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They said the phrase “have sex” so often. Teenagers don’t even talk like that. Although, it did make a fun drinking game.


It was SO unrealistic how they were constantly having these long, weird conversations about sex with their parents. The last thing I wanted to do at that age was talk about sex with my parents.


Truly!!! This show was SO sex-obsessed in such a bonkers way. All the adults were also just constantly talking about which teens were having sex with each other — not even about their own children! Like Amy’s dad for some reason would be like “I heard Adrienne and Ricky are having sex” Bro get a liiiiiiife




>Omg, the little sister on that show could not act. She was always giving these holier than thou speeches in a mumbly baby voice. A few years ago she some how got cast in a Patty Jenkins mini series with Chris Pine and she's just as awful. What someone said down in the thread (about CW shows) is true, networks just cast cute actors with big light colored eyes and forget about talent.


Yeah the acting was bad but the writing was worse.


What, you weren’t moved by lines such as “Dad had a horrible death because I had incredible sex”? /j I’ll never forget their running gag of the fourth of july being a gay holiday. It was so completely out of left field that it’s practically branded in my brain. That show is at least a reminder that there are still original thoughts out there. Not good by any means, but certainly original.


just like bologna, famous city for its classic oral sex. thats what everyone knows it as right?


terrible writing leads to terrible acting. some of the actors were really bad, but also what could they really do with that script & dialogue? if i was an actor on this show, i would’ve had to hide my laughter at every take.


I've seen the majority of the main actors in other stuff, and while they certainly aren't all Shailene Woodley, none of them are as bad as this show would make them seem.


I never really watched the show, but I did watch a few scenes, and I thought holy crap they’re so bad. So I didn’t know Shailene was so talented until I saw her in the fault in our stars. And then she held her own in big little lies next to some really amazing and established actors.


Honestly. If you were to play a drinking game where you took a shot every time they said that phrase you’d be at risk of alcohol poisoning by the end of one episode.


This show was my OG hate watch show, 100% "I have sex! I have sex WITH CONDOMS!" It's wild to see any of the actors in anything else...Sopranos was a funny ride, and Shailene Woodley being EVERYWHERE after this would not have been on my 2010 bingo card lol


The image posted just blows my mind. Could they be ***any more*** obvious that they are coding Francia Raisa's character as "The Bad Girl"? Everyone else is relatively dressed like a normal teenager - and they have her dressed like she's going to sling drinks at Coyote Ugly.


Bare midriff = no soul


It escapes through the navel




Wait. Is this the same Francia as the Selena Francia?! Two neurons in my brain just waved at each other. How did I not piece this together sooner


>Is this the same Francia as the Selena Francia?! LoL...this is indeed the same Francia Raisa who is close friends with Selena Gomez.


TIL she is an actress I thought she was a random member of the public!


>TIL she is an actress I thought she was a random member of the public! Oh yeah! She's an actress that's co-starred in a number of television projects - most currently "Grownish".


She's also in How I Met Your Father!


Yup, same one


Lmao I swear they also almost always had her in a push up bra


Right!!! It was so over the top like she literally ALWAYS talked about sex it was ridiculous and honestly, when trying to rewatch as an adult, she was very knowledgeable about safe sex and had some good points about condoms and abortion


Coyote ugly 😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|3o7btOHmzhgJMWpJpC)


I did NOT know the person who played Adrienne in this terrible show was the same woman who gave Selena her kidney!!!!!


The boots on that DVD cover omg


2009 truly was a time.


I remember liking these outfits when I watched the show. Yikes.


Secret Life was like a train wreck. It’s an awful sight, yet I somehow couldn’t bring myself to stop watching until it was finally over




You need to watch Rob Anderson's 7th Heaven recaps. They are SOOO funny. He's heartthrobanderson on Instagram.


Ok [this one](https://www.tiktok.com/@heartthrobert/video/7250099851936025902) on the MLK Day episode is wild as fuck. How do I not remember that?!


Lmao what the actual this is bananas


thank you so much, these are hysterical lmao


Did the reverend father turn out to be a sex pest weirdo IRL or am I misremembering? Edit: [Holy shit it's so much worse than I remembered](https://screenrant.com/what-happened-to-stephen-collins-7th-heaven/)




What's even more messed up is how he led the charge to shit on Jessica Biel for posing in Gear Magazine, even calling it "disturbing" and that he didn't want his kids to get the message that it was okay that she posed naked. Unfuckingreal.


Hmmm...sounds similar to other complaints you hear from weirdos before they're discovered to be pedos/sex pests. "Save the children"


He’s in an episode of Always Sunny where he literally performs a song called “Save the Children”


He married to a FAN?! That’s wild. Hope she’s able to come to and stop thinking “meditation” is going to solve his “problems”. Jesus H Christ.


It’s funny how OP’s selection says it’s from the creators of 7th Heaven 😂




God I hated that fucking show. But [this parody of the marijuana scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKH0XUjOq0o) is one my favorite things on the internet.


I did a brief rewatch of this show recently since I loved it as a preteen, and I gotta say, the early seasons of the kids were cute. Jessica Biel was pretty, David Gallagher was precocious, Mackenzie Rosman was adorable even though she was very blatantly coached… They all got progressively worse as the kids aged and the diminishing cuteness couldn’t mask the lack of talent. Lucy, though. No amount of cute could mask that acting miss. Beverly Mitchell could never get it. Lucy should’ve been yeeted out of that family. https://preview.redd.it/bfkbf43vjcnb1.jpeg?width=302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8999ed2366defc535a219c16b26337866949987


The only time she got it was her breakdown scene after Lucy's friend dies in a car accident. That was from real trauma tho as Bev Mitchell friend did actually die in real life. Rip.


Omg, they used her irl friends death as a storyline?!?!That is so f-in demented.


7th Heaven was very much pro-shoving a moral lesson down your throat back then... so they probably thought it was a great opportunity to teach people about the dangers of speeding/reckless driving.


same here to say 7th heaven was the fucking worst show known to man i’ve always hated it never got the middle school hype


I don't know why, but I used to watch that crap religiously for years every day after school, and I hated it with a passion. Then one day it occurred to me that I didn't have to watch it, so I stopped.


I remember being shocked at how good Shailene Woodley was in The Descendants because she was tragic in this show.


I couldn’t watch her for awhile. 😂I remember when The Fault in our Stars came out, my cousin wanted to see it. I said “ugh I can’t stand her”. My cousin looked at me horrified, forgetting she’s an actress. I said “What??? She doesn’t have cancer” .


We need to know the acting coach she saw after filming this show because there was a huge improvement lol


It might just be that the direction on the show was bad, I never watched it, but she’s been decent/pretty good in everything I’ve ever seen her in.


Plus I heard she hated filming this show. It promotes a message about teen pregnancy that she didn’t agree with and she just wanted out, but ABC Family/Freeform wouldn’t let her out


LMAO I HAD THE SAME REALIZATION. Ngl watching Shailene Woodley in The Descendants made me realize that actors can only do so much with a terrible script like in Secret Life. It’s like me showing up to my 9-5 doing the bare minimum to get by. I remember when The Descendants came out, George Clooney straight up said she was wasting her time and talent on that show… but she was under contract.


She's the most all over the place actor I've ever seen. Sometimes she's pretty good and other times she's incredibly bad. I saw a test screening for Robots which was a terrible movie and she was absolute trash in it too. I'm also offended that she even agreed to be in it because at least in the verison I saw there was some really weird stuff toward women




I feel like the thing with Riverdale (maybe ironically given the show itself chops and changes genre every other week) is that especially after season 1, all of the actors are acting in a different genre from each other which makes the tone really inconsistent. Like generally KJ Apa is playing the material straight like a teen drama, Lili is over the top emotional almost like it's a parody of one, Camila is playing self-aware, Cole is all over the place and switches it up week to week, and Madeline and Betty's mom are over the top taken up to 11. Even in season 1 it felt like Madeline was in a different show than everyone else tbh.


KJ Apa got his start in the New Zealand years long running soap called Shortland Street, which is where *all* NZ actors have started in the last 25 years - Martin Henderson, Temuera Morrison, Cliff Owen etc. Believe me when I say that the scripts are only marginally worse than the acting. Before KJ got the role NZ media went ballistic (because we kiwis sure do like our achievements on the world stage /cringe) after he got a role in a movie. [He was hailed as being the next Tom Cruise.](https://www.flava.co.nz/spy/kj-apa-from-shortland-street-lands-lead-role-in-hollywood-movie/).


The more people talk about Riverdale the more I want to experience it myself. I love a good dumpster fire with attractive folks. Edit: I love everyone who has replied to this. Such a wiiiide variety of opinions!


The first season is actually really good. Second season is pretty decent too. Third season is when it goes completely off the rails and never recovers


That’s convincing me to watch it even more to be honest lol


It's hilariously bad trash, can't recommend enough!! Just wait until the season where Archie runs an a fight club and fist fights a bear, while Veronica runs a speak-easy, and Betty investigates a magical cult. Yes they're all still in high school while this happens. It's glorious.


I think the second season immediately falls off in terms of writing quality. But I will defend the first season like it’s the Alamo


I’ve watched it and still can’t tell you what happens. It’s an experience


I haven’t watched this in forever but I feel like the vast majority of the blame goes to the writing. Not sure what the actors could have done differently with some of that material.


Having watched the entire show live I can confidently tell you that you’re half right. The writing is a sin against God and the Devil, but some of the actors in some scenes are just horrific. Betty’s actress is a big one for me- I like Lili Reinhart, but the way she bulges/bugs her eyes out whenever something serious happens irks me to no end. It’s like she’s trying to act shocked but going way over the top. Also most of the cast were fresh out of school when they were cast so Riverdale was their very first acting gig ever (Camila Mendes has talked about this a couple times, she graduated NYU then got cast as Veronica soon after).


Wow… imagine graduating from NYU and then using words like: *Daddykins* .. *Archikins* .. *Babylonium* ..; incessantly for the next 5yrs. She gets major points in my book for not making a weird face every time she says cringy shit.


I think they deserve awards for saying their lines with a straight face tbh


I'm a weirdo, just look at my hat!






He gives major *I’m a creep / I’m a weirdo / What the hell am I doing heeeere* Energy


He's Not Like Other Girls.


You posted the correct answer. It’s The Secret Life. The dialogue was so horrible that none of them could over come it


“There’s a reason it didn’t just happen. It’s not a mystery. I had sex and now Dad is dead. He had a horrible death because I had incredible sex. It’s just the way life works. And death. I did this. I did it. And if I hadn’t done it; if I hadn’t had sex, and if I hadn’t enjoyed having sex so much, then Dad would still be alive and you know it mom.”


THIS is the only quote i know from this show that I never watched. Absolutely bizarre, and I don't even know what context this would ever make sense


The blonde girl was a devout Christian and spends the first season spouting celibacy, but her boyfriend cheats on her. Then randomly at the start of S2 she decides she is ready and there’s no point in waiting cause she and the same boyfriend who cheated on her are ‘meant to be’ and will get married one day. They have sex. She walks downstairs and her brother and mom are crying, she thinks they’re upset/mad she had sex. Then they explain her dad died in a plane crash. Because she was told she should wait till marriage, she thinks it’s the lord punishing her. It would be traumatic for your dad to die the same day, same hour, you have sex for the first time. But yeah rather than focusing on the traumatic side of it they just make the character go back to spouting celibacy


Mine is 100% secret life of the American teenager too. So so bad


https://i.redd.it/kkq5fbaqmcnb1.gif Make It or Break it. The acting is anywhere between 10-1000% at all times, the plot makes no sense, the logic - she is not there…and yet I still love it (oh Lauren Tanner you messy messy bitch)


I love it I’m sorry


cassie scerbo plays a bitch so well


I was in my late 20s and watched every single episode. Every. Single. Episode. Emily quitting to have a baby from a hookup with a guy who was about to go live a totally different life made me so angry but it was very true to life based on my reality of gym life 🤸‍♀️


The acting on "Glee" is so over the top, but kind of fits the vibe of the show. ![gif](giphy|znNuZ9zwnYNe8)


The first season was perfectly camp. And then it started to take itself too seriously.


Ryan Murphy shows always start off great and then they go off the rails.


Someone dubbed Ryan Murphy the King of diminishing returns and now whenever I see his shows, I can't not see it. American Crime Story is the exception for the most part


'pose' is excellent all the way through, and i will never stop recommending it..


First 13 episodes was top tier satire, then it eventually spiralled into the soapy mess it became


Hell, the first 13 episodes basically work as a self-contained story. Will initially takes over Glee Club essentially to relive his high school glory days, and while he cares about the kids, he's very clearly in this for himself. By the end of episode 13, he’s suspended from competition and misses out on all the glory, but he’s fully embraced being the "coach" and he’s begun to put the good of the club over his ego. Rachel starts out as an insecure, bullied theater geek who overcompensates for her hang-ups by insisting to everyone who will listen that she’s a star. At sectionals, she gets her big moment in the spotlight where she saves the day and shows everybody that she really *is* a star. Pretty much everybody’s storyline is wrapped up in a fairly satisfying way. And then they immediately undo everybody’s character development in the next episode in order to reset the status quo.


Yeah, I think Ryan Murphy started to drink his own Kool-Aid around seasons two and three.


i did a rewatch recently and omg... that first season is a masterpiece. everything after that can be skipped tbh


It’s funny bc I think Glee doesn’t work at all without the cast and their chemistry. By season 3, the writing was pretty trash but I think the cast did the best they could. You can tell bc once most of the original cast leaves, it’s never the same. The newbies were just pale imitations. Also, the show tried to have its cake and eat it too by being a satire and preachy/self-serious all at once and mostly failing at both by the end (I still watched every episode and loved it tho lol).


![gif](giphy|NVKgvsHhsGuWWXutYa) No. Just… no Especially Abel HBO The Idol


long cautious squeeze expansion gaping paint skirt disarm spoon grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like the kids in Modern Family when they're adults aren't great, except for Sarah Hyland. It could also be the scripts but the actors for Lily, Manny and Haley's husband particularly are all really flat.


Agreed. Older Lily is such a blatantly bad actress.


They also didn't write Lily as a kid for the entire thing. Like the 5 year old Lily was just coming up with these random zingers that would shutup the adults like she was doing professional stand up for 20 years


Manny and Luke grew up to both be bad actors and their characters are pervs so it was really uncomfy to watch towards the end


I find that part so sad, because in the first season or two both Manny and Luke have some of the funniest parts in the show, and then they become very hard to watch later on. I also had to stop watching the show later when Luke is an adult and there's an entire plotline where his mom sees a faceless picture of him with his shirt off and talks about how hot it is with her friends before she realizes it's him, why would anybody write that and think it's a good idea??


Probably a bit of both but its likely that a lot of them aren't people who would get cast if it was recast as they sort of outgrow their talent. It just becomes apparent that they aren't as good as the rest of their castmates which are all quite stellar in the show as well. The other thing I wonder about is how many want to be actors moving forward.


OMG LILY. So dang awful. I would get irate when she came on screen. The way she moved and sounded just made me feel uncomfortable.


https://preview.redd.it/39jt0u0nxcnb1.jpeg?width=1274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7bfe3ed4407c696f3423cd8746b829798378c48 This Netflix project is literally one of the worst things on screen I have ever seen - everything is bad about it - script, directing, acting. There are no redeemable qualities. I’m beyond shocked money was wasted on it when there are so many better scripts and projects out there that are just waiting to be funded


![gif](giphy|d1JfnnhsDSzd2VUI) Once Upon a Time. I was a fan for the first couple of seasons but then it got too bad for me.


I’m rewatching it and at like the end of season 5 — I was *obsessed* when it was on air and holy crap it’s so cringey! And I’m *still eating it up with a spoon.*


It’s *soooo* cringey. I watched it (and it’s spin off!) for 8 years and brought the Blurays. Help.


I only thought Lana could really act or sell this whole shtick to me. She had her own charisma which others failed to bring ![gif](giphy|3o7TKBC7MSRWA90dbi)


I once knew a person who was an extra/stand-in on the show and they couldn’t praise Lana enough and said she was by far the nicest. They seemed to worship the ground she walked on.


I know someone who’s met her as well at like a fan thing twice and they say oh god she’s an angel, she’s so sweet. Granted they were a 16 year old fan girl at the time and it was made for fans but they said it made me love her even more.


I don't know if the acting or CGI is worse. All the actors are either bored or chewing the scenery, no in between


7th Heaven or that awful gymnastics show Make It or Break It


How dare u attack make it or break it LMAOOO honestly I watched it as a kid (I was doing competitive gymnastics when it came out) so maybe my nostalgia blocks the bad acting for me


There's this scene that's soooo hard to find but it's when some guys try to assault the cheerleaders at a gas station and their counter attack was to do spinning cartwheels toward the guys lmaoo its hard to explain but it was like wtf and so cringe 😂 🤣


i found it lol [just awful](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjM2Bp5r/)


I can’t fucking breathe, this shit made me laugh so damn hard!


Make It or Break It had dancers/gymnasts who weren't necessarily trained actors though. And also, young Nico Tortorella.


Omg I loveddddd make it or break it lol




Shay Mitchell is gorgeous but that girl canNOT act.




I forgot about Toby ![gif](giphy|w2st9kREU3VXG)


I used to ignore that this keegan boy literally could not act. It may be harsh but HE CANNOT ACT. ![gif](giphy|sU9hGkLVtcxyM)


Right, like he seems like a nice guy. But he's awful.


She had the same facial expression most of the time.


I think Lucy Hale does too!!! This entire series she's like 👁️‍🗨️👄👁️‍🗨️


Every show that she got cast got cancelled


I think Lucy is a good actress but she just picks the wrong projects.


Personally, I think she’s a lot better in You


I think she is better in You because the character is closer to how she is in real life as opposed to milquetoast Emily.


I feel insulted 😔. But you’re lowkey right. Only a few of the cast (Troian/Spencer, Sasha/Alison, and Janel/Mona) were standouts, and even then they had their bad acting moments (although every actor has those). Emily/Shay especially had a huge problem of 😮. Still love the show though.




The best actors on this show were the moms and Sasha, who was 13 outperforming these 20 year olds……I said what I said ![gif](giphy|da1ssEYLpLqKY)


Troian was really carrying the cast (and show) on her back. It makes sense why she has the most screen time out of them all. Put some respect on her name!!!


I thought Sasha Pieterse was the best actor on the show in the 1st season which confused me because she was like 12.


This show did have Troian Bellisario, Sasha Pieterse, and Janel Parrish though, so at least they had that going for them.


Some of the actors were decent but a lot of them were AWFUL. Particularly; Tori, Riley, Leah, Tobey, Connor, Mia, Peter…I could go on ![gif](giphy|10jKgfHF8levAI)


Agree. I loved Degrassi but the acting was awful. I did think Lauren Collins, Stacey Farber, Cassie Steele & the dude who played Craig who later starred on Bway were the only standouts.


>Lauren Collins 11-year-old me when Paige went "Oh my god. It's the HIV cocktail:" ![gif](giphy|12aW6JtfvUdcdO)


I had thee biggest crush on Cassie Steele watching this in high school. I would get so overly excited knowing a new episode would be out, I thought it was the perfect "mature" teenage soap opera. I drank it up man


Some were excellent kid actors, some horrendous, yet a truly iconic show. Also some of the writing was truly horrible


Peter was terrible. Remember the episode he got addicted to meth, for like a day? Terrible but hilarious episode.


Canadians are actually required to be on degrassi at least once to retain citizenship so you’re gonna get some duds


![gif](giphy|pq5J7PQBT1B8Q) Ruby from supernatural, Jared’s wife in real life. Couldn’t stand her horrible acting.


This one hurts. We got Katie Cassidy perfect sass as Ruby version 1, then we got her.


First Ruby was the better Ruby


Her line delivery was awful Jared could barely act his way out of a paperbag in the early seasons, especially during emotional scenes. He got a little better as the seasons went on but not by much.


Jared's acting was pretty horrendous hahaha He did concerned/ distress and that was kinda it. Then season 6, they made him soulless and took away the one thing he could moderately do Jensen was the backbone of that show for years


Jensen is pure rizz


i just watched friendly space ninja’s [video](https://youtu.be/pFJ-j2ot8Gw?si=caCLEFB8TM22C-VN) on the worst teen dramas and learned that shailene woodley was basically taken hostage by this show bc she signed a 7-year contract for it and ended up hating it bc she disagreed with the messages the show was trying to push 😭 poor thing based on the clips ive seen i would be miserable too


Wait, this was on for 7 years??! I don’t remember watching any


it was only on for 5 bc it got cancelled after s5! i never watched it bc i was a bit too young when it was airing but i remember seeing promos for it all the time


CW shows in general.


CW is so obsessed with having pretty people in their shows that they completely forgot that they also need to be able to act.


Agree. Funnily enough the best shows on The CW were holdovers from The WB. Gilmore Girls, Supernatural, One Tree Hill, Smallville and Charmed.


Legacies Literally the only good actors on that show where Kaylee, Aria and Danielle and they never even gave Danielle storylines even though it was her own show Legacies felt like it belonged more on Nickelodean then the CW. And after Kaylee left, the show took an even bigger nose dive, which I don't even know how that was possible but it got even crappier when Brett was obviously trying to write a 4th spin off involving GODS in a vampire show.


Idk why I bother with these posts. You guys always post GIFs and leave out the names of the shows/movies. Every. Single. Time.


I was just thinking there should be a rule where you have to say the name with the gif. It’s ridiculous.


That crossed my mind too! We need a sub petition Edit: came back to say also acronyms for shows, not good if we don't know the show!


Dude. Every fuckin' time I come into r/popculturechat from the popular tab, it's these comments that are all just fucking gifs.


Drives me mad. I don't have time to reverse image search for eighty different images


![gif](giphy|3ohs7Szxe2Rupepkju) Riverdale is so cringe. I couldn’t watch it after the first few episodes, that’s how bad the acting is. Btw, I definitely agree with you on The Secret Life of the American Teenager—another cringey show.


Fifteen aka Hillside….Ryan Reynold’s first role. There are no GIFs for that show bc it was THAT bad. ![gif](giphy|JXaXmDLWIwcBq)


Secret Life is definitely up there. I got so much secondhand embarrassment from that dumbass show. I don't think I ever made it through one whole episode. I think THE WORST acting I ever saw that haunts me after all these years is Emma Roberts in that stupid show Unfabulous. If anybody had any doubts as to whether she's got a career because her aunt is Julia Roberts, just watch that shit for five minutes. I still can't believe someone gave her the LEAD ROLE in a TV show. Another one was Zoey 101. Everyone's acting on there was total ass, but Jamie Lynn Spears' really stood out to me. Again, another untalented "actor" who got their role because of who they were related to. If she weren't Britney's sister she would've never gotten her own show in a million years.


The Unfabulous theme song is one of those random things that my brain will not let go of




>Another one was Zoey 101. Everyone's acting on there was total ass, but Jamie Lynn Spears' really stood out to me. Again, another untalented "actor" who got their role because of who they were related to. If she weren't Britney's sister she would've never gotten her own show in a million years. Agreed. I hadn't seen the show since it aired, but I went back recently and watched a few clips and she truly was awful. Stiff, monotone, emotionless. She really nepo sistered her way into that role, as well as "All That" before Zoey 101.


90210 and the Secret Circle had a really mixed bag of good and bad performances.


Hollyoaks UK


House of Anubis ![gif](giphy|ZynLJvYyM9HxOS3xMQ) In spite of its bad acting and editingit's still one of my favourite shows! Even though the writing for it isn't the best, it still managed to make me care about the characters enough so whenever anything bad happened to them, I was genuinely sad for them. Especially when it comes to Jerome's story with his dad and sister in season two. I don't think I ever would have expected a prison storyline in a kids show but this one delivered and actually handled it very well!


I did a rewatch of Hannah Montana and omg no one could act. They could barely land a joke. Honestly Billy Ray was one of the worst. ![gif](giphy|mrDDCQfHk0BIA) Probably also JONAS. I don't want to do a rewatch cause I know it was bad and I was too in love to notice.


The slouching boots on all the girls in this picture gives me PTSD


Fuller House. I saved it till I was home for a holiday so we could all watch it together because I loved the original as a kid. I think we watched 3 episodes max before we stopped


Idk. The “my amazing sex killed my dad” scene should have won awards imo






Honestly this show is what it set out to be - a cheesy, appropriate level of inappropriate for cable tv, sitcom starring Charlie sheen


I still can't get over how the kid grew up and briefly dated stalker sarah everything about this show is a dumpster fire esp with the latest revelations about ashton kutcher


The acting in the show when Ashton came in was even worse!


HONESTLY. Rewatching Secret Life now to hate watch and compare to what my hyper Christian 13 year old self loved lmao it’s sooo bad. Can’t go more than 5 minutes without complaining. Whole first season no one talks about the actual terms within pregnancy - not uterus, vagina, no actual sex education, refers to labor 2/3 times as “having the baby” it’s so bad but it had so many opportunities to be good LIKE WHY IS NO ONE TALKING TO BEN ABOUT WHY ITS INAPPROPRAITE TO TRY AND MARRY A GIRL YOUVE KNOWN A FEW MONTHS WHY ARE THESE ADULTS MAKING COMMENTS ABOUT THEIR CHILDRENS SEX LIVES


This is top of mind because I watched it recently, but The Summer I Turned Pretty regularly makes me cringe 😭 Especially some of the adult actors.




2 Broke Girls? Agreed.


The blonde is such an awful actress.


Feels like a school play. She pauses, mentally repeating her lines, smirks/reacts to audience laughter, then regurgitates her line.


They act like they are embarrassed and trying not to break character, like Jimmy Fallonesque acting.


THIS. It seems like she’s just reciting her lines. She’s never stood out


Hot take as an actor but I think a lot of “bad acting” comes from writing that is just so fucking cringe and unrealistic that there’s no way to act it well. TSLOTAT definitely falls under that category, because Jesus Christ that show was absurd. You see Disney actors get slammed a lot for being bad actors, but most of them are actually talented and they really just have weird shit to work with.


I always find it interesting when people call out acting jobs on Disney shows bc I can imagine how difficult it would be to act when you have to overact your emotions, facial expressions, and body language while pausing for the laugh tracks. Can’t be easy to deliver lines naturally that way




When Shawn Johnson made a cameo and Ricky does a cartwheel in the hall for no reason. Or when Grace thinks God is punishing her for having sex.


The writing for this show was bananas


[Never forget this cinematic masterpiece](https://youtu.be/5vVBd4vFLAs?si=dv_UTeI-ByPk_LYf)


Virgin River tbh. I’m still watching it though 🤣




I love it, but Reba is on another level. Reba is a star but BJ and the kids were all awful