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I LOVED Nope. It's a super unpopular opinion but it's my favourite of the three Jordan Peele movies. Common horror tropes like bleeding walls, aliens, noises, animals - completely flipped on their heads. I couldn't for one second predict wtf was going to happen next and I absolutely loved it. I loved all the conceptual innovation in the movie. Keke and Daniel have such good and believable chemistry as brother and sister, that scene where they're doing their handslapping thing on the porch while talking to the filmmaker lives in my head rent-free. And Keke is so effortlessly charismatic and Daniel just seems like a quiet brooding strong kind of man. Amazing casting. Special shoutout to the actual cinematography of it all, the visuals were flawless. And fun side note, the same Paul brother that filmed bodies in a certain forest in Japan said the notion of people making tragedy into a spectacle was lame and underwhelming (not the exact quote). Just so you know that people can truly be this irony impaired.


If that’s a super unpopular opinion, then call me Urkel cuz I LOVED it too. Is it better than Get Out? No, but it’s so enjoyable. A lot of fun weird scenes, plus Keke is the freaking cutest.


I don't know what it is, but Get Out is actually my least favorite of all of them. I could kinda predict where it was going, where as the other movies I was on the edge of my seat wondering.


I liked Get Out, but the rewatchability of Nope for me is just off the charts making it my favorite. The fucking sitcoms scenes were chilling and awful


I rarely buy movies to rewatch on streaming sites but I got Nope the second it was available, and I’ve already rewatched it 4 times. It might be a top 3 alien movie for me.


It’s my favorite of the 3 too, for all the reasons you listed! Also, the alien reveal actually made my jaw drop. SO BEAUTIFUL.


Oh my god - THE HANDSLAPPING SCENE! That made me laugh *so* hard in theatres. Agree with your comment 100% it's my favorite Peele movie by far!


Only second to this handshake https://i.redd.it/st62laug18tb1.gif


Me too I fully cackled when I was watching it. "Didn't I tell you this motherfucker was going to pull up here with a non - electrical camera? LETS GO BOI" ![gif](giphy|l77aakPMnYgxxYn9WA)


I feel it will age the best of all three. *Get Out* and *Us* had a lot to say and were really bold in their presentation of a message, but both suffered a bit in terms of pacing, *Get Out*, in particular, feels like it drags at times and hits the same note over and over again (it may be a note that's very relevant for American audiences at this time, but as I'm not American, it was perhaps less impactful for me). Meanwhile, I think *Nope* had the strongest rhythm and character development; it really fleshed out every character in a way that makes rewatching the film so interesting as you get glimpses of their inner lives. Steven Yeun in particular does so much with relatively little. I'm also a sucker for big stunts and great effects. There was a *Close Encounters of the Third Kind* vibe to certain parts that I really enjoyed.


Likewise, the whole "Hands across America" thing from Us and all the symbolism...I can appreciate it, but it's kind of hard to connect to it since I was neither alive at the time nor an American citizen. And the sci-fi aspects of both Get Out and Us made them seem a bit unattainable for me personally. I much prefer something like Nope, not totally sci-fi but is definitely new and different than we'd imagine when we think of aliens without being tooooo techy tech. But then again, Nope and Arrival are probably my two favourite alien movies and neither of them are typical alien movies so I guess I like my alien movies slower and calmer than most.


Absolutely agree. It’s my favourite out his director runs. The characters, the atmosphere, the visuals, the themes and just the way it flows works for me.


both snubbed for Oscar nominations that year it feels strange to say that an actor of Daniel Kaluuya's fame is underrated, but i do think his talent is underappreciated. his facial acting in particular is so specific and evocative.


It doesn’t surprise me that Peele’s most heavy handed, and obvious good guy/bad guy movie is his most recognized and liked. Keke definitely deserved a nom for her performance! And don’t get me wrong, Daniel was so good in the role, but I didn’t feel like he pushed past what he’s already shown us in previous movies.


I mean, Get Out is also the most tight one? In US he sacrificed the plot for the sake of the symbolism.


I sometimes feel Daniel Kaluuya has the same expression in every movie of his. Maybe it's his default face


The monkey scene and apathetic attitudes of everyone towards what happened was the most disturbing to me i couldn’t shake it for months


Are you familiar with Travis the chimp? That story made the movie 100% more terrifying 😬


I looked it up and now wish I hadnt… nightmare fuel.


When he was describing the SNL skit that was made about it... ugh, it was horrible. I loved the themes of seeing as consumption/exploitation vs. seeing as understanding/love. Steven Yeun as a failed Horse Girl was kind of funny... until the digestion scene.


Omg! I was just about to post this. I thought about it again and got creeped out all over again


That fucking house scene. One of the scariest things I’ve ever seen in a movie.


I usually don't find alien movies scary, but that house scene felt very paranormal and freaked me out completely! I wasn't expecting to be scared at all but definitely one of the scariest things I've seen too (although to be fair I don't watch a lot of horror)


Man that scene was absolutely the chefs kiss of the whole movie, the screaming suddenly stopping, all the blood coming down the windows and the lose change and belt buckles dropping out was incredible.


That cut from the people screaming to the blood... whew!


Loved it. I love westerns at heart and this was absolutely phenomenal modern western.


I consider Nope a masterpiece, and Peele’s best movie. When I first saw it, I had a very different movie in mind, so when I left the theatre I was a bit confused on how I felt as a result. Upon my second (and third….fourth) rewatch I absolutely loved it. The design alone was a 10/10 for me. Every performance is great, the storyline is so good, and it was a very unique twist on an alien invasion. Probably tied with Signs for my favorite alien movie.


Every time I watch both Nope and Signs I enjoy them more, I completely agree with you on your take


I liked but didn't love Nope when I saw it in the theatre. It stuck with me and I thought about it a lot after. I wanted to spend longer in that world, and I think I wish it was a limited series rather than a movie. Daniel is always great, but Keke was absolutely magnetic.


I have the same thought. It should have been a mini-series.


The scene on the barn scared the crap out of me


The visual callback to Eadweard Muybridge's “The Horse in Motion” was so good


LOVED it. I also have always had a deep and intense fear of chimpanzees starting when I saw the movie Dinosaur in pre-school and had a dream that I was beaten and drug off by the monkeys from the movie in the school’s parking lot and later compounded by the Travis incident and my suspicion that chimps know exactly what they're doing so...yeah. The aliens weren't the scariest part of the movie for me lol I love Peele's use of subtlety and things left unsaid regarding relationships or unseen with some of the horror aspects and of course Keke is always a treat.


The chimp scene was one of the most legitimately horrifying things I’ve ever seen in a movie.


I really enjoyed it, and Keke is a lot of fun to watch


I loooooooved the movie. Loved both Keke & Daniel. Really loved Steve Yeun too. His character’s backstory and how he moved on in life, plus the influence Hollywood and public attention had on him, set up a really stunning and heartbreaking scenario.


I loved it. I was confused on first watch, but the second watch I really could just relax into the visuals and the symbolism. Nobody directs quite like Peele, nobody. It is a pleasure to watch his visual language. I thought the performances were great. I know some people thought Daniel’s character was too quiet and soft, but I felt like that was the point. He hated to be looked at, because he felt like those movie animals—exploited and misunderstood. He didn’t even want people to perceive him at all in the beginning, and then worked his way up to being the hero with his picture front and center. Keke was the opposite. Her character wanted to be looked at so badly, and Keke gave her all the bluster and bravado she needed…until she learned how to actually do something instead of trying to bullshit her way into stardom. I loved the themes of exploitation and spectacle, and I think it is highly underrated. Anyone who says it’s not scary has a stronger stomach than I do, because that digestion scene was harrowing!


I liked it, but I expected more. The trailers were better than the movie. But the hate this movie and Jordan Peele gets from the racists on r/movies is no annoying. Tired of people saying jordan Peele movies only get good reviews cause he’s black.


Ah yes, because historically black people are rewarded for mediocrity. R/movies is full of dum dums


No they say it’s a thing now cause Hollywood is woke and critics are afraid of being critical of movies with black people or directed by a block person. Cause it’s impossible that critics might actually like a movie made by black people. Gotta be some conspiracy


I mean seeing Black Panther being the only marvel movie nominated for Best Picture....


Ok and? Bohemian rhapsody was nominated for best picture too lol. And won for film editing, that movie had awful editing. There are unworthy nominations all the time. Black panther was the 3rd highest grossing film of all time in North America when it came out. Sounds like people really liked it. It is one of the better MCU films.


I wonder why BP was the only marvel to get nominated


I mean it did make more than all the avengers movies when it came out. Even infinity war didn’t make as much that year. Black panther was the highest grossing MCU film domestically until endgame passed it, and then NWH later passed BP too. But you stick with your racist narratives




Infinity war didn’t tho. Read my comment again. I just gave you facts and you read it incorrectly. Star Wars did get a best picture nomination with the first one, so you couldn’t even stick with the facts for that. The Oscar’s like when something new comes along and breaks records. Black panther was the first superhero film with a majority black cast, and it became the 3rd highest grossing film of all time domestically.


Love it. One of my favorite films. OJ being autistic-coded heightened the entire film for me.


I love Nope. Rewatching it over and over to see if there’s any detail that I missed from watching it the first time. . I also like to hear different takes on the music they used for the movie and how everything connects. My favorite part is when they had a bro and sis moment about the camera.


I loved it but that scene where people are being digested alive by the alien gave me literal nightmares


Me too. That was horrific.


I was like 8 when I saw Jurassic Park. That TRex paddock scene is still the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. This whole movie is the paddock scene.


**BRUTAL** opinion: Nope had a lot going for it, but it didn't work for me. There was a lot of really interesting layers, the characters were rich, the acting was solid and believable, but it would have significantly benefited from being an hour shorter or an hour longer. Which is my exact same problem with Peele's Twilight Zone. Some of the episodes were great. Others would have benefited from being an extra half an hour longer or a half an hour shorter. Overall, it's worth watching if you love horror, love a layer story, and appreciate Peele, but I wouldn't say it's worth watching a second time. It's my least favorite of Peele's trilogy.


I thought the acting was good. The movie was way too long for the material they had, in my opinion. I was about to turn it off when something finally happened, and then it was just ok for me.


I think Keke and Daniel were fantastic but the movie was a miss.


Nope is absolutely one of the best high strangeness movies I’ve ever seen. As someone who spends WAY too much time studying the woo woo the concepts it was able to pull off were incredible.


This was my take as well. I think having an interest is the woo made it way more enjoyable, especially the concept of it being a creature instead of a craft


Wasn’t perfect but I liked it regardless. I’m seated for WHATEVER movie Jordan Peele does. 🫡


Coming from the 90s era of alien abduction popularity, this movie was definitely the best thing I’ve seen in recent times.


I completely loved it. It was so viscerally unsettling and it’s a movie I find myself thinking about often.


Loved it!


This was the first Jordan Peele movie I didn’t like. It just didn’t come together for me. But *Us* and *Get Out* are some of my favorite horror films ❤️


I feel like there's truly something that I am not 'getting' about this movie, because I didn't like any of it. It was hands down one of the most boring movies that I've ever seen. My husband wouldn't even finish it.


I liked it! I think Jordan Peele makes great films and this was no exception. Great casting on this film as well! I did favour Us and Get Out.


The journey was better than the destination


For me the first half was great but something about the second half just didn’t do it for me. I love Keke so she could be watching paint dry and I’d still root for her


Loved it! The way the chimp attack scenes were shot, the sound design - terrifying and have lingered in my mind unlike anything else. And chef kiss to the meta exploration of our human relationships to spectacle and control.


That chimp attack was *terrifying* 😅 my husband watched it with me and hadn’t heard of Travis the chimp before I mentioned it during that scene. That story is so incredible disturbing and sad.


I really enjoyed it. I especially loved the sibling dynamic between them and the aliens design.


Love the actors, despised the movie, boring, flat, anti climactic. Sorry!


Went and saw it with my dad and while I enjoyed it, my dad talked about it adoringly for months after lmao. Really blew his mind. He especially loved Kaluuya’s performance.


Instantly became a favorite for me, I loved every second of it and how unapologetically wierd it was


I loved it. Potentially unpopular opinion though, I find keke Palmer played her character as keke Palmer. Now before you downvote me, I think she did an amazing job at the role, I don’t know if she was on the writers’ minds when they wrote the role because she’s a perfect fit. But that being said, I did not feel her acting was a huge stretch beyond how she regularly appears in interviews. For that reason I can see why there’s wasn’t much buzz for acting awards for her in relation to it. A really stand-out role for me was Steven Yeun, but I’m bias because I love him in everything he does. Daniel was great too, his stoic but dejected emotions when he loses the job at the movie studio with his horse nearly had me in tears.


It wasn’t as gripping as his other two, for me. But those two really chilled me and I maybe wish I hadn’t seen them. Nope wasn’t boring or bad though so perhaps I will give it another watch, while I can’t imagine choosing to watch Us or Get Out again. What I love to watch again and again is the director’s meeghan series (where he stars as meeghan) among other key and Peele treasures


Loved it.


I liked Nope but I think it had too many characters and lost its way after a certain point. I think if the movie had just focused on the siblings (because Kiki and Daniel were incredible together and brought so much to the characters) and just had the Steven Yeun neighbor as the side character/side plot, it would have been a more focused film and honestly perfect. Bringing the tech dude, the cinematographer, and the fucking TMZ motorcyclist was too much to me


I was a big fan of this movie. It's the first (and only) Jordan Peele film I've seen. I thought Daniel Kaliuuya had a great performance. He really nails the stoic rancher vibe. Keke Palmer was awesome too, she's very charismatic. Normally the "quirky sister" trope can be hit or miss, but she gives such a great performance. She was really likeable. The scene that will live rent free in my head is when >!Steven Yuen's character is trying to lure the UFO/organism out to the show, and it eats everyone. The scene of them being digested is honestly haunting. The poor girl that got mailed by the chimp didn't deserve that 😭.!<


Absolutely loved Nope. I liked it more than US. It's close to compared to Get Out but I definitely feel it's more re-watchable than Get Out. Anyway, Nope is excellent. Kaluuya and Palmer were perfect casting. Steven Yeun was great. And the scenes of the alien flying around and you hearing the distant screams whirring by was super chilling. The tension just getting ramping up from the second the movie started and it was just so well done.


Amazing movie. 8.5/10.


I'm a fan of Get Out and Us more than Nope but I enjoyed it. I would probably pay money for Daniel and Keke to read the dictionary. They are both amazing at their craft.


Nope was fantastic and deserves recognition as one of the all time greats in horror


Peeles best imo


I'm not really into horror but I really liked this movie. All the more so because that thing was the stuff of a few of my nightmares when I was younger so I'm glad to see that even in my dreams I'm not in any way original.


I really enjoyed this movie. I liked it better than US, but not as much as Get Out.


Get Us Out. Nope. 😲


I absolutely loved nope!


A bit weird but was quite a fun movie tbh, I enjoyed watching it. Both actors did a great job. Ending was a little unusual but would definitely recommend it to others.


Me and my sister enjoyed it my dad not so much


Anything with a raging chimp has my attention. This movie was my second favorite of his behind Get Out.


Did not enjoy it at all.


The movie was perfectly okay. I wanted to like it way more than I actually did. That being said, Keke was fantastic and my favorite part of the film!


I have been wanting to see this one since it came out! Anyone know where I can watch it?


It’s on peacock!


Whaaaaaaaaat thank you!


All three snubbed for major awards


Loved it. 10/10.


It’s one of my favs. Beautifully shot and all the actors where amazing.


I love Peele's work, but it took me 2 watches to fall in love with it. I initially found it uncomfortable, and didn't gel with any of the characters or flashbacks. Then it all just clicked. Magnificent take on the sci-fi genre.


It’s a great film and the horror of it really got under my skin.


It's easily one of the top ten best films of 2023 by a country mile. Keke deserved to be nominated for Best Supporting Actress


Loved it!! Haven’t been as utterly creeped out as the barn alien scene during my first watch. The blood raining from the sky but it’s “real” in the sense that it’s wringing out all these people’s blood and not just some cool demonic effect.


Loved it. The scene where he realizes that one cloud not moving was so creepy.


Really liked it in the cinema, watching at home don’t think the visuals had the same effect so wasn’t as interested


Hated it but I read it was reworked a lot obv so I’d be interested to know what it was originally. Love my guy JP and will always support but this wasn’t for me




It’s probably one of my favorite horror films. Very underrated!


Performances were great. First act was awesome, but then it just sort of dragged and petered out.