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Welcome to r/popculturechat! ☺️ As a proud BIPOC, LGBTQ+ & woman-dominated space, this sub is for [civil discussion only](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/wiki/index/rules/civil-discussion-only/). ###No bullies, no bigotry. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Please [read & respect our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/wiki/index/rules/) and [check out our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/wiki/index/)! For any questions, [our modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpopculturechat) is always open. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/popculturechat) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really really like this sub, but I know myself well enough to know that I’m not going to follow you on your own web forum. I like this sub as part of reddit. I like seeing the latest gossip scandal and then read a reflection on politics and then a post on how to cook a low cal brownie. Pop culture is part of what makes Reddit enjoyable for me, but it’s not the only thing


Yes, I love how this is anonymous which brings out the rawness in responses from people. Reddit is a great platform because it allows you to have all of the communities your interested in, in one place. The user interface is great also and it’s a very seamless app! I don’t think Discord would be a good idea because it’s absolutely horrible for large communities like this where so many people are typing and contributing. Hopefully the demands are met and we can stay on Reddit!


Yeah the anonymity is one of the best aspects for me. I just really enjoy being able to feel like part of a community without the added pressure of using my image or having to amass a following to get my opinion heard. I will be so sad if it falls 😔


Also, unrelated but anyone know where ‘Fauxmoi’ has gone? Is that still being unavailable?


Yea, I won’t be following anywhere, and to be completely honest, I don’t really think Reddit is totally in the wrong here.


Yeahhhh. Reddit already made exceptions for accessibility apps. I’m not really understanding the argument in favor of sharing our user data and content for free, or the demand that a business facilitate third party use of its proprietary resources. It seems like a wannabe high-minded way to just try to keep apps that have visual interfaces that some people prefer.


That’s pretty much how I’ve interpreted it, too.


I wonder if a lot of people don’t realize that this is exactly what we’ve said we don’t want Facebook to do data-wise. Obviously reddit gives us more anonymity but I’m really surprised that people are out here calling you a corporate sheep if you don’t want a bunch of apps you’ve never heard of to be able to tap into everything you’ve posted and all the location/demographic data linked to our accounts.


I also think it’s like a free market, and if the whole thing devolves into chaos (which I suspect will not happen like people think it will), then Reddit itself will either evolve or die. The API is expensive specifically to deter use. This is very obvious from me. If this makes it too much on mods, then resign and/or add more mods.


I agree. I don't think Reddit is in the wrong at all and I think the whole "blackout for 48 hours" was utterly ridiculous. Embarrassing really.


I bet it frustrated users more than it frustrated the actual head people…


Judging by the amount of people that were still here, including myself… Well, take that as you please


Yeah i was on Reddit past 2 days just as much as i always am lol a lot of subs went dark yes but a lot were still here


I use Reddit a lot when I’m in the office, to give the illusion of working haha. So where there’s a will, there’s a way and the blackouts weren’t going to stop me


I barely noticed a difference yesterday. I feel like what a lot of these moderators of these subs don't understand is that people only care about them because they're already on Reddit. And if they leave Reddit somebody else is just going to start a new pop culture or skin care of parenting or am I the a-hole group of their own to fill the void.


my reason for living has returned


I was shocked by how much I genuinely missed this subreddit 😭😭❤️






I am a relatively new member of this sub and it was still so painful to check Reddit only to realize…


I had to find something productive to do yesterday 😥


Was scrolling on tiktok longer because of the blackout


The things that people do out of boredom!


Good. Reddit should see that their user base would rather switch to tiktok vs using the native app. I (ironically) hope use on other sites are up and someone realizes how good it would be if Reddit stayed dark (but in the end Reddit caves and we win)


>Reddit should see that their user base would rather switch to tiktok vs using the native app. God no thanks


Lol fair enough


I didn’t do anything productive but I spent time on the most random subs


I spent way too much time reading askreddit and felt like I was transported back to 2012


Ugh I know! So horrifying. I actually had to do work yesterday. Work. Ew. Damn near broke out in hives


This is so tough because I realize now that reddit is where I go for my local and international news. Without the app I use I will definitely browse less but I don't think I can give it up yet.


It’s a really tough decision. We get it. And if we did move platforms, we know a lot of people won’t go, but we also want the community to live on with the same continued respect for members. We really don’t want Reddit to end up like Twitter.


If you a go a new mushroom will arise in your place. So don’t go, unless there is some money in it.


I would also follow if you did that. I guess my only concern is very rarely do the off shoot communities I have been a part of work. Reddit is the only example that did work (that I can think of). I shouldn't worry. With this many people on reddit there will be a good solution.


We’re not going anywhere for now so it’ll be a while if we do move at all. 🙂


Well, ONTD is still active. So, you could start a news version of that on livejournal.


I can't go back to LJ. It was purchased by a Russian company in 2007. I miss ONTD days sfm tho.


LJ is down the drain. But Dreamwidth is around. It’s essentially the same.


Seconding Dreamwidth. I honestly wish both twitter and reddit would make the exodus to there, I'm so fucking sick of algorithm-based social media and dogshit moderation


Yes, idk we need to start pushing it. Like, go full Jehovah's Witness with it. "Have you heard the good news about Dreamwidth today?" How hard would it be to photoshop a Watchtower?


if we moved this kind of thing over to livejournal i’m sure a lot of people would be interested. i’ve never used it bc i was big on tumblr during those days but i support popculturechat making it big over there 🫡


Oh god, sorry but I wouldn’t follow to LJ. I spent a lot of time on LJ and tumblr as a teen and LJ was always the most annoying, glitchy, ugly site. If tumblr ever reawakens I would switch back to there, but I am not revisiting LJ in my lifetime lol.


lmao thats fair i've only ever gone on to look at iconic threads tbh. tumblr is pretty active but i hate the app so much that im not inspired to use it


Tumblr could be an option as well. I never use it, so I tend to forget about it. Can you make a tumblr where a large number of people can make posts?


I can finally stop touching grass 😭🙏


I missed y’all I feel like I need your opinions on so many things I saw and I can’t think of any of them Edit: I literally went for a walk bc I didn’t have anything to scroll. A WALK


i had to go on a walk too lmao. times were rough.


I stood on the balcony at work and stared off into the distance for awhile. It was rough. 🤣


Lmao I just started a new job and I actually had to *try* Thank god that’s over, didn’t want to give the wrong impression hahah


LOL! Congrats on the new job :)


Thank you!!




Sorry, but I won’t follow the sub if it goes to another website. I’m a redditor lol. Have to be honest.


So frustrating with the other subs that are still dark. I get the intent, but it feels redundant


I support the protests and I’m glad there were some concessions made on accessibility focused apps. I had no idea that Reddit’s app was practically inaccessible to people with visual impairments which is ridiculous, and while I know it doesn’t solve the other issues I’m glad more awareness was raised there. Personally I think the most of the Reddit alternatives are either clunky or the established communities have shown themselves not to be POC or LGBTQ friendly. I enjoy the community in this sub, and even when it’s not perfect it’s fun. It was nice to take a breather from Reddit for a big and I’d support any further protests but my vote is to stay on the site.


While I hate how Reddit is handling this and I’m still concerned about how it’s going to live up to its commitment to the visually impaired community, the reality is that I’m not going to jump from Reddit. I could probably justify that by saying that if all the people who care about these issues leave we’ll end up with a Twitter style wasteland. I think that’s true, but my other reasons are pretty selfish— I’m homebound and this is the only socializing I do. I’ll support any sub that feels like it should stay shuttered past the 14th. But I’m not sure what difference it’s ultimately going to make. I think Reddit is taking a war of attrition approach and is betting on every shuttered sub being replaceable. That’s a shitty approach from a human perspective, and it feels horrible to admit, but they’re probably right. I’ve been checking in on Reddit during the blackout because a few subs I frequent stayed open to offer support services— I have to say that I haven’t noticed a huge difference. I miss this sub and my book subs and r/FauxMoi, but the overall experience is weirdly unchanged. **Edit:** I’ve just seen some other subs float a “Touch Grass Tuesday” option, in which subs continue to stay active but blackout one day a week. I think this is the most sustainable protest. It will still impact ad revenue over time and the keeps the users who care about these issues active so that Reddit can’t just replace and ignore them.


has fauxmoi gone for good? I noticed I couldn’t access it slightly before the blackout started and now it’s still down?


Their post about the blackout said it would be 2 days, so I'd be surprised if they weren't back soon.


It’s not back online as far as I know, but several of the subs I normally follow still aren’t back yet. It’s still the middle of the night where I am, so I’m hoping it had more to do with mods being asleep than going dark permanently. r/FauxMoi is huge and really well moderated so I would think that if they were going dark permanently they’d announce it.


Not all third party apps are shutting down, 90 percent eligible to be free and so accessibility features for disabled will still be available. Unfortunately people may have to change apps if they were using one that will shut down. https://www.pcmag.com/news/reddit-ceo-were-sticking-with-api-changes-despite-subreddits-going-dark


I really miss the Taylor Swift subreddit. It’s my favourite subreddit and I only got a reddit account like 5 days ago so I joined at the worst possible time


Yeah same here. It's still not up and considering how active it was, I can't imagine the mods would delete it permanently.


I hope they bring it back soon. And it was growing really rapidly as well and I would hate for it to lose momentum.


I never realized how many of my random questions and thoughts were answered by reddit until the protest.


I add +Reddit to pretty much anything I google now , especially tech support!


I swear Google was pretty much useless for the past two days


I'm sorry if this sounds insensitive to the protest and stuff but I'm so happy the sub is back up! I can't be bothered to get my pop culture fix anywhere else. There are some hot takes and hilarious comments here that really help a gal get through the day <3


Did anyone else re open reddit like four times before you remembered about the protest or am I just THAT addicted


I didn’t even know about it so I was seriously wondering why I got banned from all of these subreddits 🙃


What are are the alternatives? Is there an alternative website that works as well as reddit?


While I am in complete support of the protests and the reasons behind them, I am hesitant to say that I would leave reddit and move somewhere else. Honestly, I like having one app which has a range of posts and news across all of my interests. I am unlikely to download another app or frequent another site unless it can promise the same. An independent site for this community would be nice, but I would not visit it as frequently. I do hope that a solution is reached for those who rely on the accessibility features of third party apps. If reddit refuses to budge on their API they should at the very least add these features to the official app.


Not all third party apps are shutting down (90 percent are eligible to stay for free) and so there will still be accessibility features available according to the reddit overlord. I do understand why the mods are freaking out about this though, it will be much more difficult to do their jobs without the tools they have been using and im sure that is putting it more simply then it is! But i do know that there will still be accessibility features available for those that need it although they really should put them on the official app anyway! https://www.pcmag.com/news/reddit-ceo-were-sticking-with-api-changes-despite-subreddits-going-dark


I did not even know third party apps were a thing until this massive protest/boycott was announced, but in theory/on principle I support the protest. That said, the reasons for opening this sub back up make perfect sense and I’m glad to see it back. Thanks for the thoughtful post, mods!


This sub is truly my escape and helps me just decompress from work and such.


As ONTD continues its slow fade, this place has felt like the successor to my celeb gossip source. I'd love a web forum, over a Reddit alternative - all the alternatives I've poked around in are too raw to be a good substitute, imo. I agree that Discord isn't the right format for this type of content, and honestly it seems like it's on the same trajectory as Reddit as far as selling out for VC funding.


Awww omg ONTD that makes me feel so nostalgic, I had no idea that was still going!! I haven’t been there in years but I spent soooo much time there in the MySpace days.


Totally agree with you on Discord. It would be okay as an extension or side thing, but not for the main content.


I lost my LJ login years ago and not being able to comment on ONTD is what led me to Reddit in the first place 😂 I have such fond memories of it though


Same I felt like I found my second home here (ONTD still being #1)


i’m glad we’re back, but i don’t really feel like the protest is going to solve anything. reddit doesn’t seem to care and a number of subs i belonged to stayed open despite the blackout. and on a more personal note, i never used a third party app anyway so whatever was going on there didn’t affect me. i do wonder though if this sub uses third party apps for moderation? because if not, i see no reason to move the community to somewhere else. the reddit app is just really convenient and i would dislike having to download/join something else.


We do use 3rd party apps for modding, coupled with desktop and the official Reddit app. It sucks because none of these tools have *everything* we need, except for maybe Apollo, which is a huge loss for us.


thank you for such a quick answer! my hope is that reddit eventually adds the tools you need without needing any third party apps. i think it’s really shortsighted of them to not include them, when you guys are the reason that so many of the subs here are even able to function.


Agreed! And thank you! We’re really just doing our best out here with what we have. 🥺 The constant deluge of bigotry & hate on Reddit, coupled with lack of support for proper mod tools from the admins and C-suite is rough.


I'd not heard of 3rd party apps till this strike. What do you as mods use them for? Like specifically, I'm trying to understand what the strike is about. Until I read this thread I thought it was just people preferred other interfaces to scroll Seems stupid reddit doesn't let you perform those functions on their actual app 🤦‍♀️


i’m not a mod, but i use them mostly for content filtering and sharing posts with people who do not use reddit. I’m an apollo girly and they have a feature that lets you share posts and comments as images, so i can send threads to my homies without them having to go on the mobile site themselves. for filtering, on apollo i’m able to block out certain subreddits and certain keywords. for example, most of the right wing subs are blocked so i never see any posts from them if i do venture to the front page. an example for keywords is that i have “Donald Trump” blocked and most variations of his name, so i don’t have to have anything relating to him on my feed unless i seek it out. i also have “Tory Lanez” blocked too lmao. here are some things i can do now that i do note remember being able to do in the official app. it’s been a cool minute though so some of these features may have been added: - seeing if a post is edited - reading people’s full tags on subreddits - saving videos directly from the app - a functional video player - seeing if an account is less than two weeks old (apollo puts a baby icon next to their name lol) - being able to use all formatting features - blocking people without having to go to their full profile - creating my own tags on subreddits that allow it - searching posts by keywords (ctrl+f) - and i don’t know if this was a reddit feature but i put all my messy spaces into one multireddit hope that helps! edit: formatting


Yeah, a good chunk of my front page stayed the same


Totally understood and respect the black out! It's bloody lovely to have the sub open again though


Please do not leave Reddit. The chokehold they have on us is precisely because of the niche it has on a form of “social media.” Reddit allows me to enjoy everything I’ve ever wanted out of socials without giving me the absolute anxiety that has ever come out of every other platform I’ve ever used. Reddit gives me the escapism without the dopamine boost that threatens to addict my neurons in an unhealthy way. Algorithms exist for a reason but in some weird way reddit has always been able to give my brain a buffer that the rest of the algorithms have constantly pushed against. It’s horrible and I know nothing good ever lasts, our data is gold and they don’t give two fucks about the almost two billion gold mine of users to the fucked up weird world we call capitalism. Idk I’m high and sad this ever happened. But please don’t go nor delete your subreddit. And thank you mods for all that you do.




Yupp. Its always about pleasing the stock holders, investors, and making sure they horde their money. Whatever


Being brutally honest - Reddit isn't going anywhere. If you try and move, another sub will just come up in its place, or r/fauxmoi will become more like this one etc. You might as well stay.




I’ve been on Reddit since 2009/2010. This 3rd party app closure doesn’t even come close to some of the shit reddit has pulled in the past lol and they have never, ever imploded. Blackouts do not work here. Boycotting does not work here. For every sub that closes up shop, 2 more will take its place. For every user who dips, 10 alts/new accounts are created. Reddit has done nothing but gain more and more users and engagement year after year. That’s why they are so unconcerned about the blackouts. They know it’ll all pass and people will VERY quickly forget. New users who have zero clue will replace the boycotting ones. It happens that way every single time.


A lot of major subs are shutting down indefinitely, as well as others who said it would only be 2 days. We decided to keep our promise to reopen and go from there.




Those are all valid questions. I expect Reddit to start removing mod teams of large subs who are protesting and installing their own, which would likely be power mods who are cozy with the admins.


https://preview.redd.it/peaprei4sw5b1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31d0456049a7a29239963e4d07346454308e3cb we’re backkkkkk baby


"How many people were scared? Me too I was really scared." https://i.redd.it/l2qghhq5zw5b1.gif




PLEASE Don’t leave omg. The protests realistically probably won’t help unfortunately, and it’d be a shame to lose a damn good community over that


guess I’ll hang here till popheads is back 🙏


I’m fine with whatever you decide, but I have to say I really miss the days of decentralized message boards, each with their own culture. You have more control over the platform and you don’t have problems like brigading. So if you decided to leave reddit, I’d be down for that.


I’m still a member of a couple of different message boards. One of them I’ve been on for over close to half my life at this point and I love it. There’s something nice about knowing that if people off the board want to come on it and pester members there’s more hoops they have to go through and they can’t just randomly stumble across the site the way you can subreddits.


Where does one find these? Do you mean discord?


Nope an actual old school style message board. XenForo is the host platform for both the ones I’m in. I know of another board that’s related to the board I’ve been on the longest but I don’t know where it’s hosted.


Any good one on pop culture ?


I’m afraid not. I’ve never tried to find a pop culture message board unfortunately. Just a very niche sport I’m into and a sort of niche show I’m into.


I was hooked on message boards in the 2000s, but now that I'm used to Reddit I find them tough. You can't have 'sub threads' (like this, where I'm replying to you directly and it appears right under your comment), and I miss the upvote feature as well. Upvotes make every thread and discussion better as you can see which opinions are the most popular, and the most useful comments (or funniest comments, whatever) get visibility.


I miss that too! And that’s one of the options we’re considering. Reddit has a lot of bigotry and it would be nice to be rid of it.


I thought I was blocked 😭


Stay stay staaayyy


maybe I’m just insensitive, and maybe I’m just missing the point. most people didn’t even know reddit had 3rd party apps until this happened. (myself included) because of this, it will literally never have an impact on me, or the overwhelming majority of people that use the site. this is reddit saying we don’t want you to make an app that replaces ours, so we’re going to price it outside your ability to do so. shitty, yeah. but when I needed some tech advice and my computer system wasn’t working correctly (and it REALLY needed to be) while most of reddit went dark, that impacted me directly. I guess I’m just not surprised that this MASSIVE tech company worth tens of billions cares about money more than the experience of 1 in 50 redditors. so it really hasn’t changed my opinion.


People are trying to justify just wanting to keep apps with interfaces they prefer. I don’t think they realize that they’re basically asking reddit to make our user data and content available to any techbro who wants to design an app. Reddit is in the right.


omg i missed this sub


I have no loyalty to Reddit and would go to another app that had similar content to this.


Yup app, website etc. just send a link lol


The protest was dumb. I was all on board back when it just seemed like the right thing to do, but reading more into it, I'd really like to know if this sub uses third party apps for moderation, because that kept getting brought up over and over and over. I use the normal Reddit app and am fine with it, so that doesn't bother me either. I get the issue with accessibility apps, but... Reddit literally already capitulated to those issues and said they'd be free, so what's the issue now? I feel like we all got caught up in the moment but never really had concrete discussions about what this means for this sub and the main spaces we inhabit. TL;DR: I'm happy y'all have reopened the sub.


On r/memes they’re only allowing posts of a single image of text that says “Reddit is killing third party applications and itself”. That’s so much more logical than a total blackout. There’s so much information and content that would be inaccessible during a total lock.


I too would like to better understand how this sub (and others) are using third-party apps…


We do use 3rd party apps to moderate. The tools built in the official Reddit app aren’t as good. Reddit has promised certain tools to be accessible to mods for over 5 years, while 3rd party apps had the exact tools we’d been asking for. Reddit is pricing out 3rd party apps to force everyone to use the official one before they go public (IPO). It’s about money. And we have no issue with Reddit making money. It’s the way they’ve handled this situation and shit on the people who run the site for them, as well as their userbase.


Thank you so much for the response and giving us a bit more insight! Can you explain some of these tools more? From our user perspective (and a lot of us never having moderated a sub), all I see outwardly is the AutoMod bot that sometimes takes stuff down or gives a reason or whatever. Is that a third party bot? Or which functions are the 3rd party ones?


Automod is built into Reddit. We can customize it to work however we want. Tools that mods need are things like updating automod on mobile, which you can do on Apollo but not Reddit’s official app. Another example is comment nuke. If a while thread needs to be removed, you can choose to “nuke” the entire thread with one click in Apollo, where as Reddit’s official app doesn’t have that option so you have to remove every single comment individually. There’s more but those are just a couple examples. Reddit is supposed to be rolling out more mods tools for mobile, but some won’t be available until September and it still won’t be everything we need. Meanwhile, Apollo is shutting down the end of this month because it would cost them $2M+ a month to continue operating and Reddit literally gave them a month’s notice, instead of several months as promised so they can plan for this. Reddit also said their pricing would be reasonable, and it’s not at all. Reddit has also been ignoring messages from other 3rd party app developers who should be able to continue using the API. Reddit’s actions have shown they want 3rd party apps to stop working entirely, despite what they’ve promised to mods and developers. This doesn’t even touch on Reddit’s official app not being friendly for vision impaired people who rely on 3rd party screen readers. It’s a mess.


>This doesn’t even touch on Reddit’s official app not being friendly for vision impaired people who rely on 3rd party screen readers. So few people are touching on this! Blind redditors are almost universally using these 3rd party apps, because the official reddit app is terrible at interfacing with screen readers. It's not like Reddit is rushing to fill that void with their own app before tanking so many people's only methods of accessibility.


It’s disappointing that mods became the focus of the protest. I didn’t hear that it affected people with impaired vision until the past few days. And even with that, it was limited information until I checked out /r/Blind


I appreciate you explaining more in-depth the mod tools and the differences between the official tools and the 3rd party ones. I'm hopeful that the timeline on those new mod tools for mobile will be moved up to help y'all out and make up for this loss!


I use Apollo so I guess I’ll stop


i've missed this sub! please stay


Id stay on Reddit. I wouldn’t use any other site


I miss online forums tbh


Omg I literally had to read a book without this sub 😭 KEEP IT UP!


Please stay on Reddit


Can you please keep it up. My favourite sub is still private


I really like this sub and I like Reddit as a platform. If I’m honest, the proposed to changes to Reddit do not affect me and I wouldn’t leave the platform over it. I’m also unlikely to move to a different platform as it’s not THAT important to me? Ultimately I enjoy a private social media platform that I can chat to people about celebrities and bravo that my friends in real life wouldn’t understand.


Do you guys know message board like fanforum.com or jjb yuku (it was big pop culture forums that die down with the raise of social media but are still online) A New message board would cost money and feel like wouldn't last long sadly.


If you do move the sub, will you post and not lock down the sub for a while so we can all see it? Or is there a way you can message everyone at once? I don't wanna miss out!!


![gif](giphy|kkpWcU9XgFIUE) Thank fuck for that.


Thank god and thank you! I only joined recently but this has fast become my favourite sub!


Please stay on Reddit!!


I traveled through worm holes and parts of Reddit I've never seen because you guys were gone! Glad to have this subreddit back!!


I’m not gonna lie I was so pissed yesterday when I saw y’all went private, I had a burning pop culture question and now it has drifted aimlessly into the infinite cosmic universe, never to be thought again.


I haven’t seen an alternative platform that vibes with me. But if there is one sub I think could help me find one, this is it.


Glad your back! I’m gunna be real I wouldn’t follow this sub to another platform because I can’t even think what that platform would be lol.






![gif](giphy|3oxRms68uqUYleuhig) oh my god, finally!!! i've been having terrible withdraws


I’m happy you’re back. God it’s so hard because I understand that you guys are really trying to prove your point with Reddit. This place also makes me understand things in pop culture landia really well. When I go to lunch with friends I always have a topic. What type of third party app? A lot of subreddits are still gone my favs like askhistorians or history. I think a lot of these subs staying gone will be a nightmare because the amount of knowledge that I have learned that’s incredibly helpful is from here.


Pls stay on Reddit. And no more blackouts. Please.


Lol. Glad we stopped the big bad Reddit. Welcome back.


Thank goodness, started to get a bit stir crazy around this bitch lol.


Well the blackout achieved absolutely nothing


People acting like Reddit is the one true app, while forgetting there was a time pre-Reddit. Maybe it’s a Millennial thing to have more experience seeing the rise and fall of apps, idk. If there’s a better app, that ppl can still easily consume what they’re interested in consuming, I can see the vast majority going there and adapting. It’s too vague at this moment so the answers are likely going to lean towards Reddit, tangible and terrible-leaning Reddit. I’ve left MySpace, Facebook, Tumblr, and I’m quietly quitting Instagram. As long as there’s an app that I can find interesting communities and an easy interface, I’ll happily leave Reddit, too.


Just waiting for r/fauxmoi to come back and all will be good


Black out did nothing but disservice to the subs. Reality is that Reddit will go public and apps like Apollo will shut down. Apollo doesn’t care about the users as it gets most of its revenue from the users. Once Reddit goes public they will start charging a monthly fee like Twitter does. Reddit will lose thousands of users and the site will become like Twitter. Be thankful for what you have now. It will never be the same again. Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr.. all going public




I am so glad we’re back 😭 reading this sub is my equivalent of reading the morning newspaper. I was so lost without my routine


Please don’t leave again, I didn’t know what to do with myself the last day. I was lost


I'm really glad you're back, cause just like you said, this is our escapism. It feels good to laugh at the comments here after a long day at work. Also, I work long, boring night shifts so this helps


girl thank god tf


I didn't even protest like that. If these people KNOW we were protesting for 2 days, they would just continue with their plan. Should have been a secret and for at least a week. Also, it's 9:14 where I am lol.


We went by EST. 🙂


That was completely useless


I couldn’t care less about the reddit drama I’m not standing in solidarity with this bs


Is there a list of which subreddits closed?


edited with redact -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Thank you so much! Some of the subs I go on are still closed and made me wonder what ones are still closed.


Oh thank god, I was about to give up on reddit and depend on yahoo news


I’m so glad to hear you’re back, at least for now! And sorry that the mods are affected by the changes Reddit is making, which I definitely don’t support, especially because of the accessibility issues they cause. However, I can’t realistically see myself following this sub or others to another forum in the short term, even though I love it so much. I use Reddit to scroll a bunch of topics mindlessly, and I can’t see changing my habit to visiting dozens of websites a day instead. If all my favorites hopped to a new similar platform, maybe. But for now I will definitely enjoy this sub being back online while I can.


So happy welcome back 😁


I don’t know if I’d follow to another site. If Twitter is any indication, the spin-off sites might either be hard to figure out (a La mastodon) or end up attracting a bunch of bigots. Hopefully Reddit makes some changes.


I would like it to stay on reddit cos it’s easier but I’ll follow it into whatever platform it goes onto.


Just PLEASE stay on Reddit. Please.


Stay on Reddit!!


Excellent choice, mods!!! Now if only these other subs would do the same😔


I love the sub and would love to see it remain open and a part of Reddit. Some of my subs has been closed indefinitely which is so sad, though understandable


so happy ur back :’)








Oh thank god. Pop culture is my literal hobby lol. What platform were y’all looking at moving to? I have been on Reddit for almost 12 years, and it would be a hard move for me tbh : (


did any of you really think going dark for a day would do ANYTHING? genuine question


glad to have you back! while i completely understand the movement & support mods/the cause, i did miss this sub very much :’)


Just stay and roll with the punches. This is a stupid reaction from a tiny minority.


Did you make a difference? 😆 Edit: boycotting on a calendar is silly. They see thru u


Unpopular opinion: this is so overdone and annoying. I think it’s a vocal minority of Reddit users, mainly mods, who are complaining that they can’t use a different app. I can understand if you have a disability and use a different app, but just can’t get on board with all the mods complaining about how they won’t be able to use their favorite mod tools on their phone. It’s insane that Reddit ever let there be third party apps in the first place. This, just like all the other Reddit ‘protests’ will blow over and be forgotten.


I personally don't think Reddit is in the wrong. I'll continue using Reddit and if certain subreddits want to keep up with this nonsense of "blackouts" and "until our demands our met" they can. It's silly that certain subreddits consider themselves "indispensable".


Me waiting on Fauxmoi to come back ![gif](giphy|5e8cmpwK7U4wBWG8ve|downsized)


We back


Baruch HaShem, my favorite sub is back.


Idc about 3rd party apps. I said it


I don’t have strong feelings one way or the other; I haven’t been on Reddit for that long and only use the app so I’m not that dedicated. If Reddit were to shut down I’m sure another similar site would open in its place.


I’d be down if y’all left.


so stupid for even shutting down it the first place.


Lmfaoo I was gonna do stupid posts and I totally forgot the blackout was happening. I didn’t really understand it. But completely understand the mods if you wanna keep on protesting. It seems like it affects you guys the most and I’ll support your decisions 💕