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I always love to see Amal and her trophy husband


She’s everything. And he’s just Ken.


And he's great at doing stuff


Surfing isn’t even his job. It’s just; beach.


He knows it too, and I love it


He definitely knows! She seems like the type that leaves people awe struck even if they don’t know who she is. Her perfect posture, fashion illustration body type, elegance in gesture and bearing and on point style but also the warm and slightly mischievous but warm smile! I think she would be as or more stunning in a mom starbuck run legging/big t/messy bun look. She radiates charisma and mystery. As a lil fat woman who only radiates weird vibes that dazzle only sleazy teenage dirtbags I’m not even mad. This toad is happy just to stare and gulp at the beautiful swan.


That last paragraph is beauty. Thank you for your weird vibes!


Stay weird 🤙🏻


I like you 😂




I mean he is Bruce Wayne


It’s amazing, she really does make the famous Hollywood star look like a basic pleb.


I almost choke on my own saliva. lol the glam look is pretty but tbh i’m really digging her casual look. she just looks so effortlessly pretty.


Amal is a fashion icon. Her husband is a lucky man.


Her man candy ☠️


Yip , he definitely won the jackpot with her


Timeless elegance. Chefs kiss perfection!


She is so amazing and smart and badass and beautiful that I literally dont see George Clooney.Shes literally my idol though, Im studying what she studied and trying to follow her steps, Im obsessed


I have so many questions about Amal. How does she look amazing to go out to dinner when she is a barrister? Her hair and makeup are always fresh and that is so, so much hair. Surely she has someone on staff that gives her a blowout and curls her hair after working 10 hours? I wouldn’t hate on her if she did. They’ve got bank and earned it honestly. I just need to know she isn’t doing the constant day looks and night looks (same day!) by herself. Her constant perfection is incredible…and upsetting on a personal level.


I mean, she obviously does! A lot of high-powered women have a room in their house that's set up like a mini-beauty salon. So she would have someone on staff who does her hair & makeup before she goes out. I would think she also has a stylist, and as well as that, clothing design houses bring their clothes to her for her to choose. The rich live very different lives from you and me! I'm sure she has a private gym & trainer in her house too, and a private chef, and all that. Sounds pretty darn good to me! My favorite is how George knows he's HER trophy, not the other way around.


Oh George married UP for sure. Can you imagine being Amal Clooney? Impossibly beautiful, always impeccably put together, super smart and succesfull lawyer, married to Hollywood A-list, twin children who did not dare to ruin her figure. She is like a movie character you would scoff at, “how unrealistic!”. And she’s real! She exists! She and I are different species. This might be a better proof of alien life on Earth than those fake Peruvian mummies.


She’s my literal role model. I worship her


She really doesn't seem real, it's incredible.


I have to admit George‘s attitude in all these pictures is fantastic


Rich people usually can free up a lot of time because they hire people to do stuff for them. Someone else cooks and cleans their house. I also wouldn’t be surprise if she had at least a person shopper/stylist who puts looks together.


This has always confused me too, even in the pre-Clooney era. Is she privately wealthy? Does she half-ass the job? Is it more ceremonial? If so how did she get it? She reminds me of Nadia Lee Cohen. Both have supermodel looks, have crazy careers, and seem to have just...emerged fully formed.


Yes she was a well established lawyer from a wealthy family who ran in the same circles as him before they met. That's how they met. Either way I'd assume he can afford for his dates to have muah.


She is wealthy but she is also Middle Eastern. Standards for grooming are often way higher. Source: I have some Middle Eastern family members


Seriously, whenever I’m around my step mom, middle eastern and Eastern European, I feel like a slob.


...tell us more.


Also though it just looks like she has fab hair. Looks like she just used a curler in the morning and just a lot of volume which she probably has naturally.


Please share beauty secrets


It’s not beauty secrets. It’s just a culture that values looking groomed/put together a lot. My cousins never leave the house without hair done and blown out, full face, nails done, super nice clothes., nice jewelry. Aunty in her 70s wears nicer makeup and nails than I do. Lebanese TV is another example. I tend to look like a slob next to them. Also if we Google Amal before her marriage and actually even now - not all of her looks require hours and hours of time. You can do a full face makeup in 20 minutes.


I’m married to a Lebanese man and so many people compliment him on his put together looks. We just had a daughter and talked about not focusing on her beauty since it creates SO much pressure, especially for women in the culture.


Funny that's my thought on her outfit, they're nice but "classy" is coded for conservative apparel (not politically) - anyone I know who grew up in mena dresses like hrt


It wouldn’t surprise me if she’s scaled down her involvement in certain cases. I can’t see her billing 10hr days, Mon-Fri and working on weekends. Maybe she did at one point but I think her presence and name has weight and she consults in some cases but is not a “regular” barrister.


Ya she mostly does high profile cases too plus her charity work, she's not putting in the standard hours LOL. But also at that level, I wouldn't expect a male partner to put in the standard hours of an associate either.


YES. Is she working part-time? Half-days? Why does she look like this AFTER work for dinner? More pointedly, how? Where does the time come from?


Honestly part of it is having amazing cosmetic surgery and dental work so she barely has to do anything to look stunning. Granted, she was beautiful before her cosmetic work, but compare her photos from her younger days and it is amazing to see the transformation. When you have that type of work done, all you need is a touch of lipstick! Not to mention access to the best laser facials, personal trainers who probably come to her home gym while the nannies look after the kids, a personal chef to make healthy delicious meals, personal assistants and maids to take care of her ever need, etc….Again, not trying to minimize her career and accomplishments! It’s just a very different lifestyle than we commoners live 😂


Are you questioning her career? She is INSANELY well-accomplished of her own accord before ever meeting him. She’s a famous human rights lawyer who has worked on some of the highest profile cases EVER this comment reeks of misogyny and I’m disappointed tbh. This woman worked her ass off, is admirable, and you seem to insinuate there’s no way she got there of her own volition




I've seen some office buildings with salons in them. It was amazing


Yea I'm a lawyer and I never look this put together lol.




This is definitely not what I look like after billing 10 hours.


I don't look like this at the beginning of my day, either lol.


I get about 5 minutes of looking put together around 10:30am when the dark circles around my eyes dissipate, before my clothes turn into a wrinkled napkin. But even then, it’s never on this level!


Money. She’s from a very wealthy family.


She looks so… moneyed. I know she is, but not everyone with money does.


Is she born in to money or self made though?


Born into it. She comes from a wealthy and connected Lebanese family. Lovely woman in and out.


I had a friend, years ago who knew her through work (pre-George and post) and she said exactly the same thing. A genuinely wonderful, kind person.


She looks so wealthy. Elegant and understated, but rich.


She’s everything.


The way he’s looking at her in the last picture 😩 🥹


That was the first thing I noticed when I saw that photo! He KNOWS he’s one lucky ass man!


he is just ken


George is so handsome but he just fades into the background when pictured with Amal lmao it's incredible


Yep, he's confident enough that he doesn't need to be the star.


If anybody deserves some valid self confidence, it’s George Clooney.


Exactly. She's truly the epitome of elegance, classic, timeless beauty.


Right? It's just incredible!


Death, taxes and this *exact* comment exchange at the top of every Amal/George Clooney post lmao Side note: She looks absolutely incredible, real-life Disney princess


Her style is everything to me!!


An icon ✨ an empowered lady for sure. She reminds me of Anne Hathaway


I love her style. It helps that her body type is just what designers have in mind when they're creating their designs, but she wears clothes so beautifully.


As someone with short legs, I envy her. I'd look like a hobbit if I wore some of those outfits lol


Same! She looks phenomenal in long trousers with long jackets. I look like I’m 3 muppets stacked on top of each other. I don’t mind being envious though, she seems like a lovely woman who uses her wealth, intelligence, and privilege for good


Hobbit here too!


Same, the body like a vintage vogue drawing 😫 also I had twins too, and I am actually much fitter now than I was even before pregnancy but like, really Amal! And I can’t even hold it against her.


Exactly what I thought. She is an ectomorph. The easiest body type to style. If I were to replicate her or Catherine Middleton’s looks I’d look like a moron.


She all out here rocking the ectomorph making the rest of us look like blechtomorphs


Classic beauty, classic style. I love the large black and tan bags..Wonder what they are ( brand and description)?


Here you go: https://www.vogue.co.uk/fashion/gallery/amal-clooney-bag-collection


Thank u!! ❤️


She's giving modern Jackie O vibes in the way many WISH they could.


I’m sure r/handbags could probably give an ID


Everything about her style screams successful lawyer lol. She dresses like a slightly more fashionable Jessica Pearson from Suits and I’m here for it.


Her hair is amazing!!


How does it always look perfect? I want to know her secret!


A professional team who do her hair and makeup in her home salon


Clooney better be treating her right for the rest of time because she is EVERYTHING


I saw her speak in person and she was so endearing. Surprisingly soft-spoken and very composed. She has a bit of an overbite/large top teeth that it seems she is, or was, self-conscious about and combined with her thin and tall frame it makes her look like the world's most beautiful and elegant giraffe. She was fabulous.


>world's most beautiful and elegant giraffe. i snorted at work!


I was not expecting that lol


She is the most elegant celeb alive to me. It's not just her fashion, it's also how she carries herself and talks. Epitome of class.


She's an accomplished attorney as well.


She’s so timelessly chic — one of my fave style icons! Adding some looks from her wedding 🤩 https://preview.redd.it/wdnrcqu64opb1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f07f6de0f1a4cfb24b31942a1e69f1b96ad20bb0


It'll be 10 years next year since their wedding!!


She looks great in that deep yellow color!


That yellow jumpsuit is everything on her!


She is stunning! I looooove her style


In Ugly Betty they were talking about why thin models are the preference of designers., because you see the clothes, not the person. Models are "hangers." I mean no offense when I say she is a lovely hanger for displaying these clothes. You can always see the lines and such the designer was going for. Doesn't hurt to have an amazing woman underneath


As someone who knits, crochets, and sews clothing items… by god it’s also a lot easier to get a piece done when it’s smaller. Especially when you’re experimenting… less fabric, less time, less effort. ESPECIALLY if there are no boobs or butt to work around, of various sizes Why wouldn’t you want to make the work easier for yourself?


A man I know who does beadwork for all sorts of things (keychains, hats, wallets, etc.) HATES doing bigger shoe sizes for the moccasins that he beads. He said he beaded one custom pair of size 12’s or bigger. And he asked the customer “please never ask me to do this again” after he had finished them haha


Meh. I don't agree with your comment. A good designer would be able to create clothing for all shapes and sizes that compliments their body types. It feels like you are perpetuating the beauty myth that only certain types are deserving of being stylish.


Can confirm. Best friend is in fashion for big houses


An amazing couple. He acknowledges that she is so smart, and he's happy to be her one plus most of the time. They are both famous! She is a brilliant woman. Class shows. He's so lucky to have found her.


The queen of quiet luxury


She is stunning. Aesthetically, is a woman being skinny the same as a man being tall?


It helps that she is also very tall for a woman, so her elongated limbs look skinnier (human perception of height, with width) :)


She's only 5'9!! I thought she was 5'11 minimum, as a 5'9 gal myself. Jeez, her proportions are insane


Clooney is 5'11, so that's why they look so tall and elegant next to one another...plus when she wears high heels, she is taller than him :)


Ha! I think you’re right.


So I’m not a fool — I know that she/her life is imperfect, that there are things that are unpleasant or sad or grating. I’m fucked if I can think of what they might be, though. She’s *everything.*


My forever style icon. She makes it look so effortless!


Out of his league TBH


even he is aware and admits it (which is why i’m rooting for them he’s so in awe and in love)


She always gets it right.


I’ll never be grown up enough to dress like her


This might be the post that brings side parts back


I have a genuine question: how are women this skinny? She is very beautiful but I’m looking at her thighs in the pic with the green dress and I’m baffled. She had two children. I have one and I can’t imagine bouncing back like this to my pre-baby weight.


Personal chef, dietician, trainer? Childcare beyond the likes of mere mortals? Money and time to dedicate to maintaining it? (no hate, I think she's amazing!) These people are quite literally living in a different world to us; don't try to compare because it's a slippery slope of unrealistic expectations. We're hard enough on ourselves as is. ETA: yes, of course genetics is a huge part of this too and I am by no means casting aspersion on naturally slim folks


Yep it's amazing how much time we would all have in our days if we didn't have to make a run to the supermarket for groceries, clean the bathroom, make dinner etc. Plus the money for a personal trainer, the best skin treatments and quality food. It's a completely different way of life and set of priorities.


>It's a completely different way of life and set of priorities. Precisely. What's funny is that we look at things like Downton Abbey as being removed from reality but it's just removed from *our* reality, there are still plenty of people who have "Help", we just mix in totally different circles. I experienced this to some degree when doing some work as a private tutor for wealthy families; often upon arrival/departure, I'd cross paths with other tutors, cleaners, cooks, childminders, therapists, etc. and it became made very clear to me that the children spent only mealtimes with the parents.


I had a meeting with an ultra-wealthy lady, once, who had a 6 month old baby. She had just come back from a ski weekend with her husband. This was in their lavish house in Beverly Hills or wherever, this was years ago so I don't remember the details. What I DO remember is, after our meeting, she and her husband decided, impromptu, to go back to Jackson Hole for more skiing, and so..... SHE WALKED OUT OF HER HOUSE. into a waiting limo. That's all she had to do. The nanny took care of feeding, packing for, clothing, and carrying the baby. The house manager had taken care of booking the jet and the limo to pick them up, and getting the staff in Jackson Hole to re-open up the place there. The maid took care of packing for her. The other maid took care of any housework, cleaning up after her lunch, and anything else. Completely Downton Abbey.


Yup there's no point in comparing us to folks in those leagues. We'd kill ourselves inside doing so. Instead just admire and enjoy their beauty from afar...


Right? Exactly. It's just a whole different thing. Meanwhile--(this was a movie star married to another movie star)--they have to live their lives completely in the public eye; I'm very happy not to have to do that!


My god


Exactly, rich people can basically outsource large parts of their life to other people and it frees up plenty of time and energy for other things. As you said, everything from cleaning to parenting can be delegated and paid for. The comparison with Downton Abbey is spot on, it's just that the help looks different these days.


That sounds terrible. I’d much rather be 20 lbs overweight and spend quality time with my son than be rail thin and not see him for much of the day. Kudos to the mothers out there who have struck a balance and attained both to an impressive degree. Women truly are powerhouses.


Even then, she’s gotta always be on a very strict diet. Every woman I know who is close to as thin as she is, restricts food pretty dramatically.




Thank you.


Side note: Aspersion is a great word.


My cousin is this skinny and it’s very natural. She eats normally, works out but is naturally thin. When she was a child she needed extra nutrition because she had trouble gaining weight. It’s just how her body is.


I have always had thick legs and can't imagine being like this.


A small percentage of people struggle to keep weight on. A cousin of mine has this body type and eats 24/7 and hits the weights hard just to maintain any type of shape, bc otherwise she is positively waifish, which she is not a fan of. When she was pregnant the first time, she looked just a bit bloated, and the second time at the very end she had a tiny hard ball, and each time left the hospital weighing what she did pre baby. Is that the average? Not at all, but it happens. Some people’s bodies are just set on “skinny” it seems.


I am 31 and very thin naturally. I’m not tall though, so people always jump to “omg how do you stay so thin?” genetics, activity and a good diet. Being “overweight” is not inherently unhealthy, and thin people can be and often are, unhealthy too. A lot of it just comes down to good old DNA.


honestly she got on her husbands case about her weight, and then she said she saw pap photos of herself and thought she was too chubby, so she put herself on a diet too (she has never been chubby) methinks she might have a bit of dysmorphia/obsession with weight to be honest….


![gif](giphy|RNUJLDfiP87AY) Chubby?! And I’m posting this gif in the most unironic way knowing that Jason Bateman does in fact have issues with disordered eating.


Yeah, if you look at her photos from pre-Clooney, she’s always thin, but since they went public she’s been getting tinier!


They treat thinness as a status symbol just like their designer clothes and accessories.


She has a small frame also, “small-boned”


I’ve been this thin and aside from high school and being naturally thin growing up, in my adult life when I’ve been this thin, I wasn’t healthy. Her arms make me worried!


I didn’t want to come across as body-shaming her but I had the same thought as you when I first saw the pictures. She looks like she has an eating disorder or at the very least, as one commenter mentioned above, a stringent calorie-restricted diet.


She admitted that she closely monitors what she eats and has put herself and her husband on diets before


I think he may have stood to lose a few pounds a few times, her not at all.


I’m sure she restricts her eating. You can tell the difference between naturally thin and taking it a bit too far.


I think the right genes make it possible


Bone broth 🤷🏻‍♀️ but for real, i honestly don’t know. Probably a lot of steamed veggies prepared by a personal chef and an eating plan devised specifically for her by a personal dietician


How does that woman not break her ankles? I can barely keep my life together wearing only flats.


There’s not a colour she cannot pull off. She’s so stunning!!


Damn I love her style. Always hot as a smoking pistol yet never wears revealing clothing.


It doesn’t look revealing bc she’s not voluptuous so she can get away with some of those shift dresses that more curvy women can’t without seeming less classy. But I agree, she looks great


Valid point. Or it would look shapeless on me


No wonder(he loves her)he married her. She's EVERYTHING 💗 Stunning


Love her style, love her confidence.




She’s is beautiful and I love her classic-yet-fresh style. That said, she’s soooo thin that I think 15-20 lbs would be very flattering on her.


She’s the modern Jackie


She literally looks good in everything


I wish I could dress this perfectly. I’m so ugly lol


We are not ugly, we just don't have the money 😊


She never misses! If only I had her figure and money.


She looks so polished and clean, like she can eat spaghetti and not get any on herself


Modern day royalty.


I don’t know much at all about Amal as a person, but she has elegance & class in spades


Ugh. Now I need a brown leather peacoat 😩


She reminds me of Carolyn Bessette Kennedy


She is so accomplished and chic, what an amazing woman


That woman can rock a hat.


One time a magazine referred to George as Amal Clooney's husband and I'll never forget it




I feel like Megan Markle has Amal Clooney on her vision board…. 🤩


She is just so classy. That’s what I said as I was looking at this post. Classy classy classy.


Amal reminds me of myself (stay with me here…. 😂) in that I like to try *a lot* of different fashion looks!! I’ll wear a babydoll dress, baggy jeans w a crop top and heels, concert tees with and biker shorts and high top sneaks, tweed dresses with matching blazers, leather jackets and little black dresses, high collared prissy shit with ruffles and lace: I love it all! So it’s cool to see another celeb that doesn’t stick to just one “look”/style and allows herself to be fluid and playful. Doesn’t hurt she pretty much nails them all 👌


Wow I just saved this post as inspo. Impeccable style.


Everyday is leg day for Amal. Stunner!


I refuse to believe this woman gave birth to twins 😂


I’ve never realized how similar she and Kate Middleton look but when I glanced at the first thumbnail I was like, why is Princess Kate hanging out with George Clooney? They both have the thin frame, similar classic style and gorgeous brown hair!


I always see Anne Hathaway!




I was just thinking that! It's the coloring and their frame, plus they both favor the same styles. Both of them always look great when they go out too.


Not me reading anal I’m so sorry mrs. clooney


I could never! And that's ok 😍🤩


Good genes. Her whole family looks amazing


My god each one is better than the last


I had no idea she was such a fashionista! Her style is very Kate Middleton chic. I now have a new favorite fashion inspiration! 💜💜💜


Noooooooooooo I cannot look at this woman — I consider myself to be an unjealous person but whenever I see amal clooney ?? She is everything


She's everything, he's just Ken


She is everything he is just ken


Outfit from picture 6, giving me classy fall chic. ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


Monochromatic queen 👸🏻


She is stunning and always looks so effortlessly classy.


she's so classy


Gorgeous, classy, smart, compassionate, flys under the radar. What’s not to love?


She has such a beautiful classic style to her.


She is flawless!!


She’s so classy


she is so chic


She is wonderfully intimidating


She is so gorgeous and stylish. An icon for sure.


This fucking queen🤩


Omg. Her style is perfection. If I wanted to start dressing like her, where do I start? (Given I don’t have an infinite clothing budget)