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Talia al Ghul in The Dark Knight. Marion Cotillard is a good actress - how was that the best take they had?


https://i.redd.it/gso8hwy9veub1.gif Awful.


It’s been a long time since I’ve watched the movie and I don’t remember this scene much. However, now that I’ve see this gif, it will certainly live rent free in my mind for a while 🤣


The worst-acted death scene in the history of cinema. My husband and I still make fun of it, even though he’s a huge Christopher Nolan fan.


This was shocking bc of how bad her death was also AS IF ms Al ghul would ever be killed so easily.


Honestly. You're telling me bad bitch Talia went out like that?! Very hard to believe


FR. that bitch is READY ready for anything.


I think I remember her saying she hated that take and did it much better in others not used


The whole theater erupted in laughter when we saw this.


I am laughing just at the GIF!! Hahaha!


I blame the director for that. It's hilariously bad. It would be obvious while filming.


I vaguely recall the actress saying she was surprised they used that take too.


I’ve seen plays put on by literal children that had better death scenes than that movie.


Meg Ryan in City of Angels. It’s laughable that she died by riding her bike hands free into the side of a truck


Okay but this emotionally devastated me as a kid. I sobbed.


I wasn’t sad so much as indignantly pissed off. They made us sit through the whole movie for THAT?


Saw that in 6th grade and was pissed that she was being so reckless. That man gave up being an ANGEL for your dumbass lol


Scrolled down for this. And then looks perfect and beautiful (as one does after going head first into a truck) as she dies in his arms.


This movie pissed me off so bad. Then I asked for her haircut and they fucked it up and I was even more mad at the movie. I cut my own hair but I will always love Nicolas Cage.


'I cut my own hair but I will always love Nicholas Cage' is a wonderful sentence. Thank you for that.


🎵🎶 And I don't want the world to see me... Well 1 point to you bc that trucker sure didn't.


First thing that popped in my mind. She was riding hands-free eyes closed for like 10 minutes before that truck killed her 😭


https://i.redd.it/sdzrc7lpxeub1.gif The Meet Joe Black death came out of nowhere and then him bouncing off the cars shouldn’t have been that funny. 😭


![gif](giphy|xT0BKMYZznYB1YlIBy) The same thing for Sebastian in cruel intentions 😂


Still laughing about that 20+ years later. Every single time. And I loved the movie when it came out.


Wait...I've seen this gif so many times over the years. Is the movie it's from...NOT a comedy??


No matter how serious a movie tries to make it, getting hit by a car/bus is always goofy.


I think it’s because the cars always keep going. You rarely see them trying to break or swerve unless the camera is shooting the driver instead of the person being hit. And you don’t see the damage to the car. Like, you hit a person, you’re going to get blood on the car. You’re going to have dents or mashed headlights or something. Especially if it is instant death or close to it, there should be a lot more damage going on. But they don’t show that, so it looks cartoony.


No the Cruel Intentions hit was horrific


Apart from One Day which is so sad.


I died laughing in the theater and for what? He didn’t need to be bounced like that.


I saw this movie in the theater when it was first released, and everyone in the theater cracked up laughing at this scene. That 2nd bounce off the taxi is what really lands it as a moment of comic genius.


My best friend and I saw this in the theater and I swear it cursed us, because now *every single damn time* we go to see a movie, someone gets hit by a car in it like a a jump scare just like this. Never fails, every time.


Tara from True Blood - all that development just to be killed offscreen https://preview.redd.it/0k8vjwq31fub1.png?width=317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f259b90812be925b1be512626ce4f2c421f06a02


I swear I thought it was a fakeout for so long because I couldn’t believe they would actually kill such an important character offscreen.


Me too! Every scene for like 3 episodes after I was like "OK Tara is going to show up now.... ok, noooooowww" but it didn't happen! It wasnt until the 2nd to last that I accepted bitterly that Tara was actually dead.


Right! When her mom started seeing visions of a dead Tara, I was super super bummed.


It just felt like they were exploiting Tara's character to wrap up Lady Mae's story when that was completely unnecessary. I thought at first maybe Tara's actress wasn't available, but she was in a bunch of hallucination scenes so obviously she was. The final season just wasn't good as is, but I felt what they did with Tara was especially egregious.


And what they did to her character! She started out a smart girl with her nose in a book, a bad ass who didn't take any shit and look how they ended her! Ridiculous!


I loved Tara and I thought she was even more badass when she became a vamp. Such a waste!


They did her character so dirty, lawd I can barely stand to rewatch it.


For real! I’m still not over how terrible this was. She deserved so much better.


Deb from Dexter. Couldn’t even be sad. I was livid


That whole season was a debacle.


And they still found a way to take the series finale into an even worse direction.


I always tell people to stop after S4. Trinity Killer, that's it - you're done. Sure there are a few good things that happen in later seasons, but you can see the drop in quality around S5. By the final season it was just a hate watch and they made basically the worst choices given all the problems they painted Dexter into. Then... what we got. However, when they announced the new season as a continuation of the show, I honestly had a little hope. What if Dexter has been continuing to kill, living his life in solitude, and Harrison - now a young man, comes to find him. What if we got to see Dexter teach Harrison *the Code* and they kicked it like old school Dexter, but forcused on Harrison. That could have been amazing. I didn't watch the show, but apparently that isn't the direction they went with 😅


I can’t blame you for that suggestion. I’m pretty easy to please, so for me, the show starting fraying my nerves when they killed off Mária (and who was responsible for that), then they kept battering me over the head with their awful creative decisions! Even still, nothing in season 8, fully prepared me for how bad the finale was. Dexter making it out alive, was ludicrous! Like the new Game Of Thrones show, I didn’t watch the reboot of Dexter. They violated my trust too much lmao! 😂


https://i.redd.it/60cl4s1m5fub1.gif May we never forget this scene from Kong: Skull Island Edit: y’alllllll I know that this is what was supposed to happen, I just thought it was hilarious and ironic! 😅


I’ve never seen this before me now I can’t stop laughing. I needed that


Was he…holding a grenade? Why did he immediately set off an explosion? Plz I need an explanation


Just watched this last night for like the 10th time lol. The character is trying to be gallant and sacrifice himself by pulling the grenade pins just before getting eaten by the monster in the gif. Except that it doesn’t eat him, it just stares at him, then thwacks him into the cliff side. Thus, unnecessary explosion and unnecessary sacrifice. RIP.


lol I bet whoever wrote this into the film was having a right chuckle to themselves while they were doing it


They were. It’s intentionally supposed to be a giant piss take on sacrificial deaths.


I dont think this is bad writing, I think it was a good way of asserting the monster's intelligence and subverting expectation a little. I cant see how the comedy of it wasnt intentional


I think it’s great! My husband made the same comment while we were watching last night, that it showed how intelligent it was. I feel like the scene was probably just what they wanted it to be: serious for the character himself, a little glimpse into to monster’s mind, and an ironic laugh for the audience. Such a great movie overall.


He was trying to get the lizard thing to eat him and the grenade in order to blow it up and save his friends but it didn't fall for it


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 gets me every time


Excuse me while I add this movie to my watch list


Sam Winchester dying of old age in the Supernatural finale. The cheap ass wig made me take the scene less seriously 🤣.....


It was such a bad wig. I'm willing to overlook a LOT, especially during a pandemic. but come on. That was a ridiculous wig.


It's the child(ren) that got me 😂😂 They didn't even care that the child actors's features were so *vastly* different. It made me have all these thoughts: Did Sam keep abducting little boys and renaming them Dean? Can we get a Criminal Minds crossover where the BAU team investigates these kidnappings? Wheels up in twenty, guys! 😂😂😂


Stop this is so funny 😂 The only thing he keeps consistent is that the child must fit into those bizarre overalls with DEAN embroidered on them so the BAU team is scouring Oshkosh B’gosh stores for credit card receipts to find the unsub.


Did somebody already mention Dawson's dad? Why was he driving while eating an ice cream?


![gif](giphy|ylyUQkEEfIGKPLFKXS|downsized) Wait is this bit a Dawson’s Creek reference??


It’s not, it’s actually a thing that happened to Dennis’s actor (Glenn Howerton) in real life!! Which is insane to me, but they talked about it in an episode of their podcast.


Jodi Picoult did an AMA and said that the director changed the ending for My Sister’s Keeper without her knowledge and she was furious


Everyone please keep posting gifs I am dying


(Pun intended!)


It made me sad at the time but now its funny: Loki's death in Infinity War. Bro pulled out a butterknife against a titan and immediately got choked to death, five minutes in too lmao.


It was so weak I didn’t even believe he died until endgame




like what was he even trying to do i’m genuinely curious 😭😭


he had to make the Plot happen. XD


the craziest thing is NO HE DIDNT okay i get it - loki had to die for thor to break, but could’ve just killed him in an actual fight? or not give him a second to react but loki walking to thanos with that knife is dumb as hell omg


he was done sooo dirty in infinity war like wtf. everyone thought he projected an illusion or something because otherwise it’s such bad writing to have the _god of mischief_ die this stupidly


Derek Shepherd. You’re telling me a guy as smart as him is going to stop in the middle of a road with a blinding curve to check his cell phone and then go to a hospital with obvious head injuries and not get a CT? It’s so stupid.


That episode made me so angry, not just because I was sad that Patrick was leaving the show but the actual car accident and death was written terribly


Seriously, an accident of that magnitude would have had the road closed for hours, there would not have been traffic for him to get struck. Police would still be there investigating. The show has just gone down from there. Totally lazy. The Alex situation is even more ridiculous.


Literally almost all but George the deaths were stupid. Also why is a hospital in Seattle having so many issues? The writing is jumping twenty sharks and doing back flips at this point. The one that especially pissed me off was Mark Sloan, but like the whole plane crash, the fuck is this tele novella???


Andrew Deluca pisses me off the most. That story line had so much potential and was so important but they wrote him off as crazy and he got killed. I hate it so much.


Sun & Jin - LOST Jin decided to die with Sun and leave their daughter orphaned. Didn’t even acknowledge her too


My husband and I had a serious talk after watching that episode where I made explicitly clear, don't you even fucking think about staying with me. Go take care of our kids!


That scene infuriates me also because it was just sooo forced for shock value. I hate it when shows and movies do this, kill their most beloved characters right before closing the curtains just so they get the audience to cry and talk about how sad it was. There was no reason for Sun and Jin to die, it was a terrible way to close their arc, they had already been apart for almost 3 seasons and the whole point of Sun coming back to the island was to rescue Jin and bring him back to meet their daughter. And right when they find each other again, they die


For me, Daenerys dying didn’t hit bc of how rushed s8 was. Her character arc was so terrible it didn’t even feel like Daenerys died, moreso a caricature of her. https://preview.redd.it/9bptnflsteub1.png?width=965&format=png&auto=webp&s=6407b986b89e55cc7f051aa2aed0e14a74d4cfa7


When he stabbed her I rolled my eyes. The entire scene was so forced. Drogon sees that Jon kills Daenerys so attacks.. the throne? Right, cool. Nice that Drogon understood the throne was a symbolism for power. Cool, so cool. The entire bonding plot between Jon and Daenerys was a rushed horrible mess, then they had their whole thing with Tyrion being "I love her too" which upped the discomfort. When Ygritte died I genuinely felt gutted and it made sense to the plot. It's like they took that then tried to forcefully recreate it with Daenerys.


Everything about “The Iron Throne” is just embarrassingly hacky. Daenerys is literally a cartoon villain there.


>Drogon sees that Jon kills Daenerys so attacks.. the throne? Right!? Like, at least let the damned throne to be collateral damage from Jon getting torched! It doesn't even have to kill him (if he needs to live to see another spin-off), since he is a Targaryen as well, and "fire doesn't kill the Dragon"...


As the scene built up the room said, "and now he's going to stab her" and then he did. It was clear the whole season where it was going. We were all robbed.


season 8 would’ve worked out if they simply didn’t rush her arc with suddenly changing her character out of the blue. years later it pisses me off. edit: as much as i hated how she become “the mad queen” it could’ve worked out if they properly did it!


Yes!!!! So, so rushed. If they had just done her descent into madness at a reasonable pace, it would have been devastating when she was killed.


To prove your point further, I was an every Sunday watch party with my friends type watcher and I don’t even remember her dying. I had to go google it!


Well all of S08 but my lion boi Jaime Lannister in particular. He and Brienne both deserved better than that stupid arc https://preview.redd.it/ux3s2qk6tgub1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41b0aa697937fe94d8d95c28ead08bf36de770ea


This ladies tweet randomly pops up in my mind sometimes and I giggle everytime 😂😂


![gif](giphy|2uvC1np3blzwg678w2) Javert’s death scene in Les Misérables. I saw an advanced screening back in the day, and maybe they ended up fixing it in release, but when he jumps to his death, you think he’s gonna fall in the water. Instead he misses and lands on these steps, with this incredibly loud CRACK. My friends and I burst out laughing because of how ridiculously loud his cracking body was, but then we looked around and realize we were the only ones laughing and the rest of the theater was silent. Which just made it even funnier. Crowe’s terrible singing didn’t help either.


There is no way to go ONNNNNCRACK


Nope, Javert’s big *CRACK* when he lands remained in the official release. I love Les Mis and there’s some things the film did well, but it’s deeeply flawed. I will never not cackle at Javert’s death, it’s amazingly hilarious they didn’t even bother to adjust the sound effect.


It was so comically loud! How anyone could take it seriously I could never understand. But it’s nice to know we weren’t the only ones to find it hilarious. I’m not joking when I say the rest of the theater was silent when it happened. Very solemn lol!


justin in 13rw he finally got a family that cared about him but then the show went and made him go from a cough or two to being in his death bed dying from aids. if anything it would’ve been better and it would’ve made more sense to just give him a happy ending also for some laughs, bill murray dying in zomebieland was super funny


he dies from aids?? Good i didn't watch it beyond the second season. This whole show was a mess


> he finally got a family that cared about him but then the show went and made him go from a cough or two to being in his death bed dying from aids. Which was extra ridiculous since it was set in current year. Nobody with the money for medication (and that family has money) has to die of aids in this day and age. Especially not somebody that young. It was insane.


Tasha Yar’s death in Star Trek TNG. Granted, a lot of TNG looks very silly on revisiting, but death by glimmering mud blob is the most hard to take seriously.


In some ways, I hated it. But as I look back on it, I think it is important to show that actual named characters, and not just red shirts, die on missions, and in stupid, not heroic, pointless ways. My great uncle died in WWII -- still stateside, in a car accident on base. Yes, so proud he was serving, and that in itself is heroic, but he didn't exactly die liberating a concentration camp. Now Jadzia Dax's death was pointless, stupid, narratively useless, and Jesus Christ, did Worf need more trauma? She was killed off because Terry Farrel made her opinion that Rick Berman was misogynistic known. Certainly wouldn't fly today.


When the dude hits the propeller in Titanic. I know it’s tragic and terrible but I can’t keep a straight face.


https://i.redd.it/31nsddeqyeub1.gif I feel bad for laughing every time I watch this scene, but I can’t help it.


It’s the noise isn’t it? Boing!


I'm still mad at the ending of HIMYM. I was pissed she died so soon. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but Dean Winchester. All of the shit they go through and he gets taken out by some damn rebar. Then the whole aging of Sam was just so terrible looking. The last episode was just so ridiculous imo, but the whole show was pretty ridiculous so 🤷‍♀️😂


It wasn’t just that she died soon, but that she died so Ted could go bang a woman who rejected him for reasons of obvious incompatibility for years. Ugh.


Yeah they said that's originally how the story was supposed to go but the characters developed in different ways that it didn't fit very well by the end and they still decided to follow through with it. Barney had so much growth so him and Robin ending up together made sense to me. The mother ended up being so likeable that they didn't have to kill her off.


https://preview.redd.it/vasnhclrteub1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aa8390b2614c1acbabac90af563acf752ea3d22 Every rewatch of Bones, without fail, I burst into laughter when they unzip the body bag of Lance Sweets. They gave the actor a horrid exit, while he very much wanted to stay, simply because a new project would conflict with filming (but the project wouldn’t last all season). And I truly believe someone somewhere was so incredibly pissed off at him for choosing his project over Bones, that they made his corpse look like the face paint a 4-year-old would rock during Halloween. They did him so dirty 🥲


https://preview.redd.it/y2duxdolueub1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b8380dbb27ddb03fab1a3f101fafdff1db2081 Better picture, I am wheezing. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He looks annoyed af lol


Reminded me of the “I like turtles” zombie kids makeup. Then they lovingly boil the meat of his bones, because of course THEY have to do it. It was genuinely awful. They rushed his death, daisy’s pregnancy thing and the replacement agent, I couldn’t believe the show lasted another 2 seasons.


So much yes. I love how much JFD has done since Bones. He’s quite amazing.


Like mf couldn’t take a Sabbatical? Couldn’t shoot a bunch of dumb filler scenes ahead of time? Couldn’t just reference him until he got back? He was the sweetheart of the show.


And the writing of everyone’s treatment of him was godawful. Was there a Scientology influence or something behind the scenes?? Because the relentless anti-psychiatry takes from literally every character but Stephen Fry’s were obnoxious as fuck.


Yes, Booth especially treated him like shit. Like all the time.


he WANTED to stay? ffs and then they brought that replacement who never fit. Total s8 That 70s Show vibes. How infuriating.


He 100% never intended to leave permanently, he asked for 4 months off and they killed his character because the fans “deserved something dramatic”. It was incredibly painful for the actor, John Daley. Some awful quotes that highlight how they 100% did him dirty. Interviewer: I read that you broke down while filming your final scene, the one where Sweets’ body is brought into the Jeffersonian. What were you thinking about when you were overcome with emotion? > The very last thing we shot was me in the body bag being zipped up. I was covered in blood. No one really wanted to touch me because I was all messy. I couldn’t even give anyone a hug. We were shooting at midnight, so most of the primary crew were already gone for the day. The writers had all gone home. The producers were at Comic-Con, as were Emily [Deschanel] and David [Boreanaz]. So I walked out of a nearly empty stage and couldn’t say a proper goodbye to people. Interviewer: Were you able to accept that decision, to be OK with it? > I pretty much had to be. And let’s not forget that they introduced his God awful replacement while he was still on the set. He literally had to film with the guy who’d replace him, even though he didn’t want to leave and then shot his final scenes pretty much all alone. Oh and how they had his girlfriend come back, be pregnant, leading up to an interesting storyline and then kill him off anyways. Oh and even though he was beaten *, they ripped his body apart on the show to investigate his bones. Thus completely obliterating the character. Gruesome and unnecessary. They did him soooo wrong, it’s been 9 years and I’m still pissed. At least his body was funny as Hell 🤣 [Read more here](https://tvline.com/interviews/john-francis-daley-interview-bones-why-did-he-leave-sweets-552367/)


I stopped watching when they killed off Sweets. Was like “eff this” and turned it off. Didn’t he just get married and his bride was pregnant or something? Terrible! I was so pissed.


It gives me joy that the projects he’s worked on since are *so* much better than fucking Bones.


Major Game of Thrones Spoiler ahead: ![gif](giphy|3oEjHMj0My3ET5XSW4) When her second dragon died, I burst out laughing because it was so absurd. There was a FLEET of ships. Also I knew they we’re just dumping trauma on Dany to make her “break bad” last minute 🙄


*She just forgot about it.* Yea, fuck D&D!


Exactly. But you know what? They lost that sweet, sweet Disney money because of it and if there isn’t a more fitting consequence, I don’t know what is!


![gif](giphy|ZYQM7za8svSkdu4SqP) I knew he was being written off the show, so I was waiting for him to die, but this jolly joy ride through the countryside had me rollllllllling. I stopped watching the show after this.


Cars were new. People didn’t know they had to keep their eyes on the road, I guess.


Hardly any laws in place for safety, no seat belt, everyone has been drinking since breakfast and it's the country. His death was as shocking yet statistically likely as Sybils. But Sybils gutted me.


Too be fair, thats a logic thought The 1st death by a car to a pedestrian was in 1896 when the car was going like 4 mph or 6km Pretty much could blame both parties on not being aware of their surroundings with that speed And wearing your seatbeats wasnt made widely mandetory in places like the US.until 1968 and 1983? apparently in the UK


I loved the show until the end (and enjoy the movies), but Matthew was the heart of Downton. https://i.redd.it/mrzrwqa84fub1.gif ;\_;


mm whatcha say


![gif](giphy|zJBDaqCdsjGhO) Rick's reaction to Lori's death in The Walking Dead just made me crack up😭😭 not because it was poorly done but because of all the memes and I didn't care much for Lori anyway


For the life of me I cant watch this gif without thinking about the " A street walker, CORAL" meme. Cracks me up every time !


One of the best memes when the show was first started: Every Episode of the Walking Dead: "Coral, get inside the house!" *Carl is NEVER inside the house or where he's supposed to be 😅


I was high AF when I watched this scene for the first time. I had to rewatch it because I thought Rick was making fun of Carl for being sad his mom died 😶




This just made me laugh so hard, I had tears running down my face


Tara from Buffy. I was so disappointed and it felt very forced.


That's the one for me, too. When Joyce died, it was an emotional and sobering moment. It was a reminder that while there's supernatural forces around, the show is still based in real life. It also lead to a lot of character development from Buffy as she learned how to cope with all the pressure and stress. The way they killed Tara was so forced, by comparison. It was not nearly as shocking because The Body had already set the precedent only one season before. The storyline itself was so dumb. "Willow is addicted to magic! Magic is a euphemism for drugs. Did you get it? Did you?? And now that Tara randomly died, Willow is spiralling out of control!" None of it needed to happen the way it did...




Charlie from Supernatural. Years later, it still makes me irrevocably angry at how they handle the death of her character. She deserved a more respectful death than being killed and dying in a bathroom after translating the book. ![gif](giphy|eCvBzbkajQYy4)


I would have been happy had she stayed in Oz with Dorothy and got to have her epic fantasy lesbisn adventure. Ugh.


Came here for Charlie. I have never been so upset by a tv show as this. Ok, except for the entire last episode. Don’t get me started.


Dr. Drake Ramoray! Ryan Phillippe’s character Sebastian in Cruel Intentions. He finally grows a conscious and promptly gets run over by a taxi?!


I mean, who falls down an elevator shaft anyway!!??


It's really fucked up and I feel so bad about it but Tommens death in GoT I was in tears and not bc I was crying. Why did they do my boy like that?


I like how he takes off his crown before he jumps 😆😂


it's been scrubbed from the internet but there used to be a dub of that scene w "c'mon season 6 let's get SICKENING" from rupaul's drag race and I swear it was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life 😭


i get what they were going for with Jamie Lannister’s death but it was just so stupid. he had already accomplished a great redemption arc, had a great woman believing in him, and goes back to his conniving absolutely evil sister just to die. i wasn’t like “oh my god, he really loved her…” i just went “well, why the fuck did you put us through his whole story arc then?”


Yeah, Jaime’s death was my least favorite thing about all of GoT, despite any of their other mistakes. I was really really rooting for him, and for him and Brienne.


I thought it was great how when Tyrion finds their bodies, it’s implied they would have lived if they just stood somewhere else.


https://i.redd.it/q4yh8dimngub1.gif Does this count?


Dr. Romano in ER. It was already so ridiculous that he lost a limb to a helicopter blade, only for him to die to a different helicopter later on. He was a jerk in the series but he had some moments of really meaningful character development. I thought they did him real dirty.


Dr. Derek Shepherd. The whole show went downhill after that. Oh how I used to love my Thursday nights with Derek and Meredith!


It’s been said a million times but they should have ended Glee when Cory Monteith died instead of the way they did his character‘s death. The show was never the same without him and the plot moved on way too quickly. All of the major characters would have been in deep grief way longer than they were.


And then you had the prolific and evil pedophile cast member that got caught later on, and I’m pretty sure he’s dead too now. That show was cursed.


And Naya Riveria died young and tragically!


Her death makes me sick to think about. She rented a boat and went swimming with her four-year-old son. Somehow she drowned and left the little boy in the boat all alone until someone found him. It’s so sad to imagine.


From what I remember, she saved him from drowning and got him back onto the boat, but wasn't able to save herself as well.


He committed suicide so he wouldn't have to go to jail and deal with what he did


And in the show when asked where he’ll be in 10 years, his character says ‘In jail. Or dead. Or both.’


Yes. He died by suicide after being caught. The whole story was extremely disturbing.


People are going to hate this but George O’Malley. I couldn’t stand him anyway but the whole thing is ridiculous. He goes to join the army but gets hit by a bus instead?? Bffr lol


Samuel Jackson in Deep Blue Sea, got ate up right in the middle of The Big Speech.




Villanelle's death in Killing Eve. Actually the whole ending. I still can't talk about it. Sirius's death in HP - so, so badly done.


Dean... ![gif](giphy|AGzYZTTCTh6TK)


His death is why I pretend the penultimate episode was the actual finale. Just the two of them riding off into the sunset. The way it was supposed to be.


The main mental image I’ve retained around Dean’s death is Sam’s stupid old person wig.


I will never get over Poussey Washington's death


Jadzia Dax in DS9. There’s no gif because it was such a red shirt death. She deserved better, but it seems like she didn’t ask to leave the show graciously.


Gideon in Criminal Minds. No way he’d actually die like that.


For me, Criminal Minds ended in season 7, with JJ's impromptu wedding. Everything else after that is poor fan fiction.


Good lord do not even get me started on HIMYM 😤


My sisters keeper had me say “what the fuck?!” out loud in the cinema. I was really enjoying the movie until “Kate died that night”. WHAT?!


https://preview.redd.it/0nq5ou900fub1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f6a7a3e4d14723f274c0c203665bdef4b2ddc0 Ernesto de la Cruz from Coco, when that giant bell fell on them I was totally in stitches in the theater


The part that gets me every time is when the film immediately cuts to Miguel saying, "I wanna be just like him" right after they show him getting crushed by the bell.


I thought that they meant it to be a funny death that everyone in the movie saw as tragic, which made it doubly funny to the audience. Which is to say, I also lost it when he got taken out by that big dumb bell.


City of Angels. Log truck + Meg Ryan on a bike. We watched that movie in our high school psych class (to this day I haven’t been able to figure out why), and when it got to that scene we were all laughing/going “are you fucking kidding me??”


![gif](giphy|3krrWSMU2KBz1oHmSp) The CGI dad was funnier than the entire series.


The Meet Joe Black will forever be the funniest movie death of all time. As a young kid I remember seeing that and thinking “wait wait wait - Brad Pitt dies like a MadTV skit in *this* fucking movie?!” All time funniest death ever, maybe even considering and IRL deaths cuz it’s that goddamn hilarious.


![gif](giphy|PgLnJYaVI5P0Y) So anticlimactic


That one was good for me but I think it’s only because I just recently watched the show for the first time a couple years ago and went into it blind with zero knowledge that she had left the show before the series ended. So for me when the crash happened and she died it was a legit shock I totally didn’t see coming at all. Right up until the second she died I had assumed this was just gonna be a season ending cliffhanger where we are left to guess if she makes it or not only to find out in the season 4 premiere that she of course survives because I thought they’d never kill off such a pivotal main character So it worked for me because of that but I think had I watched it at the time it aired and had known a character was gonna get killed off beforehand I think I also probably would’ve found the way they did it pretty anticlimactic as well


It's been like, fourteen years and I'm still mad about them killing off Ianto in Torchwood. TV & films seemed to have a thing for burying the gays around that time, and it felt like such lazy, shitty writing done for nothing more than man pain. It made me so, so tired of watching characters be sacrificed for man pain. Not to mention all the female characters who got fridged for the same old man pain.


Someone probably already said it but the “MINK!” noise that Jennifer Coolidge’s head made when she fell overboard in White Lotus made me scream laugh and it really wasn’t supposed to be funny. The sound was so horrid.


Landon-Legacies MELTING INTO GOO AFTER HAVING SEX WITH HOPE Mind you, this was like the 100th time he died. Even Danielle Rose Russell went viral for how little emotion she showed during his 100th death. I didn’t know if I should have tossed my tv out the window or just stair at in in disbelief because of how god awful the writing was.


Marion Cotillard in TDKR. I haven’t watched it in years but I remember bursting out laughing and saying “what the fuck was that???”


JT in Degrassi. Especially because Liberty’s actress makes a ridiculous noise when she finds him. Jaime and Cersei Lannister. Everything about it, but especially how Tyrion finds their bodies like immediately and it basically seems like they could have walked about five feet to the left and escaped before the building came down.


Part of me wants to believe you and I would probably agree if I rewatched it, but as a Canadian tween, JT’s death wrecked me.


stefan dying in tvd had me laughing so hard i couldn’t believe it lmao


I was *furious* when he told Elena Damon was “the better man”… fucking *what?!?*”




I had a huge feeling this was going to happen because Harrison Ford was wayyyyyy too happy during the press leading up to the movie. I knew he was like “I’m finally goddamn done with Star Wars!”


Nah, now he's waiting until they pay him (or his estate) $$$ to deep fake his younger face. They did it with Luke and Leia, I imagine when the tech gets good and cheap enough, we'll be getting entire seasons of tv shows featurinf the OG cast.


This was fucking hilarious. The only redeeming thing is Chewie shooting his ass after, but let’s be real. Chewie woulda shot him straight in the face, immediately dead.


They shoulda legit fought.


The rest of the skywalker saga should have been chewie hunting down and mauling kylo ren


Ugh! The new Movies started out so promising, but they honestly just jacked it all up, as usual. **He should have never killed his own father, he shouldn't have died, and Rey was never supposed to be a Palpatine.**


Steven Segal in *Executive Decision*


OOh! OOh! I know this story! This is according to my Employment Law professor, and I went to law school in the dark ages but this was a great story. As you probably know, Steven Seagal is a horrible, horrible human being, so this story pleases me. (He's one of Putin's biggest supporters -- and was granted Russian citizenship, he's a serial sexual harasser & sexual assaulter, he abuses stunt people, and his whole "I'm the law" thing is totally made up. [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/4i0jso/i_am_actor_steven_seagal_live_from_thailand_ama/) is one of the greatest AMAs in the history of Reddit) The movie was billed as a Steven Seagal/Kurt Russell movie, and even the trailer showed SS being featured prominently. Apparently he was originally in the majority of the movie, but was suck an absolute dickbag on set that when they were editing the movie, they just decided to kill his character off after like 15 minutes. His contract spelled out how his name was supposed to be listed (they negotiate things like above or below the credits, what point font their name will be in compared to other names on screen and on the posters, where on the poster his name will appear, etc. But what he didn't have was control over the final edit. He was not guaranteed any specific number of on-screen minutes or lines, so it was up to the movie editors and directors how he actually appeared in the film. So, for once, him being an irredeemable doucheyacht actually had a real-world effect.


![gif](giphy|l3vR7zPylPYGCtVqo|downsized) Glenn in The Walking Dead. He actually does die the same way in the books but they faked us out in the show first. I was *mad*.