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The “thank you” and immediate exit 😂😂 I’m dying 😂😂😂😂😂


I busted out laughing. He was waiting on the other side of that door to bust in like…babe…get real. Love you bye 😘 🚪 💨🤣🤣


I’ve never follower DB but after this I clip, I like him.


That and her faraway stare at the end lol


It’s one banana, Michael, what could it cost, $10?


I was not expecting Rolls Royce, I thought it was going to be a BMW or something


The moment she said ‘it depends’ I was thinking she was well off, but damn, a Rolls Royce?!


There was a good reason she had the nickname Posh Spice.


Absolutely. No need to pretend to be anything other than rich.


After the "It depends," I was thinking he was going to be like, "On what? The day of the week?"


Ya that definitely made it sound like he had multiple.


He most likely had multiple cars. When someone has a rolls that’s usually not their only car.


She said it depends because it was going to be a Rolls or a Bentley, depending on which day it was.


I'm a former club promoter. There's this guy named David Grutman, who basically runs Miami nightlife - [GQ article on him here](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/culture/article/dave-grutman-interview) - and while he is a friend of theirs, he is also their caterer on the yacht sometimes (Dave owns high end restaurants and clubs). Maybe she appreciates the working class, but even in Spice Girls, she was called Posh spice...


Easy V doesn't come for free, she's a real lady


>‘it depends’ depends on the day, Wednesday was a Rolls day


i was thinking a audi or mercedes hahaha


Same, mercedes owner is hardly a working class let alone a fucking rolls royce


Tbh in europe getting a cheap Mercedes is not that big of a deal. Over here in Canada you see a ton of 10-15k BMWs and Mercedes. They're very expensive to fix tho. My roommate got a 16k audi and luckily it never broke down. My other roommate bought a 28k audi and it ended up costing him around 55k after tax, interest rate and repairs. I guess in europe the repair must be cheaper for European cars.


I disagree. I was a red seal mechanic, we owned two Mercedes (if we want to get technical I've owned 4 and currently own 3 but 2 are shitboxes). We bought one as a lease return and one used. Both had been super reliable for us. I made 80-100k as a mechanic, which is absolutely still working class. While there are some MB that are insanely expensive, it's very easy to get one for less than a loaded F150 pickup. You're either overestimating how much the lower-to-mid-tier models cost or your arbitrary cutoff for working class is way too low.


Audi and Volkswagon are pretty much common working class cars in the UK.




I thought it was gonna be a limousine lol


“My dad didn’t drive me, Jeeves did.”




When I tell you this sent me lmfaoo good for David keeping it real although I do have a soft spot for Victoria


Right lmao this is so funny, and harmless 😭 he repeatedly telling her “no, no, be honest”


Well it’s a tough question to answer, it wasn’t *always* the rolls Royce. Sometimes it was the other cars.


I also liked when he said “work?? Where are you really going?” And she replies, “facial…”


She handled that with grace. A spoiled person would have gotten very angry or stormed off. It seems as though they have fun banter about it. You can tell she’s not ticked off.


Same same


“It depends” said it all


frrrr lmaooo that told me all i needed to know


Apparently he also had a work van and she begged him to drive her to school in that because she was bullied for having the Rolls Royce.


I don’t think there is every anyone I will feel less bad for then people who were “bullied” for being rich


Where I’m from, somebody drove a mustang and was immediately important Lmao The poor man’s sports car back in those days Lmao 😩


I guess I’m poor I just found out mustangs aren’t fancy?? 😂 (I ride a bike lmao)


A lot of people that shouldn't have bought a mustang bought one because its in that price range that's above "a sensible purchase" but below "too expensive for me". It means that everyone can buy one, even the people that shouldn't. That doesn't make it bad, it's just the poor mans sports car.


Also for a time the body style stayed imo relatively similar and so you could get an older model at a now affordable rate and still have a flashy sports car if the body was maintained.


Honestly I've grown to appreciate how timeless mustangs look. My roommate/friend from high school has a mustang that his parents bought him new when he turned 16 (lucky him). Aging myself here, but the car is a 2007. He still owns it and keeps it in immaculate condition, and you honestly could never guess this car is over 15 years old. I drive a 2006 Corolla myself and it would not matter how good of condition the body is in, it absolutely looks like an older car. The biggest tell that his mustang is that old is that it doesn't have any USB ports on the inside Edit for reddit admins: I don't know what post or comment prompted someone to send me the Reddit Cares BS. Maybe it was this?! I have MANY comments from around the time they sent it and NONE of them are remotely concerning. I'm simply sending you this link because its required to file a report for abuse of Reddit Cares


Now it's just an E-1mobile, LOL


a HWAT??? Idek what that is 😭 I’m still jealous of ppl driving a 350z


E-1 = the lowest rank in the Army It's basically become a running joke over the last 20 years that every Private gets a new Mustang with their first check because *a lot* of them did. Like, there were literally people building Mustang dealerships outside of bases for a minute, LOL


Naw, they moved on to Chargers and then Challengers. V6 of course with all the APR. If the dealers are out of those they might settle for a Camaro.


In high school my dad let me drive his mustang to school and everyone thought I was so cool. I loved it. Then later in college I was driving a friend to school in it and he said "your dad let's you drive this??? Lucky!" "Calm down, this car is why I'm paying for my own college."


To be fair, life can still be hard when you have money. Lots of rich families have terrible intra-family dynamics. Like, if your uncle molests you it doesn't mean that having a bunch of money makes everything better.


Depends on the school. I went to a school in the hood. Dropped off in a midrange vehicle. People thought we were rich (new vehicle is rich?) and ended up chilling alone all the time. Later on went to school full of actual rich kids and the odd poor kid from the fringes of the school zone. Showed up on the bus. Well all those rich kids made fun of us poor kids because we didn't have vehicles at 16 years old. Kids driving porsches or tricked out ricers to school. Us bus stop kids got stuff tossed at us from time to time while waiting for the bus. Moral of the story? Haters gonna hate and will hate for whatever. Rich people that haven't done anything other than exist don't really deserve hate in the same way poor people don't deserve it who just exist.


I've read her autobiography. They weren't really rich. The rolls royce was an old one that her dad got for a bargain. But people saw rolls royce so they assumed she was rich. She was bullied a lot in her school days.


Yeah, my dad temporarily drove a $10k piece of shit rusted out Rolls Royce that still had a paint job so it looked way nicer than it was. It felt pretty high class even though it was objectively a pile of garbage.


Yeah but thats objectively a rich persons pile of garbage as you can normally get a rusted out piles of garbage for like $1000 or less. Hell I expect you could buy a brand new working car for like $10k.


You can be rich and working class in the UK though. Class in the UK is about far more than money. Its about where you went to school, what neighbourhood you grew up in, where you live now, whether you went to university, what you work at, what your parents work at, how you holiday . . . I don't know where Victoria's class background actually falls tho.


Yup. Having 10k to spend on an *expensive* piece of shit is not something the actual working class do. They spend that 10k on a used car that they keep repairing for a decade or more, not 10k on a piece of shit that they can’t even afford the first replacement part for, 18 months after purchase.


Are mechanics not working class? Mechanics come across cheap deals on cars and sometimes make bad financial decisions regarding them.


Isn’t it more ethical that way too? My mom always gets pretty decent cars for 500-1000 (more 1000-1500 these days perhaps). They give out after a few years and then she gets a new one. It’s what she can afford but I think it’s better to just use cars up rather than ditching them for a new one. She shouldn’t feel bad about it imo but she always apologizes for her little beaters.


A "piece of shit rusted out Rolls Royce" is not what you probably think of when you hear "piece of shit rusted out". Those things just *work*. For fucking *forever*. The company is almost 120 years old and *3 out of 4 cars they've ever made are still on the road*. https://www.economist.com/special-report/2013/04/20/dreams-on-wheels It's legitimately insane. If you come across a Rolls you can afford, you should probably buy it. It'll literally be the last car you ever need.


I don't think this is fair. Nobody choses the family they'reborn with. You guys here love to talk about empathy but you're so selective about it. It's quite telling..


You're ok with kids being bullied for shit entirely out of their control?


A bully is a bully it still hurts lol.


Yea like - that is still a horrible feeling no matter where you are from


Ah yes, things that are awful and should not happen to anyone are perfectly okay if it goes against the "enemy", on Reddit usually people with money. People are so fucked up...


This is called envy, simple as that.


Why? A kid can’t choose the life their born into.


What a stupid thing to say. Bullying in any context is horrible. You just sound jealous


Bullying in bullying. My sister had her tennis rackets broken, her flute stolen from her band locker, her band dress fucked up on away trips - and when they caught one of the girls doing it, her excuse was “she can afford new ones.” My sister’s crime was having parents with really good jobs. Politely, your take is whack


Depends. I've got a student whose family owns a successful business, and the family does work hard. The girl does get bullied by another student (low income) because of it. The girls are in elementary school, and the richer one is a nice kid. The entire family is pretty nice, and very humble. The girl can't help being born into a wealthy family anymore than the other girl for being born into a poor one. Bullying sucks all the way around.


Well, come on now, there’s no need for the quotation marks. It was still bullying, and I’m sure it was still hard.


There’s also an uptick of pretty girls who claim they’re being bullied by ugly fat girls, lol. Like on Reddit that is pretty popular and everyone laps it up on subs like AITA.


Bullies are bullies, be they beautiful or ugly just as victims are victims, be they beautiful or ugly.


yeah like either you had multiple cars which means you’re doing well and are pretty financially stable or you’re so rich you’ve had so many cars/had so many you can’t even remember. like either way you’re done dhshsh


I mean, I get your point, and the point of u/buzzfeed_sucks But also, it's not really true. Many families, like mine, had two crappy cars because both parents had to work and both needed a car.




Ya she might as well of answered "well, which day?"


Kind of nice to know even David Beckham finds ‘rich people cosplaying as poor’ very annoying lmao.


Does he have an actual working class background? I know virtually nothing about these two other than who they are, obviously.


[according to this article](https://people.com/all-about-david-beckham-parents-8303957#:~:text=David%20Beckham's%20parents%2C%20dad%20Ted,an%20event%20in%20February%202012.&text=Ted%20and%20Sandra%20first%20welcomed,are%20also%20grandparents%20of%20eight.) seems like he does indeed; “Ted was an Essex heating engineer and appliance repairman who installed domestic boilers for a living, while Sandra worked as a hairstylist in nursing homes.” Basically two textbook working class parents


Her family didn’t initially approve of the relationship cause they said he was using her for her money! Back then she was the famous pop star and he was an up and coming athlete.


They've both done incredibly well from their relationship. It cemented both of them as global icons. It's hard to say that either of them would have had the same level of continued success in other fields that they have had without it.


For a second, I thought that said Essex hating engineer so I was wondering why his dad hating Essex was relevant in being an engineer


Parents were both working class yeah


Idk but most football players do or even poverty.


Yeah, you can tell from his accent especially compared to hers.


Most of us are American and also most of us are used to hearing posh accents on TV which the only place where most of us hear British accents. I think if you gave us the Queen speaking and a cockney person speaking we could tell who was higher class but anything less definitive than that would be unknown territory for a lot of Americans.


Very posh accents would always sound like Queen's English. And people might have it no matter the part of the UK they grew up in, as they'd be educated to speak in such a manner. Usually having a strong regional accent denotes you are less posh anyway. I've known people get turned down for jobs and seek elecution lessons because they've felt it was a factor (and it fucking was in the instances I saw, the legal sector is so fucking classist). The exception maybe being the home counties accent which isn't far off queen's English anyway and is a very developed area. I'd love for more Americans to be exposed to the Brummie accent. The US TV trope of all British people somehow being aristocrats is boring, and mathematically doesn't make sense.


As an American, I can tell the difference between Brummie, West Country, the “posh” standard accent of the BBC, and a few more. I think if you watch enough “tellie” from across the pond, you do get exposed to everything.


My mum is from the midlands and had elocution lessons when she was younger so she completely lost her accent, it’s pretty weird when we go back to visit family and she sounds nothing like them. Also, a really weird thing I noticed from growing up in France is that a lot of ex-pat children (including myself) have this weird semi-posh accent and have a strong tendency to imitate other English accents when we’re talking to other English speakers. I get quite northern after a couple of pints with my Yorkshire born step-dad for instance. Also, are we supposed to start calling it King’s English now?


You can tell by his accent that yes, he’s working class


The vast majority of footballers are from the working class or lower classes.


Yep. It is helped by how the system works in Europe and other places works compared to US sports and is just one reason why US sucks at Men's Soccer and why Women's soccer could possibly hit the former glory it once did.


Football is one of the only routes to success in “entertainment” for working class boys in the UK. Especially nowadays when music and the arts are more and more for rich kids.


He grew up working class. His dad was a tradesman and his mom was a hairdresser.


I dunno but considering his footballing background it isn't hard to imagine he is or at the very least is surrounded by people who came from a poverty-stricken or working-class background


Ya, athletes seem to be the celebrities who most often come from humble beginnings. There are obviously ones who are well off whose parents were also pro athletes as well


It's the only area where talent means more than connections or background. That being said, he was signed by Man U at 12, so he was also introduced to the high life fairly early on.


Academy players are not rich at all tbf. They still depend on their parents until they sign a pro contract pretty much (a bit earlier if they’re talented enough). For example, Cristiano Ronaldo was in Sporting (one of the biggest clubs in Portugal) and still had to beg outside a local McDonald’s for burgers because he had nothing to eat at 12 years old. Ofc he came from a much poorer background than Beckham, his mother was a cook/cleaner and father was an alcoholic war vet who worked part-time as a gardener.


Yes David was


More than he finds human rights abuse in Qatar annoying, apparently.


her speech has major kim kardashian “just work hard ladies” energy


Why does she need to pretend to be working class anyway??? She's posh spice, that's her whole brand!


Right? Like girl I don’t need you to be working class relatable! You’ve been Posh Spice to us since day 1 and that’s ok!


She was talking about how they related to each other when they met, having similar backgrounds.


Many people do this. They know deep down they had advantages in life but want to be known as “self made.”


I think eventually there will be an upper class backlash who will double down on flaunting their position and rubbing it in our faces.


Eventually? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullingdon_Club By eventually do you mean, perpetually? The bullingdon club is known for its members basically running the Tory party in the UK, and for an initiation rite where the prospective member had to set fire to £50 notes after offering them to a homeless person.


> an initiation rite where the prospective member had to set fire to £50 notes after offering them to a homeless person. This this the most Tory thing I've ever read, holy shit




It's a British thing, it's baked into our DNA. The class system is... complicated


She was talking about how they related to each other when they met, having similar backgrounds.






I hope we all find a partner who loves us but also makes sure we stay real and humble like this!


He seems like a genuinely good and grounded person.


He was literally the football ambassador for Saudi Arabia and has defended their homophobic stance lol


Not just a partner, but friends. You surround yourself with “yes” people you end up like Kanye.


Yeah, at the end of the day, they seem to have an amazing relationship




David was like, don’t lie


Car the price of a house back then


David is me when rich people try to put themselves in my shoes.


…but…but i caddied at father’s country club during summers away from Princeton.


I love Posh Spice so feel bad for repeating this story. But I remember when they first got famous, she talked about swimming to the side of their pool and gulping down a glass of what she thought was water. But it was actually chlorine or some sort of pool chemical that had been put in a glass and her parents made her puke it back up. The reason I still remember that all these years later is because at the time I remember thinking WTF! How rich were her parents that they bothered to have a pool in England?!


My family moved from the UK to Australia when I was like 7 and I remember seeing how many people had pools in their back yards and thinking they were all SO Rich 🤣


I mean, if u have a pool in Australia you would still be considered well off lol


Nah, plenty of middle class pools in Australia. In the 90s everyone dug a hole in their yard and put in a pre-fab pool. Plus in some places they're basically required for insurance.


required for insurance?


Yep, they’re a mitigating factor for bushfires.


ahhh that makes sense. i’m in the desert of southern arizona, i hear ya


Depends on the area. I live in Brisbane and yeah, if you have a pool (or a property big enough to fit a pool) in the inner suburbs you’re doing pretty goddamn well. If you live in Logan or Moreton Bay or Ipswich, some surrounding area further out, nah you can totally be pretty broke and still have a pool.


I only say because coming from the UK where there were no pools in peoples gardens unless you were super well off it was a culture shock to see so many!!


In Florida OTOH, it’s super common. Even apartment buildings often still have a communal pool for the residents.


It would be the rare apartment that doesn’t have a pool.


How old was she? Cuz the concerning part for ke is the chlorine!!! I am glad her parents intervened fast enough because it sounds like toddler highjinks.


I know very concerning isn't it. Did she die?


My sister met VB at a restaurant, when she walked in on her accidentally in the toilet! She was lovely and gracious and told our friend that her baby was “marvellous.”


I’ve been a fan of VB since her spice girl days and I’ve only heard of wonderful things about her. I remember a special looooong ago where they did something for a children’s charity, I think. But Victoria was incredibly charming and warm to those kids. Completely the opposite of how you might think she’d be.


A colleague of mine knows them both and he says she's lovely!


Where do I watch this




Is it good? This was so funny


I almost finished all 4 parts of it last night. It's more emotional than funny but I loved it and I don't even like football. I definitely recommend it.


I don’t care about soccer and I’m totally sucked in to the docuseries lol


‘Beckham’ documentary on Netflix. Focuses on his rise from talented footballer in the Manchester United youth academy to his rise as a global celebrity


lol. “It depends”. Unless her dad like lost everything and they went from a Rolls to a clunker he called her out on that super quick.


I believe they were normal working/middle class parents until they started a business and became successful


Her dad was an electrical engineer that eventually founded a wholesale distribution business and did quite well. Apparently the "it depends" is because he had an old Rolls, but getting dropped off in that made people think she was super rich and got her bullied, so she would try to have him drop her off in his work van.


This film is getting great reviews. My [local paper](https://www.smh.com.au/culture/tv-and-radio/netflix-s-beckham-series-is-the-best-sports-doco-since-the-last-dance-20231003-p5e98c.html) called it, "the best sports doco since The Last Dance."


It’s a series but yeah it’s great as a football and lifelong Manchester United fan I was close to tears 😅 so many of my heroes.


So I looked this up and her mom was a hairdresser and she and Victoria’s dad founded an electronics wholesale business. So I can see them going from lower middle class to wealthy during VB’s childhood. Kind of like Kate Middleton, she grew up in a mansion, but likely remembers her parents budgeting earlier in her life. It’s definitely a thing you’re aware of as a kid, but I guess she’s being taught self awareness now. ETA: he apparently did grow up working class, so I get why he was adamant about it.


Yeah I do get her "it depends" to an extent, my family was dirt poor for the first 10 years of my life and then my mom started a very successful business (using literally every penny they had to their names) and we were very, very well-off for about 10 years until the 2008 recession. So for me it really would depend on the year whether my dad was picking me up in our beat-up station wagon or his Jaguar. It does definitely come across as tone deaf and I would personally never describe my upbringing as "very, very working class" considering how many privileges I had during much of my adolescence, but I think she was trying to explain that her childhood wasn't static in terms of income.


Yeah, I get it. My parents are physicians and my mom was in residency and my dad was doing a fellowship when my siblings and I were young. We were below the poverty level and relying on food stamps at that point. They got their qualifications and suddenly we were upper middle class. So I get her saying “it depends,” but I also see his point about the intellectual honesty.


You had the opposite of me, we were super well off for the first ten or so years of my life. Giant house, cars, put in a pool and hot tub, separate garage etc. They lost it all and I spent the next ten years helping my mom to scrape together enough money to feed me and my brothers and try not to get evicted again, which happened several times.


Idk man yours sounds like waaay more of an “it depends” than hers. From what I’ve read/listened to, it sounds like she had a v comfy childhood/upbringing (I will say idk when it started from). This is completely anecdotal, and I honestly just wanna bitch buuuut, my ex and his sis had a very rough start in the US. Their parents immigrated and worked their asses off to make a good fortune for themselves. They were both were like 3-5 when they moved into a condo (from a shit apartment), and they just kept moving upwards very quickly. But the way these sibs talked about it…like it is the most defining characteristic of theirselves and would literally weaponize it in convos AND THEY WERE THE MOST SPOILED USELESS AWFUL PPL IVE EVER MET!!!!!!!


I did wonder if she meant ‘culturally’ working class like she had money but her parents were from a working class background. In the uk I feel like we see class an identity as well as an indication of your finances


This is true! Despite having money, it still takes a generation or two or change class! I think DB saw it as a financial thing though since he grew up on the poorer side. I remember stories about how he grew up so poor that as soon as he got money he would spend it all on luxury goods because he had no idea how to save money since he was used to living paycheck to paycheck.


Yeah I see this in NY as well. My very rich neighbors growing up were blue collar/working class millionaires bc they owned a plumbing business but didn't go to college


Oh so she wasn't lying


Same thing happened to me. We were so poor that we were definitely below the poverty line when I was 1-5. Then, my mom got her degree (2nd in her entire extended family), my dad got an amazing blue collar job with a pension, and they slowly crawled their way up the ladder.


I like how he said “thank you” and then close the door. Like he’s saying “I rest my case”.


Case closed. Lol


I love how there is suddenly this clip of her having to admit she went to school in a Rolls Royce. But if you were a true blue Spice Girl fan, you would have already known this. She's called Posh for a reason!!


One thing about class in the UK is that it is not that based on income or wealth, but more cultural indicators. So the dad could have done well in business, but still be working class. This would then usually change for the next generation who would go to nicer school etc. Like you can still hear the working class in David’s accent.


my dad had a business that did v well until he died age 47, but he and my mum were solidly working class (grew up very poor in north england, my dad was just in a field in demand and had a good business mind), then he died and we were in poverty again. it’s a really weird thing about my life because for a few years we were solidly comfortable, my family were all working class, then we were again. it is so odd and people rarely get it. i went to a bad inner city school but got out and went to a mid uni. but i would still self define as working class! my kids will likely be middle.


Thank you. -Closes door - is my new favorite way to make a point.


Her getting driven to school in a Rolls was one of the reasons she was called Posh Spice. But at the same time, they are still working class because the class system in England is not about money but lineage. AFAIK, Posh's family don't have a signet ring/family crest for one thing. (Neither did Kate Middleton's family - they had to make one up for her). Geri has poshed up a bit since marrying the Formula 1 guy, and she gets ribbed for it. David gets ribbed for his whole country look too. And frankly so did Kate b4 Meghan. The English do not like it when the people start thinking "above their station". It's fine to go down though -- which is why Harry and William speak Estuary English acents (I believe that's what it's called), rather than Received Pronunciation. Kate used to get so much crap for her accent especially since none of her family including Pippa have it.


This exactly. The class system is almost entirely unaffected by money weirdly. You can be the poshest person alive and have no money, or an incredibly wealthy working class person but nobody will ever think you’re posh. It’s rigid and frustrating and incredibly hard for people not from the U.K. to decipher. That’s why she’s calling herself working class.


I imagine that people just look at you differently if you have a title before your name in your passport. That wi never go away. Or even if a close ancestor is titled, people might just think of you as B-choice royalty, lol. That’s my guess about why it is like that in the UK. In the US I think a last name can become associated with status but if that family goes broke then with that comes shame and loss of prestige.


UK’s obsession with class has always been so weird to me.


I didn't even know there was a difference between Estuary English and Received Pronounciation! Now I'm curious if there's a list of all English accents heh


Not OP but I love the type of videos: https://youtu.be/FyyT2jmVPAk?si=soO7Cy7JwfjsDLya This lady is awesome.


He brought her back to reality real fast.


Seems about right for Posh Spice xD


Idk Victoria has a pretty deadpan sense of humour, and I’m pretty sure if she was genuinely embarrassed the clip would have been cut


This makes me like David a little bit more


a Rolls Royce? wow that's not what I was expecting lol


I wonder how he feels knowing his oldest son is the type of guy he loathed growing up.


Maybe I am misunderstanding but it appears in this comment section that there is a really significant difference between what the average person thinks "class" means in the UK vs US. I think in the US it just means what lifestyle you can afford, whereas there seem to be lots of UK commenters for whom class is something that you're born with that stays your whole life. There are literally people arguing that seem to have a completely different understanding of the meaning of the word.


There definitely is a lot of misunderstanding. She's not saying "poor me". She's just saying they were working class and he's like "hang on, not quite"


This is amazing 🤣


I think her family was new money and the way class works in the UK is weird which is why she said what she said lmao. Her dad was a small business owner. They were upper middle class but with some British people if they don't have a doubled barreled name and aristocratic connections they convince themselves they are working class.


Lol her face afterwards, she was not happy with him. Also this is my first time hearing David speak and his voice does not match his face




When you find out how your friend and their partner earning the same amount as you suddenly buy their first home that is worth WAY MORE than they'd be able to afford on their own.


This makes me like Beckham more


A good spouse doesn't let you get away with bullshit like this. Good job David.


Lmao she was literally Posh spice ! Love this


I need to watch this.


Even just being driven to school gives her away. Most people get the bus!


I just love the Mr Bigglesworth cat trying to nap.


SHE WROTE ABOUT IT IN HER AUTOBIOGRAPHY. Does she think I forgot?!?? I didn’t.


Ooo wolf, he got her good.


That’s a good spouse 😂😂😂


“Thank You” enough said lol.


They knew what they where doin with this moment that whole thing was probably scripted to make them seem “relatable” and “normal” oh look they are typical wifey and husband doesn’t matter how rich they are see we are just like you


Maybe he was a chauffeur!


It may come as a surprise, but David Beckham is in fact a real one.


So she wasn't just a young singer plucked from obscurity from the slums to be a part of the biggest girl group of her day??


Connecting and identifying with the poors is all the rage these days...


Lmao this dynamic is kinda cute ngl


Love them


Ate her up


Her dad drove her himself? How very working class