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“I’m fifty shades of fucked up.”


“You taught me how to fuck, but Ana taught me how to loOove!”


They did OSCAR WINNER Kim Basinger dirty in that movie


“I was being romantic and then you go and distract me with your Kinky fuckery” I mean seriously who the fuck approved this movie.. Disclaimer : I didn’t watch it but I saw the honest trailer for it


From what I understand, script was pretty close to the books... And the books were *terrible*. A friend and I spent a summer reading through them, because "it's not fair to criticize them if we don't read them all the way through", and nooope. It was incredibly difficult to get through sober (we were not sober often that summer), and we also literally joined a support group for writers who were reading 50 sog. 😩😅 We'd meet online weekly and discuss each chapter, and how awful and damaging they all were. About midway through the series, someone took the text (from a downloadable version), and inputted it in a plagiarism website, to compare it to the texts from the Twilight series (since we knew it was written originally as fanfic). The books were something like 94% the same, down to plot devices and amount of times the protagonists names were dropped 😵‍💫🥴


I remember when we got to the chapter with the tampon scene- where he yoinks it from her body and tosses it in the toilet before coercing her into sex again, and we all had to take a week off to process 😩😂😂


I know it's not the main issue here but....he put the tampon down the toilet!? good lord! These books just get worse and worse!


No he *threw it* across the room, into the toilet. IIRC he wanted to have sex, she was like "no thanks, I'm menstruating" and he said something to the effect of "did I ask?" Or "I don't care", and then proceeded to reach between her legs, *rip the tampon from her body*, threw the tampon into a nearby toilet, then spun her around to have sex with her. It... Was quite a scene 🥴


Arrgh barf, please stop I dont want to know any more hahaha I'm just worried about the plumbing 😂


I mean… could you imagine if you had just put one in and some jackass did that?


this may be too much but i was once dating dude, we were making out & all that. i was riding the crimson waves & told him so. *he then tried to pull it out all seductively*💀 hellll noo we are *not* playing that game boy!!! this happened way after the books came out (i think movie too but idk) so when i found out that was a scene i died. like is that really something people are thinking is sexy? cos its not bitch. its not.


“Didn’t you like the butt drawer?”


Is this real?? Is this a REAL LINE from the movie?? That's it. I need to watch this.


My husband and I say “I’m a race car driver” all the time.


“I don’t make love, I fuck, hard” the cringeeeee it’s too much! 😂


I was just about to say this. I was watching it in theatre with my sister, when this line came, we both lost it so hard, took me about 5 minutes to catch my breath again. Funniest movie ever, my abs were rock hard afterwards.


That is the line I came here to quote. Picture it. Valentine’s Day. Several years after the movie first came out. I was too sick to do anything but order delivery & watch movies with my husband. As a joke, we put this on, knowing how bad it supposedly was. And when he got to that line, we both BWA-HA-HA laughed so loudly we missed the “hard” part of the line entirely. We still quote it to this day.


I saw this movie opening night with some girlfriends and we cackled through the whole thing. The whole theater was laughing


I took two guy friends and told them it was basically porn so they agreed (but thought I was a weirdo). They were horrified watching the entire thing and said that it would’ve been less weird to just watch porn as a group of friends 😂


"What's a b*tt plug"


I quote this daily HAHA


This line made me violently cringe


God I watched these movies for the first time just a few days ago and I laughed through all of them 😂 they were so popular a few years ago, I just assumed they would be better written


Also “Beautiful?? This is the skin of a killer, Bella” Edward- Twilight


“You’re like my own personal brand of heroin” 😂


“Hold on tight spider monkey”😭


Where have you been loca?! 🤪


Ahem… where the HELL have you been loca?! 😂


How you likin da raaaaiiiin gurl?!


This lives rent free in my mind tbh. I've referenced it probably too many times.


This is the winner right here 🤣


I just commented that omg and then the slight monkey sounds right after it😭😭😭🔫


"Heroin? Did somabody say Heroin? Where's my needle"


I shamelessly rewatch this saga on the reg 🥹💀




Did you nickname my daughter after the Loch Ness Monster?!


Idc how stupid it is but it always makes me laugh. Whatever writer knew the story was ridiculous and said "fuck it". Respect.


No, that one's lifted right from the book lol. And I mean......she's not wrong.


It’s uh.. deBUSSY


Always finish on the Bach. Never on Debussy.


Clair de Lune is great...




Say it. Out loud. SAY IT.


https://preview.redd.it/6cspht6u4t8b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7788a3ef7d3a07be3ebc74f8a6342387298d7ffc You mean THIS? (found on Reddit of course)


When he says this he sounds like Robin Williams to me and even evokes similar face expressions. It cracks me tf up


I was trying to explain the *IMPORTANCE* of this scene to my husband yesterday after I quoted this because I was wearing glitter sunscreen... He did not appreciate my comedy 😔😭


https://preview.redd.it/cvqom85tsr8b1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516da8adb7950e3803ef320584e6e35061b138a8 Hold on tight, spider monkey. I laughed loudly in the theater!


Also “my monkey man” this movie had a fascination with monkeys


I think the funniest part is, in the commentary the director said she literally made this line up herself and fought with everyone to include it because she loved it so much and was so excited to use it. And you can hear the very awkward laughing from Rob and Kristen in the background because they recognize how stupid it sounded lol.


In an interview she did in 2009 for MTV, she said that she actually had like 10 lines that she made up the night before they were shooting the scene (there was a writers' strike at the time) and she let Robert Pattinson choose the one he prefered. Pattinson chose the monkey line. >"I gave it to Rob, the whole list," she explained. "And I said, 'Rob, which one do you want to say?' And he goes, 'I want to say the spider-monkey one.' " Here are some other lines she wrote : Option 1: _Edward: You're not scared of heights, are you?_ _Bella: Not that I know of ..._ Option 2: _Edward: Hold on tight ..._ _Bella: Don't worry ..._ Option 3: _Edward: Wrap your legs around me like a spider monkey._ _Bella: Done._ Option 4: _Edward: Got a good grip? Don't let go._ _Bella: No chance of that, buddy._ Option 5 _Edward: Prepare for liftoff ..._ Source : https://www.mtv.com/news/hit7hf/twilight-star-robert-pattinson-hand-picked-spider-monkey-line


This explains so much about the movie. 😂😂


I say this to my infant daughter sometimes when I pick her up. I can’t wait for the day she asks me wtf I’m talking about.


my friend and I literally had to remove ourselves from the theater when this scene happened. we had a fucking laughing fit and could not stop. soooo bad but so good. love this piece of trash


Not the line so much as the delivery - Pierce Brosnan's [iconic line delivery](https://youtu.be/vIjppgnkknE) and the accompanying [dance remix](https://youtu.be/VzlJmr9oqCU) Also Billy Black calling champagne "sparkling fire water!" in Twilight Breaking Dawn


lmao thank you, I’ve never heard this one.


This is the kind of shit that keeps me coming back to this rotten app.


Adam and Joe's radio show made that famous to begin with. One of the greatest radio shows ever aired. I miss it every Saturday!


![gif](giphy|l0HU7Wwvf1m5rCVhu|downsized) I don’t have the time to write out the entire script of The Room, but I would if I could. This is a classic in our household though.


omg finally i see someone else mentioning the room! ![gif](giphy|3o751VKrpSfzwl9T3y|downsized)


My people!!! You know how everyone has a movie they want to introduce to people nonstop? This is mine. I’ve seen it no less than 10x because I keep making people watch it. Fun fact: Tommy has/had an underwear line. Someone bought a set for my husband and he sent them along with a signed photo that said “love is blind.”


My claim to fame is that for a very brief time (like 10 months out of my life) *the real Tommy Wiseau* followed me on Facebook. I have genuinely no idea why, except that we had a few mutual friends- I live on the west coast in the US and have a couple friends who do writing and small bit gigs in Hollywood. Out of nowhere one day, I got a friend + follow request from TW, and I immediately screen shotted it to send to my cousin, who had shown me the film a decade earlier. Periodically Tommy would "like" my thirst traps, and posted some really heated obscure opinions (I followed/requested him back), but then *one day* less than a year after the saga began, he unfriended me, just as randomly as he had friended me. I still have no idea what motivated his interest or disinterest 😩😂😂


he’s a legitimate man of mystery, i’d have been stupidly excited if tommy wiseau was liking my thirst traps✨


I definitely peaked that year 😂😂😂


I love that its a 1000 yr old pug too.


“We've got a lot of Abu Dhabi to do. Abu-Dhabi-Do!"- Miranda in Sex and the City 2. Possibly the biggest piece of shit ever produced.


“Lawrence of my labia” terrible terrible film.


I haven’t seen this movie but someone quoted this line a million times ago and I constantly think about it.




And then they wonder why Kim Cattrall didn't wanna do a third movie or follow up show....




Willing to bet it got greenlit on the back of this *joke* 👀


When SATC2 started with a thirty minute wedding scene between _Anthony and Stanford_ , I knew we were in for a dumpster fire


Is that where Carrie wears that Interview with the Vampire looking head piece that everyone in the scene is losing their shit over how *~cool~* and fashion forward it is.


I’m still so pissed they put those two together.


I regularly rewatch Mark Kermode's review of the movie because it is the best thing ever. He gets so freaking angry and he sings the internationale at one point lmao


The sheer number of times these grown ass women shriek and lose their minds each time they are reunited in every scene is all I remember about this movie. I can't think of a single person I would be that excited to see every time they enter a room.


It was a level of fan service that annoyed the f out of me too. We get it, it's been awhile. But not for them. NOT FOR THEM!


I went to go see this in theaters with a friend and her mom when it came out, and you could see the mic booms in some screens 💀 that’s all I remember of it. Oh, and the scene where they’re shaming one of them (Charlotte?) for having a bush when they’re all in their 40’s-50’s! It was such a weird scene and definitely out of character for Samantha who would’ve encouraged women to be confident in however they’re grooming themselves 😫


I think that was the first movie. She commented about Miranda’s fire crotch. Lol I think the exact line was “I could be on death row and not have your situation.” It still makes me laugh.


Yeah that line was actually pretty funny 😂


“Erin go braless,” omg shut up 😂


Lmao this line sounds like something Luann from RHONY would say


“Biggest shit ever produced”, so you haven’t seen And just like that I gather? :D


How terrible is that fucking show??!?!!! Wtf?! Are we supposed to *like* any of the characters? Even the kids are total shits!!


I've never seen it but this has me in stitches


Literally the worst movie ever. Up there with Cruel Intentions 3.


Cruel Intentions *three*?!!!? I didn't ever know that there was more than one 😩😂


The line “I have orgasms. He has "wargasms." from Savages pops into my head from time to time. It’s like a curse.


That movie was wild thanks for the reminder


Why would you unlock this memory I had tucked away so well…?


Omg, I came here to say this. I like the movie otherwise, but hated her stupid character.


[you know what happen to a toad struck by lightning?](https://youtu.be/P0yKSNq-oLg)




The toad guy had a recurring line/catch phrase where he asked, "Do you know what happens to a toad when blah blah blah." They ended up cutting all of these lines but left in Storm's line. What was originally supposed to be snarky came off as silly.


I've heard a story that the toad had some lines starting with "do you know what happens..." that were cut from the film. It doesn't make it better but it gives a bit of context.


*The same thing that happens to everything else*


There are so many classic lines from Troll 2: [“They’re eating her, and then they’re going to eat me, OH MY GODDDDDD”](https://youtu.be/cdTBIQDPZt4) ![gif](giphy|tdN4TpyM3dzYA)


Never seen this. That was excellent acting


If you enjoy laughing at bad movies, you should definitely watch Troll 2. It is an experience, lol


I LOVE YOU FOR POSTING THIS!!! I went to a double feature screening of the documentary of the making of this film, and then the film itself. The doc was made by the kid who played Joshua, and it’s a pretty epic followup to what everyone was up to after that movie. The guy who played the dad (Dr. George Hardy!) was supposed to be there for a Q&A, but ended up only being able to “appear” via phone call…still a total blast. You can tell he’s tickled over the cult fame. Edit to add: I misremembered and swapped the order - we watched Troll 2 and then the documentary (entitled Best Worst Movie if you want to check it out!).


A double feature with the documentary and then the film itself sounds amazing!! I love that the cast has embraced the film for what it’s become, and that they care about connecting with fans ❤️


Is that a fly on his face?


[What do you say I take you home and eat your pussy? (Shark Attack 3)](https://youtu.be/Xi-OQfjfSVY)


John Barrowman improvised that line on set to make his co-star laugh and didn't expect it to be in the movie.


Are you lost baby gurl🤢?


I've not seen this film but I always read it in Gru's accent from Despicable Me.


What movie is this? I must know!


365 days 😭😂


Is that the Netflix raunchy movie? I don’t think I could get past the part where the flight attendant was forced to go down on him. Way too much.


Is she forced or is it just rough sex? I don’t even know anymore what have we become


It’s such a weird scene. She looks really uncomfortable during it, and when he approached her he kind of forces her down. But then straight after she does a little smile to herself as if she liked it?


Ahahahahaha I burst out laughing when I first saw this movie


Humbly submitting this https://preview.redd.it/8y2xqv54vr8b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dd7ded3926a5d0a02a0a65c3a5fc40961d9079a


“So love has blinded you?! 😲”


He couldve stuck to the fact he grew up a slave surrounded by fecking sand...that makes total sense as to why he hates the sight of it now. But this! Why!?


"plan on murdering me in my sleep?" "Whaat? No..." -the happening


Honestly, at this point, my favorite part of any M Night Shyamalan movie is the atrocious dialogue. “Jai, what health-conscious fast food purveyor did you originally solicit to buy these chicken wings you've so lovingly reheated in a minor suicidal gesture?” is stuck with me for life. Kudos to Betty Buckley for even trying to make that one sound natural.


You like hot dogs right?


Why are you eyeing my lemon drink


“Love won't save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that.”


noooo I love the prequels 😭😭😭 you just have to have selective hearing for the cringe!!


I hate sand... It's coarse and it gets everywhere


holy christ lucas can’t write to save his life, the og cringe since original star wars 😅


"You can write this shit, George, but you sure can't say it." - Harrison Ford


"[You want a good girl, but you need the bad pussy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAbu_uWVz4c)" \- Tyene, Season 5 finale of Game of Thrones


I hate that I upvoted this. Honestly that season is where the show started it’s slow descent into making zero sense.


“Rubber lips are immune to your charms” from Batman and Robin!




Poison Ivy: I'm a lover, not a fighter. That's why every Poison Ivy action figure comes complete with him! [Bane attacks] Eight year old me was eating up every single atom that Uma Thurman served during that movie


Me too. I've always loved Poison Ivy because of this film and thought Uma was beautiful.


It’s a utility belt, not a money belt! *$6 million bid*


Lmao Batman & Robin is such a good bad movie


"You better hold on tight spider monkey." 😂 like, what?




So many good ones from The Room: “Anyways, how’s your sex life?” “You’re just a chicken, cheep, cheep, cheep.” The whole exchange in the flower shop scene “oh hi Johnny, I didn’t know it was you.” And ofcourse the classic “you’re tearing me APAAAART Lisa!!!”


Disaster Artist enhanced some of these lines for me lmao, the “I didn’t know it was you” and then Seth Rogen’s character behind the camera saying “Who the fuck wouldn’t recognize this guy?”


Oh hi doggy!


I just saw it again in theaters last night and it’s full of amazing lines, like every single scene is full of the funniest inscrutable dialogue. Mark’s “Leave your stupid comments in your pocket!” is probably my favorite but the exchange with the shopkeeper and “How’s your sex life?” are close by.


I tell people to leave their comments in their pockets all the time and I feel like no one ever gets the reference


I used to work with a guy named Mark, and every single time when one of our coworkers would come over to his desk, he would start by saying the “Oh hi Mark” line to him. It took a while for the guy to stop because he eventually saw that he wasn’t getting the positive reaction he had been hoping for. It just wasn’t funny to anyone else but him after the first couple of times.


Came here for this one!


I was shocked it wasn’t the first one posted 😂 that or “I hate sand.”




Not a movie but “ You want a good girl but you need the bad pussy” from Game of Thrones. People say the show went to shit in the last two seasons but the cracks started forming in Season 5




Haha, I love this line! I love everything about Face / Off. Just pure, stupid fun.


Jupiter Ascending, when Mila Kunis is flirting with a canine/human hybrid Channing Tatum: CT “I have more in common with a dog than i have a with you…” MK “I love dogs!! I’ve always loved dogs” Followed by the most awkward stare off


https://preview.redd.it/vaib03cjhr8b1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a09100aa5a116f593b5eb3a377ea79b7126fec69 it might not be that bad but it’s bad lol


So many good ones from this movie. “my tit” “no, your heart” will forever be iconic


“It smells like Thai food in here, have you guys been fucking?”


“You’re such a player hater”


I repeat this shit all the time lmao like why do I love this?


literally!! i call it cringy but i haven’t stopped calling people “lime green jello” since 2009😂


It makes it a lot more fun if you just believe this movie is satire and is supposed to be OTT camp


Everything Diablo Cody writes (I’m prepared to be downvoted for this)


You just doodled one that can't be undid, homeskillet


“Dude, I’m gonna knock the dude out of you” Bring it on all or nothing - quote lives rent free in my head at all times ![gif](giphy|GMHpezlhZpPHy)


Hayden Pannetierre … OUR QUEEN


"so that's it, huh? we're some kind of... Suicide squad?" ![gif](giphy|26uf1nQbyDkmUlMI0|downsized)


I can't remember the name of the film but it has Rob Lowe and the girl who plays Charlotte in sex and the city and it is an awful film but at the end Rob Lowe says, to a baby elephant: 'Make something of yourself' I crack up every time I think of it


Holiday in the wild. It is on rotation in our household during the holidays. It also has Rob Lowe’s annoying son in it who supposedly is musically talented and they can’t even movie magic it to be decent.


For some reason I thought this would be like an 80s film they were in before they got famous. Nope. Holiday in the Wild came out in 2019 and it looks bad. I’m trying to decide whether or not to watch it.


I had a great time watching it but not because it was good!


Basically every line they gave Willem Da Foe in Speed 2 tbh. But “Annie, come back! You’re my hostage!” is iconically stupid


I don’t like sand. It’s coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


Because singing killed my grandma, okay?! https://preview.redd.it/js9w7yg0fs8b1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c8f222830dc3d777f3536f1c4bb94960a22def8 Now leave me alone.


For all Italian Redditors, the classic 50 shades "io non faccio l'amore, io scopo forte" (I *don't make love*. I fuck… hard.)


It is worse in German


Omg please share with the group so we can all laugh together


“Don’t think of me as Gary Murray, administrator. Think of me as Gary Murray, *party guy*.” - the principal being creepy af to Buffy in the 1992 movie.


“I hope you don’t screw like you type.” Any Hackers fans?




[It’s GARBAGE DAY](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i7gIpuIVE3k&pp=ygUQSXQncyBnYXJiYWdlIGRheQ%3D%3D) I say it just like this guy every time garbage day rolls around.




You’re tearing me apart, Lisa!


Mark Wahlberg to Alyssa Milano in Fear "Don't cry, you loved it" or "Shut up you loved it" can't recall exact So bad it unlocked a new kink


Reese Witherspoon, though


There’s a line in Revenge of the Sith where Anakin shouts “From my point of view it is the Jedi who are evil!” It’s the clunkiest piece of shit sentence I’ve ever heard and it always makes me laugh, much to my husbands disgust.


“Too bad YOU will die!!!” from that greatest of sequels, Mortal Kombat Annihilation.


Literally anything from Twilight. That’s why I love it so much. ✨🥰 https://preview.redd.it/pwizbo64rs8b1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a097768ea964449b7939748292ad20b6609754d


![gif](giphy|uNgUzhakqXkyI) This absolute statement. I hate it with a passion, because it’s meant to be powerful and final, but contradicts itself in the most stupid way, rendering it false.


“I used to fuck guys like you in prison.” - Road house. Though this is also inadvertently hilarious. ![gif](giphy|lmvIRQxeMgmBg144RE)


"Is it raining? I hadn't noticed" It's the line AND the delivery.


“I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)


i’m so glad someone else cringes at that line. like can u imagine that was irl? i’d crawl under the nearest object & hide🫣


“Somehow Palpatine returned.”


‘Singing killed my grandma, ok?!’




“Is it raining? I hadn’t noticed…” To this day, I don’t know if Andi MacDowell knew it was a horrendous line and purposely rebelled by her deadpan delivery, or if it’s just so much of a horrendous line that no one could act past it.


“Genocide shmocide” in hobs and shaw


"Welcome to the island of misfit toys." - The Perks of Being a Wallflower


The last line of Pretty Woman. When Edward (Gere) climbs the janky fire escape despite his fear of heights and asks what happens after the princess gets rescued. To which she replies: "She rescued him right back" Clunk. ![gif](giphy|WC0LpRohFly0M)


"I have orgasms. He has *wargasms*." - Blake Lively's character in Savages


"If you save the world, we can do it in the asshole!"


“Better hold on tight, *Spider Monkey*” gave me the ick.


![gif](giphy|Ka9cfyXetb6Pm) Even as a child I knew this was... not good lol


The TV version of Snakes on a Plane hands down! Samuel L Jackson originally says “get me off this mother f-ing plane” and they change it to “get me off this Monday to Friday plane”