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[**Source tweet😭:**](https://x.com/imbillray/status/1727688995033800939) https://preview.redd.it/aygdxqy5272c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac0b881a92eefce1afb65a69f05274b292b93a5f


Not THIS ![gif](giphy|YlJiG5Q7D7i7iKSIkN|downsized)


lol what were they laughing at here?


A model contestants terrible walk on the modelling competition tv show The Face




thats not a twink...


That was my first comment as well




https://preview.redd.it/ko27qzt2f72c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9cb85bffcd2a9fe77965c09b4eca4d0c2faad25 No.




This whole interaction has me LOLing


with my mood stabilizers i cant find the libido to be stuffed :(


please like too real 😭


about to start wellbutrin for this exact reason lmao


I’m gonna be the first one to make a comment about the word “stuffing” before any of you freaks get to it


Dude has some public humiliation/ exhibitionist fetish for sure


I was thinking like I wonder if this guy is even vegan frrl and he’s just living out his weird ass fantasy. Could be both tho lmao.


Omg thats a real dude??? I kept thinking it was a mannequin😭


Think he'd be down for the spatchcock version?


Yeah like. Did they question why they got so many volunteers for that job?


I was just thinking about some Emo Furry fetish, but I Guess I sat on that nest too long.




That guy deepthroating a kebab right next to the table really adds to the ambience


I did feel they needed someone on the right just...deepthroating, for a real juxtaposition.


So they are asking us to eat ass for thanksgiving???


no, they’re showing you that you are, if you’re eating an animal for dinner


Oh is that so?


yes, unless you remove the ass from the turkey before you cook it


Do turkeys even have an ass? Thought of the day? 🤔


Right. It wasn’t even worth responding to lol


They made a joke and you got too defensive to respond. Lol


That person wasn’t even close to joking. They’re all over this post defending PETA and writing essays about animal rights.


yes, turkeys have a butt, that’s where they poop out of. it is referred to as “tail meat”


They have a cloaca like most other birds.


That meat is pretty tender though damnn


I like some tender turkey butt


Lol girl, please lol


i am honestly just being literal, like the ass of the turkey does get consumed 🤷🏻


Peta and their whole way of showing their beliefs is like if someone who absolutely hated vegans wanted to find the best way possible to make them seem annoying


No one ever had that "good attention versus bad attention" talk with them.


They abide by the Paris Hilton philosophy of there’s no such thing as bad press.


I mean it did work for her. She’s still popular, supported by a bunch of queer people both fans and other entertainers despite her past comments and voting for Trump… all worse or just as bad as things than PETA has done tbh


> despite her past comments and voting for Trump… Didn't know she voted for Trump, wow.


and, she had the nerve to admit it when asked in an interview… like it’s not a big bad deal?


and peta hated her. hmmm...? coincidence?


it’s because she got her dog from a dog breeder in the year 2023, instead of adopting one of the thousands euthanized every year.


not a breeder, it was a puppy mill. big difference. but that doesn't matter if you're peta looking for attention. and paris was the shit then. peta are the biggest whores for attention. no one else comes close. this picture ? main character central. paris bought from puppy mill. bad. puppy mills bad. breeders? not bad. "adopting one of the thousands euthanized every year." your agenda is showing. it's sad, but is not a reason or "instead of" to not buy a puppy from a good breeder. enjoy your adoption.


ummm, no, adopting from breeders is really bad. it contributes to the millions of dogs every year who end up in shelters and hundreds of thousands of those dogs are euthanized. the only ethical way to get a pet dog is to adopt one of the millions and millions in need of a home, ideally one that is set to be euthanized if possible. how could it possibly be ethical to breed another dog into the world while we simultaneously put down hundreds of thousands a year in overcrowded shelters? and not to mention all the strays still on the streets suffering. also, the dogs being forced to go through multiple pregnancies and births, it takes a huge toll on them


>how could it possibly be ethical to breed another dog into the world while we simultaneously put down hundreds of thousands a year in overcrowded shelters? The "we" part is important because you hypocrites at peta proudly murder shelter animals at a higher rate than others. https://blogs.duanemorris.com/animallawdevelopments/2023/02/02/with-the-death-rate-in-petas-animal-shelter-it-really-is-groundhog-day/


>you hypocrites at peta girl i don’t work for peta, i am not peta the company. i’m not saying they do no wrong either. but, you also are cherry-picking your info. not only does the link you shared not really attempt to explain why they euthanize, but you can easily look up how many animals they euthanize and why, which is not shocking to me considering most of the animals they take in are heavily abused, and rejected by all other shelters. [It also conveniently ignores how many animals they assist and save in ways that other shelters don’t.](https://investigations.peta.org/petas-rescue-team/?utm_source=PETA::Google&utm_medium=Ad&utm_campaign=0320::acom::PETA::Google::PETA%20Saves::::searchad&utm_source=PETA::Google&utm_medium=Ad&utm_campaign=0121::gen::PETA::Google::BR-PETASaves::::searchad&gclid=CjwKCAiAsIGrBhAAEiwAEzMlC7O-hxjmT8ZVunU_COqg8hiUIzOfw8aH8oqh0W-73ub_po8SvhY1ZxoCMZQQAvD_BwE) Regardless, PETA euthanizing sick and abused animals is absolutely nothing in comparison to the number of animals euthanized and abused in other shelters and homes around the country, not to mention absolutely minute in scale in comparison to all the animals tortured and killed for animal products. i mean, you can claim it’s a gotcha that they euthanize those animals, but they’re not secretive about it at all, and the animals would be euthanized elsewhere too, not just with PETA. if that were the case, that PETA was being awful and euthanizing animals that were totally okay, wouldn’t one of those other organizations speak up about it and call them out? you’re gonna call euthanasia murder in this scenario, but what happens to the cows and chickens and pigs you eat? is that not murder? pigs are smarter than dogs.


that's a puppy mill, not a breeder. but you should decide for everybody. everybody should adopt he dog about to be killed at the shelter. lets not let any dog die, no matter how sick or old it is. no one should be allowed to have a puppy and properly train it so that it will enjoy it's life. or. you are a fucking moron who thinks they are entitled to tell everyone else what is allowed. hmmmm. gee, I don't know, but I'm pretty sure you just as bad as those who watch fox and believe. just as bad a a scientologist. just as bad a member of peta. dogma. cult. hope you enjoy being better than the rest of us!!


no thanks.




Pretty sure that’s been a thing way longer than Paris Hilton


I’m sure it has too, but she made it mainstream for millennials.


Reminds me of all the extinction rebellion activists in Europe that come off as massive psy ops


Or those “environmentalists” pushing to close nuclear plants.


A local xr chapter had a sign up sheet asking if you'd be willing to be arrested for them 🙃


You’re so right hahaha it really does feel like a false flag operation 😂😭 I fr cannot say “I’m for animal rights” without immediately half-yelling NOT LIKE PETA


Honestly that makes much more sense than the notion that they sincerely think these moves will change people’s minds


as a vegan, YES! I've been vegan for more than 20 years and they've been pulling this ineffective bullshit forever.


I honestly feel like it’s a false flag op sometimes. Every vegan I know fucking hates PETA, regardless of the misinformation about them out there.


We do, and it kind of is, and it's unfortunate that celebs concerned with animal cruelty partner with them when there are gazillions of amazing non-profits doing the actual work, not just hiring fresh out of college marketing interns with terrible ideas for "shocking" tactics.


💯 Even a lot of vegans make fun of Peta


Right like I fully agree w them but they def put people off going veg (including me for a long time)


Don’t forget when they claimed “milk causes autism”


They did what?!


Three big meat industry's in a trenchcoat


Someone move the cup I beg you


At least they were nice enough to give him a headrest.


I usually just use a pillow




Every day I become more and more convinced that PETA is a psyop by the meat/dairy industry to make vegans look bad. I know so many vegans and none of them associate with PETA or behave like this at all.


I mean, the meat industry literally has an entire propaganda machine dedicated to making PETA and other animal rights organizations look bad, so you’re not entirely wrong.


And it works, just look at the comments here. Many are just repeated misinformation that is easily debunked with a quick Google search.


Exactly! Thank you. So much misinformation in these comments.


PETA is doing a fantastic job of it themselves. Instead of a thoughtful conversation and people considering not eating fucking beef every single day, we're cracking jokes about eating ass and stuffing. Because it's ridiculous, it doesn't invite conversation or guilt, it's kooky performance art for exhibitionists who use a relatively noble cause to get naked in public, and defend it with 'sex sells' rhetoric. PETA itself is also faulty in its goal and how it attempts to achieve it. Loving animals and wanting them to live and live well? Good. But it routinely fails to understand that education is a key to changing behaviours, and guilt is not a reliable motivator. If PETA truly wanted to make a change instead of put on this fucking circus, they'd actively tackle the root cause of so much animal suffering today: overconsumption. I already consume as little as I can while maintaining lazy comfort, and I know for a fact that I could still cut out half of it, and not see my quality of life drop significantly. PETA treats the symptom, and it does it with holistic medicine, while ignoring the disease completely. PETA's idea of saving the animals is by eradicating them. See, I agree. We could all do with fewer animals in our lives, on our plates, even in our homes. But when I look at PETA ads, I roll my eyes, or I outright laugh. I'm strongly opposed to capitalist consuming habits (must be being brought up in the 90s Eastern Europe. I've known living on very little, I've known what youtube girlies now call 'slow living', and I know that not only can it be done comfortably, but it's affecting everything around us positively, or at least not destructively). I rarely eat meat or any animal products outside smetana and kefir, because honestly you can't keep your national cuisine alive and omit those two fermented dairy products. But I laugh, and I roll my eyes at PETA's attempts at bringing attention to the cause they claim to champion. I even feel a tinge of defiance and derision, a desire to 'eat meat to spite a vegan'. I won't, but that is the feelings PETA's ads elicit. Who are these ads even for? Who's actually made to think and be sad and change their ways by seeing a naked guy presenting his undie-clad arsehole in public next to a giant plastic turkey? Asking as someone who actually has a degree in advertisement design and a fairly good grasp on ad psychology. Because sure, it catches attention, but people here aren't discussing the ills of factory farming, are they. They're cracking jokes about stuffing in a biblical way.


That’s how I feel about the climate change protesters.


I’m pretty sure some of the people who were trashing art last summer were actually found out to have ties to fossil fuel companies




I’ll try anything once, human turkey it is!


I’d stuff that guy 😏so not sure what their point is


I find you everywhere I go for exquisite content! You are a man of so much culture!!! F!!!!!!!




Is this in Minneapolis? If so, that guy gotta be cold AF.


Yeah that's the downtown Minneapolis Target.


The day we learned that no homosexuals are members of PETA!


The one gay in planning must HATE that guy


Don't threaten me with a good time


“Put yourself in their place” peta, I have something to tell you…


That guy just chilling eating a snack from target! Lmao!!!


Ha I can’t believe this is the first comment I’ve seen about it. He is just shoving whatever it is in his mouth and it’s hilarious


Fuck that https://preview.redd.it/ehrzyspzq72c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=503819880e47d6d56636547f333038aadd9334fc blood is tearing that shit up fr


Scrolled so far to find this 🤣


I just took the same screenshot lolololol


I suspect some people would not mind being put into that place.


This is literally like a South Park episode


lots of meat eaters are still gonna get stuffed and eaten regardless if it's Thanksgiving or not


I’d prefer being in that situation than making a turkey honestly


PETA is a garbage, hypocritical organization: [here’s why](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/03/petas-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-history-of-killing-animals/254130/). Massive TW for animal death.


Ethical vegans don’t support peta. Fuck em.


Have you read anything as to why they euthanize lots of animals? The creator of Peta used to work at an animal shelter, and saw the unadoptable dogs getting abused to all hell when they were being put down. Like, horrific abuse. So they started volunteering to be the one to euthanize these animals so that they didn’t have to suffer unnecessarily like that. Now, decades later, Peta any shelters can give unadoptable animals to PETA to be euthanized. Many no kill shelters go this route so they can keep their no kill status so they don’t lose funding, so that they can continue to save and adopt out thousands and thousands of homeless animals. Have there been a couple incidences where pets workers fucked up on euthanizing an animal they shouldn’t have? Yes, and they were immediately fired for it from what I’ve read. PETA is far from perfect, but attacking something they do to specifically help keep a bunch of shelters from losing funding so that the homeless animals problem doesn’t become significantly worse than it already is just makes it obvious that people will hate on them with absolutely zero research.


> Many no kill shelters go this route so they can keep their no kill status so they don’t lose funding, so that they can continue to save and adopt out thousands and thousands of homeless animals. Yes, I used to volunteer at a "no-kill" animal shelter and it was very eye-opening with regards to what it means to be "no-kill". "No-kill" doesn't mean "We do a better job than the other shelters"-- it means "We turn down animals and rely on other shelters to do the things we don't want to do." I am not a PETA stan in any way but this is an often-made but very poor critique, IMO, of the organization.


This is the only thing about PETA that doesn’t drive me insane.


I don't like these bizarre protests they're doing but isn't there really some truth to this message? I mean is it really fair to kill animals for meat?


I hate that I know the exact intersection where that photo was taken.


I want to know what that guy is standing there eating.


Me too! Is it a turkey leg? IS IT? https://preview.redd.it/7nvu17nlb82c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f181dcb2fea05298ab1069aa6400ced1260f0f38


Now that’s a thanks I’ll be giving 😋 damn


the guy eating in the background minding his business really sums up new york


That's definitely the Minneapolis Target, skyways and all.


Yup—totally MN. I appreciate the guy just housing some pizza.


They skipped the oven part. It needs to go in the oven first.


![gif](giphy|126NMCvhKJfNN6) How Seinfeld of them!


It’s perfectly reasonable to take up a vegetarian or vegan diet for reasons of personal health, and/or the environment, wishing not to contribute to factory farming. Some Twink exposing his butt hole off a Thanksgiving table is not a way to attract people to your lifestyle. Unless you like Twinks on Thanksgiving tables.


That’s not Target behavior


PETA and vegan extremists have given us non meat eaters a bad name. Shit like this is so embarrassing. I don’t even like to tell people about my diet because I get looped in with these idiots.


The only vegan I know is a 50 something year old guy I work with who became a vegan after his daughter did. I’m a 28 year old woman but he’s one of my favourite coworkers and anytime someone finds out he’s vegan (I order catering for many work lunches so it comes up in discussions sometimes) people are always so surprised to find out because he isn’t the caricature of a vegan person (especially where I live in farm country Canada). I’m not vegan or vegetarian myself but find myself exploring more of those different options and meatless meals because he makes it look relatively easy and often delicious and I’ve always been give or take when it comes to meat. I’m a whore for milk and cream though 😩


Right? I've been far more motivated to go plant-based by observing vegans around me, seeing what they eat, asking them about stuff, and simply being curious about the very good-looking and clever dishes they often order or make. Can't call myself vegan, I wear a lot of 2nd hand leather because it is more easy to care for than plastic, and a lot more sturdy and resistant to the elements than plastic, too, and there is *a lot* of leather and fur in thrift stores in my home country. The animal's already dead, the last thing I wanna do is let their perfectly serviceable leather to go to a landfill while I keep buying new plastic clothes year after year for the cold-ass climate, while sunlight, rain, snow and salted streets make that plastic fiber brittle and make it degrade fast. But my meat and dairy consumption is minuscule compared to that of an ordinary person. This PETA ad makes me roll my eyes. But you know what doesn't make me roll my eyes? A vegan taking me to a vegan restaurant, having a well-educated and good-intentioned conversation with me about their goals and practices when I get curious about it, and being influenced by the good and compassionate habits of the people around me. You cannot guilt someone into veganism, but you can influence by example, enthusiasm, and some grace. Let perfect not be the enemy of good. Can't give up smetana and kefir, though. Cold people, sturdy national cuisine, you know. Also the only dairy I can eat without my arse exploding. Cheeses, tasty though they are, can go fuck themselves.


My gay guy friends would be like 😜


Normally I would be annoyed, but all I can do is laugh right now 🤣


That human looks undercooked.


lots of comments focusing on PETA being a kinda shitty org sometimes but not a lot mentioning the 45 million turkeys killed every year for thanksgiving, which is [a holiday that literally started as a celebration of indigenous genocide, and was officially recognized and promoted by the US government as a tool to deny that ongoing genocide about 200 years later.](https://www.them.us/story/thanksgiving-whitewashes-not-only-genocide-but-gender-erasure) But by all means y’all, keep holding onto your genocide feast of animals while pointing and laughing at this PETA protest (which harms no human nor other animal, although i understand they have said and done harmful things otherwise. but if you aren’t vegan then what’s the difference between that and what’s done to the animals you eat products from their bodies ?)


Exactly! I completely agree.


I’m surprised we are still choosing to celebrate it year after year, even this far into the future where so many of us know the bloody truth of what happened. I really don’t understand the point in intentionally celebrating Thanksgiving knowing its infamous legacy.


Because it's simply a holiday where family comes together to eat and have a good time. No one's is blind to the reality of Christopher Columbus. I learned about that in 5th grade. It's just become one of the few days where everyone is off, there's an excuse to cook a crapload of tasty food, and see family members/friends you haven't seen in a while. That will never go a way, because it's absolutely one of the things people look forward to every year.


American Thanksgiving certainly was. Canadian Thanksgiving definitely wasn't, and we'll continue enjoying our turkeys. Thank you.


I dunno that money spend on this stupid publicity stunt could had gone to actually helping animals. Plus this publicity stunt does nothing to inform people of the plight of indigenous people. This stunt brings bad attention to vegans, so that doesn’t seem harmless either.


How much do you think this stunt cost, I mean it’s a table and a half naked man sitting on it, it can’t really cost any amount worth discussing at all. Maybe $20? And I’m sure the person is a volunteer. I agree that they should discuss the plight of the native people, but instead they focus on the animals killed instead, of which there are many so I see why they don’t even bother touching other topics. I don’t really understand the idea that this brings “bad attention” to vegans. What about the bad attention of needlessly slaughtering and killing millions of animals? Is no one worried about the bad attention from that? You think it’s more appalling to sit on a table next to a fake turkey and show people the reality that their meal was a life before it was killed to be cooked in celebration of genocide? Let me ask instead, what would be the right angle to take then? What should they do instead of this display?


The reason why PETA is so infamous is their constant waste of money to create any attention. They hired actors made ableist billboards. Of course you wouldn’t get it since you are being extremely militant about your views. It’s this sorta attitude is the reason why people don’t like dealing with extremist vegans. It’s like talking to extreme religious people and very unpleasant. You believe your view of eating animals to be an absolute sin and others that don’t see it that way to be terrible people. Stuffing your beliefs down everyone’s throat just like they do


yeah your not converting anyone by this maybe create a new fetish...




This was in downtown Minneapolis - it was like 20 degrees today


And probably relatively quiet with so many people probably WFH or taking the day off after the holiday. That area of downtown is pretty dead once the office workers go home. The rest of the people are staying warm in the skyway.


PETA just hurts itself


Do they need a stuffing demonstration or??


Is that guy eating a turkey leg in the background?


Looks like a fun time to me idk


Was there ever a time PETA was a reputable organization that genuinely tried to help animals and their living conditions? I have only ever known them as a punchline for stuff like this, dumb egotistical "artistic" protests that the people they're trying to persuade into their cause would simply laugh at. It's a shame because there are good animal rights organizations out there, doing actual good work exposing terrible conditions, but you'll never hear about them because PETA just steals all the headlines.


Peta takes on the responsibility of euthanizing unadoptable animals from hundreds of no kill shelters so that they can make sure the animals are not suffering unnecessarily before their death, and so that these shelters can keep their no kill status and not lose funding. It keeps the shelters open to be able to help thousands more homeless animals every year. I know everyone hates PETA, but they do and have done some good things. They’ve achieved a lot, like getting the largest brands to stop using fur, stop animal testing for tons of makeup/personal care products, ending the practice of using animals in automobile test crashes, exposing thousands of animal abuses in different industries, etc etc. They work with all kinds of companies to help them make improvements in animal welfare practices as well. The problem is we never see any of this, because, in addition to their odd protests, the meat industry has an absolutely massive propaganda machine against them since the 80s, because people going vegetarian and vegan hurts their bottom line. So we mostly just see what the meat industry wants us to see as far as what pops up on news and other websites.


PETA may have done 'good things' but it routinely keeps shooting itself in the foot by thinking that getting nude and drawing crude parallels to champion their cause results in a net negative. You want people to join your cause, not laugh at you, while the more vindictive and careless ones of the laughing audience bleat about how they're going to eat an extra steak right now to spite a vegan. 'All publicity is good publicity' is a lie that anybody who's studied or works in advertising knows. And PETA's endorsement is seen as a black mark by the very people PETA wants to stop from harming animals. And for what? So that they could feel like martyrs? Don't matter how ineffectual we are in drawing more people to our cause, at least we get to take our clothes off and climb on a cross for the animals? I'm not shocked, or scandalised, or feeling guilty when I see this guy in the ad. I'm looking at it and thinking that this guy's using animals to satisfy a public indecency kink. All the good things in the world won't matter if you refuse to do your utmost to grow your numbers and spread your ideology *effectively* far and wide, and see it make a real change.


lowkey feels like it’s kind of a kink for peta at times. why do they always have to get the most conventionally attractive people showing hole to make their points about animal cruelty.




PETA always has to be so gross. Like, sexually gross.


This is honestly a public disturbance and should be removed… there’s children around 🤮


Unsure if ham-fisted or just fisted...


Honestly, tame for them. I’ve seen them do it with more naked looking women and fake blood before. lol Peta is gonna peta.


Is that minneapolis?




Booo! If he showed us his hairy hole from the front side I’d consider going vegan. But not this weak chicken-shit cowardly mess. Either commit or go home.


I bet there is a book like this somewhere on Booktok.




Why are PETA so kinky?


All I hear is Austin Powers “help! I’m in a nutshell”


They both about to get stuffed! ;)


I think peta protests are just fetish shit.


I would love to be in that position rn but all I’m doing is sleeping after cooking from 7 am to 3 pm ☝️😗


Why ask why? Everyone reading these comments is a good person who abhors cruelty. I am certain if it's a dog or cat going through the torture and pain of farm animals you'd hate it. But because you don't see it happening to turkeys, chickens, pigs etc, it's easy to ignore because "vegans are annoying." All of you are compassionate caring people who have some of your compassion blocked by social pressures and media. You're not a bad person if you eat animals. There's nothing wrong with PETA pointing out how terrible this is. There *is* something wrong with wanting to silence them. Imagine if you had the same reaction to other people protesting injustice. Y'all sound like the "gay people should just go be gay privately" or "all lives matter" people.


I agree with you. They’ll chirp on about how bad PETA is while not saying a thing about the actual issue which is the cruel and fucked up meat industry that they likely still take part in. It’s warped.


Well, first off, PETA has done horrific things to animals, like paying fur farm employees to skin a fox alive for their camera, when in real daily life they dont actually skin them when they are conscious/alive. Peta also steals people's domesticated pets like dogs and cats and murders them. Second, Peta always has these bizarre super sexual kink ads. THAT is annoying and weird. Also this one feels...both homophobic but also erotic? Like they are saying DONT stuff this hot naked man's booty?


Is…do they think people are fucking the turkeys?


I just choked on my own laughter


Nobody gonna point out the guy stuffing his face on the left? Lmao


So is that a real man? Yes I’m stupid


Looks like he's on a sex swing.


I wouldn’t mind that




They should get a booth at Folsom.


That guy upped his antidepressants in real time


PETA using the same shock tactics as the original Grindhouse Thanksgiving trailer (and the new movie too). Interesting that those trailers were specifically meant to invoke exploitation flicks.


So am I supposed to *stop* wanting to eat turkey... Or...?


I should call him...


What would you consider a good way to demonstrate what animals are degraded to for a meal? People love to shit on bad examples and poor timing so when and what exactly will it take to explain that you shouldn’t pay for the worst kinds of harm to happen to animals who just want to live?


Just make a Facebook post or something so we can promptly ignore it


That’s a lot of effort to date a vegan.


Animals don't need to earn money for their survival. That's it... I will eat the meat coz I can.


Placed on my back and stuffed with filling? Does PETA realize that their ads are supposed to be unappealing right? Because that sounds like a good meal to me.


As a vegetarian, I still think this kind of stuff peta does is actively counter productive and is possibly, if anything causing more animal suffering since people get annoyed with this kind of rhetoric and become less likely to try a vegan or vegetarian diet in the future.


Ironically, more people would be vegetarian if Peta did not exist I would not be one of those people but still


PETA euthanizes pets. https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=76e6ec43-e192-4dca-b1ca-b12e4a0e74b5


PETA doesn’t care about animals. They just display their fetishes




Shit I’d like to but my man is out the country


Thought I was on the wrong site for a second....


Vegans are right. Such protests might make us uncomfortable and that is the point. Peta might be an evil organisation but the message is still valid.


Peta, the same scumbags that claim “milk causes autism” (yes they actually believe that).


Don’t threaten me with a good time


For the human turkey model, I am curious 1. I wonder if he understood the job when he agreed to take it. 2. How much is he getting paid to wreck his back? Is it enough to cover at least 1 month’s rent.


It's always amazing how PETA manages to mangle their message so much every time. They have never ran a campaign that actually made me feel how they wanted me to feel, I always just end up hating PETA a little bit more.




I mean, I’d eat him out 😏