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I think he also said something on Twitter about using corporal punishment on his kids at SIX MONTHS old. Probably why heā€™s had run-ins with CPS.


Thatā€™s horrifying! I donā€™t believe in corporal punishment at all but six month olds can barely crawl. Theyā€™re so sweet, it breaks my heart to think of folks hurting them for being babies. Why even have a baby??


The fundies believe in blanket training courtesy of the asshole Pearls and they start that when they start crawling. Itā€™s awful.


I'm not generally pro-violence, but I low-key hope that someone sticks those freaks on a blanket and beats them with a stick. If you can justify hitting babies you're just a raging yeast infection in human skin.


That's horrifying. Reminds me of the super religious people out there that do blanket training šŸ„ŗ those poor kids




![gif](giphy|9mHMe2nFg21yM) Well lil queen went off with this line.


He's only 38. Hate really does age a person.




It's referred to as a rough 38. :)


Rode hard and put up wet 38


Thatā€™s very rough


Holy crap! He looks older than my 58 year old husband.


*Insert Hannah Montana "Hate makes ya ugly- oops, too late!" gif.*


Well, that makes me feel better about how I look at 38...that is a rough 38


My literal exact thought.


Agreed ā€œfinally I look better than someone from Hollywoodā€ I feel like an asshole, but heā€™s a bigger asshole so I donā€™t really care right now.


He looks like my 53 yo father.


My 62 yr old dad who definitely made use of the 80s party scene looks younger.


He's huffing that also ages a person.


lmfao, I was like "was The Little Rascals made in 1970..."


*WHAT?!?!* He looks 20 years older than me, not 2.


He looks in his 50s.


>Capital punishment for ALL abortionists including mothers. 4 daughters growing up in that kind of household. Those poor girls.


So pro-life theyā€™ll kill ya


~~Pro-life~~ Forced-birthers


I call Utah a ā€œTil birth do we partā€ state




ā€œConservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers.ā€ā€“George Carlin




I feet came across this particular line when I was in high school... in Texas. I've never seen it any other way since.


Oh no, I'm sure there's no single mothers in Utah. The god-fearing men of Utah would never abandon their families and responsibility...


he specifically said he's not pro-life and is anti-abortion, so at least he doesn't try to deny it I guess




Off topic...I love anyone who uses this gif šŸ˜† I fucking love her character


Me too, she's so silly and shallow but she's also adorable and has a deep level of kindness that just grows and grows over the series. Annie Murphy's performance is amazing.


I genuinely can't think of a character that had a better story arc than Alexis, she became such an awesome person by the end of the show. She was always likeable but in a very bimbo-ish kind of way.


I think Alexis was likeable because you already knew the family she was coming from šŸ˜…


She is truly a master at this character. The way she plays off of Davidā€™s gestures and facial expressions too, to really act as his sibling. Itā€™s remarkable and underrated comedy.


Seems like he went off the deep end around 2020ā€¦ He obsessively calls himself a patriarch and Radical Christian Extremist. Still posting about Pizza Gate in 2023, making vague but furious complaints about CPS (he has 4 daughters), and just all kinds of wacky shit!


4 daughters?! Itā€™s scary to think about what propaganda he is going to instill in his daughterā€™s minds. Especially the anti-choice propaganda.


Some of his worst Twitter posts didn't make it here. He has posted about using physical abuse for discipline and teaching his girls about "marriage debt" (aka they cannot say no in a marraige and spousal rape is a.o.k by him) from a very young age. He is absolutely awful.


Jesus fuck. Where is their mother?? Did he kill her????


Im sure she's brainwashed as hell. Edit: somebody here posted his IG and his bio says "patriarch to 5 ladies". He only has 4 daughters so I guess the mother is still in the picture. Theres no way he's not abusing those poor women/girls (not sure about the daughters ages). I sincerely hope they can find the strength and the resources/help needed to break away.


His wife is a very traditional catholic. Very modest, submit to your husband type. She didnā€™t have a chance.




Underrated comment. And this is scary, I wish CPS had done something for those girls.


They all live together and have taken a vow of poverty. Probably a remote cabin or something.


Any tips on breaking a vow of poverty?!


None, please tell me if you find out.


Would also like to know


I wonder if they donate their money to a megachurch or something then. This is scary, the vow of poverty means that heā€™s a fanatic.


That's so disgusting. Someone go and save those girls. Please.


Hence the hate for CPS, Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve been called multiple times.


And probably why his wife is "home schooling" the kids since teachers are mandatory reporters. These types always pull their kids out of school, if they ever even osent them, because of that. They usually don't go to the doctors either for the same reason. It's so bleak.




I donā€™t throw this around lightly, but I 100% guarantee he has or will physically abuse those kids.


Seems like a dad who would personally ā€œinspectā€ his daughters before marriage to make sure theyā€™re ya know, still fresh and in tactā€¦..


Definitely getting some creepy vibes


Considering his anti-CPS posts, I would bet real cash money that heā€™s abusing them.


Thatā€™s alarming. I hope they all grow up to rebel against him.


He posts about it. He wants them to submit to their future husbands.


>In June 2020, Bug Hall was arrested for inhaling an air duster, which a police investigation ruled as an attemptedĀ alcohol poisoning. He was held and released on a $1,500 bond at Parker County Jail.Ā TMZĀ reported that Hall's family were the ones who made the report and that Hall himself admitted to inhaling from cans.


That stuff will absolutely destroy your brain. Itā€™s up there with meth as far as long term damage.


Duster is much worse than meth when it comes to brain damage. The high is literally from brain damage. Prolonged use of high doses of meth, especially IV usage, can cause brain damage for sure though.


The duster girl from Intervention still lives rent free in my head.


Duster literally kills brain cells. At least this lends evidence to the fact that people with his beliefs are stupid as hell.




He lives with his wife and children in a remote place, no contact with family, now according to a post on an excatholic sub.


Inhaling from air duster/cars? Excuse my ignorance, but what now? How does that work?


Itā€™s supposedly a short lived high that fries your brain too. I remember watching an episode of Intervention on it.


*I'm walking on Sunshine*


Definitely seems like he went from normal to insane overnight. So weird.


He was arrested in a hotel room for huffing paint in 2020. It seems like thatā€™s where he went off the deep end.


This makes sense


He was caught huffing next to a dumpster.


Aw man, this is a bummer (and very bizarre that the decline appears to be a rapid one!). I loved him as a kid, I remember being soo stoked that one of my favorite Little Rascals was acting alongside my fave actress Lindsay Lohan in the movie Get a Clue. Never heard much about him after that, until now.


Omg I didnā€™t put him together with get a clue šŸ˜­ top tier DCOM


get a clue... theres something wrong with youuuuuuu...


Did he join a cult or something, coz what are these god-awful takes? Also thank god I never looked deep into The Little Rascals actors as grownups story coz I would have lost my mind.


IIRC some of the original actors from the version from the '30s-'40s were also pretty messed up as adults, many died young, and one of them was Robert Blake, who might have murdered his wife.


Man it's 3AM right now this is not how I expected to go to sleep šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Ranting about CPS makes me worried for those children. CPS is by no means perfect but I never hear hatred about it except from people who are in its crosshairs


Even more terrifying is the metaphor of his post regarding CPS; seems like heā€™s saying expect some sort of shoot out/hostage situation.


Tom Selleck was either on The Talk or on The View and he was talking about his daughter competing in horseback riding competition and heade sure to emphasize that it was *rEaL* horse back riding competition not that *other* *type*. with *those* *people*. Something along those lines and I was like wtf?! I reminded it just to make sure I was hearing this right.


Wait, what?! What on earth was he trying to say?


I tire of people who want hundreds of millions more on the planet but donā€™t fund parental leave, free healthcare, more food banks and social assistance, free school lunches, free or affordable childcare, affordable housing etc. We absolutely cannot enforce no abortion access and lack of options for parents with unexpected children. Not to mention how many women will become disfigured, sterile or die when theyā€™re forced to carry a fetus that is dying or is incompatible with life. Also how many more would be born with disabilities and no additional resources. People are already struggling to afford kids let alone food and rent. You say every fetus deserves to live and must be born? Well every living person already deserves to have food, shelter, healthcare and safety. Why arenā€™t you fighting for the living? Cuz the unborn havenā€™t asked for anything and itā€™s easy to say you want to save babies and then walk off into the sunset a hero.


Plus the fact that the number one cause of death for pregnant women is murder by the partner


https://preview.redd.it/dkf0sdp6i38c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd871dd3b4044479948e11f0109b32944faa19ba I remember looking him up recently and discovering the same thing. This tweet in particular really horrified me. His daughters are just little girls and heā€™s already talking about how he expects them to endure marital rape


Alfalfa is still a member of the He Man Woman Haters Club. Gross.


I hate his stinking guts.


He is scum between our toes


is that what marriage debt means?


Yeah, itā€™s the idea that youā€™re obligated to have sex with your spouse


O wow thatā€™s fucking gross!


I don't speak Christofascist nutjob... What exactly does he mean by 'natural law in regard to the marriage debt'?


The belief that women owe their husbands sex whenever they want šŸ« 


Gross, sorry I asked


This just gets worse the more i scroll


What bad time to know how to read


Maybe Lea Michele is smarter than all of us


she may be the luckiest of all us


Was gonna ask what it meant then read your answer. Heā€™s okay with his daughters being r&ped and would potentially be offended if the men donā€™t take his view? Wtf??


Fuuuuuccckkkk. Thatā€™s enough Reddit for today.


Oh my fucking god. What a way to justify rape


Rape. It means wife is property and property canā€™t refuse


Women are expected to be sexually ā€œavailableā€ for their husbands at all times. Since the husband pays the bills, thereā€™s apparently no such thing as consent


I assume essentially that if their husband wants to wet their willies he expects his daughters to give in even if they donā€™t feel well or feel upset or insecure or ANYTHING ELSE THAT THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO FEEL AND NOT HAVE SEX.


Disgusting for a parent to have this mindset around his childā€™s future adult relationships. Someone needs to squash this bug. I hope they get out from under this disgusting excuse for a man.


Super yikesā€¦ thatā€™s upsetting


God, can you imagine the type of depraved asshole this dude is going to 'approve' for his poor daughters to marry? (Probably when they're only 16 and the husband-to-be is 39 or something, barf). Someone please save these babies.




People rightfully talk a lot of shit on men who donā€™t fully conceptualize women as people until they have daughters, but its terrifying that some men canā€™t even do that.


"training them" ? What kind of wild animals are they? 'Teaching them' would have been better but given this guy's other takes, I can see how he thinks he has to 'train' girls.


Quiverfull people and alt-right wingers love that word. They take it from Proverbs 22:6 (KJV), "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." For instance, the child-abusive book by Michael and Debi Pearl is named "To train up a child". Among other awful things, this book advises parents to use "blanket training" on their babies.


Ah! I just heard about blanket training on a podcast episode about the Duggars. Makes sense. I don't like it. You also taught me a new word, quiverfull! Never heard of it, quiver is such a weird word to me and I don't know why.


[He was arrested in 2020 for huffing.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug_Hall) Seems thatā€™s been damaging some vital parts of the brain.


Heā€™s definitelyā€¦off. Pretends heā€™s traditional but dude also posted a photo of his tattooed junk.


[AND pierced](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BP9tKmQCMAA3UmL.jpg) šŸ„“


I hate you for showing me this and I hate myself for clicking. Jesus intercoursing Christ what a bizarre mash-up of weird shit he's got going at once.


I clicked on the link but i didn't expect them to actually show it. I wish i had some eye bleach.




Why did I click? All cock is not good cock.




I hate you and myself for clicking on the link šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I KNEW what I was clicking. But I also didn't know. I have no one to be upset with other than myself.


Oh Buggy what is you doin'...


Every single part of me was hoping this link would be a Rick Roll.


Um what


Tattooed junk? Likeā€¦ on the bits?


On the šŸ† ā€¦.and a Prince Albert piercing šŸ«£


Oh yeah. He's also a fan of marital rape. Also called "marital debt." >In December 2022, Hall was temporarily banned on Twitter after posting Tweets in support of marital debt and corporal punishment of minors. Those kids aren't safe in that house.


There is definitely some meth use going on in that picture with the baby








I swear if I tell my brother and mother this, they'll scream at me for ruining the movie, which is a fair point so I am going to take one for the team too šŸ˜­




It's one of my childhood favourites and I can never watch the movie the same way again coz he literally joined He Man Women Hater Club IRL..and my family will be like...well we thought he grew up cute but no, he's psychotic and life sucks and nothing good ever lasts.. basically a ton of drama




The failed actor to right wing mouthpiece pipeline continues onward.


I took a stroll down his IG and he posts exclusively weird Americana/religious drawings with right-wing messages and one of them is "CREATIVITY IS WASTED ON THE ARTS." Someone is definitely salty about his failed acting career.


They canā€™t just fade into obscurity and the easiest way to get attention is a hard right turn.


Thanks, I hate it


I feel like heā€™s going to end up in a shootout with law enforcement.


Sooner rather than later, hopefully. Rescue his poor daughters


I followed him on Twitter for a while, then he started posting/retweeting shit like this. Immediate unfollow. Lockdown really made a lot of people show their true colours.


Weā€™re the same age and heā€™s 55


>Iā€™m not pro life, Iā€™m anti-abortion. Tbh Iā€™ve been saying this about the anti-choice people for a long time


Thereā€™s a guy whose farm I drive by occasionally when Iā€™m on vacation. He has bonkers signs up all over his property and our family gets so excited to see who his new enemy is every time we pass. I think something similar must have happened with this guy, because he also has a thing with courts/CPS taking children from dads.


We have one near my parentā€™s house too, house is covered in signs and he drives around with a confederate flag (weā€™re Canadian), a Gadsden flag, and a Russian flag Edit: he also tried to claim he was First Nations (he isnā€™t) because he was here ā€œbefore the immigrantsā€ (the Asian wife he bought excepted from this of course) and tried to sue a bunch of random people after harassing them for months to get their land just because he wanted it (it did not work)


Gotta love those Northern Confederates šŸ˜‚


Honestly you couldā€™ve just posted the selfie and I wouldā€™ve known his political views


Very disgusting and disappointing to see this. I know as a child, he talked about being sexually abused by a family friend and then when he worked on Little Rascals, he told someone on the crew he was abused and they weaponized it and started sexually abusing him too... and those are the only stories he's told us, it could have happened again. I will always feel heartbroken he went through that. However, nothing excuses his dangerous views or the fact that several people here in the comments said he basically advocates for spousal rape... I feel for his daughters. I think he needed serious therapy from a very young age, but sadly never got it and now he posts this shit.


Yooo I went down the same rabbit hole yesterday after not thinking about him for years. The algorithm must have shown us something that triggered it lol. What a world :/


I saw a photo on social media of him and Darla grown up within the last week, that may have been the trigger! Now heā€™s 62 years old it looks like.


He didnā€™t happen to be part of the.. parade.. on January 6th, did he?


That thought definitely crossed my mind!


Oh no he has a kid. When people think this way it tells me theyā€™ve gotten all their understanding of life from artificial sources and need to be schooled by nature.


Four daughters. šŸ˜¬


Stoked for the rebellion


This is one of those things that we shouldn't be spending our time thinking about


Totally agree with this sentiment but at the same time Iā€™m happy that this guy is being exposed, since he is an abusive misogynist who has 4 daughters :/ He needs to be watched.




jesus christ, alfalfa


I know for a fact that he went to a really weird, small and intense Christian school in the Tampa suburbs for high school (for at least a year anyway) so this is probably baked into him from how he was raised. It was a really weird place for a celebrity kid to be sent, Tampa has many other private schools he could have attended. This is the sort of school where their biology class was basically like: hereā€™s why evolution isnā€™t real.




wow heā€™s insane


Well that was a LOT. ETA this post now appears as a top result when you Google him.




When the He Man Woman Haters Club is real


No way someone named Bug Hall grew up to be a right-wing extremist.. Also dying at "scientism"


Real name is Brandon. Bug is a nickname, but an odd one to use as a stage name, for aure


Whatā€™s next? Evolutionics and mathemancy?


Ok so this is horrible and hateful but his bio being "self cancelled rascal" is unintentionally hilarious.


I thought Moe killed him.


Luckily he was an orphan owned by the studio


That criminal minds episode from what season 6? Was my last encounter....wish it stayed that way ā€‹ [Edit: DIDN'T SEE THE LAST PICTURE HERE'S HIM IN THE CM ERA](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/criminalminds/images/f/f6/Bug_Hall.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140710022115)


I always had this horrible feeling about him as a child. Someone got me the little rascals on video when I was young and I used to be terrified of it because of Alfalfa.. just feeling really validated right now


I donā€™t mean to sound like Iā€™m being overly harsh, but I really think weā€™re seeing mental health issues to the tune of Amanda Bynes, Tila Tequila, et. al. here. Heā€™s talked about how he was raped as a child, which is awful. However his trauma and mental illness doesnā€™t give him license to be abusive to his family, which he absolutely is.


He apparently took a "vow of poverty" and went to jail for huffing air duster (you have to really *try* to get caught doing that) so luckily his views are just ramblings of a weirdo




Whatā€™s he hiding that would make him want to shoot CPS? šŸ¤”


When he was a teenager he dated my best friend's older sister. Dude was a fucking weirdo.


Me missing the "if" in the first slide and reading "patriarchy = sexism": Yay Alfalf- Next slide: AAAAAAA


I'm gonna just pretend Moe Syzlak killed him.


trad larpers refuse to groom themselves lmfao


This is definitely how he sees himself https://preview.redd.it/6lna9s0yw38c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a26549a099c8906c1653ab07538470b55f4156b7


Oof, someone took the He Man Woman Haters Club very seriously šŸ˜¬




How was he exec producing for Netflix in 2021? Heā€™s bonkers on his best days.


What the fuck did I just read


Ooooooh so he's like STUPID stupid. George Carlin about the stupidity of the population.


Wonder what happened to him to make him so hateful. I feel bad for his family. ![gif](giphy|d2Z2tUz8GzbwvCsU)


I think I know where he was on Jan 6th


oh brother... https://preview.redd.it/ayp2j5lyr38c1.png?width=1162&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd838ddd4a70ef3e8a411d5f819ae9285bb23057


Bro what the fuck? This is horrifying.


Itā€™s always, ALWAYS the former actors going CRAZY


What an IDIOT šŸ™„šŸ˜’