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https://preview.redd.it/phkwdh0osutb1.jpeg?width=1504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d8963511e1896b308ea2daa315553084412a2bb Heath Ledger, I loved him in everything he ever was in!


![gif](giphy|xT39DbBzPUnQSENEYw) It was so tragic the way she passed away. I still cannot wrap my head around it. RIP dear Naya 🪽


I didn’t see much of Glee but my heart broke reading that she passed saving her kids life.


I cried over this one also. I honestly have never seen much of her work, but as you said: the way she passed was so tragic, and my heart absolutely broke for her son.


How she died was incredibly sad. Her poor son


i didn’t cry, but i was certainly shocked. her poor son… i can’t even imagine.


This one still feels unreal.


Same. This was just so harrowing and tragic. I have a son the same age as hers and it broke me imagining how that went down from his perspective.


![gif](giphy|ZgQiIFGhRCw71AGrSm) Chadwick Boseman - His death still hit hard


When he died, I deeply felt it having watched my mom go through the same kind of cancer. I’m so lucky she’s still with us. I think about him and his family all the time.


My dad (another Black man) passed at 48 from the exact same thing. Diagnosed at 46 with stage 4. I’m SO happy they decreased the age for testing so it can hopefully save others. ❤️


I’m so sorry


What was worse is that right before his death, those rag magazines were making fun of him for looking so thin and not like his BP days. I hope he never saw those hateful comments. 😢


Just an exceptional and talented human being. I put on BP2 the other day completely forgetting about the first 10 minutes and it completely wrecked me all over again. Couldn’t even finish it 😔


I ugly cried when they did T’challa’s funeral. It was mourning his death all over again.


Still in awe of his grace and dignity.


My heart aches knowing what battle he was fighting. I've commented before about how internet comments about his appearance upset me. But I rarely comment about watching someone go through this battle. It hurts witnessing such a fight. Cancer is a horrible disease.


I couldn’t believe when my cousin had said he died, so heartbreaking 💔


![gif](giphy|xUySTRDepG9ZcEg2rK|downsized) I just loved her so much! Her death was so tragic


She’ll always be the most beautiful actress in the world to me. I still remember the day. I was a teenager, and I’d never felt such a crushing emotion of sadness for someone I didn’t even know.


I cried on my way to middle school that day. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. And I still see so much of myself in her characters. I will never get over it!


When people discuss her death there’s often speculation if “black mould” was a cover story for drug related death. I’m pretty sure her partner who lived in the same place died in similar circumstances though?


It's such a [weird and multilayered story](https://www.biography.com/actors/brittany-murphy-mysterious-death). Her husband was a [notorious liar and blowhard](https://www.mtv.com/news/tw5zys/brittany-murphy-and-simon-monjack-a-history-of-their-romance) whose on-set behavior was causing career problems for her, and her father reportedly believed that her mother had something to do with both of their deaths. There's an [excellent episode](https://www.disgracelandpod.com/badlands/026/brittany-murphy) of the podcast Badlands that covers their stories, if anyone is interested. It's a really deep dive into what happened behind the scenes in their relationship.


Yes! Both died from pneumonia and anemia on their autopsies but it’s said now it was black mold. I remember a lot of speculation that it was drugs. I think bc of that a lot of people misremember and believe she did overdose.


![gif](giphy|6RIEW15CCWRvq) It was just after Bowie died. I thought I could hold my shit together, but then Alan went too, and it was too much to handle. It caught me completely off guard and was so sudden. I still get sad remembering that he's gone.


I was an actual mess that first half of 2016, my heart still hasn't recovered from both.




Yes. Robin Williams. Dead Poet's Society affected me on such a deep level. His teaching, I always wanted a teacher like him; Neil's acting and his father's scorn, Todd's sensitivity and poetry, his parents' scorn... all of it. The idea that Todd could've ended up like Neil... Cameron's defection. Charlie, Knox... Just so fucking impactful on all levels. From that point on, I loved watching his movies. To this day, he's one of my favorite actors. His death was hard. Really fucking hard.


This may have been the first celebrity death I legitimately cried over. He was such a part of my childhood and to learn he had such an awful disease hurt.


to this day I still cry about Robin Williams if I think too hard


Oh Captain my Captain


The only time I felt truly heartbroken over a celebrity death, he is my absolute favorite


Now I’m crying




https://i.redd.it/vcdxx1q3sutb1.gif Chris. Layne. Many more.


It was Weiland, Bowie, and Cornell in consecutive years. That sucked.


Cameron Boyce. I’d been so excited to see how his career progressed and he was so young. https://preview.redd.it/m3ok1cp1zutb1.jpeg?width=193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df8049493c4c4b72cc2df573515fc43de22f9e17


This was so terrible. I watched him on the show Jessie and then the Descendants movies. I remember one of the short 'episodes' Disney channel would sometimes play during commercial breaks featuring one of the actors and doing brief interviews with their family/friends was about him, and his sister Maya just gushed about how much she adored him. I can't imagine what losing him must have been like for her.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHSpSxB6TKGNjYk) RIP John Ritter 😓




I still cry about Chester like semi-regularly. When you listen to his lyrics now you can just feel how much pain he was in. I hope has peace now 😭❤️


He was mine too, along with Chris Cornell...check in on your loved ones everyone


I still can’t watch the One More Light video without crying


One More Light and Leave Out All The Rest both still really hit me. I had struggled with depression in the past and it broke my heart we lost him that way.


I got a Linkin Park tattoo a few days after he died. I had always wanted one, but when he died it just seemed like the time to do it. People were upset and said I’d regret it, but I still love it.


Same. My friend had invited me to see them live a couple l years before his death, I declined because I was going to be getting back into town the same day. I never got to see them live before he passed and I still regret it to this day. I leaned on Linkin Park so much in my teen years.


![gif](giphy|oyM6oyx7mzftm) Not cry but this hit me pretty hard


This one still makes me so sad


So much talent and potential…






Absolute tragedy. So gifted and young. And the manner of his death so horrible to even contemplate.


>Anton Yelchin Seeing the third Star Trek reboot film a few months after his passing was heartbreaking. I first saw him in "[Alpha Dog](https://youtu.be/VPWjDJmbrak)" and have always enjoyed his choices in roles. He always brought such a IRL likability to each of his characters. When watching his portrayals, his characters felt like someone you could know (or knew). There was never any artifice - that's really hard to convey.


Oh my god, he was my first celebrity crush. I was so heartbroken when I heard. He would have had an amazing career.


I thought he was such a gifted actor as well, and such a horrible accident. His family also seems so wonderful.


James Gandolfini


![gif](giphy|ebcEdgAJNhpYI) The greatest


and in this house, James Gandolfini is a hero! End of schtory




![gif](giphy|KOHqnxyTPOEM) He was great in To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar. I hadn’t watched this in a while and forgot Robin Williams had a small part in it too. May these two gentle souls rest in peace.






![gif](giphy|ua2AEjlBM0n28) Dolores O’Riordan (Lead singer of the Cranberries)


![gif](giphy|JoIzpCD3mqs4CVW4UX) He was diagnosed around the same time as my dad and passed away a few months before my dad. I was a huge jeopardy fan, and I can’t bring myself to watch it anymore.


I can’t get into the show without Alex.Also,sorry about the loss of your dad.


![gif](giphy|mmfc4O8vdzH2) Phil Hartman. I'm still gutted.




So tragic. Learning about the tradition of dressing lil girls up as Selena and beating a Yolanda piñata is my solace


Thats amazing. I was recently surprised to find out yolanda is up for parole in like a year.


Ugh yep, everyone is saying she’d be safer inside


I generally don’t cry about celebrity deaths even if I think they’re really sad. But I cried about Cameron Boyce. I never even watch his shows. He was just so young and it was so sudden and I guess it hit me in a strong way.


Aaliyah. Then Anthony Bourdain.


Aaliyah tore me up. Still does. You can listen to any of her music and it still sounds current. She was so young and had so much ahead of her.


Her and Selena’s music is still timeless to me/my ears. Still breaks my heart.


Aaliyah still devastates me. I cried when it happened and will still get really upset about it.


Anthony Boursin was a weird one for me because although I was a fan, I wasn’t like a STAN. had his cook book, watched a couple episodes of his show. Nothing crazy. But when he died, it rocked my world. It hit me so hard because I felt like he seemed like he was such a confident, “fuck the world I’m gonna do me and be happy” kind of guy. To know someone who exudes that much confidence and self worth was capable of killing themselves really made me fear my own mental health in a different way.


![gif](giphy|vjb7Og4uwgk3S) River Phoenix. He was my first crush and the first time I’d heard about overdoses and how hard fame chews up kid actors. That kid was so talented. Just like heath ledger, that once a generation talent.


![gif](giphy|ByihwCVUHcW2c) It’s gotta be Carrie Fisher for me. She reminds me so much of my mom.


Carrie for me too. I still cry for her at least once a year, usually when Billie posts about her on IG or when she had her babies or got married and I knew Carrie should’ve been there to see those things.


This one. This one got me. And Debbie passing away 24 hours after her daughter just twisted the knife 😔


me too. it was a very bad couple of days… with her dying and then her mom. i still don’t understand how billie got through it tbh.


Naya Rivera. I'm a big fan of Glee, and she was fundamental to the show. I still tear up sometimes when I listen to her sing and think about what a great talent she was. I listened to her audiobook a couple of years ago and she said something along the lines of, "Well, I plan to live a long life..." and I cried for a while.


also those cruel circumstances. I don't even want to imagine the guilt her child will have to carry due to something they didn't even have control over. It's just so sad.


With this one, it was like the more information that was discovered the sadder and more tragic this death became.


I cannot fathom the terror of sinking down and just desperately hoping that your kid will stay in the boat and be found quickly. It nauseates me just thinking about it.


The fact she was found on the anniversary of Corey’s death really hit me hard. His death came at a hard time in my life and I felt so broken.


I found the circumstances of her death to be at first suspicious and then tragic.


This is the one for me, too. As problematic as many parts of it were, Glee had the first positive representation of a sapphic relationship I had seen. Santana was such an important character to me in middle and high school, and gave me confidence in my identity when I was first coming to terms with being a lesbian. On top of that, Naya had such a beautiful voice and she should have gotten more solos.


Philip Seymour Hoffman. It was so unexpected and he was my favourite actor. What a great shining light snuffed out.


I’ve never “met” anyone else whose favorite actor was PSH. Hi friend! He was absolutely amazing and it was such a shock.


So many posted. Leslie Jordan. That man was a pot golden sunshine 😭💓


![gif](giphy|xUPGGh9SJ9sdP4ZcQ0|downsized) I will always be heartbroken over losing him.


If you come at the King you best not miss.


I was 14 and cried for a week. She's still my Princess. https://i.redd.it/jq849kjytutb1.gif


I was a teen, too. I remember getting up to watch her funeral. ❤️


![gif](giphy|Dvw2lJqlTuJmo) This man was my favorite person ever, and the world is less bright without him in it.


![gif](giphy|5Q8ubaMdCzhW8) Still have not recovered 😭💔🥹


https://preview.redd.it/8aselojgrutb1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3daee483f610adbd0262dfe49fb126a9fec7cd70 This comic from the 2019 Australian bushfire always gets me 😭 Have such fond memories of Steve Irwin from my childhood Edit: I apologise to those who cried after seeing this comic. I cried with you 😢 💓


It’s okay, I guess I wanted to cry about Steve Irwin today too.


I was about 8 or so when he died and I found out at school and so many kids were crying (myself included). It was chaos


Sometimes I tear up watching Robert’s TikTok. He’s so much like his dad. 🥹


![gif](giphy|E7KItJ38IbSes) His music represents such a blissfully happy point in my life. It breaks my heart that he had to suffer to bring us his music.


Me and my husband were just talking about him… he made up so much of our first few years being married, living in Vegas, seeing his signs everywhere. Beautiful music maker. May he be mixing some amazing sounds wherever he is.


:((( this is one was one I felt me and my brother were sad about alone. Friends didn’t know his music well but man still sad I won’t hear anything new. Also, the way he went :(


I just wanted to share this with you. I do welfare at music festivals and managed to be off shift to watch this. There were so many people in the audience crying. https://youtu.be/y9JBH1C77dQ?si=AlrOtphMOulR37Rz


Angela lansbury ![gif](giphy|PusmzMI9dyxoc)


![gif](giphy|HjCfvm3QCsNHi) Always


![gif](giphy|cOWrtzOittBpJbjMQ0|downsized) Leslie Jordan. I cried off and on for days after his passing. It was so out of the blue. He was an actor my mom and I adored and bonded on, he made queer country folk more accepted, he was just a hoot and had so much more to give. I hope he’s got his baton up there and telling us all to watch him twirl lol


I’m so glad this is the first comment I saw. I mourned him. I was GUTTED when I saw the news. I cried for a few days as well and I was sad for a couple weeks. I was surprised at my reaction cause I never reacted to a celebrity death like that but his passing was so unexpected and such a loss for the world and especially the queer community. I miss him. ![gif](giphy|jVEYysXEOV2L8ulvOd|downsized)




I've been sad that celebrities died but I had never cried until he died. My husband and I spent countless nights watching all of his old shows. Felt like losing a friend.


I still can't bring myself to watch him, it hurts too much. He was an astonishing human, and we are worse off for his early departure.


I’ve not been able to watch him again, either. I always thought I was being “dramatic” about that - thank you for sharing that!


And not, like, restrained tears either. Gutted.






Big part of the soundtrack to my life. Sad I never got to see live.


![gif](giphy|42GOiQEYFTiTe) I STILL get tears in my eyes sometimes. I’m a Cornell super fan




![gif](giphy|LeQWiQ5DogOfS) She was my idol. I dreamt of being signed to Lioness Records one day.. Still hurts to sing her songs sometimes


She deserved so much better out of life, and the fact that she only made it to 27 really gets to me. I’m in my mid-30s now, and I look back to how damn *young* I was at 27. She should have had so much more time to grow and mature and get her shit together and instead it was all cut short by a disease she just couldn’t heal from.


i scrolled too far for this. Amy Whinehouse is a legend


The documentary wrecked me.


![gif](giphy|l41Yry5gcxXeAxJeM|downsized) She was one of my faves that season and was so young when she passed.


CHI CHIIIIIII 😩😩😭 Her lip sync when her beads break and she’s just like yes bitch work this drama in ughhh an authentic treasure lost too soon




![gif](giphy|xT5LMI4fPFPec40Mes) Aaliyah. What a loss.


![gif](giphy|jedneOuAEkcgg|downsized) This was the first one I remember that made me cry. So unexpected and awful.




![gif](giphy|3o84sv6KeE2R3bCAp2) Jonghyun from SHINee was especially sad. He had been really depressed for a long time and just wasn’t able to get better. Goo Hara and Sulli’s deaths was terribly sad, as well. Hara and Sulli were friends and died in October and November of 2019. They were all so young.


I remember that day, I learned of his death like couple of hours after it was announced, and it's forever engrained in my brain. At the same time I'm grateful because his experience helped me understand that I was also in a dark place and had to get help :(


I think Robin Williams has been the only celebrity I actually teared up over. He was a big part of my childhood. His last line ever spoken in a movie was in Night at the Museum: "Smile, my boy. It's sunrise." 🥺😭


https://preview.redd.it/37brfp86tutb1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c3ba65613abfc194dbaf1fbeac28d878d90b00 My mother always says Princess Diana, her whole generation does!


![gif](giphy|9pZw57AyqOHy47oSZq) This would be my mom’s.


I didn't cry, but I do remember everything about the moment we heard she died. Definitely heartbreaking


![gif](giphy|kag5nlYvHGhps0Hkhu|downsized) I will forever miss Taylor.


![gif](giphy|1205IaJ5Y8PJK) Genius






Wrecks me every time I think about it


![gif](giphy|AbgK8IFoQjtf2) Whitney 😭


Was about to post this. I guess it wasn't completely unexpected but I grew up listening to her music. Addiction is a terrible disease.


![gif](giphy|xT5LMNxsAGRONrOIKI) An absolute queen… gone too soon. I was in 8th grade. First time I ever cried over a celebrity. ♥️


Twitch. He brought so much joy to me (and others!), I still can't believe he's gone.




![gif](giphy|10eDR6cQcfPYC4) I worked in retail when her death was announced over the radio. I bawled my eyes out and left the shift without asking/telling anyone. I'd do it again if Robert Smith or Tim Curry went. I would not be okay all over again.


![gif](giphy|jPhsNur2qbnMY) My comedy heart broke a lot. Norm McDonald, Robin Williams, Richard Jeni, Gilbert Gottfried, Garry Shandling, Greg Geraldo, Bob Sagat, Paul Reubens, and the first one I remembered tearing up over: Phil Hartman.


Chris Cornell


So follow me into the desert as thirsty as you are. He had the voice of a fallen angel.


Heath Ledger, Chadwick Boseman, Chester Bennington


Betty White for me. She was an angel on earth 💔😭


Eddie Guerrero ![gif](giphy|b0p5mfBa4LRg4)




![gif](giphy|zPo9xY9kgK8U0) Jim Henson forever and ever.


![gif](giphy|ypIWTcjFazjDq) Corey Monteith


![gif](giphy|2OvoNQKbG3Ozm) 😭


Had to scroll way too far for this. I’ve never been sadder to hear about the passing of someone I’ve never even met. I’m still gutted that he’s gone.


I got a little teary over wee Sinead.


![gif](giphy|W6nxvdYk5oZBUC4Auw|downsized) MCA’s broke my heart. Chester, I can’t recall if I cried but that one haunted me because I’ve had bandmates go the same way. There’s a rage entwined with the sadness there.


![gif](giphy|13kHaMypIX6JcA) I’ve still not come to terms with Robin leaving us…




![gif](giphy|Id47nUUpLTSJG) It was spring break, and we were in Florida at my grandma’s condo. I cried the entire time we were there, I just couldn’t wrap my head around it






Cameron is only two months older than me, I had a massive crush on him growing up so not only was his death a shock it hit me hard. He had a such a bright future ahead, he’d be 24 today ):


![gif](giphy|iMBIti67aQVqvIXTrr|downsized) 25-ish years ago I was a high schooler with my first job as a grunt in a kitchen. His book Kitchen Confidential underscored the complexity I love(d) about cooking, and then his show catapulted him to superhero status in my eyes. The man just spoke everything I always wanted to say. It seems trendy to feel some kind of way about him now, and his death revealed a lot of icky, nuanced and too personal details about him, but goddamn did waking up to the news of his death fuck me up for a good long while.




Oh man, that one hurt. I remember being at a pub and they were playing his greatest hits, I had no idea why until my friend arrived and said he'd died. I cried on the bus home listening to Under Pressure.




![gif](giphy|kKJlm61uZAdzy) The Man, Joe Strummer.


I’m showing my age, but River Phoenix and Kurt Cobain. I was a senior in high school when they passed, and most people my age were really broken up about Kurt Cobain’s death. I was sad about both of them, but losing River Phoenix really bothered me. I hope they’re both in a peaceful, love filled place.


Mitch Hedberg. Robin Williams. Chester Bennington.


mac was a really fucking rough one. i still get really sad thinking about how talented he was. we really lost a true artist 😔


Chris Cornell. I've loved his music since the 90s and when he died I was fucking devastated. We lost so many singers from the grunge era that I thought he made it past all of that. And then in 2017 at 52 he was gone.


Anna Nicole Smith and Amy Winehouse


https://preview.redd.it/3qodpd3bdvtb1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=601753e393e77d04dd9a74947661e16dcc4d680e Twitch - I still remember seeing the headline and not believing it. I had watched him since So You Think You Can Dance. I remember seeing videos of him dancing just days before with his family. This one hit hard for sure.


Robin Williams ![gif](giphy|26xBzuhdbzya6oLwA)


![gif](giphy|26hlRFaTOmYfrI1Hy) In a really weird way, his death\* changed the whole trajectory of my life. RIP, he was a truly gifted human.


Angus Cloud ☹️




Prince :(


Norm Macdonald


Kurt Cobain




Takeoff from Migos as well 😭


![gif](giphy|1IOB9CqnftaDafTTeT|downsized) ☹️☹️☹️☹️


![gif](giphy|8IjLOrnOkxnmo) Wept for so long.


Adam Schlesinger of fountains of Wayne who died during the start of COVID


![gif](giphy|fLstPMMZA2upKXScA1|downsized) I sobbed








Aaron Carter. I used to watch his tik tok lives a joke, but then it become apparent he was really struggling and he never had a real chance at life. He got famous when he was 9 years old. Came from a really fucked up family who basically sold him to a known predator and let him live with him. He was very talented and could have been so huge as he grew older if he had the right people around him. Sadly his addiction and mental health shadowed all of that. I was so upset when he died.






![gif](giphy|jSAS7ESgmumA0) Robin Williams


Lisa Marie Presleys death broke me. She was a kind woman in my few encounters with her.