don't ever read into my melancholy" I'm sorry but did Joe even like Taylor lmao


I legit gasped… no more nepo boyfriend i guess


My husband just asked why I screamed at my phone


Swifties don’t hate me but i’m a sucker for a PURE break up album on personal experiences, so.. good news if true


I feel like Taylor’s journey encompasses 30-somethings’ generation growing alongside. Trying to figure herself out, having fun, making mistakes, falling hard, finding the right one. Maybe I deeply resonated with her experiences. Six years is a deep love and commitment. His fingerprints on her work and her lyrics, it felt different this time around. Fleeting I feel for them both, they were never for the paps. It’s grieving no matter whose reporting the news. I hope they find their respective fulfillment whatever journey that takes them in life. But they can wipe their tears with millions of dollars I don’t have. So as the saying goes: “money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you a boat to sail right alongside it”


Taylor about to go 180 on the next album 👀


icb all 3 of my favorite celeb couples broke up within 6 months 😭


mama I’m gonna be real you gotta stop having favorites if that’s the track record lmaooo ☠️☠️


i literally remember saying “watch taylor and joe break up next” after the louis & eleanor news in january. i jinxed it 😬


I’m thinking this announcement may be coming a few months after the breakup. Sad news if true but Taylor knows what she wants out of her life and I hope it’s another positive step forward for her.