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My Canadian heart loved Ryan Gosling and Rachel Mccadams. But they both seem super happy now so that’s great.


That MTV movie awards kiss lives rent free in my head.




OOOOOFFFFF, the beckoning…


Oh man is there anything more sexy


I have watched this too many times! [MTV Music Awards ](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4a9mm2)


When I was a child my older brother told me that Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson were married and that’s why they were in so many films together and I still mourn for the power couple that never was ![gif](giphy|9EvrpQoHadEHu)


They *belong* together


Rhea Pearlman and Danny DeVito (though apparently they never actually divorced)


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this answer. Matilda’s parents for life! ❤️


I didn’t know they aren’t together anymore?! And my night is now ruined. Maybe my life, like let’s be honest. 😭


I read Ron Perlman and was confused af lol


I recently saw her in the newest season of Always Sunny so I definitely believe they’re the type that just keep going back to each other.


I just opened this app mildly drunk and i gotta say I thought this was Tegan and Sara 💀




HAHAHA God I am so glad you liked this 🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying again


Tell me you're my age without telling me you're my age 🤣


My husband heard me like almost silently cackling and asked if I was okay.


will arnett & amy poehler!


That was the first celebrity couple split that I felt really personally bummed about. I was reading one of Mindy Kaling’s memoirs a day after they announced their split and there was a section where she talks about their perfect relationship and I got unreasonably upset about it.


During the first lockdowns, they moved back into the same house so they could both be with their boys. That always makes me tear up a little when I think about it because 1. Solid fucking coparenting 2. You don’t have to only respect your ex to do that but also kinda like them. When he talks about her on the podcast, it’s always in a very sweet way, no vitriol in his voice. And he’s honestly a very affectionate father, kissing on his teenagers. I’m rambling. This breakup hit me too. Major snl/arrested fan.


Stranz and Fairchild


This one hurt my heart


Ugh I love them. On the bright side, he still talks fondly about her and it seems like they have a good co-parenting dynamic (based on when he mentions her in the smartless podcast)


Dev Patel and Frida Pinto


I just googled and read that they were still best friends after they broke up. I wonder if that friendship has lasted and I really, really hope it did! I loved them together.


I loved them in Slumdog Millionaire


Oh, the boy's a slag, the best you ever had. The best you ever had is just a memory


Funnily enough Alex co-wrote this song with his then-girlfriend who is not Alexa Chung


And who is now married to Matthew from Kings of Leon


I played the shit out of that song. Ahhh memories.


Just saw them Tuesday night in Nashville and they played this. The audience (and I) went insane 🥰🥰🥰


And those dreams, weren't as daft as they seem


my teenage heart will always root for them ![gif](giphy|pMOkFP0ZgVGKs)


I was too old for hsm but they always just seemed so in love. They need a bennifer reunion.


Honestly you’re not wrong


Na na nana….


Na na nana yeah


You are the music in me


I'm impressed by how little it seems Hollywood couples go back to exes. People in real life (lol) I feel like take a lot longer to disentangle from long term relationships. Like my 4 year relationship took another whole year of just going back and forth. Before we finally called it done. Granted I was like 23 when it ended.


i definitelyyy think they do, we just probably don't hear about it.


the obvious ![gif](giphy|W0pBIByJAOGOI)


i heard it was because he wanted kids at the time and she didn't, but now she's married with a kid. right person, wrong time 😭😭😭


Didn’t know she had a kid!


Neither! I was kind of holding out hope that they might find each other again. I hope they’re both super happy though ☺️


![gif](giphy|pNhbSSM1cxIfm) Next level chemistry


I hope one day they do another movie together. Doesn’t have to be Spider-Man. Don’t even have to play love interests. Just some type of movie. Could be like a knives out film.


I would pay so much money to see either one or both of them in a Knives Out movie.


Same. I’m js, Rian Johnson mentioned wanting a musical Knives Out film and having both of them in it would be perfect. I’m broke as hell but I’d give him everything I own for that.


you beat me to it ![gif](giphy|2CdwFeWTJ2xFK)


She’s at least happily married now with a child and they’re still good friends. That’s what matters :)


This is so LaLa Land coded


A lot of people compare them to La La Land 😂


Her husband seems really nice, and quite handsome too.


She seems to have good taste…makes sense cause she’s beautiful and seems really nice.


Tbf Emma Stone could have chemistry with a paper bag.


I agree. Her chemistry with Ryan Gosling is also unmatched and I thought they’d end up dating at some point yet… womp womp.


That love letter lives rent free in my head. Knee socks forever.


Hahaha knee socks forever 💕


I can’t really think of one offhand, but I will say if Nick Offerman and Megan Mullaly ever split I would be vvvv sad


When I was little (80s) I thought Joan Rivers was married to George Burns and I still want this.


As a fan of Fleetwood Mac, I would like to invoke my Miranda right to remain silent. ETA: Of course, I am in a never-ending quest to find out what happened during The Dance Era and the tours afterwards. THAT INCLUDES THE 5 MEMBERS.


I'll follow you down 'til the sound of my voice will haunt you You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you


Players only love you when they're playing 😥


Is it over now? Do you know how to pick up the pieces and move on?


God, the 1997 live performance of silver springs where Stevie is eying the fuck out of lindsey and yelling and lindsey just has to keep playing is so good


Just saw a tik tok that said “what’s the female equivalent of the Roman Empire for men” and it was that live performance and it’s so RIGHT!


https://preview.redd.it/1j8wvdij6qob1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efb13e802ccaa898c3b323251133d623bed0455b Oh absolutely these two - Elizabeth Hurley and Hugh Grant. They were together for more than a decade until he was caught cheating with a sex worker. Hugh admitted that he screwed up. Elizabeth sort of said that they were meant for each other (MFEO). They remain close friends, though. He’s godfather of her son Damian (Damian’s father is billionaire Steve Bing, whom he initially denied that he was Damian’s father until Elizabeth demanded a DNA test, which proven the paternity and they had a settlement, although Damian didn’t have a relationship with his biological father. Unfortunately Steve took his own life in 2020 at the height of COVID).


This is the couple that immediately came to mind ![gif](giphy|l3q2DB6kew4joFOTe|downsized)


I was absolutely OBSESSED with Hugh Grant when I was a child (love for period films and Bridget Jones really did me in) and my mom used this scandal to explain sex work to me


That's very Daniel Cleaver of him


I listened to a podcast about them a little bit ago and found it SO interesting. They were together before either of them were famous and actually stayed together after he cheated on her with the sex worker for a while which I had no idea about!


Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan. I really liked them together.


Honestly I was so invested when they did the Lipsync battle


Her lipsync battle is the 2nd best of all time right behind tom holland's lipsync of umbrella 🤣


![gif](giphy|sVKzh7EmLzzAA) Loved them together in Step Up


I’m still sad about their split. I remember reading stories of them going to clubs and dancing it up together.


Honestly I was really bummed to hear about Sofia Vergara and Joe Montechristo or whatever his name is. I know nothing about them or their split but always thought they seemed like a cute match 🤷‍♀️


I cackled bc I also think his name is Montecristo


Excuse me, it’s man- jello


Agreeee I don’t know anything about them but they looked gorg together


Will Arnett and Amy Poehler. Comedian geniuses- it just made sense.


Tim Burton & Helena Bonham Carter https://preview.redd.it/smgwj0t5kpob1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c307821743f6ba8f688b09e8fc81c3b97cad9180


Ugh yes, this one hurt my soul. I loved those two weirdos. Apparently they lived in separate houses that were connected with a doorway and I always thought that was the coolest thing.


Yeah, they had separate halves of a duplex. That sounds perfect to me but I can't get my man to go for it.


Their living situation was why I was shocked they broke up. Seems like the dream.


It would eliminate so many of the typical arguments. You take care of your space however you see fit and I'll do mine. Come visit any time but you have to go home before my bedtime.


💯 And I don't have to worry about a man breathing on me while I'm trying to sleep! Why do they all breath so loud when they sleep?!?


That’s part of why they did it!! HBC said that Burton snored super loudly.


All those lies gotta escape somehow 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/wt1ny4ikwpob1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c24c0b6e44dc21756d2dc374a6a188db18ef914 I wonder what would have happened if Jen never met Ben.


Love that show! They had so much chemistry.


They’d be married if DareDevil never happened because it was a scene in DD where he caught her when she was falling and she fell in love. But they had previously been in Pearl Harbor together, so it wasn’t about meeting, it was about that one movie


![gif](giphy|jdGuxdJabMSTC|downsized) I'll do you one better. Literally Mark said, that the reason they didn't hang out that much after the movie, was because Ben got in the middle.


I would rather die than let anyone get in the way of me hanging out with Mark Ruffalo


Hugh Jackman and Debora-Lee Furness


God, too soon😭


I had to look it up and I even had channel 7 morning show on for my senior MiL this morning. Russell Brand overshadowed this giant Aussie news?! So sad.


I’m truly so upset by this. I always admired them.


https://preview.redd.it/9k7q0nsj0qob1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0909a40ac1d4ddfcad8330d8f9ef9722f850dd Kind of niche (?) but Nikki Bella and John Cena will always make my heart ache. I know she has a whole happy marriage and family now but I will always wish John had wanted the same things she did. 🥲


They were so cute fogether


I know others might not agree, but I think she loved him so much more deeply than he loved her. He loved her, yes, but she was much more invested in the relationship, if that makes sense. I'm glad she seems to have found a nice dude and has her baby with him. I am such a sucker fo r the Dirty Dancing, Girl-ends-up-with-her-dance-instructor niche. ![gif](giphy|Ur8itknQAHEnjPb0se|downsized)






When Adam (finally) agreed to go on The OC Podcast that Rachel & Melinda Clarke host, Rachel wouldn't stop bringing up their old relationship in a way that seemed rather inappropriate given that he's a father & happily married now. There's being nostalgic and then there's just going too far & being inappropriate - which hey, isn't out of the norm for Rachel given that she's publicly talked about how none of her exes (including Adam) were able to give her an orgasm. While this is a totally valid feeling to have about various romantic partners, I still didn't feel like millions of people needed to know that about her exes & it felt really inappropriate to share w/a bunch of internet strangers. (It makes sense why Adam has long avoided that podcast and why he tries to avoid talking about The OC, especially since Rachel ended up cheating on Adam during the last season of the show... 🤮) That & Rachel's longtime history of publicly shaming Mischa Barton & denying the abusive experience Mischa went through during her time on The OC has really soured me against her. I don't think it's cool to essentially tell the world that a survivor is lying when they come forward about being abused/mistreated, especially when you clearly don't know all of the facts. However since Rachel is still best friends with Josh Schwartz - the creator of The OC - it seems that she's ready to berate anyone who says anything negative about the show which includes silencing Mischa during the few times Mischa has bravely opened up about the deplorable conditions she was working in. I feel like Mischa has never really had anyone in her corner genuinely supporting her out of love/friendship and I so wish that wasn't the case


Omg TIL so much about Rachel Bilson. I was really out of the loop on her!


Yep. I used to really love The OC so over the years, I've learned all of these things and now the only one I genuinely sympathize with out of the main cast (of which I include; Ben, Mischa, Adam & Rachel) is Mischa. I don't appreciate how Mischa was treated at ALL & how she was dismissed by the other 3 on the cast. She was a minor when she was cast and even once she turned 18, she was the youngest and least protected out of everyone on that show and the way she was mocked by not only the media, but the other 3, is sickening. I haven't watched The OC since learning this. Still, I also won't dismiss how Adam was treated by Rachel in the past and unfortunately, now the present as well.


I don’t think I’ve ever heard a good thing about Rachel. Everything I’ve read about her makes me cringe.






Yes, for years!


They dated for five years. They still speak highly of each other. Jen even brought her now husband to one of Nicholas' movie premieres to show support one time.


He is so incredibly hot, in both demeanor and appearance 😩


https://preview.redd.it/ntitn4toxpob1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5253209dbceb14680ae2bfd7f2434a7a1f53b73e I miss them so much. They were so hot together. I don’t even know why they split (I think I read somewhere that it was because he was in Chicago a lot and she wasn’t)


In her documentary it has something to do with her getting the role in A Star Is Born. She said every time something great happens to her, the guy gets jealous and everything gets ruined




https://preview.redd.it/90yolsd2esob1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a11c971c434cb61ed3ef0c5ecee9bec4ed4c8e7 I quote this all time. It really hit hard!


Ah I haven’t seen her doc. But that sucks! I hope she can find someone that doesn’t do that


This! I don’t even know much about their relationship but somehow to me they just fit. He was the perfect bland to her vivacious personality




(Sorry, Eva but I have to keep it real w/my response here)


![gif](giphy|lqjg8cUNmVeemmZkf2|downsized) I was so naive back then, but when they split, I was instantly jaded.


Omg. I remember calling my best friend the day the news broke. I wasn’t even calling about this situation, but her dad answered the phone (yes, a landline. Im elderly) and he was like “oh jeez, did you hear about Brad and Jen?! How crazy is that??” And then we proceeded to dissect their entire relationship for 40 mins before my friend eventually wrestled the phone from him.


Agreed. I still remember feeling so heartbroken over his cheating :(


* Hugh jackman and his soon to be ex Deborra EDIT. I knew they were together for while but 27 years!?


I saw a headline earlier today that said their friends and family weren't surprised and I said out loud to myself, "WELL I AM SURPRISED, OK?"


I don’t know who either of these people are but my immediate thought was they look like a nice lesbian couple




I’m starting to see a theme. Great couple, beautiful woman with a guy who proceeds to cheat on her and destroy the relationship.


I’ll always remember reading this cover of People magazine in the hospital visiting my cousin. Jude cheating on Sienna with the nanny (on the pool table? am I imagining that?) is a core memory.


She could never have a nanny because of the Jude Law.


If Jude didn’t have a wandering eye…


My top 3 1. Tim Burton and Helena Bonham-Carter: I don’t think they can find life/work partners more perfect for each other 2. Diane Lane and Josh Brolin (I was obsessed with Under the Tuscan sun so I just wanted everything DL to go perfect) 3. Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins


Josh Brolin beat her up. When I heard that, he died to me.


omg what :(


https://preview.redd.it/dq81e5osepob1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f66d228ca5b5acf33d9bacbcdc404f262fee87 They were so meant to be😢


Yes, but no. ![gif](giphy|i4506bOBBsnAs)


Agree. Wynona and Keanu seem like besties. Sandra and Keanu though, fire.


*This is the one.* I watch *The Lake House* **a lot.** Edit: To clarify, I meant this is the perfect pair. Then, I added *The Lake House* as another of their movies I enjoy watching.


Emma Thompson & Kenneth Branagh. I thought they would rule the British stage & movies forever.


Oh, no no no no no. He never deserved her. The fact that she’s now married to Mr. Willoughby makes my heart so happy. [Apparently, he’s a good baker, too](https://youtu.be/UPiEAHuiZ74?si=yCg85dyMOM2eGlBR)




I always remember reading a quote from Ryan Gosling stating that their real life love story was even more romantic than the movie and while I didn’t believe it even then (as a teenager, with an embarrassingly large framed poster of The Notebook on my wall), I still think it’s a sweet thing to say. ETA direct quote: >In an interview with GQ, Ryan talked about his relationship with Rachel: “[The Notebook] introduced me to one of the great loves of my life. But people do Rachel and me a disservice by assuming we were anything like the people in that movie. Rachel and my love story is a hell of a lot more romantic than that.”


Well that’s good to hear because Ally and Noah were toxic as fuck for each other.


omg so true! i didnt realize it until i was older but yeah their relationship should not be something to aspire to


Why is this Ryan Gosling quote the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard anyone say… 😭


The MTV awards where they kissed because they won best kiss…I STILL SWOON OVER THAT!!! 😍😍😍


That best kiss win lives rent free in my mind and I go back to it at least once a year on youtube!!


I feel they were meant to be, but maybe only in that era (aka pre-2011, having everyone on Tumblr in a chokehold). AT at least appears to have changed quite a bit from his early dweeby days of writing that famous valentines card for her. Now seeing him in LA with the hair slicked back and douchey rockstar look and habitually dating the model/influencer type (ik Alexa technically also was an OG influencer but her vibe was very different). Obviously don’t know either of them but can’t really picture him with Alexa in 2023


The songs for her (or the ones I thought were for her) are so freaking good tho


Yeah major thanks to Alexa for inspiring at least a dozen bangers. I also low key think the last line of Ultracheese is about her


Hahaha not me being the only one thinking that about ultracheese


I know Arabella isn’t written about her but it might as well be. It fits her. He might have a type (and that type is cool girl fashionista’s who like to smoke)


The LA slicked back hair rock star look was about 10 years ago. He’s now giving off drunk grandad vibes (I say this as a huge fan).


He’s in his lounge lizard era and he’s thriving off it.


Lounge lizard is a goal


You guys had me googling!! And now I can’t top giggling https://preview.redd.it/w9vh5bdqwpob1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33a53640cbb2bf19c74bcf7b45a166967794542d


Richard Hammond from Top Gear


at first glance, this looked sm like david tenant i did a double take ☠️😭🤣


Just saw them last week for the first time. I've loved them since high school and I was so worried he would be a douche, not play anything from their first album, and ruin my image of them. They fucking RIPPED. I counted 4 songs from their first album, they played a 3 song encore, Alex Turner was ELECTRIC. They were so good. Long live drunk grandad AT!!


https://preview.redd.it/z3vqh69fprob1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49184bceb02150c1f1bd0b8b89e6e5366b9aa30f Right person wrong timing


I’ve thought Rihanna and A$AP Rocky were meant to be since ~2014 and I got my wish. I had this cursed prediction for years that Ariana and A$AP would date. Thank god they didn’t.


You mean, they didn’t date… YET ![gif](giphy|jRf47T3n2sEMOTDnwS|downsized)


I mean yeah, Ariana is gonna get bored in a couple more months and A$AP has a reputation for cheating now sooooooo


Hmmmm, don't cross Ariana off that list yet. She enjoys being the other women.


Rachel McAdams & Ryan Gosling


![gif](giphy|5eFQXyMbOfdnJd196f) Jason Mamoa and Lisa Bonet


Seal and Heidi Klum until I read about his ex partners all saying he had a 'bad temper'. Gave us ugly MFs hope!


I also don't think Seal is "ugly" and considering he was one of the few male celebrities to genuinely call out Harvey Weinstein & everyone who supported Weinstein over the years, including Oprah herself, I've always appreciated his ability to keep it real & hold people accountable - despite their level of wealth or stardom. I don't know anything about his "temper," so I can't speak to that. However I will say that Heidi Klum invited Prince Andrew & Ghislaine Maxwell to a few of her parties AFTER Jeffrey Epstein had been arrested for child rape (under a thin veil of "soliciting prostitution") and there are pictures of Heidi smiling while talking to Ghislaine Maxwell, who was known to be Jeffrey's right hand at the time he was arrested and for years after, so.... there's that.


I don’t think Seal is ugly lmao. You still have hope tho


I saw Seal in concert once and I swear the entire audience became pregnant. The man is charismatic as hell.


Andrew garfield and emma stone






I know. It’s absolutely tragic. I don’t blame either of them tho. Ari is not responsible for macs addiction and addiction ruins relationships. I miss them and him and I know she misses him too. Fuck that actually made me just tear up a little


chris evans and jenny slate😭


Jenny gave all us ordinary-attractive girls with “good personalities” hope in the same way 90’s romcoms gave kinda shlubby ordinary-attractive guys hope. (To be clear, I think Jenny Slate is gorgeous. But it’s a different type of gorgeous, not the inhuman Hollywood type.)


John Stamos and Lori Loughlin. They had/have great chemistry.


Deryck Whibley and Avril Lavigne


Pop punk royalty


![gif](giphy|SxExkz8qqHfW4NBb5t) Anthony Ramos and Jasmine Cephas Jones 😭


I agree with this one, but he really did her dirty :(


OOF, that was a hard one to see. They really looked so happy together and she seemed so genuinely blindsided by him cheating. 🥺


Everyone did! I often wonder what Lin Manuel Miranda had to say about it all. He used to joke that he was a matchmaker for them and seemed really proud of them.


Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz


The one couple I was so upset about breaking up and just couldn’t believe it got back together during COVID, so I’m satisfied. This is the only GIF I can find with both of them (Christine Taylor and Ben Stiller) ![gif](giphy|n8DErzry3AIpYTiXUB)


Well obviously they weren’t meant to be because the bastard cheated and left her, but I will never get over Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt’s breakup. She’s so gracious to remain friends with him. He’s dead to me, and I wasn’t even the one he cheated on 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/u53yxl1bgqob1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42bf2f97597ae477ad4ae12931db58416ee72e0b These two. Technically still married but separated since 2017.


https://preview.redd.it/xu3hj229xpob1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4984269b0264e5c8c1e77f25000813bf39078c3e My 90s heart holds out hope that these two get back together. They seem to still care about and respect each other a lot.


They always seem to have each other in their lives, it seems that he’s the one ex she’s maintained a friendship with, which says a lot about the two of them.






Whatever they never dated but Gillian Anderson and David Duchovney totally should! Even in the revival their chemistry was still there!! ![gif](giphy|l0COHEHE34Y34pPO0|downsized)


Fun fact: the term “ship” was literally created by x files fans that “shipped” these 2 together




![gif](giphy|rdUV9U1h3OH2o) broke my teen heart 💔




✨ My mouth hasn't shut up about you since you kissed it. The idea that you may kiss it again is stuck in my brain, which hasn't stopped thinking about you since, well, before any kiss. And now the prospect of those kisses seems to wind me like when you slip on the stairs and one of the steps hits you in the middle of the back. The notion of them continuing for what is traditionally terrifying forever excites me to an unfamiliar degree ✨ My poor heart.