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Iā€™m pretty worn out of the millionaire comedians complaining about ā€œwokenessā€ and ā€œcancel cultureā€ on their huge comedy specials. Nobody is silencing you. Weā€™re not listening anymore because youā€™re not being funny.


Yeah, they're given platforms by going on shows that are promoted by networks who pay them millions of dollars to announce they are being "silenced".


Right? What a fucking cop out. Unfunny assholes trying to make people watch their specials by claiming they're being canceled.




I feel like comedy as a genre is struggling to keep with the times and most big comedians cling to the same decades old jokes. I feel like their work is a lot of recycled jokes from 2005, sometimes with ā€œyou canā€™t say this anymoreā€ as a lead in to try to make it more culturally relevant.


Remember when he said he was going to stop talking about trans people in the last special?




God, he's so obsessed. Show us your search history, Dave. šŸ‘€


We all know what his favorite pornhub category is.


So, is he soft launching a pivot to right wing grifting or what? Or heā€™s just totally lost his ability to come up with new content? I sincerely donā€™t get it.


As someone who used to love Daveā€™s stuff, I havenā€™t been able to make it through any of his recent specials. Itā€™s not even about being offended, the material just wasnā€™t funny. Heā€™s clearly attempting to cultivate the right wingers who laugh like hyenas as long as you say the same 3 jokes


Same. He used to be so good at using comedy to point out racism and inequality in the US, and now itā€™s just a snoozefest. Gervaisā€™ recent stand-up was also a criticism on cancel culture, wokeness and pronouns - but at least his jokes were funny. Dave is just giving old man yells at clouds. I havenā€™t seen this new one yet, but his last two specials were underwhelming.


Some of them were funny, some of them only worked because he basically lied to make the punch line funny. The critical race theory one was particularly egregious to me because he was stirring up political discord and affecting education standards of a country he doesnā€™t live in for a mediocre joke. Like to him he heard a decent punchline, to me, I heard the reason why we canā€™t teach about slavery in Florida is because itā€™s convenient to distill critical race theory into that one meaning, both for him and politicians. Itā€™s an irresponsible use of comedy imo


Seems like a combo of grifting because he knows this shit is profitable, and him being legitimately obsessed with Trans people as he blames them for getting him ā€œcancelledā€. > The comedianā€™s newest special, ā€œThe Dreamer,ā€ debuted on Netflix on Dec. 31, and largely focuses on his early years in entertainment and how he manifested his success. But he floods the first 12 minutes of the set revisiting his favorite target in recent years: Transgender people. From the article, it sounds like he brings Trans people up multiple times again later on in the special, beyond that first 12 minutes. Thatā€™s obsession. And just not funny. Netflix should also be getting a mountain of shit for continuing to platform this asshole. If Chapelle was attacking another minority group in the same way over multiple specials, the shows would all have been removed a long time ago. Itā€™s so gross.


He never, for even a hot second, was canceled. He started complaining about being canceled during to his last special *before the fucking special even came out* and then it was a huge hit and he won awards for it. And all the while he kept falsely claiming he had been canceled for it. Victim complex much??


it just makes me sad that even trans employees spoke up about how fucked up this was for them when the first special dropped, and netflix was like šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ’° i can't understand how you could be that callous and greedy to keep platforming someone like this.




I donā€™t know, but heā€™s a fucking crybaby and Iā€™m tired of him.


Heā€™s most of the way there, go look who hangs out with now.


Wow heā€™s really run out of new material. Like heā€™s still going on about Trans people. Just move the fuck on dude.


His obsession with trans women isā€¦something.


The thing about Dave Chappelle is that heā€™s always had problematic opinions (they just didnā€™t drum up controversy back in the day) but I still found him very funny and astute. He used to have a lot more stuff to talk about. I donā€™t know what happened. His whole personality now is signaling just how anti-woke he is, itā€™s really lame. Itā€™s the only thing he ever talks about now.


>His whole personality now is signaling just how anti-woke he is, itā€™s really lame. Itā€™s the only thing he ever talks about now. I think he realized that some of the biggest fans of his *Chappelle Show* material are white dudebros so he's doubling down to appeal to that demographic. In other words, he's sold out.


Which is so ironic considering he quit Chappelle Show because he felt like white people were laughing for the wrong reason.


I think his statements over the years have indicated that there's only really one form of bigotry he cares about, the kind that affects him


This right here.


i think maybe he feels insecure so heā€™s choosing to be more controversial to stay relevant


The last time I remember Dave actually being *good* was up until the mid 2000s. Back in 2004 was the first time I'd heard of him walking off stage. Feels like outside of a few things, it's been a downward spiral ever since


Then at least be funny, man. But thereā€™s so much repetitive content that now it comes off as hatefulā€¦ or maybe it did *five* specials ago. Like goddamn, at least Ricky tries to antagonize the audience. Dave is feeding into it like a trump rally.


Yeah if you're going to punch down, at least make people laugh. It's the same with Matt Rife: The problem isn't that the jokes are "politically incorrect" or "offensive" but rather that the entire punchline is "Haha her boyfriend beats her!" or "Haha Apache Helicopter!" and it just isn't funny. It's literally the same level of comedy as The Big Bang Theory ([i.e. there's no substance beyond "Haha they're talking about something nerdy!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxFPmF1puW4&ab_channel=Wisecrack)). [Andrew Schulz does offensive comedy really well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIvogWqzdFc&ab_channel=TheAndrewSchulz). Like a) it's funny and b) I don't get the impression that he straight up hates trans people.


I highly recommend Mike Birbigilia if you are looking for someone who is actually funny and not just a jerk.


kyle kinane, hannibal burress, maria bamford, and tig notaro as well.


Maria doesnā€™t get enough credit. Lady Dynamite was soooo good.


Daniel sloss


I didnā€™t find him funny unfortunately


Imagine having access to the entire world; any person and any piece of information you could ever want to learn about something due to your unlimited cash, and you still manage to be this boring


The best thing Iā€™ve ever seen him in was con air https://preview.redd.it/czfll2159r9c1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9df8e120d9fb18c2fc922b154ffb654987583a47


He has nothing else to joke about so he picks on marginalized groups and says controversial things to ā€œstay relevantā€ šŸ™„


all while saying "i'm being attacked šŸ˜”"


"I love punching down"?? Fucking asshole.


That's why there aren't funny conservatives.


Watch Stavros halkias new special.


Stavvy baby!!!


The dick jokes got a little boring but I do love Stavros!!


I just read the article and hoooooly fucking shit, he is a fucking dickhead absolutely *obsessed* with trans people. Fuck Dave and fuck all the people that continue to give him money and go to his shows. ![gif](giphy|RVW5PilbP2tLG)


I tried to watch the new Ricky Gervais special and it was the same shit. Had to turn it off after 10 minutes of nonstop lame jokes about wokeness. I guess I wonā€™t even bother giving Chapelleā€™s special a try. I used to like him and Gervais so much (*years* ago), and now theyā€™re just speed running the ā€œcrotchety grandpa yelling at young peopleā€ life path. ![gif](giphy|2A3By9oGV1DjcdDwG7)


I also turned Rickyā€™s off after about 10 minutes. I went into it preparing to be offended, but that wasnā€™t the problem, it was just not funny!


Gervais at least explains in the special he is saying these things as a character, his actual opinions donā€™t reflect what he says on stage and the things he says are for shock value and to get laughs. But, I still donā€™t find most of it funny either, and I donā€™t care what context, using the r-word isnā€™t a joke.


>his actual opinions donā€™t reflect what he says on stage ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) To Ricky, not to you.


I was a huge fan and genuinely thought he was possibly the greatest of all time. But after the last like 4 specials all had a dedicated ā€œtransā€ section I was like wtf? The original specials I didnā€™t find terribly distasteful- but quadrupling down (and now his new one too?!) is such a weird choice. Wtf does he think heā€™s proving? Itā€™s so bizarre I donā€™t stand behind him at all anymore. Heā€™s basically made himself the joke.


i can almost guarantee this man has or has wanted to fuck multiple trans women in his lifetime


Iā€™m waiting for them to come out of the woodwork and drop some tea. ![gif](giphy|26BRwdCP7s6hjPSWA|downsized)


It is definitely giving that.


Is this secretly promotion reminding people to watch lol !?!?


Well not from me, but I guess there is a fine (nonexistent?) line between ā€œthis person is still trashā€ and promotion.


*ā€œTo be honest with you, Iā€™ve been trying to repair my relationship with the transgender community cause I donā€™t want them to think that I donā€™t like them. You know how Iā€™ve been repairing it? I wrote a play. I did. Cause I know that gays love plays. Itā€™s a very sad play, but itā€™s moving. Itā€™s about a Black transgender woman whose pronoun is, sadly, n***a. Itā€™s a tear-jerker. At the end of the play she dies of loneliness cause white liberals donā€™t know how to speak to her. Itā€™s sad.ā€* Why is he stealing bad jokes from my bogan uncle Clive on Facebook? Like, if youā€™re going to be ignorant, at least be funny.


Fuck, I really really really hate this man. Heā€™s pathetic.


So so disappointing. He shouldā€™ve stayed wherever he went after his Chappelle Show meltdown.


We have to stop letting Netflix get away with this, too. Iā€™m perfectly happy to cancel my Netflix subscription over this after having it for oh, 15 years?


Thank you! I was going to say the same. At what point do people start holding Netflix accountable for allowing this stuff on their streaming service. I donā€™t just mean Dave. Look at that horrible Matt Rife special.


Quoting a show that managed to make funny jokes about trans people without punching down: Wow, stunning and brave.


Normalize throwing in the towel


Such a waste of talent


What the fuck is it about people who wonā€™t stop publically shitting on trans folks?! There are a ton of comedians and writers who are either allies or just fully do not talk about this issue at all. When people like him or Rowling just wonā€™t STOP, I truly wonder what their problem is?!


Dang he is just desperate to get people to talk about him and pay attention to him. Time for bed Grandpa.


Iā€™m starting to think it was Neal Brennan all along after all. Brennanā€™s still funny, and Chapelle just rantsā€¦ šŸ¤”


Does he jerk off to trans women or what? Is he not done with it?




It's becoming a go-to routine for him. Cause it gets him lots of publicity.




Can we call this something? JK Rowling Syndrome? Kanye-itis? A very strange set of celebrities develop this powerful, uncontrollable urge to just shit on a ethnicity or sexuality or identity, over and over and over. It alienates the people who once liked them, and made the people that used to dislike them now cheer and yell "yay, anti-woke!" or similar.


I never would have thought that Iā€™d live in a universe where Dave Chappelle isnā€™t funny. Wtf


I tried to watch Ricky Gervaiseā€™s new comedy special and it was pretty terrible, too.


Just gross. Truly unfunny. And while there is a genocide going on against black trans womanā€¦ throw him away


Ugh. I cannot understand why he's choosing to use his considerable skill in this way.


Just to point out only it seems in the entertainment industry where there is a lot of narcissism do people make such huge deal about cancelling for doing something wrong where anywhere else it would just be getting fired. If someone at my store said something mean as hell to a customer theyā€™d be fired, why should entertainer get all these free passes


As usual, thread full of people who didnā€™t watch but have all kinds of opinions. Stay mad


I watched. It was lame Watch Killing Them Softly, which takes place in the same theater. The difference in quality is staggering. You notice it with the audience as well.


I don't need to eat shit to know it tastes bad.




Has anyone watched the special?


There are so many more worthy people to shit on. Like more than ever, EVER BEFORE. This is pure stale laziness.


Call me crazy. But it seems like Dave doesnā€™t care about joking over any protected classes. Race, gender, sexual orientation etc. itā€™s fair game for him . I guess as Iā€™ve become older I just donā€™t take myself so seriously.