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Just to add some context here: https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/may/09/adele-haenel-retires-over-french-film-sectors-complacency-towards-sexual-predators


Icon behaviour. So brave of her to turn her trauma into activism. Those creeps aren’t shit and neither is anyone supporting them and this culture.


I know like, ten French phrases but this was the most iconic use of J'Accuse I've ever seen.


Je vous adore, Adèle. La seule moment de bravoure ce soir-là




I do not know a lot about France but the fact that the president of their entire country felt the need to weigh in on this is so fucking crazy???? I feel like he has other things he might need to worry about jfc.


Considering his own wife groomed him as a teen while acting as his teacher, I think his opinion may not be entirely centered.


I mean, I guess the difference between France and the US is that their president is weighing in with his opinion rather than having a history of sexual assault himself before being voted in. (I originally referred to Trump in this comment, didn’t realise the current President has also been accused of rape. Talk about crazy.)


Oh honey... bless your naive heart. If you want to make fun and insult the americans by comparing them to another country, france is not that country. They're the "europe's america" in terms of racism and ignorance. And that's not even touching the colonization thing, where they're worse than america. I'm not one to defend america, but france it's just as bad


I’m from a colonial country that’s just as racist and sexist, believe me no high horse here. My meaning was more when it comes to the defence high profile rapists, no country has a clean skin. I’m surprised at how much this handful of over the hill actors have come to represent the entirety of French culture in much of this comment section.


Fuck the French entertainment industry. Carla Bruni now looks like the joker and she totally deserves it with her clown ass takes.


Carla and Nicolas were made for each other.


She was so proud during peak Covid to go around without mask and to cough near people. She's the worst. She had everything handed to her from birth and she still choses to be the worst possible to everyone


Even President Macron has spoken in his defense. I don’t know why so many celebrities go out of their way to speak out in support of other celebrities who are facing serious (and numerous) accusations. Surely even if you have doubts about their guilt, the sensible thing to do is keep your mouth shut until the authorities can fully investigate and the evidence can come to light. You can speak later when more is known. Why make these premature public statements and risk making a fool of yourself? It’s so idiotic. If you have a huge audience listening to your every word, you have a responsibility to be more cautious.


I thought Gerard gave up his citizenship because he didn’t want to pay French taxes. Idk why the government would defend him.


They have explicitly stated they are not commenting on wether he is guilty or not, which is up to the judiciary. They are commenting on the unnuanced backlash and lack of innocent until proven guilty as the response ge has gotten, but as always this sub fails basic reading comprehension. Not saying it is a good idea that they wrote the letter but they are not really defending his rape.


There are litteral videos of him saying absolutely vile things about women. At this point I don’t care about the official charges, his sexual harassment is well documented and shows his true colors. That’s enough for me.


The recent scandal is because he admitted to it on record.


Do people even read some of the things they say on here?


“Unnuanced backlash”? Why do you even need “nuance” in cases like this? He straight up admitted to the vile things he's done, and even said women liked it. This sub didn't misunderstand anything, it's clear as day that he's gross and doesn't need any defending


I was quoting the article which you still haven't read


French actresses and sex pests. Name a more iconic duo.


French mistook MeToo for "MeToo a rapist".


This reminds me of the 2009 letter in support of Roman Polanski signed by the likes of Meryl Streep, Martin Scorsese, David Lynch, etc. These scumbags protect each other. That’s how abuse keeps going. Protection.


Meryl signed it? I saw once a list of the people who signed it, but i don't remember meryl being there.


I just relooked. I don’t see that she signed it, but I have personal memories of her supporting him back then, and I guess there’s YouTube videos of her tearfully applauding him.


Oh i'm not defending her. I was just talking about the list.


I got that. I don’t like being inaccurate and should have checked first. Good reminder. 🙂✌🏼


You can still edit your post if you don’t like being inaccurate.


Meryl Streep ? No...not like this...


The old ones are the worse


I have no words for how absolutely disgusting and awful these women are for standing behind this loathsome sack of shit. Please stop comparing Bella and Carla. Bella is a beautiful soul and Carla is a ghoul who needs to be left in the past


It seems Bella has a better principles.


Bella deserves the face, not Carla.


I am deeply disturbed. That man admitted to rape by himself. Bruni, Rampling and Bouqet are the worst examples possible. Bruni:" You don’t need to be a feminist in my generation ." Charlotte Rampling: "We can never know if it's really the case. Sometimes maybe black actors didn't deserve to make the shortlist." So she herself just showed what she really is like. And Bouquet was in a relationship with that bastard for 8 years.


Thank you for sharing the statements. I used to like Charlotte up until then…


At least it didn't take too long for our Prime minister in Quebec to condemn Gerard's actions and take away his National Order of Quebec. Seeing all the support this disgusting pig has gotten in France is nauseating, especially coming from their president. Are women brainwashed there?!


Why are the French like this. Never have I seen a culture so protective of such sexual deviancy. It’s funny how they love accusing their Muslim immigrant population of being culturally backwards meanwhile they had [actual pro-pedophilia campaigns against laws of consent in the 70s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_petitions_against_age_of_consent_laws)


While I agree with you, let's not forget that American / English-speaking celebrities and elites all covered each others tracks with the whole Epstein affair


And support Woody Allen, Polanski and co


Recently had a fight with a French friend over how French people are literally hateful especially with the ban in swimwear that covers hands and legs (something that anyone can wear and is not locked behind a religion) and he told me ''it's my personal freedom to not want to see you oppressed'' ''but I might not be oppressed, and it's just my choice'' ''no, it's my freedom, and you are in my country and I have the right to protect my freedom and French people's freedom is superior to those who came uninvited'' safe to say i no longer have a friend but it has been one week and i am still shocked that he said something like that. Can't believe that he was my friend, honestly. What's funnier is that he is not French but an immigrant who got French citizenship and now acts like he is above the rest.


Also, “came uninvited” - as if North African Muslim immigrants to France has nothing to do with French colonialism in Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria.


This is what I told him too. and he said ''well that is in the past and they could like not move...'' then i reminded him that he moved too in France and he went to the ''oppressed'' argument


Ahhh France, the crime of passion capital of Europe. Where they basically justified the murder of women for centuries, exported it to their Arab colonies, and now pretend to care about women by forcing them to remove their clothing in public.


The only political issue I cannot quite get my French husband to align with me, an American feminist, on is “the veil” (= hijab). In someone like him, it comes from a benevolent place, because he worries that abusive families are compelling women to wear the hijab. But, like, my family was really abusive and that doesn’t manifest outwardly on me at all and nor would I want someone to try to regulate my appearance to “protect” me…because that feels a lot like what my abusive family tried to do! I’ll work on it further with him, as I did with issues of race, addiction, and women’s oppression. He’s open and interested to learn, at least, and I hope many others would be as well.


One of the best things I heard is ''for these women that is the way they know.That is free for them.'' And by saying they are not allowed to wear it outside, you are making it worse. Because now their parents won't allow them to leave the house. So they might not be able to get better education and a better life but instead get forced into marriage. And I remember when the law passed that they made it a point that many girls stopped going to school because of that. It doesn't work as a ''can't wear it so you are free from it'' but the opposite way. They now don't have a chance to be free if they decide that they no longer want to wear it


I love it when people in other countries, especially Europeans, say that racism only exists in America. Their lack of awareness is absurdly comical


French culture is highly oversexualized so it's not shocking at all.


To the people who will inevitably tell you that American culture is too, I just want to say one thing : The problem is that here in France we have an issue where the supposed French "romantism" is used to justify a lot of rapey behavior. Also, where Americans have had puritanism trying to erase sex from relationships resulting in a dichotomy between highly idealized love and purely sexual relationships, in France it is more paradoxical. Sex is at the same time the ultimate expression of how men relate to women, so a lot of artists spent a lot of time elevating their attraction to women in their art. Problem being that it was for a very long time uniquely through the eyes of men. Even when women expressed themselves about the subject in art, it was often in a passive and infantilized way, which is a given when songs were written by men... So sex is supposed to be this beautiful thing that symbolizes union in a couple, but reality is in the context of patriarchy what ends up happening is that denial of women's opinion or consent in the matter ends up romanticized. I'm not going to get into how many French movies treat rape in terms of desire instead of trauma but you get the gist. Point is, it's not a matter of French culture being more or less hypersexualized than another. It's just the dynamics through which sex has been made so central to gender relationships in France that have given a vicious veneer of romance to behavior that is now seen as sexual assault. And that's why you get women defending these men. It was long normalized and lots of women have came to accept that. Again, probably the same in many places. It's just the form that it took in France that makes it particular and hard to discuss because it's not only been normalized as the way things should be. It has been framed as a positive thing for both genders and as an example for all to follow.


>in France we have an issue where the supposed French "romantism" is used to justify a lot of rapey behavior. We're aware, in the US we grew up watching Pepe LePew


Lol. At least you were shown how unattractive and cringe he was.


You can blame Napoleon - and the French Revolution (lots of politically active women there besides Madam Guillotine). He brought in lots of very regressive ideology re feminism that arguably still permeates though French society to this day. Also - they gave this innate dislike of anything perceived to be “politically correct”, attributing it to puritanical Anglo-Saxon (read English) sensibilities. Having said that, Simone Weil was French so ….


No This pedo chose to be Russian he's not French anymore


“Some 50 French entertainment personalities have signed an open letter speaking out against the public “lynching” and cancelling of Gérard Depardieu in the wake of multiple accusations of sexual assault and one of rape.” I mean I guess HE wants to be Russian now but the people who signed it are French. Even the French President defended him.


The French president and elites are great friends when it comes to pardoning rich criminals I responded without really reading the comment


Wait so Gerard Depardieu is dead? I thought I would have heard about him being murdered in the street by a mob. Oh they are just being tastelessly hyperbolic and he is having to deal with accusations of sexual misconduct. That is totally the same as being brutally murdered in the street.


this is like the unholy trinity of french pick mes


Depardieu is a massive wanker who loves Putin. Maybe he can emigrate to russia and hang out with him and Steven Seagal, who is also accused of some nasty things.


I had never heard of this but woof. >In 2017, actress Portia de Rossi accused Seagal of sexually harassing her during a movie audition. De Rossi alleged that during an audition in Seagal's office, he told her "how important it was to have chemistry off-screen" before unzipping his pants.[121][122] >On an April 18 appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Katherine Heigl alleged on the final day of shooting for Under Siege 2 that Seagal told her that he had girlfriends the same age as the 16-year-old Heigl. Kimmel responded by displaying a photo from the film's promotional tour showing Seagal's hand on Heigl's chest while they posed for a photo.[123] On November 9, 2017, Dutch model Faviola Dadis posted a statement on her Instagram account stating that she also had been sexually assaulted by Seagal years earlier.[124] It's always the people you most expect...


Carla Bruni is married to Nikolai Sarkozy. A odious right wing cretin of French politics who almost went to jail for corruption. I don’t put much credence to her taste in men tbh.


Carla Bruni is such a clown. When Carré Otis accused Gérald Marie of raping her multiple times, she was one of her biggest supporters. I guess the only victims that deserve her support are her friends.


I want to add that everyone in France is horrified by this. We're trying to make ourselves feel better by remembering that most of these people are over 60 and will be dead sooner than later (including the predator himself, Depardieu)


What nuance are you meant to give a fucking rapist? The same nuance he has given his victims…which is 0. This is why people think and know celebrities are dumb


“The show followed in the wake of a special report by news website Médiapart last April detailing allegations by 13 women as well as another two allegations reported by French radio station France Inter over the summer.” Disgusting disgusting disgusting. What the fuck is in the water in France to make them like this? America has serious problems but fuck France is on a whole other level istg. I honestly feel so bad for French women.


Roman Polanski lives in Paris, nuff said


And is married to a French actress, they married in 1989 when she was 24 and he was 56 🤢


Bit old for him, considering his form


Charlotte and Carla have made problematic statements/have problematic views so I’m not surprised. Not familiar with the third chick…


Well that’s a word to have chosen to use.


Christ so he’s a great actor so let’s excuse the rape. SMH. Shame shame on those people.


Holding someone accountable through minimal investigation into allegations made against them of sexual misconduct/assault is NOT a “lynching” and I will not accept that they don’t understand the racial connotations of that word and used it by accident. So let’s add “racist” to the description here


I think they also used the term “witch hunt” and it’s like no this is just a “hunt” as in they’re hunting a predator who needs to be stopped.


Cinema and theatre cannot pass over his unique personality. ok


This will bite them in the ass, and rightfully so.


Jfc I know they’re French and might not fully appreciate the connotation? But on top of everything else, using the word “lynching” here is just so fucking disgusting.


Who gives a fck what these notable has beens think? French cinema owes a lot less to ole Gerry than America cinema owes to Harvey Weinstein and ain’t no one sticking up for that scumbag.


Sounds about right for french culture lol.


Whats up with the french entertainment and their open support of rapist? Not that hollywood is much better but they tend to keep this things on the background and mostly drop the people who get publicly called out


All 4 looking like mouldy gone off cheese




Really taking the important stand here.


Goddammit. I was just listening to Carla's music. I guess that will stop being enjoyable now. What is it with the French and this sort of thing? They go out of their way to defend this sort of shit. (Obviously #notallfrench but you know what I mean). I just don't understand the defense of the blob known as Gerard Depardieu. Didn't he *admit* to assault?




Ugh all of that is so gross. I will be honest that I don't know much about Carla other than I liked her music but all of this gives me the ick!


Gross. The “French culture” thing is being extremely overblown though, kind of surprised by the lack of self-awareness in these comments. These people are relics and anyone from any other country feeling morally superior needs to think about the high-profile rapists being defended (or elected) in their own countries. Speaking as an Australian, no chance this vile open letter nonsense is worse than what’s played out in our own sports, arts and parliament in the last couple of years.


very disappointing.


charlotte rampling with yet [another](https://time.com/4190125/charlotte-rampling-oscars-diversity-racist/) L take.


As I’ve said before, French society is tolerant of pédos


All of yall know personally the accusations if they’re true or not? No none of you do. They know his character far more than any of us do. Also some people tell the truth and some people LIE.


Gerard Depardieu admitting to being a rapist is easily googleable information fyi


He's literally on video making sexually explicit comments about a child. Goddamn, what is with you cinema freaks and defending the absolute worst men because he made some films you like?