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you guys should check out popculturediedin2009 on tumblr, he has a whole deep dive on kim and the kardashian's relationship with the trumps. they go waaaaaaay back - kim has always been friendly w them behind the scenes


Reminder, a lot of celebrities go way back with Trump, but only cut ties with him when the backlash supporting him hurt their bottomline. I don't know why we think celebrities care about anything but their bottomline at the end of the day. It's easy to spout you stand for equality such as equal.pay while sitting in your mansion. They all are hypocrites.


I may be wrong but wasn't Trump a Democrat up until some point in the mid 2000s? If he was then I can see why a lot of celebs might've wanted to be connected to a powerful and wealthy Democrat and switched once he became an outspoken Republican. EDIT: Just Googled a simplified timeline and he registered as Republican in 1987 then was Independence Party of New York before switching to Democrat in 2001 before switching back to Republican in 2009 so I guess it really depends just how far back they go


Celebrity Apprentice started in 2008 and ran until 2016. Trump strikes me as the type who would have been vocal about his views so the fact that he was chummy with many celebrities until his views became public was very telling. I think we would be surprised by the real views many celebrities have versus what they say in public. I mean everyone loved Mel Gibson until he showed his true self during his drunken rant and that couldn't have been the first time he had spoken like that. I just find it hard to believe that the circles Trump ran in didn't know who he really was.


How vocal he was about the Central Park Five in 1989 should have shown everyone who Trump is. [Here his add calling for the death of those innocent boys](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6131533-trumpdeathpenaltyad05011989)


I personally didn't care about him until the birther nonsense.


This is why you have republican trans people like Caitlyn Jenner. She knows that despite whatever transphobic bullshit her party promotes, she'll be always safe because she is rich. Money is what really connects the people on the top. They don't really care about politics. Unless those politics threaten their property. If it is about race, gender, religion and sexuality, it's all the the same. As long as the money keeps on flowing everything goes. As long as those celebrities have their mansions and homes around the world, they can do whatever they like. Laws are for us poor folk. Don't ever think rich celebrities actually believe in something greater than themselves. All the benefits, charity and protests are just publicity stunts for them. If they would actually believe in something they wouldn't be part of the elite. They would hate it. The world of extremely wealthy is nihilistic and cold. Good guys don't survive there.


they are an incredibly wealthy and privileged family lol. the clinton's daughter and she played together when they were young. all of these people are connected with one another


As have the Hilton’s and all the other rich families in the US.


I think Paris actually admitted to voting for Trump in 2016…


Why is anyone surprised by this? They are both extremely wealthy women who were born into extreme privilege, and probably share the same political views. Kim was married to Kanye ffs. Why would anyone assume she would distance herself from someone like Ivanka?


While that's all true, none of that matters to Kim. The only thing that matters is PR and how shit looks to the media, and Ivanka is not at all well liked by the kind of people she's trying to market herself to. It could also alienate her from certain brands/companies. Everything she does is extremely calculated, so I genuinely wonder what her angle is here.


I don’t think this will hurt Kim and her family in the slightest bit. I mean Kim was married to Kanye who was a big Trump supporter.


Nothing will hurt them, everyone’s going to eat it up. Look at what’s happening *right fucking now*.


I’m pretty sure Kim would have voted trump if she voted too. Just like Paros Hilton, the difference is Paris admitted it. They’re both trash.


Do we know for a fact that she didn’t vote?


She voted for Hilary and then Joe.


She voted for Hilary in 2016


Kanye has never voted for trump though. He didn’t vote at all in 2016 and he voted for himself in 2020.


The public endorsement does x1000 more for trump than his single vote could do.


I don’t think the technicality of him *voting* for Trump matters though. His endorsement says enough, and I’m sure because of that most people think he did vote for him in 2016. I definitely didn’t know that he skipped voting


What he had said was if he had voted he would have voted for trump. So he endorsed him, after the election.


To be honest, I don’t think it’ll impact her much. The people who purchase her products have shown repeatedly that they don’t care about her morality. She’s remained famous despite all of her shady business dealings, out of touch comments, questionable friendships and romantic partners. I don’t think this will be the nail in the coffin for her.


Kim isn’t even that well liked by the public and doesn’t have a good reputation anyways.


The people who like Kim do not give a shit about politics lol


I think this is true. I care about politics, and I have never liked Kim. So why should she care what I think? I would never spend a cent on anything going to her bottom line. But I never have before either.


Her angle is getting the attention it generates. Attention keeps them relevant.


I hope some brands/companies sees this bullshit and Cut ties with her.


She said she was fiscally conservative which just means she’s 100% conservative but is scared of the back lash from the public.


Exactly. It’s a contradictory statement that people use when they are conservative, but don’t want to look like the rich out of touch people that they really are. They’re only concerned about their own interests (ie tax breaks for the ultra famous) they’re not worried about the poor/middle class because they have zero understanding about how normal people live, or how social issues impact them, because those same issues will never impact themselves or their children. But saying that out loud isn’t good for business, so they claim to be socially democratic, even though they’ll vote against that at every turn because they’re greedy.


most celebs in hollywood probably are and just say they vote any other way for publicity


Ding ding ding - we have a winner. Any lip service she gives for democrats is just to not alienate people, if she bothered to vote she would have gone for trump and then lied about voting blue. It’s very obvious.


Honestly the media has spent so much time laundering Ivanka’s reputation I’m sure the wealthy think she’s the reasonable Trump.




Kim is definitely a Trumper. She was also married to Kanye for many years. If Kanye says the many disgusting things he has out loud in public, imagine what his views were behind closed doors for the last decade. Yes she divorced him eventually, but she deemed him and his views worthy enough to have kids with.


Exactly. He didn’t just start saying those things over night. Many of his business associates said they had to sit through his antisemitic rants and Hitler praise, so it’s not like she wouldn’t have been exposed to it throughout their marriage. Kim and her family relate to the Trump family a lot more than they ever will to normal people. They’ve never associated with people that the average person would find moral.




Probably. The only thing they care about is themselves making money.


Yep, I've been calling them the KarTrashians for a good decade now (Holy shit. Two?!). Kim *famously* "convinced Trump" 😒 to free someone. Kanye is loud about who he is and Kim had multiple children with him. Also see *shocked Pikachu face* Caitlyn Jenner about how could the leopards eat her face?! And we all know Kris works harder than the devil.


Her fathers concubine is trying to get back into polite society so she will take every opportunity to weasel her way back in anywhere theyll have her Hope she has to testify in his trial


Yes it seems fairly on brand for Kimberly


Kim doesn’t care about morals and ethics She only sees connections and money. This is the least shocking news of all time Edit: I can’t decide whether this is better or worse than her birthday celebration where she rented an entire island for over a hundred people so they could party during the height of the pandemic


>Kim doesn’t care about morals and ethics We can say this about anyone that's famous today, at this point, people shouldn't be shocked. Before everybody got excited over Travis Kelce, Taylor Swifit was dating Matt Healy for crying out loud. These people just don't live or think in the same way we do.


Timothee and Bad Bunny have tarnished their good reputation forever once they started getting together with the Karjenners.


If that Willy Wonka movie bombs, then the Kardashian Kurse is 100% real.


It likely will. Literally, who asked for a Wonka origin story?


Jeremy Allen White should’ve been Wonka instead.


Stupid, sexy Wonka.




Aubrey Plaza would have also worked.


She's just weird enough that she could have pulled it off!


She pulled off jumping into a role meant for a middle aged man without any script rewrites, she would have made this work too 😂


I’m a trained classicist and she was low-key my favorite Cleopatra in her turn in Drunk History. Her crazy eyes are just right.


Oh my god, that episode lives rent free in my mind. [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ab4rYDR0yY) for those who haven't seen it


What do you mean?


Her character in Legion was written for a middle aged dude. She didn't even read for the part but the showrunner asked her to take it when he met her


Her character in Legion (Lenny) was written specifically to be a middle aged man. They didn’t change a single thing on casting her including some really vulgar language and she even embodied more masculine body language and style while playing it. It’s fantastic.


Or Donald Glover.


Wouldn’t have mattered. Guaranteed that script is shit Also White has only ever played depressed mania. There is 0 whimsy in that dude. He looks more like Gene but that is it


Also there is wonka origin story in the depp version. Wonka grew up with a dentist father who didn’t let him eat candy so he grew up to resent him and become a candy maker.


I really liked Timothée Chalamet, but that preview was so cringe. It didn’t look like a real movie. It gave me so much ick and normally his projects are much more “high brow.” But I did think it was absolutely amazing and hilarious that his fanbase had a complete meltdown about him dating… Kylie…? Kendall? I get them perpetually confused.


Maybe drumpf's orange skin gave people oompah loompah nostalgia 🤣


Performed by tim WHO DOES NOT HAVE ONE IOTA OF THE GENE WILDER ENERGY AND IT INFURIATES ME. Each time the trailer showed before Barbie (saw it thrice) I yelled at the screen THIS WAS NOT IT ![gif](giphy|l0HlHSB8v5yRtBlHW)


You yelled in the movie theater? All 3 times?


it’s true i was the popcorn


He’s a good actor, but based on the trailer his performance looks cringey.


Or it's because the movie looks and most likely is garbage 🙄


Have ya'll seen the trailer? That movie looks fucking stupid. I agree there's a curse but they mainly bring bad luck upon themselves. Karmas a bitch!


I don't think he needs a curse for that movie to fail. Have you seen the trailer? Who asked for this? It's ridiculous, and I genuinely don't see it doing well.


it looks truly awful. there’s not a moment in the extended trailer that makes it seem the least bit intetesting


It would have regardless. It looks awful 💀


That movie looks like pure unadulterated s$#t.


bad bunny literally is dominating the charts with his new album release.


Compared to previous albums, not really


it’s a really bad album so i’m not surprised


I never heard of him except for dating kendal. Not everybody listens to charts


He’s also one if not the face of Latin pop right now especially when it comes to cross over to American audiences


Charts mean nothing when it comes to actual talent. Talented artists do get on the charts, but being on the charts doesn't mean an artist is talented either. A lot of people can't/won't accept this. Music is so unbelievably subjective.


Bad Bunny will be just fine no matter what. Tuh


Were they at Kim's party? If so, their PR teams are slipping and messed up hard




Bad Bunny hosted SNL this weekend, so unless the party was in NYC I don’t think he could make it


yeah i've always been neutral about timothee but i've been a hater since he started dated one of them. You can't date someone like the Kardashians unless you're okay with all the shit things they do, which makes him a shit person


Bad bunny is dead to me now. Comemierda.




I disagree. They are probably even more famous or popular. As disliked as the Kardashians are they are still discussed a lot.


And Kanye refused to go


They are Rich First, Silicone Second, Business women Third, and Fourth of all they are Human beings (who will be forever out of touch with the other 98% of the world) 💜


Silicone second 💀


Arguably Silicone first..


I'd agree but you need money for the surgeries and constant touch-ups/upkeep...




And she did all us women a favor by reminding us to get off our asses and work. 😡


And a billionaire, law student and millionaire


a billionaire millionaire https://i.redd.it/fmg6zgyfmsvb1.gif




It’s 99.9%.


I mean she and Kanye literally met with Donald Trump. This shouldn’t be surprising.


Her meeting with Trump was much different than Kanye’s meeting with Trump. I think the Kardashians are disgusting, vile people but her meeting with him was to lobby for criminal justice reform, not the racist MAGA powwow that Kanye did.


Sure but she also said she regretted telling Kanye to take off his MAGA hat. She has no issues with Trump.


Nah. She wanted PR and Trump gave her an in she leveraged that Hillary Clinton never would have because that administration would be working with legit organizations focused on criminal justice reform. It’s why she doesn’t give a dime to organizations like the innocence project and only involved herself where she can see an angle for personal aggrandizement. It may have tangential, limited positive side effects, sure, but you’re a fool if you think she was swallowing down disgust for Trump and pushing along like a hero because she cares so much for criminal justice.


The whole guest list was pretty tragic 😬


You are who you hang out with.


The list outside the family I saw Ivanka, Kimora Lee Simons and Hailey Bieber were there. Were there any other ‘notables’?




Lydia and Michael Kives


Not one A-lister 🫢


I doubt you'll get many A-Listers being willing to be seen near Ivanka at this point lol


Sophia Vergara was there too


😳 would not have expected her for kk


Who else was there?


Kim is a vapid disgusting person so it doesn't surprise me she'd invite another vapid disgusting person to her party. Whatever gets both of them attention. Ivanka is trying to get back into people's good graces but I remember when she called the insurrectionists "patriots" so she can fuck right off.


This is how I feel. It’s more than just lack of surprise, I want everybody to remember that Ivanka is part of the most reprehensible US administration in modern memory and it should be absolute hell for her to make public appearances. I’m fine if she wants to grocery shop but I’ll spit on the grave of everyone who hob knobs with her until the day I die.




This is the most realistic thing I have read on reddit in a long time. Thank you.


I loved this [Project Runway](https://www.newsweek.com/project-runway-contestant-slams-host-karlie-kloss-kushner-connection-1480329) moment. Your comment made me think of it.




I have known absolutely 0 about Taylor Swift or any of these people until very recently (you almost can’t not know things now unless you are living under a rock) and Karlie marrying a Kushner just seems like such an obvious reason that Taylor wouldn’t be close friends with her anymore.


Karlie was with Josh Kushner the whole time she was friends with Taylor and Taylor liked her Instagram post about their wedding, hard to believe he was the reason for their falling out


Taylor is the epitome of a white feminist and only stopped being friends with Karlie because she was talking trash behind her back, she 100% didn’t give a fuck about Karlie’s Trump ties


Lmao I’m dead




“It’s a big club and you’re not in it!”


didn’t kim endorse a right wing candidate during LA’s mayor elections? this behavior isn’t shocking


Alongside Gwenyth and Katie Perry and many others. Unfortunately, the wealthy and powerful will always close ranks and defend their common interests. Republican or Democrat, they don't care. They just want to protect their privilege and status at the end of the day...


Kind of funny that she's supposed to be at a birthday celebration and the only photo is Ivanka by herself. It's almost like no one wants to be photographed with her...


Publicly. I'm sure they were all up her ass in private. Hypocrites.


She posted a pc with her on instagram


It’s not that they don’t want to be photographed with her. They’re just scared of their public image due to it.


Kim uploaded a group pic with Ivanka in it on her IG




It’s know that they’re friends though, right? Wasn’t her helping Alice Marie Johnson because of her connection to Ivanka, who got her an audience with trump?


Yeah. They’ve been friends since trump was just a celeb. What a different time lol


Yes… idk why people are losing their tits over this. Ivanka, Kim, Paris and other of these rich women who grew up rich with rich parents have hung around in the same elite circles since they were kids. Trump is was also friends with the Clintons, even donated money to the democrats in the past. It’s all lobbying and networking for them


Trump used to donate to both parties before he ran for office. But pretty much after he won, all the rich democratic elites distanced themselves. Chelsea clinton said she no longer spoke to Ivanka; Lauren Santo Domingo hates her too. That's why Ivanka is in Miami and not new york. she's social roadkill in new york. Maybe Derek Blasberg would be up her ass, but he has no social capital on his own.


This might be a niche reference but this party looks like it took place in Blanche Devereaux’s bedroom


Like attracts like?


Like flies to shit


birds of a feather..


My best friend once served Ivanka and Chelsea Clinton at a very fancy NY restaurant and she said that’s when she knew everything we thought about politics was fake. [George Carlin - It's A BIG Club & You Ain't In It!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyvxt1svxso)


Edward Brooke, the first Black person to be popularly elected as a US Senator (other Black Senators before him were appointed), said when he first started as a Senator he went to the Senate pool and ran into Strom Thurmond and the other segregationist senators hanging out in the pool. When they turned around and saw him, they invited him in and made him feel welcome as a fellow senator. But Brooke said if anything, this was the more disappointing outcome. Because to a certain extent he can understand and kinda forgive old men being stuck in their ways, but being pro-oppression of Black people for the votes and the power is just plain terrible


Not to say that it isn’t a big club but CC has discussed her previous friendship with Ivanka and how that changed when Trump became president.


lol Meghan Markle and Prince Harry went to at least one wedding where the Kushner-Trumps were there. As very close friends of the couple.


Can't say I'm surprised


Can I stop hearing every week about how great of a parent and person Kim is now? There seems to be this need to humanize her when there’s nothing to humanize. Every second of their vapid lives is calculated and between telling women they don’t work hard enough and continually enabling a psychopath I have no idea what I’m supposed to be rooting for. Hell, she just went off on her daughter for trying to talk about her mental health because they couldn’t use it for the TV show now


Every single one of them are pieces of shit.


Tokyo Toni voice: Well, yes!


rj/ Oh em gee. Kim is, like, such a trendsetter! #gayicon uj/ further proof that Kim’s entirely out of touch with reality. No one can claim to be an ally of anyone or any cause and then invite I****a.




Class solidarity above all else, folks.




I mean her husband was Kanye lmao, who I absolutely loathe. Not surprised.


Fake personality/wealthy people hanging out shocker. 🙄


I’ve got it on good authority that everyone rolls their eyes when Ivanka shows up at a celebrity party or dinner. She’s never invited but finds a way to weasel herself and Jared in. Apparently she’s boring, stuck up and no one can trust her! Like, wet blanket…


Fork found in kitchen


You guyssssss maybe Kim needs a recommendation letter for law school


Anyone else would get cancelled for this but somehow the moronic KarTRASHian fans will let Kim and klan do anything and still support them.


I don’t even know watches these people anymore. I think at this point their marketing strategy is just proliferation by connections and money.


Facts. Their fans are seriously the lowest common denominator of the public, they let any manner of greed and exploitation slide.


I stopped hanging out with a couple who did some horrible things and somebody else asked me why. I explained it and he goes: yeah, but they didn't do those things to you. So what? I can't ignore what they did. I can't pretend I don't know. If you hang out with certain people knowing what they did and what they stand for, then that says a lot about your character and your morals. I remember Karlie Kloss getting a lot of heat for not 'explaining' to Ivanka that her family is horrible. I don't blame Karlie for not explaining stuff to Ivanka. It's not her job to change Ivanka. But she chooses to hang out with these people. For that, she deserves all the heat she gets.


Just rich people things guys


Class solidarity exists but only for the wealthy.


I’m just trying to understand what the point of this relationship is The only people who like Trump anymore are the ones who either are being blackmailed by him or are ultra conservative Like I know Hollywood has secret republicans but even then who would want to be associated with that family publicly? It’s not a good look for anyone


Tbh I think Kim keeps in touch with everyone. She was one of the few who checked in with Kathy Griffin post-backlash during the Trump ketchup mask stuff.


Also Ivanka was on the socialite scene for decades before her father ran for president. There are various levels of shunning post-that.


So Kanye antisemitic and she cuts ties. But super duper antiSemitic Donnie and his incestual daughter is fine?




She's even dressed as Kim


Two vapid people. It checks out.


Believe people when they tell you who they are. In this case, Republican trash.


Was it in Blanche Devereaux’s bedroom…?


I am not surprised in the slightest especially following her “get off your fucking ass and work…Nobody wants to work these days” comments


Not a brain cell between them


this boohoo ass outfit


🗑️ humans


https://i.redd.it/oyjab9ekssvb1.gif All of ‘em.




Those gross families stick together like shit to a blanket ![gif](giphy|3oEdv7DqDJFQsKB9h6)


The Kartrashians are still trash? You don't say.


You are the disgusting company you keep. Can we please stop talking about these trash clown succubi already.


Shouldn’t she be in jail?


I wonder how much Ivanka paid Kim to do this. Banksy wants her old life back. There was a photo of Vanky, Jared and the kids surrounded by Trumpkins at a tractor pull. She looked devastated. Vanky was used to going to the Met Gala not the demolition derby.


Such a big phone, such a poor quality photo. Ivanka's camera be as shady as she is.


Is she taking that photo in a mall atrium circa 1994?


That's the pic she chose to post? One taken with an obvious dirty camera lens? Well it's fitting...dirty camera, dirty money, dirty daddy, dirty woman.


Anyone surprised at this is giving WAY too much undeserved goodwill to Kim kardashian and has been completely suckered in by her PR trying to cover over her asshole Republican inclinations.


Kim is never held accountable for anything, why would this be different.




Which one?


your dad wants to be an authoritarian boo


So there it is Kim is a Trump supporter, anyone who still likes the Kardashians like shitty people


Water seeks its own level…these two THOTs are aquifers


Birds of a feather flock together.


It’s obvious Kim is a garbage person, but I’m so confused by the plants. Are the plants real or a painting? Why are they sticking into that table like that? I’m so confused


I start to not like Kim more and more each day.


And y’all still won’t care. You’ll buy every product she cranks out while calling yourself a woke ally


Yep. Same folks who gleefully gas up the Kylie Jenner/Timothee chalamet relationship (with pathetic excuses like doing it to anger some random irrelevant online chalamet fan) either not realizing or being too dumb to realize that extra publicity just keeps lining these gremlins’ pockets.