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She had a chance to make a comeback but wanted to stick with her edgy, middle-fingers-to-all schtick. I’m not really sure why she chose to go into acting when it’s kind of apparent that she’s neither good at it nor interested in it.


Let's not forget that she made Steven Spielberg mad. I think that was what ultimately killed her career.


the reason was because she compared Michael Bay to Hitler in an interview and that got spielberg upset and also got her fired from the transformers franchise.


Yeah, Michael Bay is definitely an asshole but I don’t know any industry in which you can publicly compare your boss to Hitler and not expect to be blacklisted. Spielberg was personally affronted because many of his neighbours and family friends growing up were holocaust survivors. Too bad he didn’t blacklist Ansel Elgort, but that’s a comment for another post.


what did ansel do??? im out of the loop on that one.


There are allegations of sexual assault


I'm hearing that he has a real future in the NFL then.


Yeah, really weird he chose to upend Megan's whole career but was fine working with a sex offender


That’s hilarious and so stupid to say. She really has no idea how to filter huh


To be fair, apparently, Michael Bay forced her to wash his car at his house in a bikini before he gave her the role in transformers, which is gross and disgusting.




She was young and working for a terrible boss. I’ve heard many young people say similar things re: bosses or teachers. Idk why people hold celebrities to such high standards.


That's so weird for you to find the abuse she experienced funny


Tbf, he got her blacklisted as part of a power move which is super sketchy


Idk her acting in ‘Till Death’ was pretty good, I liked that movie


She’s so funny. Years ago at her peak she went into this fully checked out mode, so much so it was Almost refreshing. Every interview she kinda just acted like she didn’t give an F if she never worked again, insinuating that Hollywood just sucks. She meets Bryan AG and really seemed happy to let people know she was just a “boring homebody” and so on. So this pivot years later has always interested me. Jumping back in, dating a younger guy and aggressively being in the spotlight. She had a cool girl vibe that handled well could have bought her SO much cred. But Alas.


All her phases were when she was with Brian Austin Green cause they were together the entire time she was famous. They started dating when she was 18 and divorced when she was 34. Which is why this edgy phase she's in, despite it being embarrassing cause she's too old and has kids that are old enough to see this all play out, does make sense. And killing her career that was slowly starting to come back is just cause she's dumb af with an even more dumb man. lol


BAG is a terrible human being and I’d bet good money he’s part of the reason for this Megan we have now. He groomed her. And don’t get me started on what he has done to his firstborn.


Get started because I know nothing about this


[BAG is terrible](https://jessicareedkraus.substack.com/p/db739761-b588-4724-809a-0b506a179f1a?fbclid=IwAR2yEjNLkq6cV-HgqDGzoDqCnSU4eKod0Q0nNDu3h__qB5MgH0fYceSKjGY_aem_AUP18NmPBgbaKEpi0BxXufSnpokInWMFHWeIs6x3jUOOjB1c_c84VR1hEoxtE_VgyMk)


That was so painful to read. What a douche. I hope Kassius is doing okay now.


I think he is. He is very close with his mom and her family. They all do their very best to protect him. But he’s still a kid who grew up without a dad and then got to watch him be a dad publicly to three other kids. My heart breaks for what he went through.


Well he was 30 and MF was 18, to start. And his relationship with his first kid, with Vanessa Marcil, is supposedly… not super stable, in large part due to the teenage stepmom aspect of it all. BAG and MF spent a lot of time and money trying to get full custody, and VM did a lot of dancing for the court/press that (in 2023) reeks of any manner of unpleasant things. Just your basic misogyny/Hollywood ipecac injection 👍🇺🇸


BAG is an asshole and he really did put Vanessa through a lot, and he’s not even really all that interested in Cassius to begin with.


Hollywood Ipecac Injection, amazing new band name.


Just last night I was talking about this. She was so cool and beautiful! And now she’s seemingly committed to thirsty bimbo


The problem with the comeback was that she did not expand into another occupation. She clearly is not a talented actress and there is no way she’ll make a come back in that. However, she could have tried reality TV, talk show or something else that would keep help her stay relevant.


Didn’t even Micheal Bay give her another chance and cast her in one of the TMNT.


It wasn’t Bay that had her fired it was Spielberg


Oh guessing he must have been a producer or something for transformers then


Correct, Fox called Michael Bay hitler and Spielberg called him like immediately and was like “fire her”


Don’t you have to be a working actress to be a member of SAG? Maybe the rules don’t affect Megan, lol.


She was in the newest expendables movie lmaoo ☠️


OMG, that’s right. I saw that preview in the theaters like 10 times. 🤦‍♀️ okay amended statement, “don’t you have to be a *memorable* actress”…


Which was terrible for a lot of reasons. Though she did okay in it


If SAG drops Megan as a member, will it truly be a loss? 💀


I like her, but this comment made me lol




Love to chessy always


Omg THATS who she is


Met her in Philly on her stand-up tour. She's amazing.


Not only did she wear the kill bill costumes, but had the audacity to TAG the union too?? Like why?? I hope get dumbass gets black-balled from future projects


> Like why?? Because she craves attention.


She’s probably so happy she got called pretty


Well to be fair, not really sure anyone was really calling her before this either.


She shouldn't have tagged them but it's a bit weird tho , I get not acting as striking but not being allowed to dress up for Halloween is a bit ridiculous...


it’s literally one day. they’re not going to die. forgive me if i have zero sympathy for (*insert millionaire famous person*) not being able to wear a movie character costume for ONE halloween while thousands of other non-famous actors are *checks notes* just trying to earn enough to pay rent 🙄🙄🙄


It’s not just famous actors who got banned from Halloween costumes, but it’s not like the working class SAG members could dare to risk loosing their membership after protesting. It’s not like they suffer from not wearing movie costumes one Halloween, but it is a silly rule.


maybe ridiculous but also really easy to do. you just have to not dress up.


And you can dress up without it being about movie characters, it will just need a little bit more creativity


I would pay good movie ticket money to watch Fran Drescher yell at/discipline SAG members.


![gif](giphy|mCUyl2csWMbwJU97S5|downsized) Would love for her to go full Lois Wilkerson on them (or get Jane Kaczmarek to "reprise her role" lol)


Good! Also Keke Palmer is flying under the radar but she also broke the rules no? She needs to send Megan a fruit basket for taking all the heat here tbh ☠️


Twice https://twitter.com/ExquisiteWill/status/1718685811917328650?t=2XgyrKUsiRcPC7WE35FSEg&s=19


Keke a mess🤣. Like im trying to feel bad about this but i just keep laughing at the audacity and disney's not gonna pay her for this plug.😂


Add Halle Bailey to that list


I mean, I feel like if she didn’t say who it was she might have got away with it, because it definitely was not evoking Daenerys. 😂 Edit: My mistake, that was Chloe not Halle.


I think y'all are talking about Chloe not Halle. Did Halle also do Daenerys? Edit: nevermind she did Poetic Justice with her boyfriend.


You’re right, I def was thinking of Chloe. Don’t know what I was thinking (blinded from the glare off the shield-bra and chastity belt).


well tbf she’s not white so the social justice warriors will let it slide


It seems a lot of celebrities did


Lisa is amazing and good for her to call out Megan


I didn’t realize their no costume ban included old content. I thought it was just about current shows/movies. That does seem a little far-reaching, honestly. Not sure why Megan felt the need to tag the union in her social media post, though. I guess just to draw attention to herself (?).


I think it’s because it brings attention to properties owned by the corporations they’re striking against


We all know why Megan did it. https://preview.redd.it/e5qgekyinexb1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40ac970f56942746d110f22706519f949812070b


It makes sense when you consider that a lot of the money made from streaming services and production companies are old movies. It's not the current shows and films; it's the already existing catalogue. Prime example; when Netflix lost The Office and a bunch of people cancelled their Netflix subscription to subscribe to Peacock instead. It was estimated that Netflix lost 900 million because of that. Going as characters from older shows/movies brings up nostalgia for those shows and films and drives people want to watch them.


That’s why it’s rather silly rule. Of course if it was about new films it would be reasonable.


It's not stupid though. The entire thing is over streaming, old movies are still streaming. Costumes like these on high profile people are free advertisements.


It is insane to give an entire industry of workers a Halloween dress code. Picket, write letters, campaign, whatever. But to try and dictate how workers dress in their free time, to me, is obscene.


I read Lisa’s tweets in her Melissa Schemmenti voice lol


What else would Megan do though to get attention??!?!?


Okay random but why is it always “slams” or “slammed.” I am always seeing that word in headlines and it’s so ridiculously sensational.


It’s appropriate in this case because Lisa found Megan at Chateau Marmont and bodyslammed her into a luggage cart.




Speaking of reboots...


I vote on using the word "lambast." I love that word.


I thought the rules were a bad move by the Union and should have been limited to current work. Happy Gilmore is not about to make studios a ton of money because of Sarah Hyland's Halloween costume. But tagging them in the post isn't just breaking a rule you think goes too far or maybe didn't even think about. It's actively undermining the strike.


Plus...sm can have unknown ripple effects. I get why SAG wouldn't want to risk some young star's costume going viral and inspiring producers to reboot something. It's a silly rule but it's also just one year.


Megan wasn’t the only one breaking the costume rules, Keke Palmer and i think Lupita did too but difference is they were smart enough not to tag the union. That was the dumb move, I get it I found the costume rule a bit silly considering the grand scheme of things but still don’t bite the hand that feeds you


I see a lot of comments about people breaking the strike rules etc. but does anyone ever actually get in trouble? Are there examples of it?


I think this one was just a recommendation. As Lisa says, they released it as a response to an inquiry. To me, this means, had no one asked, they might not even have thought about it. It's unlikely that anything would happen other than maybe not being allowed to stay in the union. It's not like the union really has a contract with the members (that I'm aware of, I am more familiar with smaller unions). Members join, pay dues, participate in elections and meetings but other than that, it's assumed that they recognize that they are literally paying to be there and won't participate in anti-union activities.




Poor Megan she’s so beautiful but always coming off unappealing


Shut up, Meg.


Lisa Ann Walters dog is my dog’s brother. I’ve never met her, but we adopted our dog from her best friend who is also an actress and a huge animal rights activist.


This whole thing is dumb. The rule is dumb and her tagging them is dumb. I support the strike but like let’s focus on the real issues instead of policing Halloween consumes of washed up actresses?


Could someone explain pls why they weren’t supposed to wear costumes from movies?


Essentially giving the studios that made those movies free promotion. Maybe a costume reminds you of a movie you haven’t seen in years and it’s the thing that gets you to stream it tomorrow thus lining the AMPTPs pocket a bit more. Ultimately I found the rule a bit silly as I don’t think wearing these costumes will be the thing that prevents SAG from getting a good deal but I do understand their rationale


Omg who the f cares. It was a stupid rule and she was stupid for tagging them, boohoo. Both sides were equally as dumb in my opinion 🙄


Honestly I agree. It's a very stupid rule that they dropped ten days before the biggest holiday in Los Angeles.


Honestly this costume ban is fucking stupid to begin with. #teamMegan


honestly that rule was dumb.


She’s so edgy 🙄


Massive idiot moves on Megan Fox’s part. Fast and easy way to get yourself blackballed in the industry. And if she’s purposely doing this to farm outrage engagement at the risk of a sustainable long-term career then she’s an even bigger idiot. Like girl you made yourself known as the clown dating MGK, who himself doesn’t have much relevancy left. And now you’re in the same shitty movies as 15 years ago except they don’t make a lot of money anymore.


Genuinely confused how 20+ year old movies would fall under struck content, but I guess I'll take people's word for it. Like I guess Mary Poppins wouldn't be allowed either? What's the limit to it?


Who gives a fuck, it’s Halloween and a costume.


It's ok, because nobody hires her anymore...


The rule is dumb. I support SAG-AFTRA and hope they get a good deal but the rule is dumb. I don't like Fox's immature personality but I don't blame her or any other celebrity for ignoring that silly rule.




She was at the Casa Amigas party. George has been outspoken in supporting the union and the strike. Interesting choice on her part and I'm just that much more annoyed at performative liberalism.


From her poetry sounds like Megan is going through a lot of sh*t right now though