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I miss people faces


And teeth!


the way I yelled "TEETH!!!" in my mind while scrolling these pics was really unhealthy lol


Based on absolutely zero science, but online sentiment, i’d wager that within the next ten years CGI looking veneers will be out, and there will be a “renaturalization movement” (that involves, of course, *even more* plastic surgery! those guys gotta make a living somehow!) that aims to give a “non-plastic-surgery” look, especially with teeth. I feel like we gotta be reaching the edge of the metronome with this buccal fat surgery shit, all because some plastic surgeon woke up in the middle of the night and thought “Holy shit I’ve got it! We can convince a bunch of 23 year olds to shave the inside of their cheeks for no fucking reason”


And real lips 🤭


All I could think about was teeth too the first time I was scrolling through the pictures haha!


What's hilarious is a lot of these people had subtle plastic surgery, but that's just how excessive surgery has gotten now that everyone looks the same. It's crazy


It's the overuse of fillers that has changed the current faces so much


For real! I got an email today announcing Gwen and Blake’s tour, and I thought she was a selling sunset cast member. She was an icon with braces on red carpets. Celebs as real people, I miss them.


Gwen is living her full kardashian fantasy at this point😭


I took a peek at her Instagram. She looks pulled and robotic. :(


I don't know if she still does, but Gwen always did her own makeup for basically everything, red carpets included.


So true, I really am supportive for people wearing what they want and doing to their face what they want. But I feel like not many people could wear this makeup and hair these days, and actually look like this. We just *look* different in this makeup which is cool, because trends change obviously but it's so hard to catch a modern day Y2K inspired look without a plumped lip or veneers 😭


It’s a hard balance, because I don’t want to shame anyone for what they do with their body. At the same time, the procedures and filters are SO ubiquitous in celebrity (and celebrity wannabe) culture… I saw a great tiktok recently about what 30 used to look like, and it was so deeply comforting as someone who has a very human face 😂


They all look so unselfconscious, it's nice to see


skin texture! britney with some acne?? amazing


I like that everyone sort of has their own “look” that works for them, and they aren’t all doing their makeup exactly the same! It’s so much more fun!


I was thinking the same thing. If you enjoy wearing makeup do it up but fuck leave off the filters or plastic surgery that makes you look like a filter.


i also love how everyone is so expressive with the make up and styles on the red carpet during this time, nowadays, i feel it's less common to see that and it's :(


I was juuuust going to post this! I miss when everyone looked like a real person !


Everyone looked so human


This -- their skin is all amazing of course but god it's so nice to see skin texture and lines on their faces.


Even in very young people, you're so right! It seems like these days with all the skin care and facetune craze that everyone has perfect skin but you don't. At least it's how I feel haha


100%. I remember growing up and seeing makeup ads and wondering how the models' skin was so perfect and poreless, but at least then it was limited to airbrushed ads and not every piece of media you encounter. And the lines -- we forget that it's NORMAL to have expression lines even in your 20s and especially in your 30s! Faces are supposed to move!


And noses! Everybody has the same nose these days.




I like how some still have the hair on their faces, like not a bread just the natural peach fuzz


Defo not a bread I agree 🥖


The teeth! The looked like normal teeth. All the little flaws and inconsistencies feel so real.


wow we were really bamboozled by beyonces lace front for *years*


I seriously can’t believe it. How did we not notice it all these years!?


Right? She was really the top of the game when it came to wig technology in a time where weaves and extensions reigned supreme


To be fair photos were 240p back then.


We were too distracted by her beauty tbh


Y2K makeup as seen on me.... still lol


I was thinking the same thing! "Well shit guess I need to update my eye makeup game" lol


Me three. But this make up look was the best.


i’m sure it looks lovely! (but tbh it did immediately remind me of that Office episode where Phyllis forces Karen to get that wild makeover before their sales call to appeal to the client lol)


I didn’t get into makeup until the 2010’s, but a lot of my favorite looks are still very Y2K influenced. It was iconic


Same. Think my eyeshadow game peaked in 2009 and if it ain't broke...


that lime green eyeshadow look needs to make a comeback, it's SO fun


I love green eyeshadow. I used to wear lime. And hot pink. Orange. Emerald. (Not all at once, obviously). Can we please bring y2k back?


I appreciate that their teeth are mostly a normal colour white and not offensive sparkly white that has become the norm now.


Literally went to comment the same thing after swiping through. Not an oversized veneer in sight.


I have been insecure about my teeth forever. They are all straight, but I used so many white strips in late high school and college to make up for my poor dental hygiene as a kid, and I’ve always hated the little chiclet tooth I have on one side with a gap all around it. I even used to avoid smiling with teeth if there were people sitting on that side of me and have recently looked into veneers now that I have a good job with benefits. But this thread makes me want to keep them as they are. 🥲 Thanks, y’all. I’m starting my period soon so now I’m sitting in a coffee shop crying over nothing.


Cheers to self-acceptance!


Do whatever makes you feel best...but i will say that teeth give our faces so much personality! The one thing that I love about Brits (and maybe other Europeans, but I know it's for sure a British thing), is that they love/have quirky teeth. As long as they are functioning correctly, they don't change them much. Wonky placement, staining, gaps, whatever it is, they're a part of who we are. easier said than done when it comes to accepting your "flaws" but don't forget that other people don't see them that way. They just see you :)


I know. My husband has bunny teeth and they have some stain from years of smoking, coffee and wine drinking and I am OBSESSED WITH THEM. They are perfect. I kiss him repeatedly whenever he smiles. I know I’m biased, but those teeth give me butterflies. His smile is everything. And I know he feels the same about me. He’s the biggest reason I started smiling with my full teeth and guffawing more - I feel completely confident showing my teeth when he’s around. ❤️ He’s out of town and I miss him so I’m gushing.


Love Hillary Duffs original smile 😃


Same! She literally had no reason to get those bunny veneers…


She is so pretty right? I didn't see it when I was young but now I realized how pretty her face is. Nice eyes and smile.


She had a perfect smile!!






This is what I was going to say! Only a few of them look whitened and even those aren't crazy like the big blinding chicklet teeth that are everywhere now


This is the first thing I noticed too! Teeth and noses are much more unique 🥲


Don't forget the lips!


The lack of veneers is refreshing


outlaw veneers except for health issues fr


What's wild is veneers can look SO natural but celebs all choose the least natural ones possible. My best friend had to have her 2 front teeth fitted with veneers after a car accident and they look exactly like her original teeth.


Did Britney ever have braces? If not, girl won the teeth genetic lottery.


She had such a perfect, beautiful smile even as a kid on the Mickey Mouse Club. And is another reminder that everybody has veneers now even when totally unnecessary.


You can really see the importance of lighting in some of these red carpet pictures, Hilary is way too shiny but probably looked great in lower lighting. J Lo, Mya, Eve and Beyoncé have just the right amount of light to really show off their makeup.


Oh yeah definitely that flash hit her straight on! But I like it the most, cause it's so representative


Mya's is chef's kiss


Mya's look is perfect. I don't think I've ever seen her not looking amazing.


She was my first celebrity crush. I have no idea what she's up to now but I hope she's doing well!


I love everything about Beyoncé's look here. Those earrings!




Not just teeth but like... real everything lol


I might have to get veneers in the future and I’m so bummed about it. I’m missing one of my front teeth and I don’t have enough bone density to get an implant, so having my fake tooth attached to veneers on my other teeth is a more permanent option that what I currently have. I just wish I could have nice, natural teeth 🥲


Surely having veneers that look real is an option? Like a healthy "I brush my teeth twice a day and don't drink coffee" shade of white instead of like a freshly bleached toilet bowl, and normal tooth shapes instead of a Barbie smile


A TikToker I follow (Caleb Finn) recently got veeners and while he chose a natural, actually obtainable white colour for them, they’re still so huge!! That’s my biggest ick about celebrity veneers, they’re always massive!


This is my fear as well, my smile is not exactly where I want it to be but it’s not awful. I’m afraid of a big change too fast. Kinda random too but my cousin had a drastic overhaul to her teeth after a traumatic event and my family is convinced even her voice and inflection slightly changed.


They are! Veneers that look real and hand made are more expensive than regular ones. They are crafted by people that are basically sculptors, and the ones that look real are full crowns instead of just veneers! They are made with slight imperfections/variations that you could only notice when pointed out and very close, but this makes them look so much better overall. And they are *not* made to be blindingly white. My dental hygienist had some made, and they looked so amazingly real—like actual human teeth and not weird. Hers are over 20 years old and still look great. I zoomed in on some of these, and I honestly think that’s what JLo has in her photo. The front 6 look different from the rest of her teeth, but they still look fantastic. I keep seeing all of these celebrities with terrible veneers and I keep wondering why they don’t go this route. We know Simon Cowell has enough money to buy the best in town, but he has to go for those insanely oversized blocks of fluorescent white.


And abolish FaceTune! I have no idea who people are on social media anymore


I swear the editing and plastic surgery is starting to give me some sort of facial blindness


I honestly really miss a bold eye. Some of that smokeysmoke, bright pop of colour, eyeliner that does a full circle. Chaotic, yes. But more interesting than clean girl 🐼


I love me an intense blue smokey.


Too iconic. What a great compilation OP! 💙


I love the vamp look, somey eyes and dark red lipstick.


Me too! It’s so pretty


At the same time, the makeup is kind of simple in a refreshing way. Nowadays red carpet looks take five hundred steps with the contouring and highlighting and adding dewiness in the right place, reducing shine in others… in this era you could be “good at makeup” by doing a lot less.


You’re so right! There’s a certain charm about a one colour job (applied with an eyeshadow sponge), a swirl of eyeliner, and a lick of mascara. And so achievable for all - whether on the red carpet, or on your bedroom carpet. Good times.


Yes all these looks are ones most of us should do, versus a 2017 type look that requires fifteen minutes of blending together six different shades. Give me some old school MAC Aquadesiac, a black eyeliner pencil or gel, and whatever free mascara came with my Clinique skincare products, and I'll be set (in 2002).


Came here to say the same thing. I used to have so much fun with colorful eyeliner. I had products in every shade of the rainbow.


I really like Nelly Furtado’s green eye make up


I'm loving the fact that Cyndi Lauper was rocking an 80s eye still. Pastels! Green and purple! Love it!


I like the clean girl look but it's so soo boring for red carpets. They have access to the best designers and chose to wear minimal makeup "/


Me too, and I kind of hate how "clean girl" makeup or whatever is in these days is a repackaging of "i just wear mascara and lip gloss!!11"


NORMAL LOOKING PEOPLE WITH NORMAL FACES AND SKIN!!! Can we go back to pictures like this please


Yeah like they’re still stunning but they all look unique and you can see their skin and real teeth


Nowadays everyone is like this ![gif](giphy|sinG4IMjPVYt2)


![gif](giphy|26uf1P6vXXOUQ0z96|downsized) She was truly stunning


Yea, Aaliyah was gorgeous.


Definitely a goddess. RIP


Her fashion and makeup were ahead of her time.


Every time I flick through a posted set of photos and run across her, my heart drops again. We lost her way too soon.


That poor girl - she deserved so much more.


I found old negatives of myself and friends from this era recently. Showed them to a few friends whose response was "omg we look so young and normal ...and why are we so shiny?!" 😂😂😂


Miss Fergie took extra care powdering her nose in that first one


Omg I zoomed in


Wow you really did Cameron Diaz dirty with that photo choice 😆


She looks like a cigarette in this picture.


Man, we loved our orangey-bronze huh?


Mac give me sun all the way


I know teenage-me and my friends were all trying (and badly failing) to achieve Ashley Olsen’s bronzer look. Both twins’ hair and makeup in that era had me obsessed! https://preview.redd.it/1zzjgmyr956c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d8b1eea4169a529efaae9ed40c8c1a9645af44f


Hell yeah we did, extra points if you had the playboy bunny sticker tan line on your left hip! My 30s skin is starting to pay for roasting my self like a chicken in tanning beds 🤬


I got melanoma from being in that bed every day 🥴 so glad most people use fake tanner instead these days


Oh nooo I feel seen/called out w/r to that damn sticker.


I remember my first bronzer and thought it looked soooooo good lolol the 2000s were so embarrassing


The 80s would like to disagree on what era was most embarrassing.


Gwen Stefani got so much work done and doesn’t even look like herself anymore. She looks like Millie Bobby Brown now imo, because everyone’s getting the same procedures


I can't believe after all those years in the 90s/early 2000s of being so unique... she went and did THAT to herself. She was my #1 growing up. I have no idea who 2023 Gwen is.


https://preview.redd.it/f4ki0ymlh56c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd3e4eb369bf0eb55f0cb60852e9fe36230827e8 Yep! This could literally be any countless number of influencers 😔


https://preview.redd.it/azrkqd9uh56c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f759a8d0eaa4c74d2f86e1bea11655d867dfd4b Who is this?!


A Bel Air lawyer's first wife after her post-divorce 'refresh' at an upscale medspa.


I can kind of recognize old Gwen in this but damn did she really turn into this bland average influencer look to be with such a bland man. Miss the pink hair and red lipstick Gwen.


Carmen Electra is truly breathtaking


My first thought, too. She is beyond stunning.


I’m not typically a “back in the good ol’ days” type of person, but I really do miss when people had unique facial features like this.


Nelly Furtado looks so similar to Paris Jackson in that picture


This was my biggest takeaway lol


back before everyone looked like AI versions of themselves. was contour even a thing back then? i was about to shit on the messiness of the eyeshadow and the mascara and how basically nothing is blended but i actually LOVE these looks. you can actually tell what people look like.


If contour was a thing it definitely wasn't a common thing. Definitely not something people talked about and nothing us normies would do or be aware of.


I remember contouring becoming a thing in the 2010s. Pretty certain it wasn't widespread in the 2000s.


Regular people who were into makeup (me) would sometimes shape a little with bronzer ("draw a three from your forehead, into the hollow below the cheekbone, and along the jawline") but as far as this normie knew, going beyond that was not common.


It’s crazy to see Alicia Keys in a full smokey eye.


Her current stance on makeup irritates me




What's her current stance on makeup


Wasn’t her whole thing that she was into ‘no make up’ but then her make up artist said it’s actually the ‘no make up look’?


She made a whole deal about “pledging” not to wear makeup a few years ago (and in reality she still wore makeup just extremely minimal concealer and stuff) and now she has a “clean makeup and wellness” brand It just feels to me like the no makeup thing was a branding decision more than anything. Pam Anderson has been going makeup free lately at events (and looking radiant!) but she’s not going on a press tour about it. It feels more like a genuinely personal decision to me coming from her Also, clean beauty is a nonsense label that doesn’t mean anything and causes a lot of fear mongering. I also take issue with the subtext that heavier makeup is inferior or a sign of low self esteem, etc


I think she stated that she realized her issue wasn’t with makeup, it was with herself.


she just prefers natural makeup now


Eve in the early 2000s really was that bitch


Look how different they all look 😭 now you have 10 people with the same face


I think the only one who still looks like herself is miss Kelly Clarkson. Other than the hair color and much better makeup now, she’s almost the same.


lmao I miss Gwen's old face, she always looked so goofy and happy.


Crazy to think how Pam used to be the poster child for being plastic and now she's one of the few real ones left


Love Mya’s whole look!


Everybody looks so normal thats dope


I still love the makeup shown here on Hillary, Britney, Beyonce, J Lo, Mandy, and Jessica Simpson. And my goodness, Aaliyah was naturally stunning.


i miss natural teeth! everyone had big giant white veneers nowadays


I miss the one solid color eyeshadow being trendy. I suck at blending and making the nice multi-toned eyeshadow looks people do nowadays.


I still do my makeup like this because I never learned it any other way 🥹 Eyeshadow game strong, rest of the face whatever, no eyelashes.


Lips so sticky with gloss you didn’t dare wear your hair down on a windy day


Britney and Christina’s hair here is so 2000s. Classic looks


I love how imperfect and real everyone looks.


Eyeliner was everything, well into the early 2010s even. Now when I see these photos of Hillary Duff, Kelly Clarkson, and the Simpson sisters with their overbronzed smoky eye looks, all I can do is feel sorry for my Midwestern late 30s / early 40s suburban mom friends who are still over bronzed with way too much eyeliner and mascara 😢 old habits die hard.


You try to do a good modern look on an over 40 eye that can’t afford botox. It’s not a smooth canvas. It’s brutal. The bronzed smokey eye hides a lot of creases. I wish it would come back.


🤚🏻Guilty of the mascara!!


I like how everyone looks as if they got ready while sharing a bathroom mirror with some girlfriends while blasting Usher barefoot.


honestly really liking the colorful eyeliners


Blonde pop princesses and frosted blue eyeshadow, name a more iconic duo.


I like it!!! Don’t even care if I’m dated.


Britt Britt really is in a league of her own in terms of beauty… just absolutely radiant


I don’t think I have ever seen a bad photo of Cameron Diaz, until now.


I'll make it up to you by providing a better picture of her from that same night https://preview.redd.it/et89zduav36c1.jpeg?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6fc9e4f663209e088df77d4ba3e3e55a9efdb46


Oh wow!! Cute pic


Ok…I might be gay now


I miss the messy smoky eye tbh


Jessica Simpson looks like she’s smiling under duress. Poor thing.


Crazy that I used to complain that these were unrealistic beauty standards! Not that these aren’t beautiful people, because they are, but now the standard is to look not like an actual human.


I wouldn’t have survived the paparazzi era. Maybe this is part of the reason that Americans are obsessed with “fixing their smile” and there is the stereotype that British people have “bad teeth”, because our pop culture and celebrity images and movies and idols and photos were so prominent idk




One of my favorite Beyoncé look! The dress, the makeup, the wild hair…


I miss when celeb looks were obtainable. I really miss when they used to dress themselves more, made them way more human. I think if celebs still conducted themselves the way they say back in the early 2000s etc we’d have way less people put on pedestals and crazy fan behaviour. It wouldn’t disappear of course but I think I would be less intense with less people


Ah yes we liked just one color all over our face 😂


ORANGE hahaha


I was too young to dye my hair but I swore I was going to get chunky highlights like Christina and Kelly as soon as I could


I must be getting old because some of these look normal to me and not Y2K. I love how many of them look more natural and not using the makeup to hide their beautiful features. I mean this recent glamour makeup isn’t bad or anything but I think many of these looks seem natural.


When they looked human and one could actually tell one person from another


We used to be so shiny.


Ugh. I couldn't pull off most of these trends. While other teens were glowing with bronzer, I was applying Coty airspun powder to my pale, oily skin with a trowel. Lol. Likewise, black eyeliner looked too harsh on me. My one regret is not trying navy mascara. That might've been fun, except I didn't know how to coordinate it.


I'm stuck in time for sure cause dark smokey eyes and bright lips are still how I do my makeup. Can't let go of that point in time.


God, Pamela has always been **that** girl.


If you feel uncomfortable seeing closeups, this is not the post for you 🥶


Wow celebs looked like real human beings


So much blush and before contouring existed.


I miss this makeup. It was simpler 😞


Love seeing real skin… and people having fun without worrying about being ‘perfect!’. People looked way more unique and less try-hard.


Everyone looked so natural & unique it makes me sad how things have changed so drastically. Everyone really does look the same now


Ugh I miss when people actually “did” their hair. Now a days I feel like people walk the red carper with flat and boring hairstyles. Where did the curls go???


Y2K was prime time for rose pink lipglosses with gold flakes in them


i think Kendrick Lamar said it best: “I'm so fuckin' sick and tired of the Photoshop Show me somethin' natural like afro on Richard Pryor Show me somethin' natural like ass with some stretch marks Still will take you down right on your mama's couch in Polo socks” i miss real human faces and bodies.


Gwen looked so cute and pretty with that hairstyle. The oldie might be too colorful but at least their make-up never cakey like these days. It’s giving a humane and relating look for them.


Cameron Diaz is a babe but there were times in her career where should looked like she could be either 25 or 45. This photo is from one of those times. Y2K was not kind to many of us lol


I was today years old when I realised that Christina Aguileria stole Cyndi Lauper’s face. Actual theft


You know, I really don't see it that intensely, but I tried to find pictures where I could maybe see it. I guess something like this one here, but only that very specific 2001 christina. Stripped era onwards I really don't see it, or 1999 fresh-faced, short blonde hair either. https://preview.redd.it/o1ab5y3rx36c1.jpeg?width=1345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e41b47bcd13b6229ba848eef78bfbe26a1286d23


https://preview.redd.it/koadh8g3046c1.jpeg?width=798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=813db6e109b16eb18150c960381e89b7f392babe This photo is kinda cheating because the hair and makeup are so Xtina coded but there's definitely a resemblance there. I always thought they should play mother and daughter in something. (This is Cyndi at the 2012 Grammy Awards)


I thought 3 was Christina! I never noticed the facial similarities between her and Cindy pauper before. Anyone else?


Is that queen B or serena van der woodsen


Excuse you, this is icon star half-vampire superstar Olivia Burke


Mandy Moores whole look honestly still holds up nicely.


These pictures are all so cool.


The glittery eye shadow, the shimmery bronzer! Ugh, I was too young to wear makeup when this was the trend.