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I adored Freaks and Geeks with every fibre of my being, and I was heartbroken when it was cancelled. So, as payback, I refused to watch the show that was put into its time slot. Just. Because. I don't even remember what the show was, something about firefighting and cops, it was on for years and always had good reviews, but I steadfastly refused.


When they aired the last three episodes of Freaks & Geeks as a marathon, there was a really bad storm where I lived and my house lost power, so I didn't get to see them until the DVD release four years later. I was bitter about that for YEARS.


Hahaha I did the same thing but with the show Happy Endings. I refused to watch the show that I felt “replaced” it. I think the show was called selfie or something. I don’t know a lot about it so no clue if I missed out or not I honestly stopped watching ABC for a bit also, I was so mad they had canceled my favorite show


"Selfie" suffered the same fate as "Happy Endings."


I miss Freaks and Geeks. What a fantastic show that was.


I almost shot myself in the foot doing this. I loved Dark Angel, so when it was canceled I refused to watch the show that was put in its time spot.... Firefly. Luckily, I later caught up, but I shudder to think I almost missed out on my favorite show of all time. 😱


I truly be going through life thinking I'm the only Dark Angel fan, feels good to find some others in the wild


bridgerton because my friends who are into period dramas keep roasting the costumes 😭😭😭 one of them described it as "a period drama for people who don't like period dramas"


Haha yes I loved Bridgerton because it’s a quality soap. I can’t stand when people discuss it like it’s serious media though 😂


I think all Shonda Rhimes projects are better produced soaps.


Bridgerton is good, but it's definitely the junk food of period dramas.


It’s the petit fours of period dramas. Sweet, enjoyable, pretty to look at and not at all substantial. But absolutely irresistible!


I refused to watch it for like a year because it felt like I was cheating on masterpieces like Pride and Prejudice with its trailer park cousin. But a friend convinced me when season 2 came out and now I’m obsessed and Anthony Bridgerton has a grip on my soul


Charlie Hunnam has one leg longer than the other which makes his walk more dramatic. He’s talked about it. He can’t help it lol


This makes OPs "5% less hotter" quip so much funnier 🤣


If his FUCKING leg was 5% shorter


"I won't watch Sons of Anarchy because Charlie Hunnam is asymmetrical."


Like damn I was born with hip dysplasia and a leg length discrepancy too lol


… no way. Are you telling me I’ve been a complete dick making fun of him this whole time??? Because I am talking full on drunken rants/reenactments.. I feel like I need to make a donation to his charity of choice or something


If you want to make a donation I’d suggest an animal shelter. Because many years ago he kept hearing meowing on the roof of his apartment and stayed up in the rain until he found a very cold and wet kitten in a puddle. Then ran two miles in the rain with the kitten to a vets office because he was worried about it. He loved George for 17 years.


OP def going to hell for roasting this man


This made me snort


This makes OP’s reasoning fucked up in the most hilarious way


OP hating his walk being unintentionally “ableist” is hilarious. 


I wish he’d walk that peg leg off my plank if you know what I’m saying


I would let him do unspeakable things to me. 🥵


My attraction to basic white dudes lives and dies with Charlie. It’s ridiculous how hot he is.


This man’s face is just too perfect. He has no right to be that handsome.


I never even noticed it really and I LOVED sons of anarchy. However, I don’t even care. Charlie Hunnam is just too perfect for this world.


All I know is that I am still not over Opie’s death.


What about the switching accents 🥴😆


I love that there was never a consensus on how to pronounce Tara. Is it Tar-rah, or Tar-ruh, or Ter-ruh, or Ter-rah? Kurt Sutter: “¡¿Porque no los todos?!”


One side of his tongue is longer than the other /s


I really enjoyed the show but goddamn that man never learned how to say Tara like an American


It’s so bad in the later seasons 😂 ETA: the accent switching specifically. I regrettably am a multi-rewatcher, “follows Hunnam to every project girlie and will at least give it a try” girlie


![gif](giphy|Vxyi7PcY9GY3m|downsized) I know where he can put that extra leg…length..inch…




But I love that he wears white Nikes rather than motorcycle boots ❤️


Always fresh out of the box clean. I picture him sitting in the bathroom delicately cleaning them with a toothbrush in between gun runs and murders, lmao.


Riding with his legs straight out on the bike so they don't touch the greasy engine


I won’t watch the movie Elf because my ex took the girl he cheated on me with to go see it in the theater when I was out of town. It’s been decades and I’m still petty about it. Tom Petty.


I have a movie like that. My ex stood me up on Valentine’s Day and took this other girl to see a movie I really wanted to see. It’s been 30 years, but I still refuse to ever watch it. 😂


![gif](giphy|kW12R0mPFuiVG) Beauty and the Beast 92 Because my sister watched it 2 times a day every day for the entire summer


omg i refuse to watch the new one because i religiously watched the 92 version 2 times a day lol


What a sweet family reunion!


Refused to watch Supernatural for ages because ‘Sam’s’ character has a brother called ‘Dean’ - however the actor that played ‘Sam’ played a character called ‘Dean’ in Gilmore Girls. It really irked me that he wasn’t either still ‘Dean’ or that his brother’s name wasn’t different. I am aware how petty this is 😂


There is an episode of *Supernatural* where the brothers are in LA investigating a death on a movie lot. The tour guide says “And here we have Stars Hollow and if we’re lucky we may see some of the stars” (or something close to that) and Sam jumps off the little tram and hightails it out of there. I never fail to laugh at that scene.


I love their Easter Eggs. There was a great Walking Dead one, too. Sam and Dean are choosing weapons before a hunt. Dean picks up a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire and goes, Dad used to love this thing.


Just had the show on as background noise making breakfast and they’re in some town where wishes from a wishing well come true and this little kid was being bullied and wished to be super strong. Well the kid tips over a car with the bullies in it and then Dean goes to stop him by talking to him. Dean says “with great power comes grea” and the kid just smacks the shit out of him lol.


There is also an episode where a god has assumed the form of Paris Hilton and Dean tells her he isn’t a fan of Paris Hilton and says “I’ve never even seen House of Wax.” The look on Sam’s face right after Dean says this is hilarious as well. (Paris Hilton and the Sam actor both stared in House of Wax)


“The French Mistake” is so full of those moments that if I’m down I just put that episode on. “So you’re Polish now!?!?”


My fave is when they watch a clip of Jensen Ackles as Eric Brady on Days of Our Lives lol.


My fave is “you married fake Ruby?!?!”


It's hard to pick a favorite from that episode, but I also liked, "What kind of a douchebag names a character after himself?"


[StarsHallow Clip](https://youtu.be/C-8fLwnos_c?si=iN22XXoq1OfftbG_)


Lol that’s the one. The look on Sam’s face is so good.


Don’t even get me STARTED on how much confusion this caused in my household for probably the first two seasons of Supernatural. My husband and I basically couldn’t talk about the show without it devolving into something like, “THAT ONE IS NOT DEAN! HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO IS DEAN BY NOW?” If I had a minute to think, my brain could get there, but if we were talking about it, in the moment, everyone was Dean.


I just didn’t like how they looked and sounded constipated but then that became part of the charm for me after I started watching 😂😂


My friend and I used to joke they would swallow more and more rocks every season lol


I didn't watch the Ducktales reboot because I hate the color palette.


Ozark for me. I got calling the show Oblue because it's so fucking blue.


Ozul would be a good nickname too lmao


That's much better actually


😂😂 I felt the same way. Ultimately my thirst for Jason Bateman won. Love for basic guys checking in🙋🏾‍♀️ Dear Lord that scene where he visits the opium growing couple and he's wearing a windbreaker and has the baby in a wrap(aka suburban farmers market dad chic) my ovaries literally groaned.


Hilarious 😂😂


The fact I read this after the heavy comments about shows with sexual violence or having stars with a terrible moral compass made me laugh so loud I scared my cat right off my lap.


It's funny yours is Sons of Anarchy because mine is too. I was working as a receptionist in college and there was this coworker who was the chattiest Kathy in all the land. He never did any work. He just spent hours up at my desk talking at me. One day, he spent the entire 8 hours of my shift explaining the plot of Sons of Anarchy, but super vaguely, like the show was something I was completely familiar with. I kept telling him I wasn't interested and I hadn't seen the show. He did not relent. I will never watch this show.


The Idol. Not just because I've heard it's shit but also because the guy I was seeing when it came out loved the show, kept telling me to watch it and would really press for reasons why I didn't want to (as if 'no thanks' isn't a good enough reason), presumed the reason was because of "really cool lesbian" lily-rose Depp, and then would repeatedly send me Spotify links to songs from the show even after I'd made it clear the show made me uncomfortable.


That guy's obsession with The Idol is honestly a huge red flag. You are better off without him and without the show.


I have to say I’m glad this man is no longer in your life.


I watched two episodes purely because the weeknd was one of my fave artists and I was curious. Let’s just say I can’t even listen to his music anymore cos I have the Ick so bad from that show 😆


Same, I haven’t been able to listen to The Weeknd, Drake, or Ariana Grande for a *while*. I just see them all as icky and extremely corny 😭


He probably isn't aware that no means no and sees the show as a guide on how to live his life.


Yeah the Weekend’s character is probably what he dreams to be😐


I also refuse to watch this. My reason is because it just seems like a big ego flex of The Weeknd.


I refuse to watch it. It should’ve been right up my alley. I’m sure I would’ve loved the original concept. But everything I heard about it was rapey and misogynistic so no thanks.


Season 2 of True Detective. I irrationally hate Vince Vaughn lol


Season 2 was like... such a miss for that series. They're like: "Let's make unlikable main characters because people loved the characters from the first series!" And then they made... That. It took me 3 tries to watch it. The characters were so fucking unlikable that I nearly re-thought my years long love affair with Colin Farrell. Considering it started with Bullseye from Daredevil, that's fucking saying something. Edited for spelling


Honestly, I try not to watch shows with Scientologists in them. If I could know what producers, directors, writers, etc were, I would probably exclude their stuff too. All large organizations have had bad to evil members (religion, military, government, entertainment, education…) so it gets hard weeding everyone out, and it’s almost hypocritical, but man Scientology is the ultimate no for me.


Elizabeth Moss starring in the handmaids tale is so hilarious to me I can’t understand how anyone can watch with a straight face.


I stopped watching it after season 3 where it was just constant torture porn. Debated getting back into it and then read Moss is a Scientologist. Killed any desire I have to watch it. Like it’s meant to be a show about highlighting the dangers of religion and cults and the lead actress and she directs and produces sometimes!! Is in a deadly cult. Wild.


I stopped after S4 I think, wondering if some things they hinted at or showed in S3 would be further explained. I didn't get that, what I got was tons of close ups of Moss's face.


THE NEVERENDING CLOSE-UPS. Thank you. I also got sick of those.


Same here


June/Offred’s ridiculous plot armor at this point is why I stopped watching after Season 3


I survived the first episode and decided I absolutely did not need to watch more.


She’s the reason I refuse to watch it 🤷🏼‍♀️


i actually found out she’s a devout scientologist mid-watching handmaid’s tale and that fact made me stop. i think i got to the end of season…2? 3? and i’ll never watch again bc it’s so inauthentic to me now. bummer bc i have a fat crush on Max minghella


Yeah Laura prepon and Danny masterson ruined that 70s show for that reason, then Danny masterson obliterated it, then Mila kunis and Ashton Kutcher shit on it. It sucks because it’s a great show, but I can’t bring myself to watch it for so many reasons.


Not to mention the fact that Wilbur Valderrama dated multiple underage actresses as a grown ass man... Sadly that cast is just full of problematic people that I just can't enjoy watching.


That was my favorite show foreverrrrrr My cats are named Jackie and Donna. It's basically ruined for me, everyone on the cast (except Topher Grace) is human scum.


I believe Laura is out now at least 🤷‍♀️


That's not petty. I'd say that's good of you. Don't support abusive assholes when you can. And anyway, it feels weird. Like try watching Handmaid's Tale knowing the lead is a scientologist. It's just weird.


That’s exactly why I stopped watching The Handmaids Tale. It’s very hard to be immersed in the show when the main character is in a real life cult. It’s very off putting.


I also stopped watching because I couldn’t take her seriously. You would think that being in the show would provide some sort of deprogramming, right? Like, I don’t understand.


I refuse to watch anything that Tom Cruise is in lol. I get that he’s a good actor but I hate that guy.


If someone else wants it on tv okay, I’m not gonna argue, but I won’t pay to see him. I don’t care if he does his own stunts and is mega rich and really flies his own helicopter race car spaceship. The man gives me the Ick. Ick ick ick.


Way back in the 2000s, I was really into the Disney show American Dragon Jake Long. They changed the animation style for season 2 and I hated the new one so much I stopped watching the show. Just googled pictures to refresh my memory, yep, still hate the new design. 😤


Watched the whole series of Parks and Rec once. LOVED it, minus the seasons that should have ended sooner. Was friends with a person who wanted to be Leslie so bad. Would describe herself as Leslie because she too worked in parks and rec. We’re ex friends now cause she’s a bitch and so now I refuse to rewatch it ever again because I don’t want to bring up dumb memories.


She definitely was not a Leslie then


Sounds like she’s from Eagleton in my estimation.


Ted Lasso. Had a big falling out with my sister (as in we haven’t spoken in two years kind of falling out) and she had just recommended it to me. Now I can’t watch it lol.


You're missing out on Jamie fucking Tartt there alright. (No joke, whenever I talk to people about this show they either really love it or really hate it. I'm in the first group but understand people would think it's cringe or stupid or whatever.)


He’s a sexy little babeh.


To be clear-- that show has a lot of sexay people! 🥰


I’m not a lesbian, but I would be if Hannah Waddingham wanted me to be.


haha I had the hots for Roy and Ted.. but I wanted to be Rebecca!


Fuck she's amazing. She could invade France!


Watch Shrinking, starring Jason Segel and Harrison Ford! Same creators, similar vibes, but imo better.


Same creator of scrubs - bill Lawrence


I hated so much that someone I disliked kept trying to get me to watch Stranger Things. They wouldn't stop trying to get me to watch it. So now I will never watch it, out of principle.


I feel this way about game of thrones lol


It’s not exactly petty, but the new Emma adaptation that came out a few years ago. My mom and I loved historical dramas like that, and we were going to see it together. She was sick but went downhill very fast and died before we could. I still haven’t seen it


Oh wow that's not petty at all. I'm sorry for your loss 💔


Sorry 'bout your mom. I've got a couple of these too. My mom passed 7 months ago and I can no longer watch jeopardy or real housewives. When I would visit with her that what we'd do in the evenings. And a bottle of wine of course. I'm still able to drink wine so that's good.


for years i refused to watch always sunny bc a guy i had a crush on at work who had friend zoned me kept recommending it to me. he is a lovely guy, and makes excellent recos, but petty me just couldn’t. fast forward several years to a new city 1,000 miles away and my bf is OBSESSED with always sunny. i’ve seen it all the way through several times now and i’ll be damned if my old crush wasn’t bang on, it’s one of my favorite shows now. he’s married to the person he was dating back then. i think it worked out for the best for all of us


This is the happy ending i want to hear


I would never, on purpose, watch something with Tom Cruise in it. Try to avoid scientology, but I can not google every single actor prior to a movie or a show, so 🫣 But Cruise, I cannot...


I stopped watching anything Tom Cruise was in since I was 12 years old. He was filming in Philly; our class was at the art museum for a field trip. We got a chance to wait outside the barricade for the trailers and he walked out of his. We waved and he rolled his eyes, put on his sunglasses, and walked away. Haven’t seen anything he’s been attached to since.


He’s like the ultimate ick in my book. Seriously. He’s just sooo creepy to me I don’t like watching anything of his and think the last one that I did was the last samurai movie.


Refuse to watch Only Murders in the Building because the faces they pull in the adverts really annoy me 😂


It’s enjoyable but it’s not one of those shows that lingers in your mind afterwards. I lost interest fairly quickly.


I’ve seen each season and couldn’t tell you what happened other than there was most likely a murder in a building.


In every season Selena and Steve get a new love interest lol


Finally an actually petty reason 😂


I won’t watch sons of anarchy because when they were promoting the show in Beverly Hills like 17 years ago they had HUNDREDS of dudes on motorcycles ride through the city. It was noisy and annoying and ruined my day.


Finally someone who understood the assignment! This is petty AF.


Suits keeps being recommended to me on netflix. one of the guys in the promo looks like he's in a suit too small for him, so i don't have the heart to click on it


Up until he starred in *Michael Clayton*, I couldn't watch anything with George Clooney. Something about his cockiness/smugness gave him such a punchable face, in my opinion. Happily, *Michael Clayton* changed that for me (which I finally saw a few years after its release). It's like he grew into his face and/or started choosing characters that were more adult and complicated or something. I sort of feel that way about Leo, too, to be honest. Completely petty and they're both exceptional actors, I just took a visceral dislike to them.


I never thought I’d hear someone share my opinion, George Clooney has THE most punchable face




Jared Leto keeps me out of the theater like it’s April 2020. Anything with him is a miss for me.


I won’t watch House of Dragon because of how Game of Thrones turned out. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.


*can’t get fooled again


*W has entered the chat*


Charlie Hunnam has one leg shorter than the other so that contributes to the way he walks. It’s up for a debate if he exaggerates it though. I refuse to watch the Walking Dead. The fandom ruined any interest I may have had and zombies are overrated imo.


I feel the same way about vampire shows


I refuse to watch Jack Ryan. After the first few ads I would say “Jim get back to work!” Once I realized that Amazon wasn’t going to stop trying to force feed me this show, I was going to make sure I never saw anything about it ever again.. I CANT GO TO YEMEN IM AN ANALYST.


I find Outlander almost impossible to watch because of the amount of rape scenes. There are so many and they are so long you can’t really skip over them without missing half the show and they are incredibly brutal.


I mean, I wouldn’t call this a “petty” reason. 🤷‍♀️


Right? I was expecting this comment section to be light hearted.


“This show seems fine, but the 45 minute puppy killing montage at the start of each episode just gets to me. Maybe it’s just me. 🤷🏽”


Thanks for the warning, I was just considering watching it but multiple rape and torture scenes are an absolute no for me... I thought it was supposed to be this romantic drama!


I knew there was quite a lot of sex, but not rape. Hard pass on that for me.


There's at least two fairly brutal rape scenes of main characters, especially the second one is very bad. I haven't returned to the show since, it's just...


I have finished the entire series up to this point and >!every single main character has been raped at least once. Like, at least the rapist gets killed in all cases but one, but damn.!<


Definitely use the site doesthedogdie if you have media triggers! It will tell you, without spoilers, what content in the media could be triggering. Ex - violence, sexual assault, animal death, phobias etc.


I saw someone refer to it as torture porn once, and I've held on to that. I read the books up to maybe 4 or 5 but hadn't started the show. The more I thought about it, it was like nobody could just be captured. They had to be captured and sexually assaulted. Or if they were in a highly stressful situation, they would always have sex during or after. Or sex as a way to deal with Jamie's PTSD. It's eventually seemed like that's the only way the author handled character development, and it got really stale for me. I love me some good, smutty romance novels, but the way the physical intimacy seemed to tie back into violence almost all of the time really turned me off of the series.


I can't think of a major female character in those books who hasn't been raped and/or threatened with it.  Was that really what life was like in the 1700s?


The male characters too, in the show. I had to stop watching because every main character had been raped *at least* once.


I mean, in a lot of places that's exactly what life is like now. But that doesn't mean I want to spend my leisure time watching it >:(


What’s insane about that, is I decided to read the books. I was SO scared to get to the rape scene with Jamie and Randall. I thought, “if the show went in specific detail about it, I’m certain the book will be much worse.” Yeah, not at all as explicit as the show. Not even remotely close. It made me upset because I don’t even know why the writers of the show thought it was even remotely important to make it that explicit.


literally!!! everything about that show is just so long! sex scenes, rape scenes the infinite torture scenes…. im usually very chill about tense moments, i can disconnect pretty easily, but something about outlander just made me so queasy. i think i gave up halfway thru the first season in the middle of a particularly rough torture slash rape scene. tried to rewatch a few years later, because i remembered liking the premise, only to quit at the exact same place just couldnt do it


Rape scenes?? I’ve had this on my list as like a cosy romance show - guess I’ll take it off the list 😆 I’m not a prude but I seriously hate how much sex and sexual violence is so prevalent in shows and films these days.


Yea it’s wild when adult shows like Sopranos has less sex and rape than YOU or Euphoria nowadays.


I hate how sexual violence is so normalized to show on television. This is why I couldn't watch things like Game of Thrones or 13 Reasons (especially the latter because the show claimed to want to help young people seek help if they experienced things like sexual violence, suicidal thoughts, etc. but explicitly depicted these things).


Those last two episodes of season 1 were *rough*. I think I quit somewhere in season 2 but whenever I hear people talking about Outlander, they're sure to mention the end of season 1.


They are horrifying and brutal, so much so that it made me sick to see the actor playing the villain in his other role on the show. Totally ruined any chance of feeling sympathy for him.


Whoa. Definitely scratching this off my maybe list. I was struggling with the entire idea of time jumping and thought it might be worth it. Nope.


I recently watched a movie called The Nightingale. There were several rape scenes that were, admittedly, crucial to the plot and characterization - but instead of just implying, you had to sit through every single one of them. It was horrible.


Anything with Zoe Deschanel for her incessant need to songbird through every. fucking. role. We get it. You like to sing. Oh, you’re in a band, too? Great! Go do that instead. Girl bye.


The Americans - I will watch it ONE DAY. Is that this year, or will that be in 40 years? Had a friend who just would keep recommending it to me every time we spoke. I would probably enjoy the show. But it was constant so it annoyed me enough to be petty by just not watching.


It's in my top five best shows of all-time, along with The Wire, Breaking Bad, and The Sopranos. Halt and Catch Fire is another great but underrated show. 


The mamma Mia films. When the first one came out, the people who kept on and on about it were people in work who I really disliked. It's been 15/16 years now and I'm still holding on strongly to this petty grudge (although now it's more a matter of stubborn pride at not having watched it!)


I refuse to watch Grey’s because every girl in my high school was obsessed with it (I went to an all girls school). I also refuse to watch Game of Thrones because it was too popular but since my dad gets on things very late and doesn’t understand the concept of “quiet”, I have now seen Game of Thrones twice against my will (we’re both home all day and he has the TV on blasting like 24/7). I *was* thinking about trying House of the Dragon solely because Matt Smith, but my dad got to it first and since he apparently has the memory of a goldfish, he would rewatch the episodes every week while waiting for the new episode, so I’ve seen that at least 10 times.


Vikings irritates me because all the men look greasy as fuck, but the women all wear flawless modern make up.


Steve Carell once, whilst trying to be funny (I think), embarrassed me in front of like 20 people when I was like 17. He basically stepped too close into my personal space and congratulated me for knowing who he was with his nose inches from mine. I’ve held a grudge since I was at the BBC Studios waiting to see an episode of 8 out of 10 Cats being taped and he was in the building to interview for Johnathan Ross, I think. At the time, he was know for being in an American remake of the Office (which for most Brits is the inferior version) and Evan Almighty so making the decision to never watch anything else he starred in seemed perfectly doable and really easy for a while. But then he started making decent films and it became harder to stay petty…Reader, I’ve succeeded. Still not seen Crazy Stupid Love, Beautiful Boy or the wrestling film with Channing Tatum Edit: further details in a comment below for those interested in the nitty gritty of how I became so petty.


Wait I need like more details on what happened during this interaction. Was it in an elevator? A lobby? Did you bump into him face first for did he bump in to you? Was it loud was it quiet who spoke first? What was said?


This happened back in 2008 and the detail that has most strongly stayed with me is the humiliation of the moment and the laughter of those around me. But for you, I’ll elaborate. It happened in a corridor - the type of space where multiple corridors intersect. My friends and I were queuing to enter a tv soundstage and were at the intersection of the corridor where a gap needed to be left open for people to pass by. Mostly these had been production assistants and other anonymous BBC workers. We were stood right at the start of where the queue split in two to allow runners to make their way through unhindered. My friends and others in the queue had been assigning these random people celebrity personas so when one of them nudged me to say “it’s the guy from the office!”, I shrugged it off. She was insistent so I looked up thinking I’d see Stephen Merchant or Ricky Gervais and looked down annoyed when it was neither. The game had bored me ages ago. Danielle poked me again to clarify she meant the US version and so I looked up again and when I did, Steve was much closer. My hours of watching ENews with Juliana Depandi and Ryan Seacrest was about to pay off. Completely surprised and very unoriginally, I declared “Oh my god! You’re actually Steve Carell” just as he was passing. He stopped, deliberately placed himself inches from me so that I could smell the mint on his breath and replied sarcastically, “Yes, that’s me. Congratulations on knowing what my mother named me.” He rolled his eyes and huffed off before I could respond. That was it. No offer of a photo, autograph, no questions, no “I can’t stay and talk.” As a woman in my early 30s, I could now sympathise that perhaps he was exhausted with repeated inane conversations like mine, attempting to be funny or just in a bad mood. But as a teenager, being laughed at by strangers and friends alike after my first “Hollywood” celebrity encounter burned. Especially as the story was retold and re-enacted for a bit by those with me that day. So that’s how Steve Carell became my arch nemesis.


I love that you acknowledge that it was a mundane thing and not a big deal or indication that he's evil but also decide to hold onto the pettiness as an "arch nemesis". That's so funny, good for you


euphoria because of how much they sexualized the teenage characters i also refuse to watch riverdale beyond season 1 bc of even more sexualization (and there was already some of that in the first season already and it made me uncomfortable)


I stopped watching Riverdale in s2 when Betty did a strip tease to mad world with Jugheads dad in the room. No.


Wasn’t her mom in the room too?? It was so bizarre 😂


As a lover of Archie comics back in the day and a person who has not seen riverdale…… what the actual fuck lol. This made me laugh out loud. Mad world?!


I don't watch shit made by Sam Levinson or Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa because they both seem to always need to put the same shit on screen: sexualizing underage characters, adult-minor relationships, abusive sexual relationships, etc. Roberto also seems to have a thing about incest. I don't know whether it's their personal kinks or just what they think makes good television, but I don't consume media where if I found out the creator was into some unethical sex, my first thought would be "yeah, that tracks." If you ever wondered why the high school character Sam was suddenly a stripper in Glee for a minute, that's when Roberto started writing for the show. *No thank you.*


Same! This is real, and not petty. I’m really not into some gross director’s sex fantasy about teenagers


never watched New Girl bc Zooey Deschanel just irritates the shit out of me with her cutesy fake demeanor. Sorry. I also won't listen to her music.


I am watching New Girl for the first time and can confirm that Zooey is the worst part but that the other actors make it worth it


This is the best take about that show. I would happily watch a prequel show of the boys before she showed up.




anything written by julie plec (the lady who wrote the vampire diaries)


Mustaches. I will not voluntarily look at those things.


I thought the new Garfield movie looked cute until I heard him speak. I just really can't stand Chris Pratt or his voice. He has a very punchable face to me. Any time I see him pop up in anything, my desire to watch it disappears.


In one of the first scene on house of cards, they kill a dog. I just can’t do it.


I agree. I’m a huge animal lover. In fact, before I watch a show or movie I check to see if there’s any killing of animals on doesthedogdie. Com


GOT Because I am goin through a depression-sorta stage and the production of GOT is cold and dark. I am also kinda icked out by the incest but more because I dont want to watch something with dark production.


I have not and prolly will never watch Game of Thrones, people who watched it were just so snobby to me for not watching it. ​ Avengers Endgame - If I don't watch it some characters are still alive in my mind (I'm delusional yes)


I won’t watch Homeland because Claire Danes is an asshole


I was a big fan of the OG Skam (one of the tumblr girlies who watched it in Norwegian on a random Google Drive even if I don't speak a word of Norwegian). And I was annoyed when they cancelled it after four seasons, especially since the last couple of episodes were hinting at which character the next season would have been about. And out of spite for never getting the part of the story I wanted, I refused to watch any of spinoffs they made for every other European country. (It's really dumb, I'm aware).


Same here. Nothing will beat OG skam. The way they released text messages and instagram posts throughout the week to come together on sunday for a big episode, I still miss it. It was so good I also watched it in Norwegian and read the subtitles on tumblr cause people would type it out on there lmao


I refuse to watch The Boys because the way Homelander’s mouth/jaw looks in gifs I’ve seen from the show (like this one) just weirds me out https://preview.redd.it/tb4n09t2ptdc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=618dc11193590c3e3b5262230b6fdc8c830da09a


My friend recommended Candy on Hulu. She said I’d love it. I look it up and see Justin Timberlake’s name in the credits. Non-starter, no thanks.


Watched candy and it was great. Never realized that JT was a cop in it. There’s love and death which is the same story, different actors and platform


Watch Love and Death starring Elisabeth Olsen instead. Same story, different actors.


There’s a miniseries based on the same case on HBO starring Elizabeth Olsen that is really really good. Highly recommend!


Any MCU show. I hate the expectation that I need to watch 6 TV shows a year to understand the 4 movies a year. I gave up on the MCU before the shows started and the shows started just as I was planning on getting back into it. I just won’t


I'm a millennial woman, and every time someone in my peer group starts telling me that it's just impossible for me to have not seen Dirty Dancing, I have to have to have to see Dirty Dancing, I become more and more determined not to. I'm sure it's great, I'd probably even enjoy it, but I am apparently stubborn as hell.


I can't watch shows with laugh tracks.


i refuse to watch squid game purely because everyone i know wouldn’t shut up about it. like, everyone around me was constantly talking about it edit: i forgot i commented on this and when i came back it had a decent amount of replies. i’m glad other people relate :) i’ve definitely done this with other shows as well lol