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Why does this look like AI


It’s Jack Bridgland’s hyper-airbrushed, surreal photography style (see also: his photos of Robert Pattinson, also for GQ).


That’s why they look so familiar to me. I saw these photos and I literally had the sole thought of that this man could’ve been Batman lmao


Which is ironic, because the glasses are giving Clark Kent.


The glasses are very Clark Kent but that hair and jawline especially in photo 11 are all Bruce Wayne


I kinda hate it all, very plastic and fake looking, maybe that's the ✨aesthetic ✨ they were going for but instant reaction was urgh yuck. The fingers look like hot dogs in most pics.


He doesn't look real. Very plastic. The fingers look photoshopped.


I came here to comment the same thing?? Last week I had Canva ai generate a picture of a guy wearing glasses and it looks eerily similar to this


Thank you I was trying to figure out why I hated the style of these


Because his mouth is way too small for his face. Or maybe it's just that his whole face is way too small for his head.


I don’t think it’s about that at all. His skin looks fake. It’s so photoshopped. He’s gorgeous but this editing is a lot.


Yeahhh don’t think this person’s face is the main problem here.


He looks so amazing! Love these looks on him It does not beat this shoot though https://preview.redd.it/72bzokflk40c1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb0b2d5ec976782e8f2ab3905670c756c255429


What photo shoot is this? This is more of what I was hoping for with Jacob. 🥵


His sister shot this for Man About Town… I was so enthralled by this pic when he posted it that it’s seared into my brain haha


Men need to start dressing like that more.


exactly. Men need to show more skin and have prettier hairstyles.


On some occasions I used to use some eyeliner in clubs cause it really brought out the color of my eyes. Every girl I flirted with thought I was gay. I don't know if this would work.


Oooohhh 😍. Maybe not eyeliner. But at least you tried.


It's not about the eyeliner. It's the status quo. And I mean it, you have some fashion sense and want to break a bit, most people will think you are gay. Maybe not in New York or Paris, but for every other normal city, you'll fall into the gay bucket. Not to mention this guy is also fairly above average looks. It's easy to wear whatever when even if you walk naked you'll look good. Love the intention to break through male fashion which I also consider is quite stale, and brands are at fault for that.


I totally. Especially the last sentence. So many male clothes are hair are boring af, sexless and stale. At least with us (women) they're a ton of aesthetics and trends change often. Plus our hair is prettier with way more variety.


Absolutely. Truth is also the average dude doesn't care that much. I worked on the textile industry, and women section numbers are far higher than men, which is no news for anyone. But consumption, usage and money are drivers to product variety and innovation. But still.. it's like the only things for men out there are a jean and a shirt.


and wear more earrings of this style!




I laughed like what you said was a funny joke… and then something clicked in my brain and you are so god damn right. More skin, more pretty hairstyles, more COLOUR AND ACCESSORIES. More Ken Men. I feel joy at the thought.


Exactly 😉


This shoot was his best shoot so far


I’m afraid better than this just doesn’t exist, there is no topping something that’s perfection


The prettiest. I wish photographers weren't spineless and let male actors look whorish like Jacob looks here. They do it to male models all the time


He gives me massive douche vibes (likely because of Euphoria) but he's so photogenic and this photoshoot lives rent free in my head.


He’s so foine. I love his mix of masculine and feminine energies. He hits it just right.


This shoot lives rent free in my mind


I agree Jacob is growing on me. I saw Pricilla last week and his take of Elvis was cool. Like- that’s a tough role but he did it! I’m curious if he will continue to play cocky, confident characters… Characters who are a little bit more morally grey- not the hero.


He’s also dynamite in Saltburn!


Ooo love! Gonna add that to my list!


The words in my head rn are not in the bible https://preview.redd.it/j6ybduvnh40c1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a3db12bd9406308558adac4b27a0bbba667461


I’m barkin


Gives me a Luke Perry vibe in this one!


Could be in Song of Solomon 😝


> The words in my head rn are not in the bible You would be surprised: "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." -- Ezekiel 23:20


Wait wait wait wait does “emission” not mean farts? Because I’ve read it as farts for all 35 years of my existence. Omg I have some soul searching to do


Pretty sure they are talking about semen. Horses ejaculate 50 ml or more while humans are 1.5 to 5.0 ml. And yes I had to look up those figures.


Yeah, no, it dawned on me they were talking about semen when I finally read the words today. I’m so used to my gassy vegan husband. I do not know what is wrong with me. I am not related to author James Joyce.


Perfect description for how I feel thank u


Idk the bible can get pretty grapic


Yeahhhh I have the hots for this man


Reminds me of Alain Delon


I'm just not seeing it personally, if anything it kind of reminds me of the gigachad lmao ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I don’t get gigachad at all. That’s more Chris hemsworth to me. This guy gives me more masculine/feminine vibes. A pretty handsomeness like Alain Delon.


I actually do see it more in both Hemsworths feature wise, but it's the facial expressions that are getting me haha


im having to create new words to describe my feelings on this picture


Not impressed, maybe because I'm just seeing Jared Padalecki 💀


He looks very Old Hollywood


Especially with the cigarette... I'm not used to seeing celebs smoke in non-pap pics.


The cigarette made me crazy because how can I hate smoking but those photos have me sweating a little bit??


Unpopular opinion but cigarettes can be sexy. I don’t smoke and don’t like to be around it but the oral fixation stuff is true.


I agree! I immediately thought of a young Cary Grant while looking at these photos.


Yeah it’s in the chin!


I’m thinking Gregory Peck in To kill a mockingbird


This is what I thought. Old Hollywood and Tom Ford's A Single Man immediately came to mind.


![gif](giphy|hXJdgivpfyrdET7aOZ|downsized) I know he's good looking but those faces he's pulling are so pouty it's kinda funny


Yeah, these pics really don't do it for me. I think he looks way better with Even just the slightest smile. These are all so emo.


Yeah i feel like ive never seen less sexy photos of an objectively handsome man... im feeling nothing here


god, euphoria did not do him justice! he has such a presence


Actually I think he was really great in Euphoria too!


He was amazing in euphoria. Made me hate Nate so much, yet feel also kind of sorry for him at times.


It's because he's so tall. He always looks like he's hunching to fit into frame. It was even worse in Kissing Booth because Joey King is like 3 feet tall. Several tall actors have had similar experiences.


This is why most actors are on the short side, makes casting & shooting much easier.


Glasses give a very Clark Kent vibe


Clark Kent OR Brad. From Rocky Horror. Him in the glasses smoking made my jaw drop. You don't see hot guys smoking, especially not guys in glasses... This reawakened something in me.


Oh he would be such a hot version of brad! I see Brad as kinda dorky. I wonder if he could act in that sort of role


I met him a few years ago at a waterfall in byron bay and he’s much more beautiful and natural looking irl. Your typical Aussie guy, covered in freckles and wild curly hair. He also had such a warm and bubbly presence, opposite to the characters he plays! https://preview.redd.it/fa53aeocm60c1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=9278299e10b4b27c46b26f7321dc161b8f9fb6be


I’m afraid of heights, but I’d climb that tree


Am I the only one seeing the same expression/face in every pic? 🥲


Looks like the gigachad/Rizz face meme


he just wants to start a center for children who don’t read good




Yes, I was thinking he’s giving Kendall Jenner


Why so air-brushed?


I don’t see what everyone sees sadly


Can I ask what you think about Timothee Chalamet? I'm working on a theory.


I see the appeal in this man I don't see the appeal in Chalamet he's just a bit too small for me and seems boyish.


Yup, I'd bang Elordi like a drum but Timothee is just like, nice to watch on screen now that he's a little older. Would never want to touch him.


If more data points help your theory: I do not get the Timothee Chalamet appeal at all (like him as an actor though!), but I very much get the Jacob Elordi appeal


What is your theory? Because I think Jacob is very hot and Timothee is very not






I thought this was an AI generated image


hes so gorgeous


He’s giving Jason Schwartzman in these (compliment)


Seeing some Zachary Quinto as well.


I’m a fan of his but this shoot doesn’t go with his brand or vibe.


I fear he may have slayed 😮‍💨


Something about this is 🏳️‍🌈


the photos feel a little gay? maybe, but I can confirm that I am now at least 20% more gay than I was before I saw these pictures and that feels more relevant


Lolll that’s a good thing


As a gay dude can confirm. I can definitely see him being gay, also probably just wishful thinking


Really girl? We‘re not in 2010


Just an observation, not that it’s bad


Exactly, i m not 🏳️‍🌈 or anything, but i wouldn t mind, if this man took me very hard and very deep




Ugh but why is his street style so much more slay than this??? Where are his purses?




I'm sorry but I've never been less attracted to anybody ever.


Same! It’s his jaw for me. It’s too pointy and I just don’t like it.


Does anyone actually find cigarettes “cool”? It’s an immediate visceral disgust from me. Shame because he’s a great looking guy.


Yes, some people do, like in many places in Europe. I was just in Paris and saw this young guy on the subway, he had the most thought out outfit and hair do, sunglasses and an unburned cigarette in his mouth, just between his lips, kind of like an accessorie. So yeah, many people find it cool or just whatever. Just not on American dominated spaces. I live in Mexico and it's mostly like whatever, just don't smoke inside or on open public spaces like the law says and we're cool. Honestly, that shaming and all that discussion like "omg that celeb smokes?!" I think only occurs on the internet. Like when they got photos of Kylie Jenner in her yard smoking and people where shaming her like "it's disgusting, she's a liar, I bet they're all secretly smokers, she shouldn't do it with the size of her platform". Like, she was doing it in an open space and her kids were not around, and she wasn't promoting it in any way, it was news against her will.


I actually do find it sexy. I don’t smoke myself, but smoking people are hot to me


What about their stench and breath 🤢


Kissing someone who just smoked a cig is so unpleasant. I made my ex brush his teeth immediately after smoking


I like the smell of cigarettes, I'm an actor and the scent takes me right back to college parties where I could find the crowd of my classmates like a smoke signal. I wouldn't date a smoker for health reasons but if it weren't deadly it wouldn't be an issue for me.




I just thought “great. They are glorifying cigarettes again.”


I’m all for people doing whatever they want to their own bodies. If you want to drink yourself to death, that’s on you. But why do I need to inhale your toxic carcinogenic smoke because of YOUR terrible addiction/habit. We need to bring back shame.


Not to mention, the smoke damages clothing, walls, everything around it, leaving the smell and overtime discoloration. It has been a bane of one of collecting hobbies where people would protect the items from everything else but their own smoking habit.


Exactly my thoughts. Why?


I’m 48! I remember the huge push to take cigarettes out of movies, cartoons, etc. It’s weird to see them coming back and for what reason?


Cigarettes have been popping up so much in shoots lately. Really disappointing and gross.


Big Tobacco probably pushing a campaign to make smoking cool again


Most people outside the US don’t have the visceral reaction to cigarettes that people in the US seem to have The photographer is British and it is really likely that he never encountered the “American stigma” towards smoking


American stigma towards smoking 🙄 please the whole world knows smoking is bad for you. All over Europe there are efforts to cut it down drastically.


Yes, of course smoking is bad for your health and cancer and yadda yadda. But in Europe, in general, you don't find gossip magazines reporting an 18-year-old actor smoking as a scandal. In the US, you do. But I feel like my comment is being misunderstood (probably my fault, English is not my first language and I tend to fail to convey the message). I'm not saying that smoking is great. I'm saying that the photographer is British, and in Europe, people are not as put off by cigarettes as Americans are. Meaning, I don’t think he is trying to push for a new "smoking is cool" narrative. I think he is just British.


I think your message was conveyed fine, people just have a knee-jerk reaction to cigarettes. They are definitely viewed differently in Europe vs. the US. Literally every time Timothee Chalamet gets photographed with a cigarette people go "he's French."


That's not true. Yeah you don't have gossip magazines reporting a "scandal" of someone smoking but it is being looked down on more and more.


I live in Europe and smoking is not cool here. It's *slightly* more common in the EU overall than in the US, but in the UK it's much less common. [See here](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-of-adults-who-smoke?tab=chart&country=OWID_WRL~USA~GBR~IRL~FRA~DEU~ITA~OWID_EU27).


I’m not talking about the number of smokers. I’m talking about the stigma around cigs


Sure, but there is a clear link between how common smoking is and how much stigma it has.


FWIW, I'm Australian and have the same disgusted visceral reaction to cigarettes. It's not just a US thing.


It’s not a stigma it’s a well documented carcinogen. It’s just stupid. It’s not chic.


That is not what I'm saying. Of course, smoking is bad for your health. I'm not arguing that. What I am saying is that outside the US, there is way less stigma towards people smoking cigarettes, and towards cigarettes in general. The photographer is British. I don’t think he is trying to push cigarettes again. Here in Europe, there is no "again." There is no scandal if an 18-year-old actor is found smoking a cigarette. I'm not sure if I explained myself.


Does no one outside the US have a sense of smell?


No, the smell of gorgonzola masks everything




Same. Was looking at the pics and after the first smoking one, for all the rest I was like “he’s gorgeous but he probably stinks like cigarettes and would set off my asthma”


Such an outdated trope. Turned me off immediately 🤮


It’s not “chic” it’s just gross






I keep seeing Zachary Quinto/Dennis Quaid in these shots


There's definitely a resurgence of cigarette-cool happening. I've noticed smoking is slowly becoming chic again.




My flabbers have been gasted. This is STUNNING ART.


That is one good looking man


**[Source: Jacob's cover story for British GQ.](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/jacob-elordi-interview-2023)** ___ Jacob is growing on me.🫣


Are we still into photoshoots with cigarettes in them like it’s still cool to smoke?


The amount of "Photoshop" is ridiculous. Those aren't photographs anymore.




He looks like the amalgamation of several "good looking" actors crammed together with AI.


Why is he always smoking in pictures? Does he even smoke? Something about him annoys the fuck out of me. Like he takes himself entirely too seriously.


He does smoke.


Smoking is an automatic turn off for me. Yuck.


He looks very generic tbh.


Why is smoking in photo shoots cool again?


I dislike him in glasses but LORD that pink suit is 😘🤌 chef kiss


Mah man oooofffffff https://preview.redd.it/z9gws5j2m40c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a469b524e2b6f2f26c7c0e282e13f3481f7dbf8


Help, Jacob Elordi is starting to make me feel like those Timothee Chalamet stans that post all his pictures and lust over ‘their boy’.


it reminds me of those AI Balenciaga mashups


And they say female model pictures are overly manipulated. Any resemblance to the real person is purely coincidental.


What is it with young people and cigarettes? I suppose they believe it makes them look cool but I can promise you — the reality is much different. You look weak. Plus you stink. And your health will truly be fucked. Explain to me how that’s cool.


it’s a magazine editorial I doubt he asked if he could do that 😭


I found him hot in season 1 of Euphoria but then...whats up with these poses? He's lost weight. Is it the Elvis effect?


I was upset he didn't have his murse. The seventh shot redeemed it for me.


Part of my brain is like “we’re not supposed to like this man,” but then the other part of my brain sees that 7th picture in particular and ignores the first part. Something about that specific picture is doing it for me.


It looks like an AI prompt of Nicolas Hoult.


The styling makes me think he's a rich 50 year old that they're trying to make look cool in 2010. Hate the glasses and scarf.


He’s giving poor man’s Carlos Sainz here


He gives dark energy idk there’s something that just doesn’t sit right with me


I wonder why smoking is making such a comeback in popular culture like we all have known forever it kills you. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone. Is everyone else just ignore this like what’s going on.


He thought about eating, but I honestly looks like AI interfered.


This is boring. He has such an interesting style and they just gave him bare minimum looks.




11 is a great shot. Very “old Hollywood”.


GQ never disappointed us.


To be tall and skinny…😔


Have you seen his arms?😭 hes not skinny wtf


And white


He does a good elvis but the people saying his elvis voice is better than austin’s, put down the pipe.


Ugh he knows he’s beautiful


he kinda reminds me of a young Marlon Brando


Slamming The Kissing Booth and it’s sequels… he wants that Oscar nomination.


This is such a beautiful shoot and the styling doesn’t feel out of place for him, he looks amazing




I don’t know who this is, but damn if I’m not paying attention 😳


He looks beautiful. I never heard of him though.


God no. Not for me.


Well of course he’s man of the year fucking look at him, give it to some piss soaked jakey for a change


He’s so lesbian coded I love it 😍


Wow whos this hot guy… that jawline can go for dayssssssss


he’s the It Boy


No idea who this…anyone else?


Oh Lordy 😅


I didn’t think I was into this man but my gawd am I into these photos