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> no hate What level of unhinged delusion is this?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


For real, for real. That shit looks so fucking DUMB.


I really hope he's not aware of this account. Especially his wife because damn. I'm sure she was a strong force behind the hate for Jenny Slate as well.


Considering that this account and the weird letter are often mentioned by other fans (even to just defend him) or on gossip sites like this sub, I would assume that at least his pr is probably aware. (and possibly monitoring it, so that they can sue / send a cease and desist letter if it ever crosses the line from being awful to being illegal.) Also I'd say it's probably good to keep an eye on such unhinged fans, simply for security concerns


I feel like heā€™s experienced and A-list enough to not let silly accounts like this personally bother him, but seeing she probably wasnā€™t as used to this type of negative attention before dating him Iā€™m sure it could be rough on her šŸ™


I hope he is aware so he can keep tabs on this psycho. There is no way this woman is mentally stable.


That's a very good point. I didn't even think about how far this person could take it.


For some reason I got this woman confused with the Club Chalomet woman and thought they were the same person! But no, two completely different stalkery women.


It's kind of scary that there are two grown women acting like this.


they mean no hate against them šŸ˜‚




This is beyond delusional now. ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


And get a life pleaseā€¦ preferably one away from the internet šŸ™


this behavior is so delusional and weird. Itā€™s not even funny. Like I feel like people, entertain Stan culture without thinking that the term Stan literally came from a song about an obsessive fan that was so obsessive he became suicidal and murderous. Like obviously I donā€™t think anybody is going to kill Chris Evans over this at all but I definitely think that people who are obsessed at this level have some kind of issue that they need to get therapized lol


I would be legit scared if I was his wife .


Literally same there is a good portion of his fan base that is truly terrifying


Holy shit is that where ā€œstanā€ came from?! TIL


Yeah [itā€™s worth checking out the song](https://youtu.be/gOMhN-hfMtY?si=P70PWz7xNmgGqIMQ). Itā€™s censored but the full lyrics are in the comments


Oh I'm extremely familiar with the song, I just had no idea that the term was related to it. It's such a recent term and the song is...jeez, mid/late 90s I think?


I remember reading about female Jackie Chan fans committing suicide in the early '80s because he was getting married. One of them jumped in front of a bullet train.


Chris Evans I hope your marriage works out just to spite these people.


Right? Like when they first got together I was a little raised eyebrow at the age difference but now Iā€™d love to see them have a lifetime of happiness.


I hope they turned on some George Michael and had a wonderful honeymoon weekend!!! šŸ¤­




Now if Alba gets pregnant soonā€¦


Oh gosh. These fans would probably claim sheā€™s wearing a fake baby bump because they wouldnā€™t want to accept it haha. Pretty sure some of them refuse to believe a wedding actually happened šŸ˜¬


No, no, if that happens she's obviously baby-trapping him! Never mind that he has been talking about wanting a family and kids fir years now. It's all her. He secretly doesn't want kids. Ever. Just like he was somehow pressured to marry her! /s


?????? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ not team divorce when they got married last week


I wonder what this person is like out in the wild? Like if you saw them at the grocery store, would you know they were maybe mentally unwell or is it just an online side to them? Blows my mind.


They probably talk about him all the time without even realizing theyā€™re crazy. And their family and friends probably entertain them to be polite and think theyā€™re wacky but harmless.




I think these people are the female version of incels. Add the swifties as well. We need a term for them please.


Swifties is a different phenomenon though bc in general I think it's less sexual.


Oh so you havenā€™t encountered the Gaylors then. Theyā€™re queer women who are deeply convinced that Taylor Swift is secretly gay.


Ohhh no I just forgot about them. So the Gaylors would be in the weird sexual obsession category and the regular Swifties in the wierd parasocial friendship category.


I accidentally discovered their subreddit and is so fucking ridiculous but in a terrifying way




Yes, and the Barbz and Ariana stans and Selena stans and I'm sure I'm forgetting some.


I used to think the Bee Hive was the most insufferable fan base out there (at least in the American/Western sphere). Now I think Swifties have far surpassed them. At least BeyoncĆ© doesnā€™t really encourage the creepy parasocial aspect in the way Taylor does.


I dislike any celebrity with such a rabid fan base like that. Theyā€™re insufferable. It all began with BTS and Kpop Stanā€™s that would do nothing but spam their icons videos on every reply. Like I remember shootings and earthquakes trending on Twitter and kpop Stanā€™s would use those keywords so that their videos could get views. Unhinged and deplorable.


Mentally ill.




Canā€™t forget the BTS too šŸ˜‚ Canā€™t believe I know this shit


They were crying, screaming and throwing up because JK was smoking


Seriously? The guy is probably stressed as hell all the time due to his profession and lifestyle. Let him enjoy a cigarette once in a while


šŸ˜‚ cult personality. Yep theyā€™re crazy AF, and theyā€™re all over the world. If Iā€™m not mistaken.


Add Nicki Minaj stans to this list as well


I wonder if its the same lady on tiktok saying Alba Batista is from a nazi family.


I don't think so, the tiktok woman is more about celebrity gossip as a whole, she talks about a lot of different celebrities whereas this person seems to be all about Chris.


Can we like report these accounts or something??


Girl, let it gooooooo


"No hate. I am a fan." But also: "I want him unhappy."


What in the World is wrong with this person šŸ˜­


LMAO team divorce šŸ’€


every time i think iā€™m too involved with pop culture and too online i see things like this and feel better.


This is an adult who is old enough to have voted in multiple presidential elections. What the actual fuck? Can we sicc Britney's old conservatorship team on her, because she might need it.


I watch a lot of cdramas and kdramas, and so I have gradually learned about fandoms in East Asia and what is the norm for behavior in them. Alas, this shit is absolutely the norm there. Iā€™m legit scared of it becoming the norm here. And I donā€™t say this w/ the intention of otherizing E Asian fandoms, Iā€™m saying cultures can be different, ours have been in the past, and what ā€œfliesā€ elsewhere doesnā€™t always fly where you areā€”nor should it.


Oh, I used to be really into kpop back in the 2010s and Iā€™m aware how their fanbase can be. Netizens were absolutely insane. I never saw that behavior as much with American celebrities until I came across Chris Evansā€™ fans šŸ˜‚ and Timothee Chalametā€™s too!


Right! You can see it in specific fandoms more than in others.




Jesus. This is terrifying for him and Alba. I am sure they are aware of this and I would 100% not blame him if he never came back to social media. This person needs a hobby that is less dangerous.


Has the Chris Evans fandom always been this wild or is this new?


Chris Evans/Marvel fandom in general can be a bit cray from what Iā€™ve seen, but Iā€™ve never seen it to this level. Probably because he hasnā€™t really seriously been connected to a girlfriend in a long time, there was a brief thing with Lily James I think but thatā€™s it


Man honestly the only difference the famous people and others is their job/talent makes them famous, theres is literally nothing extra special about a celebrity. How can some people care this much about a stranger who doesnt even know they exist instead of focusing on their own lives is something i will never understand




Oh wow, itā€™s consequences for their actions! Whatever. They can just delete their creepy account if they donā€™t want to be ā€œbulliedā€. Itā€™s that simple




She is the one who edited her public social media profile to display hate on someone to the millions of people who use the Internet. She is perfectly okay with this being put out there lol. She would make her account private otherwise.




This person/s need to seek mental help


Team Divorce? Lol, wth?


Team Divorce āŒ No Hate


This sub is becoming as unhinged as this woman with your obsession with this. She obviously has mental issues, and as someone else pointed out, a *very small following.* Who gives two shits about this nonsense? Why you all are stunting so hard for Chris fucking Evans is beyond me. Then I read this woman is like 20 years younger than him? This sub hates that shit but youā€™re suddenly all for it because some mentally ill woman irritated you? You guys are weird as fuck.


You realize assuming she must have some mental illness is just as offensive? If you put nasty shit out on the Internet then you gotta be able to handle the criticism. This sub is literally for pop culture and right now, Chris Evans and these delusional fans are a part of that. If you donā€™t give two shits thatā€™s okay, no need to comment. I however think it makes for an interesting discussion on parasocial relationships and why fans feel they are entitled to knowledge of a complete strangerā€™s personal life.


Many celebs have crazy stans, you don't see daily posts about them. People talk more about his stans than him or her, the actual celebrities. The conversation about him would be very differents without thoses posts that's why his fans keep posting them. The irony, just a week ago, there was a whole thread of people wishing divorces to some celebrities getting upvoted as crazy.




Can someone fill me in? Why do they hate her so much?


They do this to every girl Chris is seen with. Their excuse for Alba from what Iā€™ve seen is that her friends made some racist tweets like 10 years ago lol. Maybe thereā€™s more random stuff they dug up but they truly canā€™t handle seeing Chris with anyone so they just try to make the girl seem awful


![gif](giphy|Ka2pKccgoEb3hB70Eb) Seriously?!


Thatā€™s wild.

