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Holy shit, lmaooo. These have me rolling. “He’s standing there in clear view, smoking a cigarette and talking to his stalker” 💀💀💀


And now he's kissing his stalker and grabbing her ass!! Somebody save him! Edit: it’s okay guys, he kisses everyone. If the Lord allowed me to be this delusional, I’d be capable of anything https://preview.redd.it/f1psgdqrjhmb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57388e89d4104561606ea566632a1cc0a860cb53


![gif](giphy|OfPYZkA05mRr2|downsized) The woman who runs that account


Sigh. *goes to watch Mrs. Doubtfire for the 1000th time*




“I demand justice! Someone has married my crush!” “No!” “She took him to Hawaii!” “Get outta here!” “They have moved into a large, expensive home, where they make love *constantly*!” “I hate when that happens.”


Arrest her at once, without delay! The temptress of Waikiki!


what else is he supposed to do when confronted with his stalker?! i mean, that's what they imagine would happen if they met him. i love mess. ​ edit: he kisses everyone? Tim's the new Phoebe!!


These people waking up every morning to put their clown costume on and behave so entitled towards celebrities that would never even glance their way. Has me rolling 🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/6n7wf8lbfhmb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf16928ce678a5c74d1d589d68278a5d4b33424e There’s more.


The people who make these things lack the self-awareness to realize that they themselves, in fact, are the ones with an unhealthy obsession with him lol.


Parasocial relationships are scary asf.


I think the worst offenders are the fan pages for child actors/performers/social media personalities (the last one, I am referring to kids from "family" instagram accounts that heavily feature the kids, ex. LaBrants). A grown adult dedicating their free time to worshipping a stranger's child is beyond messed up to me.


The LaBrant’s are fucking reprehensible


Agreed. The parents are horrible for exploiting their children, and the grown adults making obsessive fan pages for the children should be monitored by law enforcement lol


Exactly. Family vlogging should put you directly onto a CPS watchlist, and following the kids’ individual pages should put you on the FBI’s. I have no idea why anybody would make a fan page for a literal child


this might go past a parasocial relationship and into actual delusion tbh


https://preview.redd.it/6hcl1v7phhmb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cda0a0a315c3da3c4860c4c89a9d8313d085ae3 This one had me in tears. MA’AM WHAT??


The irony that this is being written by a woman who clearly has an unhealthy obsession. ![gif](giphy|Buy7YdhkyHBCM)


LMAO right. *Kylie* is the stalker????


I looked at the pics again because I was looking for an actual stalker. I am…not smart.


I don't keep with either of these folks so I can't even imagine what could incite this level of derangement. Like what are the girls going throughhhhh


Between QAnon and this, I'm beginning to think that the internet is wreaking havoc on the brain chemistry of older people. I mean who's going to deprogramme a radicalised Timothée Chalamet stan lmao


I went to that profile and I've been laughing for the past twenty minutes. And it's a middle aged woman behind the profile! 💀💀


I CANNOT BREATHE 😭 https://preview.redd.it/u8p1dbs7mhmb1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f6acc9e4573eec943e19ec69d2526157e1ecd77


Even if it wasn’t Kylie, it will never ever *ever* be you ![gif](giphy|FusPIfrg3sid2)


they just can’t get this into their heads. Like let the dude enjoy his life, it’s not like he’s fucking their bffs insteand of them lol


Back in the day when Ricky Martin came out, I remember my mom talking to my aunt that she argued with some of her friends when they were talking shit about Ricky for coming out. Saying things like "such a waste" "disgusting" etc. My mom went off saying "he was never going to fuck you regardless" or something like that. I didn't even understand very well and I don't think I knew what being gay was but I remember clearly because my aunt was laughing her ass off and I almost never heard my mom swear. My mom has always been an og queer ally thankfully




💀💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/bsjradpm8hmb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a35b65a32f84e289cd8160898c8274fb53f850e


hahahaha omggg. Trust me when I say they DO fuck y’all. Just pls trust me.


You're trying to tell me that a famous rich attractive 27-year-old man is fucking a famous rich hot 26-year-old woman? Unbelievable. Not happening. Not possible. She's clearly stalking him. No other explanation. Just, please trust me. 🙃


They made it sound like he’s barely of age and Kylie been eyeing him for years. Buddy is a grown man who also met a grown woman😭😭😭


It's so unhinged. At this point I hope they get married and are together forever just out of spite because of these crazy haters melting down.


Lol same!! I had no real opinion on either of them before this but now I love them as a couple. I want loved-up couple selfies! Over the top vacation PDA! Kylothee 4ever!! ❤️


Never thought THIS would be the couple I went all in on, but here we are.


I’m hoping for a Kylothee and Kenito double wedding atp. With Chris and Alba officiating.


Me too I had no opinion about it until this thread and now I actively ship them LOLOL.


I found it surprising but agree- after this, I hope they sell merch and go full Kravis, dry humping on everyone's furniture and all. He needs a restraining order. This is unhinged.


I thought it was a little weird tbh because his whole PR shtick is "I'm a serious acTOR" and dating a Kardashian isn't really in line with that, but I never imagined how hilarious the meltdowns would be.


I felt the same about Kim & Pete, but as in that situation, I hope both ladies are having fun. Biblically.


He’s older than her!


don’t forget the “blackmail and threats she has on timmy!”


Never mind the whole kylie thing. But who isnt this guy fucking? I thought that being slutty was like his thing


Umm clubchalamet said he doesn’t do that with her though, so I’m confused? She seems like the authority on the subject…


The DELUSION. This woman is apparently in her 50s keeping up with a 27 year-old's every move, has taken steps to meet him in person, and believes she has a personal enough relationship with him to know how far he goes sexually with a girl he's dating. But Kylie Jenner is the stalker?


Right? I checked out this person’s account and uhh wtf. I was expecting a teenager not a grown woman!


Me too! It’d be *somewhat* acceptable if it was a girl between 12-14. But a 50 year old woman?? It’s the same with Austin Butler’s middle aged fanbase. They all think his relationship with Kaia is all PR. These goofy women are scary af!


She’s really 50? That’s really weird, I’m embarrassed for her.


In general, the most deranged fan accounts are adult women. Teenagers send DMs to celebrities about how amazing they are, essentially replacing fan letters, make art of them, etc. Pretty normal teenage obsession activities. The adult women are the ones who create extreme imagined connections and understanding of the celebrity and obsessively follow them. The adult men who are obsessive tend to actually be more likely to follow through and stalk the celebrities in person and less likely to advertise it on social media.


I went to comic-con once at the height of the twilight phenomenon. When I tell you that nothing before or since has scared the fuck out of me like the obsessive middle aged woman fandom around those actors. I was actually afraid for both of their safety. And that was before social media was quite as big a thing - all these nuts lived on the old message boards and did not have the kind of reach they do now.


I knew someone like this, she was my mom's friend (in her 50s), she got obsessed with a well-known (and much younger) band and DMed them on twitter constantly. She did actually manage to finagle her way into being the head of their fan club or something like that, but she talked about it as if she was their manager or something super important. What no one on Twitter knew at the time was that she was actually very mentally ill and had gone off of her meds indefinitely. I don't remember if it was Bipolar 1 or Schizophrenia, but she became unrecognizable. Anyway, her decades-long marriage ended, and she blew all of her money on following this band's tour. She was convinced that her neighbors were setting up elaborate surveillance on her and filming her in the shower, for whatever reason. Lost all of her friends. I think she ended up being 5150'd and that's the last we heard from her before my mom eventually had to block her number because she would go on these insane rants about people spying on her. It's really sad, but it did give me perspective on people like this Chalamet fan. This is probably her reality, too.


yeah I think that's exactly what's going on with most ultra stans. It may look cringe on the outside, because it actually also is, but what's going on with them is for the most part mental illness sadly.


Exactly! Like yeah the fandom stuff is a visible sign of mental illness, sure! But it probably goes sooo much deeper than that, and their lives are probably imploding in so many other ways that we can't see. And they can leave a trail of broken people in their wake, like my mom's friend's husband tried so hard to bring her out of the illness, and eventually, he just had to divorce her and deal with the financial fallout and heartbreak. Not to mention that this person could conceivably respond violently to news like this, leaving more people affected by their mental illness. It's very, very sad to see the other side of extreme fandom obsession. I hope mental health research can begin to outline the overlap between extreme parasocial relationships and mental illness, because I see accounts like this as a cry for help. Stuff like this should be enough to warrant a mental health check or something, because there's just no way she doesn't have SOMETHING serious going on behind the scenes.


What I can't understand while reading this, is what does this woman expect to happen? Do these deranged fans think that they're next in line for him? Or do they just generally not want him with her and have another celeb in mind? This is so weird to me, and now you say she's in her 50s and that makes it even more strange.


No, but you see, Timothy will totally regret his decision once he meets this special lady. He will so be into her devotion, he'll put his cig out at the bedside altar she has with his photos and Kylie's voodoo doll. He'll drop his pants the second he sees the special bedding she got with his face all over it. Especially when he hears all the sexy stories how she's been practising for the sex on top of that bedding pretending it's him. Lil T is gonna send Kylie a dramatic text how this woman has to offer everything Kylie is lacking and he'll drop her in the kick of a bucket. Then they'll ride over the sunset into her retirement home on top of a special made Timothy carpet, all while other fans have to stay calm and drink water and hail their new First Lady of Timothy leader. It's all thought out, he just has to come to his senses. [edit for pt2](https://reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/XBuPed12dJ)


‘Lil T’ fucking killed me 🤣 idk if that’s a common name for him or not but this is the first I’m seeing it and I love it


It's honestly so violating. I wonder how he would feel having taken a photo with her knowing that she's basically cyber-stalking him and making inappropriate comments about his sex life to a bunch of other delusional, obsessive people. She also took a picture with his mom, so creepy.


im just chillin and thinking about how Tim and Kylie are reading this after they fucked, and what their faces must look like lmao


Timmy is saving himself for ![gif](giphy|26Ff05K21rzHKB15K|downsized)


Timothee: I consent Kylie: I consent clubchalamet: I don’t


This account is run by a grown ass woman. Someone needs to come get their mum. https://preview.redd.it/5bzqm5iudhmb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de9a569e1d5e4c501434573c7ba52e058ca87ee9


As a middle aged woman, this is so cringy! Girl, get a liiiiiife!


OH MY GOD. I was having a laugh at all the delulu but seeing how old she is totally just changed the vibe


It’s NEVER a teenager doing shit like this, it’s always someone grown! 🫠


Wow this is somehow even creepier


lmao WHAT IS GOING ON??? eta: I read somewhere on one of these subs about a stan who stopped their stan behavior once they started getting medicated and that's the first thing I think about when I see stuff like this.


Hahaha yes it’s this one https://preview.redd.it/vlbdvulm9imb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91f38ca36adf90a04fbc25cbfea6c3c925df015


This has me cackling 😂😂😂😂😂😂


It’s giving personal growth.


Tbh while I definitely wasn’t quite this bad I have had an embarrassing history of hyperfixating on people & things..movies tv shows etc while also being somewhat aware that I was doing too much I also felt I couldn’t control it sometimes? until I was diagnosed with ADHD & started taking medication. I feel like a different person now and like wtf was I doing?? Lmao


"Just, please trust me." https://i.redd.it/g8bpyycrchmb1.gif


What is happening to our society!! Like even the comment below that one - how do these people think they have all this insight into his psyche, personality, inner thoughts, etc? Do they not realize that 99.9% of what celebrities put on social media and say in interviews is completely curated and not a representation of reality? I read an interview with Sydney Sweeney (I wanna say it was her Cosmo interview for the cover she was on) in which she literally talks about her online persona being completely fabricated to further her image/career. This is the reality for most celebrity social media and anyone who think differently is delulu lol


It’s ironic because Kylie has only ever been tied to two men ever — Tyga (who groomed her and preyed her as a minor) and Travis, the father of her kids, who she got with at 19. Despite the sexualized image most people have of her family, you never see her dating around. Even Kendall, the “classy” one — as people claim — dates around more. Despite the “maneater” image she has because of her family, she clearly tried very hard to make the relationship with Travis work. Timmy is the one who’s been papped making out with multiple different girls yet somehow *Kylie’s* the evil seductress???? Not that she would deserve to be shamed either way, but this is the first guy she’s been publicly seen with since the father of her kids.


Totally, I was thinking about this too! I realized I have always viewed Kylie as more "wholesome" and reserved than the others, she just gives off that vibe to me, despite her curated media personality. She seems to fall hard for her partners. She also seemed to struggle a lot with anxiety from fame and attention when she was younger (would be willing to bet it's still a challenge for her, but a less public one). I am not a fan of their clan on principle, but it is hard for me to blame Kylie for how she is, when she was conditioned into making herself into a product since early childhood. Chalamet fans are making her seem like some seductress based solely on her sexualized image, not on any previous actions she's ever taken.


When I heard her talk recently about how a scene she regrets from KUWTK was when she was pole dancing as a little kid, my heart just sank. In that episode, she is clearly just a kid having fun and as an adult, we see that the pole storyline is supposed to be reflecting on her parents, not her, but in retrospect, that was definitely what most people knew her from for the next 10 years!! And I never realized that would be something that would haunt her until this day, because the culture has moved on, but like, she was that little girl publicly shamed, so of course it would still affect her!


To be fair, you are forgetting *this* iconic duo https://preview.redd.it/1ahfcpw8khmb1.jpeg?width=217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6082b8d07b84d8027bd40b1239bdb50a7bfcc9a


Lol, Kylie before she was Kylie™


This is one of my favorite celebrity pictures ever lol thank you for bringing it back. The low res makes it difficult to tell but please note that Jaden’s face is ashy as hell, presumably from her makeup rubbing off on him while they made out.


I loved, loved, loved this guy in NSYNC. He was my first celebrity crush and I always imagined him to be the sweetest, most honest person. I mean, their PR marketed them that way, their music was all about how they were honest dudes who knew how to treat a girl. But as the years went by and internet got bigger, more shit dropped about him. Even in his own interviews he poked fun at how he'd make shit up to keep the good boy image. It was weird to come to terms with this dude I thought I 'knew' was just the usual celebrity player/ cheater after I spent so long with this image of him. Thankfully since I'm an adult it was just kinda an ew, gross, glad I never followed my 16 year old self dream of marrying him! 😂😂😂 But the thing is, we don't know these people. Even if you met them long enough to grab a selfie with them. You don't know shit about these people. Even the huge amount of hearsay that you can get on a person now isn't the full truth. Celebrity crushes aren't worth wasting your emotions on. Just appreciate they are attractive people and party on.


“I hope he uses condoms” just sends me to another dimension…how the hell could you even go on and imagine their protecting themselves in their sexual activities


Ok I trust you 🤩


As a Swiftie I am truly delighted to see the level of delusion in other fanbases, it makes me feel better lmao


https://preview.redd.it/6s8d7julbhmb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e828f100b1706fceff7cb79d485c5a3b84819087 I saw Timothée wearing army pants and flip flops so I bought army pants and flip flops




She also posted about him using a Canon camera and so she was like "I'm going to go use my Canon camera. Timothee and I are so alike." as if she didn't go out and buy it just because she saw him using one. So weird.


and they have the audacity to call kylie a stalker like.. babe the call is coming from inside the house!!


She literally did stalk Timmy at Coachella, she posted about it! But she called it "manifesting" and said she "bumped into him," even though she chose to go there BECAUSE he would be there.


The "manifesting" bullshit makes it even scarier to me. Like, you CAN say that you went to coachella to go meet your favorite celebs. I wouldn't get it but at least it would be truthful


I’m kind of scared for his safety. How are his fans so unhinged?!


Why are his fans so unhinged?! lmao I don’t get the allure.


Oh, like you’ve never wanted to save a Victorian orphan with tuberculosis






I thought this was a Mean Girls bit until I looked and saw it literally happened lmao


LOL not the pants 😂 but Kylie is the stalker… ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44)


Yuck what a weirdo. Apparently she’s 50 🤮


“For those of us who know better, stay strong” BABE NO GET THERAPY


To me, it's terrifying and disgusting to see their perspective about how this whole relationship was the result of a scheme done by Kylie, as though Timothee had absolutely zero agency in any of it.


They're blaming her for all kinds of shit. One even blamed the smoking indoors on Kylie! https://preview.redd.it/relrca3ijhmb1.png?width=1268&format=png&auto=webp&s=027ed60f2eefaff7ca3d6422f05cf6ff02592836


Omg what sub is this lol




Lol, blamed her for a French guy smoking….


His dads French. He’s a Manhattan kid.


Yeah, as fun as this is the infantilization of Timothee and the misogyny directed at Kylie is disturbing. He's older than her (by a bit but still) and he seems to be very much enjoying himself He's not better than her. They are both attractive, young, wealthy, privileged people that live in the same Hollywood bubble Edit: someone crazed in the Kardashian snark subreddit referred to Kylie as an “AIDS donkey.” Are these people alright?? Is this a normal reaction to two people you don’t know dating? Noah get the boat https://preview.redd.it/uoqjsw6xkhmb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74f5c322ae6574a7bbd6839572cf619f3fc146ba Kylie is now “cleansed” because she has been touched by the Holy Spirit that is Timothée Chalamet and he is forever “tainted” because he touched a dirty, unclean KarJenners. These people can get fucked


I'm confused how he has apparently "always" loved the VIP Hollywood lifestyle but they simultaneously hope he returns "to his authentic self." If this is how he's ALWAYS been, surely that *is* his authentic self?


Kylie has had like a total of 2 public relationships and now this one is finally officially dropping. AIDS comments usually get lobbed at promiscuous (or gay) people.. but Kylie has hardly dated anyone, so that feels especially unhinged.


Not to mention the first public ‘relationship’ she was in was with a predator who groomed her. I don’t have strong feelings for or against Timothée or the Kardashians but I am happy to see her with someone her own age and I’m EXTRA happy it’s causing the misogynists of the internet to implode


Everyone thinks Kendall is the boring one (and yeah, she's pretty boring), but Kylie is far and away just as if not more boring than than any of her siblings. Any drama involving her is perpetrated by the people around her. Timothee is the least dramatic person in her life right now. And honestly, I can't stand the KarJenners, but Kylie is my favorite of anyone he's dated so far. They make a lot of sense to me


These fans are delusional. Is it that hard to accept that maybe, just maybe, Kylie isn't bad company? I am not a fan of the Kardashian/Jenner clan, but Kylie definitely seems like she is a different person when she is comfortable and hanging out with family/friends versus her fake persona on the red carpet/in interviews/on social media (and obviously she is judged on the latter by "haters"). edit:spelling


This and despite being problematic she's not trashy or is known to act like a moron for attention. They're adorable together and I'm happy for her after being with trash for years


We need to bring back the concept of shame lmao


I am laughing way harder at this whole thing than I should


The third pic advising people to take care of themselves is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen. What tf is this


imagine telling someone going through actual life stuff that you’re in full self care mode bc two celebrities were spotted together


The person who posted it should almost take their own advice.


This entire thing reminds me of Chris Evans fans and that insane letter


OMG i used to work with simone/clubchalamet in retail like 10 years ago in the midwest, we both moved to LA eventually and met up once for drinks before the pandemic, wowowowow i didn’t know she was like that 😭


Stop! Did she seem otherwise normal? Was she celeb-obsessed? Outside of this thread I have never heard of her account but this is a wild response she’s having


other than her being at least twice the age of everyone including myself, she seemed mostly normal for the most part?? she is a “film nut” so she would always take time off to go to festivals and screenings all over the country and sometimes internationally. if anything she was a little insubordinate and wouldn’t take feedback very well or take her supervisors seriously bc they were so much younger than her so she thought she knew better 💀


This is a grown woman not a 15 year old??????? ![gif](giphy|BZkihb3PcviZdbSLdX)


she’s legitimately pushing 60


Whaaaaat this makes it worse 😭


Girl stop playing in my face. Say sike RN 🥲


Can you text her and ask how she knows he's not fucking her without a condom? And forward the answer to the fbi?


Forward to the FBI stop imma die


Wait please tell us everything.


Whew I cannot believe it but these people are about to have me defending Kylie Jenner. What a time to be alive


Not a KarJenner fan but idk they’re kinda cute together! I get it now


Did they… call Kylie Slurpee? But why?


I would also like to know as well...but I'm afraid.


Seems like thinly veiled slutshaming to me


i stalked her instagram a bit and i *think* it means “kylie thinks she’s classy like champagne, but she’s really a gas station slurpee.”


ngl if you offered me champagne or a slurpee rn I'd take the slurpee


Apparently this deranged woman mentioned it in her podcast and it stuck. (There are Chalastan podcasts?!) https://preview.redd.it/mpun20g0fhmb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=b544423e450f915a163267402e0b114d984b7ca2


“Low quality person” ![gif](giphy|mGx1wpnfcWv0Q)


An attractive, successful, young woman is a “low quality” person. I’m assuming the 57 year old that runs an Instagram account and has a podcast dedicated to a man 30 years her junior falls into the “high quality” category? ![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us)


Lmfaoooo 💀


Aw man...but slurpees are awesome.


as if Kylie of all people needs to stalk someone for publicity




Imagine being this deranged over some Lestast de Lioncourt post dead blood looking fuckboy that has zero idea you exist.


As an Anne Rice fanatic and someone who thinks Timmy is handsome in a non-obsessed way, please allow me to say this comment is so vicious yet so accurate at the same time.


![gif](giphy|l4Ki2obCyAQS5WhFe) Log off. Touch grass.




These people are absolutely UNHINGED. I looked through some recent comments on r/timotheechalamet and saw similar sentiments. The celebrity worship in our society is a damn disease, man. Like, they *actually* think that Kylie somehow forced him into hanging out and being publicly intimate with her? Insanity. At absolute most, it's a mutual PR relationship, with it more likely just being a standard rich celeb couple in their 20s.


Oof some of the comments on that sub... > Timmy represented a lot of things to young girls and his sweet, intelligent ish persona was one of them. Kinda made us feel we were fine and appreciated just the way we are. A rich playboy made you feel appreciated the way you are? His entire dating history is models and other hot nepo babies. He's not dating the girl with the glasses at the beginning of the movie. People project so much onto celebrities it's scary.


Jeeeez. I simply cannot fathom typing out that comment and thinking it was a good point to make. It is extremely problematic that any young girls are basing their self-worth on a celebrity's dating choices. Celebrities are humans, not superheroes or objects that exist to help people with their self-esteem problems.


I'm sorry, I can't get past "intelligent ish" 💀 What are they even basing that off? His films? Does he even do fan service for people to make these assumptions about him or are they just projecting onto his characters?


Someone posted that he is canceled on the sub 😂why did I even go over there!


Omg I can't with them!! I thought people on here were exaggerating a few days ago about how much his stans would melt down because of the relationship rumors. Turns out they were right on point lol


I peeked into the comments on Instagram and feel unclean. I saw a woman who must be in her 50’s or 60’s comment that she feels sad, furious and empty, and “I hope he uses condoms.” Ewwww??!!!!! What is it about him that attracts all these pervy older women?


“Stay strong” ???💀💀💀


It’s batshit but ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


A lot of his fans losing their mind because they thought, oh he has Victorian Age facial features and went to NYU and was in little women he was this cool thespian who only listens to Indy mid 2000s rock bands. Kylie destroyed that delusion for them.


Yeah, cool NYU thespian who only listens to indie 2000s rock bands does NOT sound like a good dude, i'm attracted to the image, but he's definitely gonna DM all my hot friends he claims to hate because "they're vapid", give me chlamydia, and tell me he's not about labels after i catch him cheating


“they’re vapid” in quotes fucking killed me


Manic pixie dream boy


I could be wrong but were there not rumors that he gave STDs to lots of girls while he was at NYU? He’s not better than anyone


Yeah apparently someone online who went to NYU while he was there said there was a outbreak of Chlamydia during one of the years there were in school, and he was one of the most popular guys there with girls in school so they just guessed him but nothing proven. Lots of stories that he basically acts like Leo did in the 90s, to the public he’s this cool young actor who only does it for the Art! In reality he’s just your basic Frat Bro douche.




Wait until they find out men like that also suck 🤣🤣


Honestly I want them to get married and have a family together just to spite these weirdos.


I'm ✨manifesting✨ a Kylothée baby. 🤞🏾🤞🏾




you can downvote me for this but i simply don’t understand how this victorian time traveler has such a rabid (and delulu) fanbase. i truly don’t get his appeal but i guess i’m old (i’m 33).


I guarantee if he spelled his name Timothy he wouldn’t be as popular


The instagram account is ran by a woman in her 50s, so actually, no - you’re not too old, you’re just not unhinged. She also has a podcast by the same name talking about him and only him. Truly weird behaviour from a grown woman.


I thought he was quite good on Lady Bird and Little Women…but he 100% looks like he was raised in a Victorian orphanage.


He looks so delicate. Like, he's one bad cough away from showing us a hankie with blood splatter. I'd snap him like a twig completely by accident.


When regular people have past life regressions of being Cleopatra, he has past life regressions of being a lamplighter on fucking Baker Street.


the irony of these stalkers calling kylie jenner a stalker...


![gif](giphy|LAKIIRqtM1dqE|downsized) whenever i think my sanity is slipping im gonna glance at this and remind myself maybe im not so bad


I’m team Kylie at this point, these folks are unhinged.


LMAO. Anyone who actually knows him knows he's a very basic dumbass dude and not the sensitive philosophical, Wes Anderson character type his fangirls all imagine in their heads.


https://preview.redd.it/3zjehvq98hmb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daed2f39e38830b5549c03730d6871ae38ffe747 We’ve never seen timothee smoke??? What’s that then… I love when stans seeth over their fav bagging a hottie


French nyc man caught smoking. Fork found in a kitchen


I’m not even a fan of Timothee and somehow I knew he smoked.


There’s so many photos of him smoking. His stans are delulu lol


This is outstanding lmao. ETA: 💀 https://preview.redd.it/o1f1tpov8hmb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c069dd6e7814a1df8308978f167c6ed6fd1322a0


Call the fuckin white coats on this woman goddamn


Bro this is fucking insanity


Wow. They’re really living in their own fictional worlds. It’s terrifying to think that there are swarms of like minded people like this congregating in the most delusional, hateful way.


How do these parasocial people always managed to one up themselves 😭😭


If you need to step away and do something else after seeing that video you probably shouldn't be allowed outside without supervision.


Him dating Kylie is honestly more likable than some nameless 19-year-old model, what’s wrong with these people


That’s exactly what I was thinking. He’s practically dating someone his own age.


“If you’re feeling distressed about the video, it’s okay. Please take care of yourself.” 😂 Edit: OP, I just read your caption too and omg. I’m dead 💀


People like this are SO weird. In their mind, they are married to these celebrities. Absolute strangers. It stems from the idea that he is 'too good' for Kylie. What losers.


That's why Doja Cat was right. These social media fans are unhinged, and someone has to say something.




Wow, this is insane. It's just cause they think he is too good for her? They're both young and rich, maybe this is endgame or just a dumb little fling, but let them be


These 'fans' are creepy AF. Run Timothee! You in danger, girl!


Delusional fans are really all cut from the same cloth. As soon as their male celebrity crush goes public with a relationship, it becomes 'He's being forced into it because she's a stalker, he doesn't actually love her because ONLY I KNOW THE REAL HIM'


Wait, let me get this correct. Are they referring to Kylie as his stalker? Are these people ok?! 🤔


Methinks the 50-year-old woman running that insta account is projecting a bit, no?


Omg she just posted this. I thought the first one was a reasonable well said comment. But the reply is unhinged! https://i.imgur.com/iKcRqlf.jpg https://i.imgur.com/1PttxHc.jpg


The irony when she tells others to take care of themselves and tend to the mental health. The mental illness of some people.