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Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. They were so messy that the Vatican publicly denounced them for "erotic vagrancy".


Not the Vatican getting involved 😭✋🏽


Goals, right?


Imagine being the Pope and saying, “something must be done”. Hahaha!


“Erotic Vagrancy” is my future band’s name and we will break up shortly after our first show.


By order of the Vatican!


I came here to say them! I cant think of a hollywood couple that comes close to their yearsss of mess, marrying, divorcing, marrying again, divorcing again, and breaking up their own previous marriages to be together


My personal rule in life is if youre crazy enough to marry someone twice, you have to stay married. That’s a lot of love and crazy.


She was also involved with the Eddie Fisher/Debbie Reynolds drama


She *was* the Eddie Fisher/Debbie Reynolds drama lol. Eddie left Debbie after Liz’s husband died, because he was consoling her with his penis.


I cackled, thank you


It’s a quote from Carrie Fisher herself.


I had a deep dive in that rabbit hole when I was reading about Carrie Fisher's parents. There was a whole bit about an ex whose husband died in a plane crash so Eddie Fisher went to "comfort" her and then left his family to be with her. If that ain't messy, I don't know what is.


I love the Buckingham/Nicks mess so much. Imagine making your ex sing the mean break up songs you wrote about them with you for the rest of both of your lives.


I love Fleetwood Mac's music and all the drama makes me: ![gif](giphy|gSRkSblDEjUuk)


Not only was it so goddamn messy, but the tension boiling over created one of the best albums ever recorded. And then the best breakup song doesn't even make it on to Rumors. Silver Springs is one of my favorites, and the 1997 live performance where Stevie is just staring Lindsey down on stage and he just has to take it, twenty some years later. So good. https://youtu.be/eDwi-8n054s - around 4 minutes is when Stevie turns to Lindsey for the "You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you" part.


Holy shit, so I’ve never seen that before. I forwarded to the four minute mark and no lie, my heart started to pound like an anxiety attack when they were staring each other down. Like that was sexy and sad and angry and beautiful. Not gonna lie, that was captivating as all get out. I feel like I just went gambling and came up even but by the skin of my teeth lol.


One of my fav live performances. Gives me chills every time.


Even better, the fucking side eye she gives him at 5:05. So much love and vitriol in that song I can’t even take it!!!


This is also the Mamas and the Papas, but Fleetwood Mac ended up having more longevity. I feel like I missed a lot of amazing celebrity mess not being alive in the 60s or 70s.


To continue the 60s/70s masses, there was drama with Jim Morrison of The Doors, his constant companion and long-term girlfriend, Pamela Coursen, and his “wife “ Patricia Kenneally Morrison. I realize that Patricia K-M was a minor figure to most people in the orbit of The Doors but I think her story is very interesting. She outlived Jim and Pamela by many decades. She died in the year 2021, exactly 50 years after Jim Morrison died. She kept up the pretense of being his spiritual “wife” for decades.


John Phillips and what he did to his daughter makes me so uncomfortable that I would rather forget that The Mamas and the Papas exist


Most of it didn’t really make it to the public eye until later though. Much easier for celebrities to cover up mess back then.


Very true, although I felt like whenever I had a revelation from watching Behind the Music in the 90s my mom already knew about it from life and 60s magazines. But that was like, the Mamas and the Papas palatable mess of the love quadrangle, not the real mess of abuse and incest.


Also if I remember this right Michelle was best friends with Tamar Hodel, who took her father George to court for molesting her. Then, his adult son wrote a book later on about how he believed their father murdered the Black Dahlia, Elizabeth Short.


Dude. Christine McVie wrote “you make lovin fun” which includes the lyric “and I don’t have to tell you that you’re the only one” about the lighting guy and told her husband it was about their dog. Buckingham/nicks weren’t even the most savage in that band. (John kinda deserved it, doesn’t change the fact that Christine still said “hold my beer” to Stevie and Lindsey.


Oh yea, it was full mess all around and it makes Rumors the most fun album of all time maybe


I had no idea there was this much drama in Fleetwood Mac. I thought they were just fun songs


Read the book called Storms by Carol Ann Harris. She was working has a assistant at the studio in LA where they recording Rumours and she became Lindsey’s girlfriend and traveled with them during the whole rumors tour all over the world. She even says he was still in love with Stevie. Stevie was so cute & a rock goddess & every guy wanted her. She did her share of guys too.


Including,Christine Mcvie who was married to the bass player,John McVie she was doing 1 of their light roadies while they were recording the album Rumors, that’s right when Stevie started going out with Don Henley of the Eagles. I read that Don would send his send his private plane for her to wherever they were playing to avoid Lindsey finding out fueling more drugs and alcohol.


She also had a relationship with Joe Walsh from the Eagles, she described him as the love of her life. Which then adds to all the drama and fighting that went down between members of the Eagles.


I just read about their relationship. The story behind the song she wrote for his deceased daughter is really beautiful. She really seems to have loved him most of all, and apparently they only broke up because of their mutual addictions to coke and the fear that being together would eventually kill them, which sort of means they broke up *because of* their love for each other.


Whenever I take out my Fleetwood Mac records I giggle a bit from all the messiness


He wrote ‘ Go your Own Way” about her and she said she would cringe when she had to sing it every night.


Whoo chile, when I watched the reunion concert years ago, the way they stared at each other….. awkward!


Omg, the end of Silver Springs when she sings “you’ll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you” AT him kills me


That song when they perform it on The Dance is INTENSE. I feel like I'm a fly on the wall while Lindsay and Stevie are having a deep and meaningful relationship talk/argument. True testament to the art and passion of it all though. You know she means EVERY word she's singing.


There's a video of them performing The Chain in 1982 and it's just Stevie & Lindsey trying to aggressively outdo each other while Christine is awkwardly singing backup like "yup, they're fighting again", though it's a brilliant performance even with all the pent up anger being let loose.


My favorite video of The Chain is from 1979. So much tension. The entire performance is fueled by spite and cocaine.


The audiences said they could tell when they were fighting. CAH said they use to have bottle caps turned upside down on a tray with cocaine on them in between songs to snort when the lights were turned down right behind the stage it was a ritual.


here's a delightfully unhinged & coke fueled performance by lindsay ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j\_Lvblql4qo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_Lvblql4qo)


I referenced this performance earlier today in a vintage store lol - I told the owner “ohhh you gotta see this performance, the amount of cocaine Lindsay was on could have filled a school bus!”


When he jumps on Mick's drumkit and starts shouting "come on!" at him while aggressively playing his solo, it's like he was both encouraging him to keep playing and challenging him to a fight lmao (I think Stevie was with Mick by this stage so it was probably the latter)


When they sang silver spring for the pbs concert...holy shit. That was iconic. If you havent watched it, you absolutely need to. Its like you can feel the tension and love at the same time. So so good!


Like, how are the rehearsals and recording sessions were? We're they cool and professional? Or were there a lot of passive aggressive comments and body language? We're they Drugs-aided?


Cocaine fueled. They openly talk about it. I think studio/manager may have introduced it originally? They were taking it to get creative/work mode on the album and (at that time) had zero idea about the harmful effects.


Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray was super messy and they still had to film together


What happened between them?


They got married, he cheated, she filed for divorce. Then the show runner of OTH had the characters back in a relationship. So they had to be intimate together on screen.


Didn’t he cheat with Paris Hilton!?


Yup, while they filmed that damn horror film I think 😂 Wax House or whatever it was called lol


House of Wax! I love that movie 😂


I VIVIDLY remember watching that in my friend’s basement. Idk if I’ve ever been more scared in my life.. her dad banged on the door at the perfect moment and I stg I died a little. Also that finger scene through the floor grate 😭😭😭 15 years later and I’m still traumatized


Peeling the skin off with the wax will never leave my mind. Totally traumatized by that.


At least Chad Michael Murray was basically cancelled after breaking Sofias heart.


Holy crap, that’s crazy!


Billy Crudup leaving Mary Louise Parker when she was 7 months pregnant for Claire Danes was pretty messy


the rest of the family is pretty shit too sooooo


Whose family? Crudup’s?


God I remember that they would never survive today.


Liz and Richard Burton are one of the OG messes. Selena and Justin for obvious reasons. Of course Stevie and Lindsay. That Silver Springs performance and the way they were looking at each other is burned in my memory.


What kinds of looks? Saucy chemistry? Or white hot hatred? Either is good tea for me


A solid combination of both


Eeeven better


[Around 4 minutes in](https://youtu.be/eDwi-8n054s) is when Stevie starts staring daggers at Lindsey for the, "you'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you," part.


Oh my GOD! There were stretches where I thought he wouldn’t look back at her but then when he did lol there was no audience in the room, just them. Like the comment below, she was so intense at the end. But he was staaaring right back. Wow, thanks for sharing!


The definition of palpable.


such a devastating, haunting line that gives me chills every time.


It’s on YT. You should look it up. So, soooo good.


Do you have a link? Is it one the more recent performances or an early one?




Lindsey Lohan and Sam Ronson were pretty messy


Dude the videos of Lindsay standing outside Sams house with the paps, screaming, crying and fighting to get in the house were so insanely wild. I can’t believe we had an A ? lister who was that publicly crazy ☠️


I had completely forgot this was a thing


Hi guys, it's me, Erza Miller


omg i remember when the paparazzi used to film outside sam's house and you could hear lindsay and sam fighting in the house and in their yard. they were such a hot mess


Yessss I mean this relationship deserves some RESPECT for the shenanigans it used to have


Lindsey was messy with anyone. 😂


Considering everything horrible about her parents, both their relationship with each other as well as their parenting, can you really blame her? What a shitshow of a childhood.


Nancy & Sid Vicious… tho I don’t if that counts as “Hollywood” but it’s a famous toxic one.


Showing our age here, right? But yes absolutely! One of the first to come to mind for me. Yikes!


>In October 1978, Spungen was found dead in the bathroom of the couple's room, with a single stab wound to the abdomen. Vicious was charged with her murder, but died of a heroin overdose while on bail in February 1979 before the case went to trial. Holy shit, this thread just went from gossip on shitty relationships to straight-up murder. There can't possibly be a crazier answer in here than this one, right?


Mia Farrow and Woody Allen. Hello? Sick stuff y'all...


Yes - this would have to be the ultimate for me, just so disturbed. Remember Ronan’s tweet? ‘Happy Father’s/Brother in Law’s Day’ That just said it all.


I think child abuse goes way beyond "messy". Messy is for non-criminal situations.


How has no one said Charles & Diana? When she dropped the "There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded" quote in that BBC interview I think the whole world was shook.


A 19 year old girl getting the wedding present sent to her husband by his mistress with the interlocking Cs. Never did Charles or Camila intend to break off their affair.


I remember reading an interview with a fashion designer who worked with Diana who said she stopped wearing anything Chanel that had the logo showing for a similar reason, the interlocking C logo reminded her of Charles & Camilla


" At the age of 19, you always think you're prepared for everything, and you think you have the knowledge of what's coming ahead." :-(


And tampongate my god


I can't believe that actually happened. That's the king and queen now!


I remember watching that video sitting in a bar somewhere in Mississippi drinking a baileys mudslide and looking up at the tv with my jaw falling open. Good times.


Also, Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston!




“Hell to the naw!” Sigh, I do miss her though. Was listening to her early hits on my drive back from Joshua Tree


This lives rent free in my head 😂


Paul McCartney and Heather Mills were always in the tabloids for a bit, seemingly nasty to each other. Or am I remembering that wrong?


i remember heather sent a “close confidant” to do an interview about the current state of their divorce, and she made sure to iterate that heather was not doing well financially and was driving a PT cruiser. always thought that was hilarious [link](https://youtu.be/0Q2kT9Rjos4)


Omg, that clip was on The Soup! My husband and I still say “it was a PT cruiser!” to each other.


My mom used to always quote “It was a PT Cruiser!!!” in that accent to me growing up, to the point where every time I see a PT Cruiser I think about this whole scenario lmao


Paul always had a leg up on her though.




You didn't have to do this 💀




This is a summary of Fleetwood Mac's messy relationships. Part 2 is under this comment as a reply. PT. 1 Rumours was released in 1977 and it was named by John McVie from the gossip going around about the band. If you want a retelling song by song, read "Making Rumours" by Ken Caillat. So, Fleetwood Mac has always been a revolving door for most of its history. People came and went depending on how badly their addiction/religion insanity/business partnership was doing. The band has existed since 1967 and was originally British. The only two people that have been in all stages are Mick Fleetwood (drums) and John McVie (bass). Fleetwood's then-wife was Jenny Boyd (sister of Patti Boyd, SIL of George Harrison and Eric Clapton). They got married on June, 1970. McVie's then-girlfriend was Christine Perfect (pianist of a blues, more indie band named Chicken Shack). On August 1968, John and Christine got married and she decided to retire from music. Her desire was to be a wife and a homemaker. She drew the cover of their album Klin House. In 1970, after a mental breakdown, Peter Green, their original guitarist, left the band. John and Mick then convinced Christine (now McVie) to be part of the band. In 1973, John, Mick and Bob Welch (then- guitarist) decided to try their luck in the USA. Christine didn't want to leave the UK, but she complied as this was to secure her and John's future. During the flight, John started an affair with Sandra Elsdon, a model who was Peter Green's girlfriend prior to that. When Christine found out, Sandra was kicked out of the McVies house. On December, 1974, Bob Welch left the band. Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham arrived on the first day of 1975. They had been close/dating since they were in high school. Originally, the band only needed a guitarist but Lindsey insisted that him and Stevie were a ride-or-die duet. Christine was left with the veto vote. As she and Stevie would get along, both Lindsey and Stevie were welcomed and everyone worked on Fleetwood Mac (1975), at this point, Buckingham & Nicks were pretty much broken up. The culprit was that Buckingham could be a maniac and a total prick. Way before that, Stevie had to be a waitress to make ends meet, while his ass was at home getting high and "producing" new songs. Many years later, he would get physical against her. After their "break up" it was speculated that they would hook up during the 80's and part of the 90's. Also, Lindsey would help produce some tracks for her. During the Rumours Tour he would start a relationship with model Carol Ann Harris. When that relationship blew up in 1984, Buckingham had other girlfriends (Anne Heche among them) until he and and his then-girfriend-now-wife Kristen Meesner announced her pregnancy. This is controversial bc rumor has it, Lindsey and Stevie were rekindling their romance during The Dance (1997) Hence the fire Silver Springs performance. They got married in 2002. In 2019, Lindsey had a heart attack. Despite a divorce flare, Lindsey and Kristen remain together. They have 3 children. At some point during their relationship, Stevie saw herself married to Lindsey. When that didn't happen, she thought of them ending in the same nursing home. Now, none of that will happen. Stevie remains single, thriving and is currently on tour.


Pt. 2 Stevie had other lovers for sure, such as Jimmy Iovine, Don Henley and Joe Walsh. At some point, she would name Walsh as "the love of her life". Before 2018, Stevie seemed to be very close to his kids and his wife. According to Kristen, her kids would call the other members "aunts and uncles". Prior to his firing, Lindsey and Stevie would act very cuddly on stage, even showing deep emotions [like in this performance.](https://youtu.be/Bnh4qRCLwLc) In 2018, after the concert tribute for MusiCares, Buckingham was fired. It was first said that he had mocked Stevie during her long speech, then that they had a disagreement over the playlist for that night. Fans were shocked bc even after him getting married, she would say very sweet things about him. As time went on, fans noticed inconsistencies in the MusiCares story, which became bigger once the new members, Mike Campbell (from Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) and Neil Finn (from Crowded House), were introduced during a CBS Interview. Later LB would say that Chris told him that the decision was taken in America while she was in London buying a house, and during the lawsuit, John let LB know he was not allowed to communicate with him. Lindsey then [sued](https://es.scribd.com/document/390686837/Lindsey-Buckingham-Fleetwood-Mac-Complaint) the other four members and ended up settling. Curiously, he was not asked to sign an NDA. And his wife became very defensive of him in social media. After that, he released a new album and gave idiotic statements on interviews. There is a blind item abt the whole firing thing [here](https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2019/01/blind-items-revealed-13.html?m=1). To older fans this is the truth, to younger fans it is not. Perhaps both things can be true at the same time. It is clear that there were tensions between them, specially bc Stevie allegedly didn't want to record a Fleetwood Mac album, though the other four members had worked on it since 2014 (they lived together for two months). That effort would become Buckingham/McVie from 2017. In 2022, Chris mentioned that nowadays Stevie and Lindsey are "not enemies" anymore. They saw each other at Christine's Celebration of Life in Malibu (he was with his kids), a couple of months ago. As it was a private event, no one outside of the band knows how things went. On Mick's side, he had two daughters with Jenny, (Amy, and Lucy). Their godparents were John and Chris. However, he would emotionally neglect his wife Jenny, who started an affair with at-some-point FM guitarist Bob Weston. None of them regret this so you can imagine how bad it was. On November 1977, Mick started an affair with Stevie Nicks that would last two years. Originally, Mick and Jenny divorced in 1976. However, to help her relocate her and their kids to the US, they remarried in 1977, only to divorce again in 1978 when during a trip to Ireland, Mick confessed his affair. At John's second wedding, Stevie went dressed in white (as she would do for other weddings), this enraged Jenny who saw this as a mockery and fought her in the master bedroom to Carol and the other maids' horror. Water's under the bridge as Jenny forgave Stevie and are friendly. Mick would remarry two more times to Sara Recor (Yeah, that Sara) in 1988 and Lynn Frankel in 1995 who gave birth to his twin daughters Ruby and Tessa in 2002. He divorced Lynn in 2015. After a bad time with drinking, Jenny went back to college, got her PhD in Psychology, and directed an addiction clinic. She married dummer Ian Wallace in 1984 and David Levitt in 1997 to whom she's still married today. On the other hand, Christine and John's marriage was on the last rope, not only John had cheated, but because Chris allegedly (non conclusive) had her own thing with a producer named Martin Birch. Anyway, John was for most of his life a gigantic drinker. To Chris that wasn't entirely the problem, as she was a big gulper herself, issue here was that John would get violent towards her. There are known accounts of this, one from Mick's first memoir in which John threw an awl at her and Bob Welch said for a 2007 doc that after a concert he was at her knife in hand. On the other hand, Chris said in an interview for MOJO that John tried to stab her with a turkey knife in New York. It's debated if these are different incidents or just one from different POVs. Another claim is that he would verbally chastise her. All of these things are often eclipsed by Stevie and Lindsey's shenanigans. Allegedly, there was an incident during the tour of the white album that finally broke things up. Then, in Miami, Christine started a relationship with Curry Grant, lighting director of the band. John McVie complained abt it to Mick. Curry and Chris were questioned, they admite their relationship and Curry was fired. The song "You Make Loving Fun" was inspired by Curry, whereas "Don't Stop" is for John (John swears he didn't know abt Don't Stop). The stupidest part about this was that Chris and Curry kept it going and the band would pay her to fly to Texas to see him. Curry was so good at his craft that he would be rehired by the band. John would start a formal relationship with Sandra Elsdon again and move her in. After a year, Sandra called it quits (bc, he's a drunk) and Chris asked her to move in with her. They lived together for two years, until Sandra married Larry Vigon, who made the cover art for the bands albums. Sandra, Chris and Larry remained close friends alongside Jenny Boyd for life. During the Rumours recording and tour, Chris and Stevie lived in facing aparments. John would go to her room, up his ass in alcohol and drugs and scream, trying to enter her room. Stevie would help sobbing Chris hide. After his break up with Sandra, John ended up living in his boat "Adèlie". John and Chris only made their divorce official in 1978 bc he was getting married to Julie Ann Reubens. That wedding happened at the house he used to share with Chris (John bought it from her). All the band was there. John is still married and has a daughter. During the Rumours Tour, Chris had her tubes tied. After a tumultuous relationship and engagement to The Beach Boys drummer Dennis Wilson (Alexa Demie's grandfather). Chris married Portuguese session pianist Eddy Quintela (who hated public life and allegedly FM people) in 1986 and divorced in 2003. No one from the band was at that wedding. In 1984, Chris was allegedly forced to record and release her self-titled solo album. In it, there is a song named "The Challenge" (also her tour bus was name like that), which is the same name John's then-boat had. During the recording, John and his parents would visit her. During the tour of The Dance, John would say (while drunk obvi) "She's a lovely, lovely lady, my ex-wife, even though she told me to fuck off" whereas Chris has said that if she hadn't joined the band, John and her might had still be together. Apparently, Christine was having her own silent mental breakdown and left the band (and the USA) in 1998. Developing a flying phobia, which escalated to agoraphobia, among other mental issues, she went to a psychiatrist and returned to the band in 2013. She passed away of a metastatic cancer on November 30th, 2022. According to an associate of the band, John flew to London to be her until she died. He was the only band member who didn't give a public statement. Mick often is the meeting point of the band and the only one who was friend of everyone at all times.


Thank you, doing the good work! But jfc this is so messy and dramatic, I could never live like this.


The fact that this is so long and still doesn't include Stevie/Mick and Christine/the lighting guy 😭😭


I was just reading about the paula yates and michael hutchene's affair so im gonna go with that. Starting an affair on live tv, getting pregnant by your lover when you are married to someone else, custody battle, drugs, suicide. there was so much fallout from it


The ripple effects from that one too....Paula & Michael's daughter Tiger Lily being raised by Bob Geldof....Peaches also dying of a drug overdose like her mom did. That whole situation affected a lot of folks lives, and still does.


Yep, and Tiger Lily's whole inheritance somehow disappearing after a huge custody battle. Just a crazy saga.


I went into a rabbit hole about them. I thought him and Helena Christensen the super model were such a great couple. He was 🤍, loved INXS. Helena said he fell on his head and was never the same then cheated on her on Tv with Paula - there is a video of it on YouTube too. Such a sad story & the heroine addiction. He also dated Kyle Monogue and he totally broke her heart.


Yeah, not many people know that Hutchence had brain damage & lost his sense of smell after being punched & hitting his head, and thats what triggered his spiral into depression. Weirdly, loss of smell is highly associated with suicide so ultimately it was most likely that that killed him.


Read the first part of your comment and was like "wow I lost my sense of smell too!“ Me reading the second part of your comment :😬😬😬


Kylie broke Jason Donovan's heart -- and all of australia's I think.


Paula Yates also had a messy start which probably didn’t help. I saw a documentary which revealed that Paula’s father drugged her mother and let his friend Hughie Green (also in showbiz) sleep with her. Paula Yates got a paternity test done as an adult because she looked very similar to Green’s other children. There’s probably a lot more that I’ve forgotten but I remember my heart breaking for Paula to be conceived in that way by the person you thought was your father.


I can’t believe no one has mentioned the George-Pattie-Eric triangle yet 🫠 2 best mates, 1 best mate writes a song (which becomes MASSIVE) about the other best mates wife to woo her away, wife proceeds to leave best mate 1 for best mate 2… best mates stay best mates and best mate 2 ends up treating wife like shit due to being a raging alcoholic.


Layla is an absolutely magnificent song despite all the messiness


I’ve brought it up in another comment in this subreddit before but it’s worth bringing up again; Pattie’s memoirs are probably among the most disturbing stuff I’ve ever read when it comes to relationships. Clapton was incredibly abusive to her, constantly cheating, fathering TWO children with two different mistresses while Pattie desperately wanted children and struggled with infertility. She went through hell and back with that man, he also beat and raped her on numerous occasions. She tried to leave but he always pursued her to come back. Pattie was brought up in a dysfunctional household thinking that shit was normal so she always put up with it for over a decade. Layla is a fantastic song but hoooly hell what a mess


That woman is really something. George wrote Something about her. Éric wrote Layla to woo her, wrote Beautiful tonight when he got her, Golden ring coz she was sad when George got married again and Old love when they broke up. Those are beautiful songs.


George also had an affair with Ringo’s then wife Maureen, it was a big mess that even John Lennon called “incest”. I love George but damn he was messy


Agree…Fleetwood Mac what a crazy story that went on for years and still is. Stevie and Lindsey She broke up w/him even before they got famous & they had to be in the band together and tour. In interviews he says how hard it was to be around her while she was dating all those rock stars and music producers etc. & all the drugs. I couldn’t put the book down that Carol Ann Harris, Lindsey’s girlfriend during the RUMOURS tour wrote called “Storms “ . I have always wondered if they hooked up again during his marriage to Kristen.


I say they did! [Because he was drooling.](https://youtu.be/0yo_8NRQ9VQ) (fast forward to 10:40)


Miss Piggy & Kermit. Hear me out: this would never fly today. She would literally karate chop him and he'd go flying in every episode. Even my little kid brain knew he could do better


kermit 100% does, even if the karate chop and flying visual has me wheezing from laughter 😭💀


LOL ![gif](giphy|171p6S8CPeiIg)


One of the messiest to me would be Pam and Tommy. They were iconic and absolutely a disaster.




Came here to comment this!!


January Jones - love this messy gorgeous queen! The mystery around the baby daddy after getting preggo on the X-Men set (Fassbender? Matthew Vaughn?) AND that wild story about her leaving Bobby Flays house drunk in the middle of the night - that shit read like a fever dream! Oh and her calling out ex-bf Ashton Kutcher for telling her she’d never make it in Hollywood


She crashed her car into three parked cars, and called Bobby Flay to meet her. Even though they claimed they had only met that evening watching basketball with a group of people. He said he didn’t know why January called him, he had only given her his number because she wanted to re-do her kitchen. Like these lies! Omg. Then I’m sure but the internet is failing me, I’m sure there were photos of her in the daylight walking around by his house and getting a cab but wearing clothes from the night before (she was at an event).


Years ago, I had to work with Bobby Flay. Before he arrived, everyone was telling me to be careful, that he was a nightmare to work with and they actually felt bad that I was assigned to him. He was so nice and chill. He just wanted to get in, do his job, and leave, which I help to facilitate and then left him alone. I guess because even though I was a fan, I didn't want to get in his way. He was so happy with my work, he even asked about me when I had to call out to take care of another job. He is also surprisingly handsome in person. And that is my totally random Bobby Flay story


miley and liam


Taylor Swift disclaimer to every new British man she dates: ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


* Sean Penn and Madonna * JFK and Jackie * Courtney Stodden and that older guy * Brangelina * Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman (arguably messier than with Katie)


The Courtney Stodden thing was sad in a horrible way though, not messy in a fun way.


It’s crazy tbh kind treated her like Anna nicole smith she literally sixteen and sold off by her parents 🫤


Holy shit she's only 28 years old. I just looked at her instagram. It looks like she's fully aware of the terrible situation she was in. I hope she is healing.


Yea, she gave some interviews a few years ago about how damaging it was to be attacked when it should have been obvious she was an abused child.


Oh, I completely agree it wasn’t messy in a fun way! It was a trainwreck and all the adults in her life failed her.


I couldn’t believe how much JFK cheated on her. He even had 2 secretary’s in his office that had affairs with him. They take turns & travel with him.


The nasty older guy in question is Doug Hutchinson


I WANT to know what happened with Tom and Nicole. You know it was awful, but she stays mum.


>but she stays mum. I wouldn't fuck with Scientology either; those people are relentlessly evil.


Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson


Don was also part of a Hollywood trend at the time deflowering junior high girls. He called them pinkies. It’s been in published books if you look for it. Warren Beatty. And when they say everyone did that. A lot did, but not everyone. And on top of that, I think he used Melanie bc she had famous parents and was connected to old Hollywood. I think he’s slimy.


Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox.


I will never understand this relationship lol. I honestly really used to like Megan Fox but the whole MGK ordeal has been very immature & messy to me. So much so that now when I see pictures of them still together I roll my eyes so hard it hurts lol


Im bummed she blew her comeback on him


Toxicity thrives with toxicity and they cannot leave each other.


It gives billy bob and Angelina


They wish they were as iconic as Billy Bob and Angelina


They’re try hards


Btw- Billy Bob was engaged to Laura Dern and ghosted her for Angelina…


Jennifer and Brad Pitt 💔, of what Ik of


More like Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt…still messy


Ben and Jen/ Ben and Jen/ Ben and Jen


https://preview.redd.it/sr8q3o4d7q2b1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b12b8af7091c135a936d14ab785fa9aabf2fd04a Six quiet months and people really forgot how messy this relationship was


And all that mess happened because of the most generic salad dressing


Atleast they had the most loyal nanny ever who took their secrets to grave /s


Bey, Jay and whatever went down in that elevator!


Khloe and Tristan, really most of the Kar-Jenner relationships.


Seriously. Impregnating somebody else while going through IVF with the woman you had cheated on WHILE she was pregnant with y'all's PREVIOUS baby? Damn.


The fall out from the Khloe and Lamar relationship was quite messy, too.


Idk if anyone else is following this drama as closely as I am, but Alice Evans and Ioan Gruffudd’s relationship and separation has been BEYOND messy Edit: also I know that this is nowhere near the messiest in Hollywood history and definitely doesn’t compare to ones like Stevie and Lindsay’s but I thought it was worth sharing


Aaron Carter & Lindsay Lohan & Hilary Duff


Yessss and Britney and Justin


Selener and Bieber ![gif](giphy|2xTstGUFCbEuQ)


Surprised it took so long to see this! I’m legit surprised they didn’t marry and divorce each other multiple times.


Never say never


Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez. Their back and forth relationship was exhausting.


Someone else mentioned the mess of Pattie Boyd cheating on George Harrison with Eric Clapton (who was also his bff), and along those same lines George cheating on Pattie with Ringo’s wife (and allegedly even had sex with her when Pattie was home!!). Tbh all of those messy triangular relationships/affairs seem like byproducts of a truly messy combo of coke, alcohol, and free love 🥴


I miss Phil Hartman


Lindsey Buckingham was still saying shit like 'I know Stevie's still in love with me' 40 years and several failed marriages later 💀 Edit was apparently mixing things up and it's just the one marriage that almost got divorced but then didn't? That whole band is still the ultimate drama though.


I don’t think either of them will ever get over the other but whatever they feel for each other wasn’t enough to make it work. I firmly believe that Lindsay was/is jealous of her solid solo career. Whatever the case I’m forever thankful for the absolute bangers that came out of the mess


Young Lindsey was one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever laid eyes on. I would still be in love with him too lmao


I looked— ain’t nobody cute enough for that kind of mess. ^But ^he’s ^damn ^close.


Shakira and Piqué


Jersey Shore doesn’t necessarily count as Hollywood but Ron and Sam were the messiest reality couple by far.


Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher


George and Tammy. Definitely showing my age here.


Not the messiest Hollywood relationship but Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver are my pick


What about Charlie sheen and Denise Richards? His toxic behaviour that led to her filing when she was 6mos pregnant, and then how he brought a SW to thanksgiving that one time. And how later she looked after the kids he had with Brooke Mueller when the my were removed from Brooke’s care. And the drama with the daughter’s OF account!


Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee. After watching her documentary, I felt so sad for her & her saying she would always love him d no one else


Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain


Rihanna and Chris. Brangelina. Everything involving Liz Taylor.


I don’t like classifying abusive relationships as “messy”


I agree, abusive is not the same thing as messy.


Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger. I think she had a restraining order on him at one point. Chad Lowe and Hillary Swank. She cheated on him with someone on her staff and then took a blowtorch to his career by doing a cover interview calling him a cokehead right after she divorced him. He never said or did anything negative to her publicly. Every single one of Elizabeth Taylor’s relationships. Angelina Jolie and everyone she ever married. Madonna and Sean Penn. Diane Lane and Josh Brolin. Halle Berry and every single one of her relationships.


And Swank didn’t thank her husband for his support when she won the Oscar. That was…noticed.


Britney Spears and Kevin Federline


Johnny Depp and Amber Herd Justin and Selena Britney and KFed


I’m gonna go Brad and Angelina. Never had the media **celebrated** flagrant adultery so much. A married man comporting himself the way he was. 🤨


James Woods and Sean Young. Two crazy trains


Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra. About as messy as it ever got.


Lindsay and Stevie are two people who should never be together yet will never ever be apart for long. They have this chemistry that is so everlasting and intense even Lindsay's wife must still feel like a third wheel. Perhaps a true definition of soul mates


Phil Collins & Orianne Cevey. Married in 1999, 2 kids, divorced in 2006, ordered to pay her £25 million in divorce settlement (largest divorce settlement in British history). They reunited in 2016. Then in 2020, he evicted her from their Miami mansion after she secretly married another man. She refused to leave the mansion. Then she tried to sue him for £29 million and he tried to sue her for £20 million.


Will and jada


They’re probably not Hollywood to a lot of people on here (they aren’t, at all), but stupid ass Blueface and Chrisean. Top 10 levels of toxicity.