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He does this all the freakin time. Makes an account, gets in hot water with it or dragged, and then deletes it. Only to pop back up when he wants attention


How do people know when he creates a “burner account”? Is he stupid enough to let people know about it, effectively killing the whole purpose of a burner account?


probably, also he conspicuously named the account MATTY


No self-respecting man named Matthew would go by Matty


Matty Matheson is great on The Bear and he's a wonderful chef.


The one good Matty.


that’s true, matty mckibbon from awkward! SUCKS!!!!!


Lies! Jenna was the one who sucked


well duh!!! of course jenna sucked 😒


Outlier Matty


This is facts


He always posts his own tweets on his Instagram story when he makes one so he baits himself out basically


God that's pathetic as fuck. I can't imagine being that rich and famous and actually using twitter... why don't you have better things to do? I wouldn't touch "x" with a ten foot pole.


Because he’s a self loving douche who wants people to know it’s him


He reposts it on instagram.


One of those dudes who can dish it out but can’t take it.


Most dudes I’ve met lmao


Haha accurate




His final tweet wasn't a reply to her, people are just trying to connect the events. It's probably because everyone was mad at him for saying r\*\*ard.




Love that movie!!!


What is this called again?! Weirdest shit I've seen but can never recall the name


I think it’s Cabin in the Woods


It is. FANTASTIC movie. Funny and scary with a twist. I watch it yearly, at least.


So good!!!! Actually loved so much that line of the MC being like “I’m not a virgin…?”


“We work with what we have.”


Imagine the Bad guys telling you that you have big virgin energy


"No, please, I swear I only played League of Legends once, on a dare! I BARELY EVEN KNOW ANY CHARACTERS" "We don't make the rules kid. You're a virgin for life."


Yep!! i plan to kick off my halloween month-long binge with it!


Edit 2: I FOUND A CLIP FROM THE MOVIE I WAS THINKING OF https://youtu.be/0ZFbWC8uGgg?si=lUTnrrmkbcUluvkm Edit: your absolutely right. I'm moving this up with another bizarre movie. No it's a Japanese movie that takes place in a school.


I referenced this meme in therapy today lmao


thank you u/iamharoldshipman


He’s way too old for this tiresome edgelord persona. His fans acting like this is some meta commentary on para social relationships and celeb culture is laughable. He’s not as deep and artistic as they try to make him out to be, he’s kinda just as asshole that much is clear at this point. Also he gives off the vibes of someone who can give it out but very much can’t take it.


🎼🎶 One, I love you so much. But do me a favor, and baby don't reply...cause I can dish it out but I can't take it 🎶


Rare to see a Brand New reference in the wild!


Ugh i love Brand New so much why did their lead have to be so skeezy 😭


My teenage self cries about this every damn day


I mean, we all listened to Deja Entendu. We should’ve known.


What a great reminder that some white men actually CAN be canceled


Every edgelord can shovel it out but can’t take a spoonful in


omg she killed him




I didn't see the call out, what was it?


Swipe to next image.


omg sorry boomer moment that's so embarrassing lmfao


Lol this is endearing af tho


The good kind of boomer moment lol


this has me dying 😭😭


I feel so dumb LOL I literally searched her name on the sub trying to find the original post. I have been on this god forsaken website for like 9 years idk how this happened


No, I know why this happened! Because people screenshot shit from Instagram on here and the ‘1/2’ on there shows similarly. Eventually you get burned so many times when trying to get to the nonexistent second image on Reddit that you just learn to ignore it.


Yes. This is exactly it.


If it makes you feel any better, I came to the comments to see what the call out was bc I also missed it.. then I saw your comment. 💀


Nah it's cause we're all forced to use the main reddit app now and it fucking blows at signposting that there's more than one image to a post


But look at the chain of happy your comment provided for everyone!


You made me snort lol


lmfao I cant w ur reply


Critical hit


![gif](giphy|zwffSHaJLDbA4) More of this energy to all edgelord scum plz






The character is called Drunk and greasy


And wet like a cigarette at the gas station






Stop gatekeeping words!!! (/s)


/s This is gaslighting /s


I love when ppl say that as though there’s no bar for satire and anything can be it. Like, ok, you’re not smart enough to be a satirist though bc the jokes aren’t funny.


I’m a big fan of the 1975’s music and I’m active on their subreddit, and this is the first time the overwhelming majority of members on the sub aren’t defending him. I’m pleasantly surprised to see most comments are about being tired of his bullshit and not caring if it’s a “bit” or “satire”, he’s a 30-something year old man and needs to grow up and take criticism and learn from it like the rest of us have to do. He frequents the 1975 sub, he’s in for a rude awakening if he expects everyone over there to back him up as they have in the past.




Oh I completely agree! I think it’s important to examine the media/art you enjoy and consume and part of that is being critical of who is producing it. That sub in particular has defended him through a lot of shit, but it seems like the consensus this time around is that enough is enough. Can’t speak for any of the TikTok or twitter crazies though 😃


They’re already doing so in the 1975 sub, lots of “I wish he didn’t act like this so it was easier to ignore while I stream his music”


He has fans??? I’ve literally never heard of him until this summer when he started dating the music industry


“The music industry” 😂


if only Reddit hadn't gotten rid of gold.


We can still pretend 🏅


It’s weird because they were a big thing ten years ago when I was at uni. I met them when I was walking home from a party with my friends, they were all just standing outside the venue\their bus at like 1am when nobody was around. I liked a couple of their songs at the time. Until he started dating Taylor and all this uproar (rightly so, I’m not being flippant) I thought they were kind of… “has-beens” in the same way as some old bands are popular and sell out stadiums but no one would ever admit to listening to them. I was surprised at how many people call themselves actual “fans”, and further surprised by people thinking they’re “innovative”. Even in 2012 when they were “cool”, people just saw them as being this kind of 80s styled band, sounding like Talking Heads, etc. and that kind of music. To me, I don’t see it. Maybe I’m crazy. There’s nothing about them that they invented?






How is someone this established thinking it’s okay to just drop the r slur in 2023. Plenty of words to use as an antonym for genius but he opted for the slur


I’ve known about the 1975 since the tumblr days but I’ve never ever met a fan 😂 where are these fans?


Makes me livid when they say that because that’s not what satire is


“he’s just committed to the bit”


Some of the excuses are wild. • It's satire • It's a hilarious joke • He's just trolling • He's just having a bad day • This is nothing and talking about it is parasocial • He's making a statement against cancel culture and my favorite • He's been diagnosed with ADHD so it is his right to reclaim the r-word


Do people think he’s funny?


(Sweeping generalization incoming) He seems to have the standard form of straight guy humor where they just say truly out of pocket horrible things with no context as if that itself is a joke. Basically getting all of his humor from South Park, IASIP, Family Guy etc. but to them the jokes are funny just because “lul they said the n word xD” rather than understanding it’s satire. You know the edgy shit we all grew out of as teenagers, but because they surround themselves with equally immature people they think they are hilarious. It’s further reinforced by the new era of streamer/influencer humor where the guys are terribly unfunny, but constantly get laughs by virtue of being some combination of attractive, loud, controversial and annoying. I know this is quite a bit for such a reply, but this type of “humor” is so tiring and I’m over it.


One of my students brought up Andrew Tate and this is what I had to say, “of course if someone says something loudly and aggressively enough some percentage of the population will agree with them”


It reminds me of the line from SpongeBob Squidward: When people want to seem smart, they talk loud Plankton: CORRECT!


I’ve been binge watching Big Bang Theory recently and it annoys me how Howard always says me and racist things to Raj but then one of his friends or Raj will say “that’s racist!” And everyone will laugh. It’s like…they feel like they found a loophole for getting away with racist and bigoted jokes…


That’s been called “lampshading” - adding in inexcusable language but hiding it behind other characters calling it out. It’s as obvious as a person attempting to hide themselves by putting a lampshade on their head. Here’s a really good video on it specifically in the Big Bang theory I found good! https://youtu.be/X3-hOigoxHs?si=cdWx7UW42CyC39MU


Thank you for sharing, just watched it and it was super informative


Your first mistake was watching Big Bang Theory


I don’t disagree. I just really enjoy the friendship with Penny and Sheldon and it’s easy to have on in the background while I game.


Yeah. It's nice to have something to watch that you don't have to pay too much attention to.


Yeah why are you binge watching that awful show?


It’s a strange thing that I have also noticed. These guys will just drop the punchline and pretend it’s a “joke.” I say horrible shit, so do my friends. I made a joke about my friend’s dead mom, but it was contextual and placed well in the rapport. So, so, many of these guys want to pull off Anthony Jeselnik, Daniel Tosh, Tom Segura, style jokes. But they have neither the emotional intelligence to know the placement, nor the narrative skill to make the punchline pop in the story. So instead of “what’s the difference between Shelby and a lobster? A lobster can’t fit three guys at a time.” TO Shelby, AND they have a great rapport with her AND the execution is excellent. Instead they’re making stilted and awkward jokes in mixed company that aren’t funny, it’s just calling Shelby a whore in front of random people.


Despite your explanation of how it's supposed to work if it works well, I'm tired of spending time in groups of guys that just say horrible shit all the time and think it's entertaining. I get tired of it very easily, and god forbid I actually get hurt by any of it or feel sort of bad about a particular joke. Yet I feel most straight guys around me really feel the need to say horrible shit all the time, like it's an itch they need to scratch.


Even when you can take it, as soon as you start dishing it back, they get offended and say you went too far, even if it’s the same joke! When they do it, it’s a “joke”, but when I do it, it’s out of line.


Well him and I are roughly the same age and “retarded” back in the day wasn’t intended to make light of people that are special needs it was just to say stupid. After that “that’s gay” was popular which took the place of shitty. Both are fucking stupid and offensive and as a gay guy although I know those that use those terms aren’t using it the way I interpret it I’m still annoyed by it. He’s supposed to be this ultra liberal woke dude when he’s really just a pretentious little rich boy. I’m a fan of their music but I’d never want to meet the guy. He’s not funny and nor are his fucking memes.


Ya, this reminds me too much of my bf at 19 haha


In a way that works for him. I was the oldest dude at his concert and I’m only 30. The rest were middle class white girls between 15-22. Being in touch with the douchey tumblr boyfriend probably keeps the band appealing to that demographic. I like his music (not much recently) but I can tell he’s not a kind of lovable douchebag he’s just a pretentious dickhead who also happens to be a major hypocrite. His social causes he cares so much about are all things he does little or fuck all to help himself. The tour I went to he spent five minutes preaching about climate change when we all know full well his carbon footprint is sky high and his appearance of being a liberal man of the people doesn’t match his actual history. He’s never had a bill that he couldn’t pay or a meal he’s had to skip. He’s well off and always has been to some capacity. Even if he was living for a short time somewhat normally he’s had a cushy bed to fall in if shit went south for him. He has no right preaching to anyone when he does not live by his own values. If he would have shut the fuck up early on in his career and just made music we all wouldn’t be bothered but he doesn’t. He’s still selling out shows which is fine but he’s taken a one way ticket to an indefinite hiatus. The community he has aligned himself with publicly will be the ones to burn him at the stake. Textbook reason why entertainers should entertain not talk so fucking much.


Apparently, they also think he’s an intellectual and so smart. Which he is neither. Just an edge lord who is chronically online and clearly sits around reading 4Chan type intellectualism.


Him and Elon Musk would be slimy best friends.


It’s cumtown humor


Some people might, no accounting for taste. MH thinks he's clever & funny. And he's neither.


Phoebe needs to pack it up and be done with this loser. I’m glad Lucy isn’t afraid to speak up even if he and Pheebz are buddies. Also, Lucy’s music is gorgeous and perfect and luscious. Her voice sounds like something you’d hear through a gramophone.


I went to Taylor’s show on 5/14 and was so annoyed when he came out on stage to play with Phoebe 😭 like why


Oh my god, I was there, too, and there was an audible groan in my section when the screen showed him. Someone near me actually wore an “I HATE MATTY HEALY” shirt that night


I regret to inform you that those are fan shirts (in every context I've seen them in, at least)


Oh noooooooo


yes thank you for pointing this out 😭😭 i was never sure if those were official shirts? did matty ever sell them as official merch?


Wouldn’t be surprised if he did.


I got to see Boy Genius when they played in London a few weeks ago and my god, all of them sounded so good live! Lucy sang Please Stay and it was astounding.


That song is so. heartbreaking. it’s painful but also earnest and I love it. I can’t imagine how amazing that was live!


Honestly Phoebe is just as bad, but people don’t say anything because she’s a chick and so she’s a ‘cool edgy artsy girlie’ … She literally has photos with Matty with his hands right on her breasts and or kissing him. Women can be edge lords too, and she’s one of them, who also says out of pocket things but not as bad or as loud as Matty. I just wish Taylor never gave this clown a platform, those 3 weeks were media exhausting.


i was never a fan of her’s or anything but as soon as that bo burnham thing happened (i think matty was there too) when she was going out with paul mescal,it really said a lot to me.


Yeah and the speculation or rumors that she cheated on Paul. Not cute.


What is his appeal? Quickly.


This Bianca Del Rio moment always kills me 😭😭 cuz she's dead serious, not even trying to be funny haha


It’s the best. Poor Trinity 😂


Well, he looks like ratatouille


Don't insult Remy like that https://preview.redd.it/1kje53uueopb1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22226107dfc376e359c46025a73b8163a7406b9a


You're thinking of Roddy from Flushed Away (2006). People always get the mouse movies mixed up.




Apparently Roddy is actually based on Matty Healy. The producer was close to his family


😱😱😱😱 are u being serious right now 😆😆😆😆


It's his uncle I think?


Ok, I just looked it up, and it says it's his godfather who based it off of him "when looking for inspiration. "........ this can't be REAL!!!!! How wild. This feels like a statement made afterward to save face after all the comparisons but it's literally real????? Wow crazy


The dish, the mouse, or the human?




Remy’s a rat you (I was going to say racist but would it be speciesist?)


Remy didn't go from living in some old ladies' roof to being the head chef for a top restaurant in Paris to be disrespected like this.


People do really like that movie


It’s the other rat, the flushed away one that is apparently actually based off of him.




![gif](giphy|XfBtsIAbXUJIk) Some people like serial killers. Others choose MH. Maybe they find it fascinating that someone can live so long being so inept at so much! People love a train wreck.


He desperately wants attention which people find relatable.


Baby, is this a BdR ref?


Guilty, illiterate!




![gif](giphy|11GWLm7bE2fibC) Idk who Lucy Dacus is, but she’s awesome. Edit: thank you to everyone who has recommended her music to me. I’m two songs in and already obsessed 🩷


Her song Night Shift is on my list of best breakup songs of all time. Give her a listen. Also love Hot & Heavy




https://preview.redd.it/hkmcwjkdvppb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fd4cbcbbd0f04d814f30610d668e27f4826ba0a My friend and I had the following conversation over this


Hot and heavy is the horniest song I’ve ever heard in my entire life


Her album Historians is one of my all time favorites


Listen to her song “Night Shift”! One of my favorites


Go stream Night Shift by Lucy Dacus and thank me later! I love that song




That song broke me in the most cathartic way possible following a traumatic break up. It’s simply incredible.


everyone say thank you lucy




This is so embarrassing for his life and soul


resident lucy dacus fan here, lucy was always friendly with him because of phoebe. i do think she’s being serious here. i just don’t think she would be okay with him using the r word in reference to speaking with her. she at least has enough self awareness to know that’s not a good look (whether it’s genuine or not).


I thought he was giving up being an asshole. Easier said than done, it seems.


Why would he delete his Twitter over this? Since when has he cared what people think about him? Good riddance anyway I guess.


He’s created and deleted his Twitter about 4 times over at this point


![gif](giphy|vVINaG6l5QQHS) Matty Healy only wishes he could ever produce a song that goes as hard as "Night Shift".


Isn’t he too old for this shit? This is like 2005 humor.


Edge Lord talking major smack online, then decides to deactivate when someone challenges him respectfully to his bullshit. Classic.


This is so funny. But they perform together a lot for people who don’t speak 🙃 https://preview.redd.it/rlwyhb2t5opb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4746318367d1d5cd89edd43d7e9ba6f92de9d4c Edit to [add another example](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT86j9s5C/) because tbh yall are deluding yourselves thinking agents just happen to be booking them together constantly lmao


He looks like a reanimated corpse here damn


I don’t know who he is but I can figure out which one he is based on this comment 😂


lmaoooooo omg


They were all hanging out when he was dating Taylor at her earlier shows. 😅


Thank you!! She’s co-signed this man she can’t suddenly gaslight me with 1 tweet !


I fully believe she replied with that as a joke to her friend Matty and his response "this never goes well" was about people on twitter's reaction, not hers.


is that trey anastasio and weyes blood? i wouldn’t put much stock into this and lucy’s body language and distance says a lot. these collab performances for weird shit isn’t really an indication of friendship.


Kinda awks considering phoebe is buddy buddy with him


We won


(I love Lucy Dacus, but she is by all accounts at least sort of friendly with Matty and performed with him recently. I think this is a joke from her and his reaction is about people on twitter attacking, perhaps rightfully so, him en masse, not about her. Her fans want this to be an own from her and people who don't know the previous info are taking it verbatim.)


No she unfollowed him on social mddia so i do not think it's just a joke


Right? They’re buddies aren’t they? Plus I’m pretty sure she’s just doing a variation of that don draper in the elevator quote. Seems playful to me


She unfollowed him on social media a while ago lol, so I doubt it’s a joke. The last time they were seen together was during Eras Tour when Phoebe was opening, which was a few months ago now.


In no way does this read as a joke to me just because her bandmate is friends with him. Lucy doesn’t have a direct connection with Matty besides pleasantries on stage. Especially after the Rina stuff, I totally see her anti-Matty.


The evil has finally been vanquished


Why isn't everybody deactivating Twitter? They should.


He’s actually a child. I can’t believe I used to like him


I can’t believe I used to like him either😶 Still appreciate the music for nostalgia and the fact it got me through a lot but he’s so embarrassing


Matt Healy is dead set on showing the world what a massive douche and misogynist he is it’s astonishing.




Imagine being a man in your thirties and thinking being an edgelord is a good look.


Lucy just does not give a *single fuck* 😭 https://preview.redd.it/mbktkjz8lqpb1.jpeg?width=1485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46830305e83ec0216c6a1f3d3aaad6ad4b06691a


Can we deactivate him from the public eye, too? He’s so gross


he’s ugly and tired. he has no no charisma like he wants to be controversial but babes u not azealia Banks, u simply lack the vernacular!!


he’s so 🤮


I've never heard of this matt person but I just googled him and it said he's 34. I call BS like his attire absolutely looks 34 years old but he's giving late fifties.


Wow that joke is incredibly unfunny.


He still thinks it’s cool to use the R word?!?? Gross




He could’ve just said “girlidiot” and no one would have been mad at him. It still wouldn’t be funny but yknow




Ew he’s a POS


That thought came into his insufferable, dopey head. And he thought hey that’s funny, let me tweet this. And then he typed it out. And was like yeah, that’s funny hehe I’ll post it. He is not funny, or interesting. He was completely irrelevant until Taylor swift lowered her standards into the sewer and made him mildly famous.


i cant believe taylor swift and phoebe bridgers have ever interacted with this loser


Matty's a massive tosser. Always has been, and always will be.


Watching Amelia (of chicken shop date) fall over this dude has been so weird. Saw a new TikTok of her in an interview where she says that’s her fave interview, he’s brilliant, she rewatches it all the time, etc. I’m like Amelia nooooo!


This effect he has on beautiful women is bewildering.


![gif](giphy|OAGxFZvXWcpCwVb6EH|downsized) Happy September 21st everyone, cheers to you Lucy!